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Everything posted by RealCute

  1. I like sides... I have a salad with thousands Islands on the "side" Baked potato with the sour cream on the "side" A "side" of mushrooms. But when it comes to hookup's I don't want a side I just want cream of some young guy. 😆
  2. So get on PrEP,!! research doxy pep if you can and enjoy the ride.
  3. It also occurs on android phone, flash up for 3secs and auto accepts.
  4. Interesting comment as my best friend of over 20 years started as a hookup as well I took a second look at your photo... L ol
  5. I like to be bred deep, then clean the tops cock so I can savor the taste of his new load and the other breeders load.
  6. Remember Prep protects the person taking Prep not the person who's playing with the prep user. If the person has taken 5 loads you would be exposed to the status of those loads and YOU are NOT protected unless you take Prep.
  7. It's fucking incredible, love it totally anonymous, drives me absolutely crazy with both guys cum at the same time.. hope you get your wish soon
  8. CL was great so many married guys looking to fuck on the down low. If they said they would meet they did very few flakes and lots of regulars God I loved it.
  9. I know exactly what happened your mind thought of your tongue being deep in a hole and your fingers were no longer able to function happens to me all the time.
  10. Start by putting more info in your profile where you're located City Town you never know who might be close to you.
  11. For me chlamydia seems to occur 2 to 3 times a year however since been on doxy prep it's been over 18 months since I've had an sti perhaps doxyprep is working. Covid may have reduced the overall STI rates so that also could have something to do with it speculation on my part, I guess some more time will tell.
  12. I have eaten my own since I was in my teens. I remember the days when I could suck my own cock, oh I wish I still could do that. I still can flip my feet over my head and blow in my mouth 👄 so I guess that's not bad. I understand once you blow the desire some times goes away a lot of guys will say the same thing but practice will change that.
  13. If you haven't already you can get stool softeners which will help you tremendously with the bathroom issue they're available over the counter at any pharmacy. Also you can get a daily laxative which will keep things wetter but doesn't cause you to instantly have to go. This is a great site with info [think before following links] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/14466-anal-fistula
  14. I use to play with a guy who's ball were no bigger than a peanut, and a very tight to the skin his dick made up for small balls.
  15. If you have a farming type store in your area check them out they should have all types of different Springs or if have a real old school bed frame they used to have some pretty heavy duty springs on them.
  16. Super hot and excellent story I can't wait for the rest of it. Incredible writing and descriptive story. Love it...
  17. Do you use po**pers when you are at the bath? You could be having a reaction to them ..
  18. Do you know which hotel ?
  19. This post looks good only one line between paragraphs.
  20. Sounds similar to drinking a beer without taking the cap off what's the point.
  21. It is not covered by the provincial program like PrEP. The script can be filled by any pharmacy (cost may be covered by extended medical)
  22. Info sheet from Canada with instructions and dosing chart. Doxy PEP.pdf
  23. Both of my doses were full dose in the upper arm. Yes I think it was a case of exposure before full vax protection. The only location I had/have sores was on the butt so perhaps the vax helped with the spread. The sores are healing but as of Nov 24th I still have a lot of discomfort and require stool softener. I would not wish this on my worst enemy it has been a rough go.
  24. The first Mpox vax was July 15, 2nd Oct . They are healing still very sore and require stool softener to keep things very soft.
  25. I was vaxed 2 shots, the 2nd however was only about a week before my first symptoms
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