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Everything posted by gingerdaddyG

  1. So hot! I feel that ‘natural calling’ too!💦☣️😈
  2. PLEASE continue!!!
  3. Would love a visit from Jeff and Owen! 💦☣️😈
  4. The BBC has posted this article on their website - it’s their usual one-sided approach to journalism. [think before following links] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61527835
  5. Looking forward to the ‘history lesson’ 😈
  6. Ditto! But I’ll still keep looking!
  7. I’m stiff too!
  8. So how many loads did you get yesterday?
  9. Over the car bonnet beside a railway level crossing. It was a late summer evening and probably only spotted by the passengers on the train as it sped past!
  10. Still waiting for my first poz top
  11. Can’t turn an offer like that down…💦☣️😈
  12. This older bottom will certainly take as much as any top/tops will give and as long and as hard as they like!😈
  13. A naked workman - I’d let you do some renovations for me…
  14. Good idea - would avoid disappointments!
  15. Shucks! I think you’d find me most accommodating…
  16. Oh there was certainly some Roger-ing going on! 😈
  17. I would love to try it - just never been in the right situation yet!
  18. Lucky you!!
  19. Wonder if my local sauna does after hours events…🤔
  20. Nice. Like where this is going…💦☣️😈
  21. 2 loads of poz cum in the first session - I’d definitely be back on Saturday! 💦☣️😈
  22. I’ll only use my hand to grab hold of it to start then it’s all mouth/tongue action either to get it wet for a fuck or until a get to swallow a nice hot load. My hands tend to explore nipples and arse.
  23. Might be a virgin gift experience…
  24. Always pop a plug in! great story!
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