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Everything posted by ohmalewhore
Well let me spell this out for you all who don't seem to comprehend simple English. Those two words were used in their proper order for a reason. I fully believe that as a Constitutional Republic it is the government's duty to protect our freedoms, obey the Constitution as written - not as some egghead from Harvard Law thinks the Founding Fathers meant. If the idea can't be found in their own words via the Constitution or various other writings such as The Federalist Papers, then they didn't say it and didn't mean it. So the Federal obeys the Constitution, which means everything else falls under the 10th Amendment - The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Gee pretty simple concept even for a bunch of over-achievers, eh? So now here's where the "minarchist" part comes in for all those who prefer to laugh and hate on anyone who actually thinks the Founding Fathers did a great job creating this Constitutional Republic. So everything else that is done at the state, county and local levels should fall under a more minarchist idea. Now see .... simple and logical. But no, it's much easier to quote from a website you just looked up on Google - the kings of misinformation and spin - and then chortle behind a screen as some vaunted keyboard warrior fighting for what ... authoritarianism? Not sure what asshat website you got your "minarchist" definition from, but let me explain it to you all as my libertarian professor of political science at an uber-liberal university taught it to me and the class when he helped all of us see where we fell in the political spectrum: A Minarchist is someone who believes that the state should only exist for the purpose of maintaining law and order. Minarchism is a Libertarian political philosophy where the state’s only function is protecting individuals from theft, breach of contract, fraud, and aggression. The government would still maintain the military, police, courts, fire departments, prisons, borders (federal level primarily) and legislatures, but the state would have no ability to interfere with the capitalist interactions and transactions of the people. So again for those slow people - the minarchism definition means “minimal government intervention.” Funny how that pretty much falls in line with what our Founding Fathers wanted for us when they framed out this Constitutional Republic - little or no intervention by the Feds, most of the power in the states. But they didn't then tackle what the role of the states should be because you were free to move from one state to another if you didn't like how one state did things. So did that explain things to all you authoritarian lovers and worshippers of big government - be it the elephant or the ass? Probably not. If it doesn't come from your 70" hi-def altars to propaganda and brainwashing, or isn't shown to you via the online version Google and all its blatant censorship of truth, liberty and freedom - then you all are lost, hopeless and waiting like sheep for your next marching orders.
So glad that this thread exists. Really has helped me "lock up" a group of people who seem to love to hear themselves rant, hate, bloviate and just act like they own the place - probably because each one has been doing this for a while and thinks that high rank grants them some prestige or something. So thank you - my notifications are much more quiet now without 20 extra ones from about 6 blowhards.
On this one thing, other than the prayers for the Ukranian and Russian people who are innocent pawns in a game being playedf out by men like Putin, Klaus Schwab and others, you are correct. But it's not those who you pointed the lone finger of guilt at, it's actually you for believing the propaganda lies you've been fed. Bet if you'd lived in 1930s Germany you'd be shoving Jewish people out into the street and screaming "THERE THEY ARE" just because the radio told you to do so, much like the 70" hi-def altar to progressive proaganda you worship now has instructed you to do. Just remember, when you point the accusatory finger at one or more, three fingers point back at you always. Break the propaganda and think for yourself. It's obvious that's not happening when you side against historical facts and make strange bedfellows with lies, hypocrisy and slander.
Let's see those unbiased facts. AS a student of 20th century history, as a person with a huge background in political science, and as an unbiased Constitutional Minarchist I would LOVE to see your diatribe of liberal propaganda strewn out here for all to see so we can get a chuckle at the intense we'll all see. Let me first start you with this factoid - the US is the key sponsor of NATO. Trump did have an idea that he might pull us out - and for very good reason. WE DON'T BELONG BEING THE POLICE FORCE TO THE WORLD! Show me where in our Constitution it states that we had ANY authority to do any of the acts of aggression we've done since the end of World War Two. You can't. Only Congress can vote and they gave up that duty by passing the unconstitutional War Powers Act so I will save you the effort of bringing that bogus idiocy up as your defence. Until every veteran, every homeless person and every needy person in the United States has a home, a job, and the ability to take care of themselves WITHOUT government assistance of any kind (except veterans and their families - it's the least we can do for them since they sacrificed more than most of us have ever come close to) we have NO business sending one red cent to any foreign nation - even Israel who I support - because it's not Constitutional. **tapping my fingers waiting for these unbiased links**
Oh and a Christian hater. Well now we know what side of the landscape you work from. Biased and filled with hate. So much for "Coexist" right comrade?
Well now we see where you get your news from .... The View, Late Night talk shows and propaganda machines built by 6 mega corporations. Seriously, learn to research things. Find the source of the quote. Listen and read with an unbiased mind, if that's possible. As a person who neither likes nor dislikes "tHe bAd oRaNgE mAn" I did that and found that I'd heard much the same thing in the 70s and 80s from historians talking about Adolf Hitler and his using the Gliwice radio station and several other false flag events as the premise for breaking the 1934 German-Polish non-aggression pact and entering Poland to start World War Two. It's amazing what one can learn if one puts the propaganda, bias and bloviating aside for once. Here, I'll even help guide you on your journey to enlightenment and honest research: [think before following links] https://www.clayandbuck.com/president-trump-with-cb-from-mar-a-lago/
Remote Work - Best place for a horny gay guy to live?
ohmalewhore replied to Breedingandseeding's topic in General Discussion
Actually Fort Wayne is closer, but only by a few miles. But I lived in the general Toledo area - less than 10 miles outside of downtown Toledo - for 17 years. Most action I've seen .... my truck stop in Napoleon. It may claim to have once been a great scene for gays east of the Mississippi, but it's a dead zone now. -
Exactly. Amateur porn is about the only place you might see such a scenario of "pink"
It should just show how the vote of 81-million can affect the lives of 43-million someplace else. Weak leaders allow tyrants to flourish. This is the beginning of World War II all over again - just different players. 🙏🙏🙏 for #Ukraine
Remote Work - Best place for a horny gay guy to live?
ohmalewhore replied to Breedingandseeding's topic in General Discussion
This right here! Always check with your employer first before thinking about any sort of move. I work in customer service remotely from home. When I moved from a suburban area to a much more rural area, even within the same state, I still had to check with my employer to be sure that I could still work for them. I love my work. Almost no phone work - it's all email or interactive chatting/live chat. Money could be better, but I also have a lot of flexibility in my hours. I can swap places with others so long as they actually show up without a penalty. But absolutely try to stick closer to the suburbs or metro areas. I've found a sum total of 5 gay men in my city and they're all bottoms. Even the nearby college has no one it seems. If not for my luck with a trucker, and his subsequent friends, I'd be dry and lonely each night. Instead now I am actually having to ask for some free time just to sleep! -
"I Want You to Fuck Me"
ohmalewhore commented on FelchingPisser's blog entry in From My Side of the Sling--Breeding Zone Edition
Really hot story! I'd happily send that kind of a text if it got that kind of a reception! -
Several weeks back my chiropractor recommended that I get back into the great habit of massage therapy. They recommended a local person who was skilled at the kind of relaxation I needed before coming to get my adjustment. Taking this recommendation, I opted to go try them out. It'd been several months since my last massage and the gal I was going to was now booking 2 months in advance she was so busy. So I hoped this new referral would pan out and get me in a lot sooner. I called the office and found out that they had openings just hours before my chiropractic adjustment was going to take place, so I booked a nice early one that would allow me to get back home and relax more. When I arrived at the place it looked like a more traditional ranch home than a massage therapy clinic. I went to the front door and was greeted by a gentleman. He told me he usually works out of a brick and mortar clinic, but that occasionally he moves his clients to his place instead. So we sat and talked about my needs, how often I'd had massage therapy before, specific issues and such and then was shown back to a room where he had things set up much like I've found in other massage therapy studios - tranquil music, dim lighting, standard massage table, even a small waterfall fountain. It was quite peaceful. So he told me he'd give me a moment and be back and to undress to my "comfort level." This is all pretty standard stuff for massage therapists. Just as I was starting to undress I got a text from a friend that was kind of urgent, so I answered it quick and then went back to undressing. I was down to just my tight black jogging pants and my usual pair of black winter weight opaque tights underneath, plus underwear. As I was just slipping out of my pants the therapist walked in. There I was in my tights only with underwear under them. "Oh man I'm sorry I thought you'd be done by now," he said and closed the door. Another minute later and I was done and on the table waiting when he came in. "Gee I'm sorry I knocked and didn't hear anything so I just came in." I told him it was okay. I didn't hear a knock, but then again I was removing my tight undershirt at the time and might have not heard it. So we got started. I was face up on the table - pretty standard - and getting my neck and upper back/shoulders worked on. He asked the usual questions about pressure, about specific areas in there I had touched on before, etc. Then he moved on to my arms and then on to my legs. It was a pretty quiet session, which was okay and sometimes pretty common as I don't tend to talk much on an initial visit. "So I just have to ask, do you always wear tights," he inquired. I told him that I have a family history of DVT and these specific ones are a light compression fabric made to help stimulate blood flow and work from the thighs down. What I didn't say was that they also are very silky and make me feel quite sexy and slutty under my tight pants. He was a bit quiet then before asking his next question. "So no other reason, just the veins and compression?" Not really thinking I responded, "Yeah but nothing you'd be interested in I'm sure." He finished my legs and had me flip over, draping the sheet so I could move and turn over face down. He adjusted the face cradle a bit after seeing how I was not quite right in it and then went back to my legs. "So how long have you been wearing them," he asked. I told him how I'd started to wear similar tights since 2013 when my father was diagnosed with DVT and finding out that with what he did now for a living I was probably headed in the same direction, as well as having more issues because of numerous injuries due to athletics to my knees and ankles as a teenager. "Well it seems to be working. Not a hint of spider veins or other issues that can often be seen on the ankles and legs." He paused for a moment and then said, "Especially for someone whose legs are totally hairless." Now the little flirt in me kind of kicked in, as I was feeling more relaxed and comfortable. "Bet you don't see many men with such hairless legs, do you?" There was a bit of silence. "No, in fact you're only the 2nd since I started doing this." He was now working on my hips and around my cheeks of my ass. Without thinking I let out a little bit of a moan. "That's a good spot," he asked. I responded, "Yeah I had a bit of a rough time the other evening and it feels really good to get that area loose again." Then his next response really struck me, "Hopefully not too loose." It didn't even dawn on me, but he was flirting back and he obviously was either gay or bisexual. As he got into my lower back he pulled my underwear down a little lower than most therapists do, but I didn't think much of it until I discovered why. He was hitting around my tailbone, and moving muscles and tension from my low back downward. Again, a little moan escaped as his hands felt so good doing this. "I feel a lot of tension down here," he said. "Yes, cramped quarters. Having to bend and hold myself in a rather unnatural position, but it's worth it," I said. Now I was really flirting to see if he'd take the subtle hint I tossed. He did. "Yeah sometimes us guys get ourselves into all sorts of positions trying to enjoy ourselves, don't we," he chuckled. I kind of moved my ass up a bit, like I was getting ready to accept a man's cock in it, then relaxed. Again, more heavy flirting to see if he'd take the bait. "So do you get yourself into this position often?" Then I chuckled, "Over the past few weeks yes. But I do so enjoy my work." As he walked around the table I had lifted up my head from the face cradle and could see that he had a rather pronounced bit of manhood in his pants and it was quite aroused. Probably semi-hard looking back on things, but still very solid. He then put some hot stones on my back and began to work them in slowly. "Too hot?" Again, more heavy flirting from me, "Oh no, I like things hot." He paused for a moment as if wondering dare he go further. "Like hot food ... or ... something else," he asked. I reached out my hands and arms from along the side of the table as if I was stretching a bit, but actually it was on purpose to touch his legs yet make it look like an accident. "Oh definitely something else. Oh sorry, got some leg there." He kept working and we kept flirting pretty good. At this point I knew he was interested in me and I was sure interested in him. After the rocks came off I made another really bold comment, "Oh I was just enjoying those hot, hard, solid rocks. I feel so loose." He chuckled and again made a reference to me "not being too loose" in the right places. "Well maybe sometime next session you can explore that," I said, really dropping a hint. As he finished up on my back he had me turn over again onto my back, something I'd never had done before. "Well the session is over, but who says we need to wait?" I reached up and took this as what it was ... an invitation for me to make the move. I did by pulling him closer and kissing his lips. His kiss was so sweet. "Damn when I saw you standing there in those sexy tights I was just hoping that something like this might happen," he said. We kissed more. "Your innuendos were subtle at first," I said, "but not too subtle. But I'll have you know I usually keep my pantyhose on when we start this. But this time, I just need ..." I reached for his crotch and caressed his dick. "This." He untied his pants and dropped them to his ankles, allowing me full access to such a beautiful piece of man meat. He began to feed it to me and I took it into my throat as far as my gag reflex would allow, then just kept sucking on it making it larger, longer, stronger and thicker. My gawd he had one incredible fuck tool! The largest I'd taken prior was a black man, so this was quite a find! "I have only done this once in all the years I've been a therapist and ..." I stopped him right there. "I'm the one who instigated this. Besides, I'd never tell not if I want more of what's taken place AND what I hope is coming." My hot therapist then reached over and took a bottle off his tables and began to finger my ass with it, getting me so wet so quick. And nicest thing of all, it was actually warming too. My pussy was feeling VERY warm and ripe for a hot cock to fuck it. "Damn you are nice and tight. I'm going to enjoy stretching this pussy out and making it beg for another massage soon." By now he was probably at his maximum - so close to 9", maybe longer, balls so swollen and trimmed nicely and no idea how thick, but gawd it was thick! "Ruin me. Put this beautiful manhood in me and just ruin me," I begged. He helped me off the table and he had me squat near it, spread my legs and placed his incredible mushroom head against my entrance and began to slowly invade me. By this time I was just moaning and begging for him to put it in, put it in deep, make me take every luscious inch and ruin my pussy. It took an entire five minutes before i had him all the way in balls deep and I swear I've NEVER taken such a big, thick stud in me! It was then I was glad I was in a private place because the moan of intense and extreme ecstasy would have alerted people for several yards! "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH GAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWD," I cried out putting his name at the end. "If you don't fuck me untnil my eyes roll into the back of my skull and I pass out I will NEVER forgive you!" For the next 20 minutes he did just that. It was an incredible blend of a robotic jackhammer just annihilating my pussy with a passionate man truly enjoying what I was offering him - no begging him - to use. I say begging because the entire conversation from me was all about "use me fuck me make me scream" in between lots of moans and cries of pure pleasure. I know I was making a precum mess all over his floor too but I could not help nor control myself. For the first time ever a man was fucking me and I had no lingerie, panties, stockings or anything feminine on. I just was enjoying every moment of this hot stud using me - and bareback too - from start to the eventual finish. I could feel my eyes hitting the back of my skull, just as I think his dick was hitting some wall deep inside me where no man had ever reached. It was both painful yet pleasureful because of the fact no cock that I could recall had ever struck me so deep. My hands just kept reaching back to touch the legs of the man fucking me so beautifully and so powerfully. All I could think about was the moment I was in and making it last as long as possible. And then I said it ... "My gawd if you don't impregnate me I'll pass out! Fuck me put your baby in me and make me a bred bitch!" Once more my passions for hot sex coaxed another man to pump harder, stronger and give me what I needed. And my gawd did he give it to me. His fingers, so strong, grabbed onto my hips as he emptied into my pussy and let me feel his forceful ejaculation of baby batter too. I've felt men cum inside me, but this was a feeling I'd never felt! I guess him reaching deeper into me made a difference, but all I know is I loved it and needed it ... again! "I know that was not very professional of me but," he tried to say before I cut him off again. "No lover. I encouraged this. I wanted this. Gawd now I know I needed this! I needed to feel a man want me as a man - not my usual alter ego in silk, satin and nylon." I explained to him about my rape in 2001, about the training from female dominants, about the men who had all fucked me as my feminine side in drag, about only just discovering I was fully attracted to men and wanted men now for the rest of my life as lovers. As he was pulling out I turned around and kissed him so passionately and thanked him. He left to clean up while I got dressed. I took my time, wanting him to watch me slip into my tights to see if it'd arouse him or not. It did. He liked it very much! So we made a deal - I'd never speak about his "improper conduct" and he'd continue to see me every week - three times a week just to fuck and once as a client for the massage and then, if we had the timing right, a little deep massage of my pussy with his dick. I have to say I walked out a little different. My stride was a bit off as I felt like my hole was still gaping from his incredible cock. But also I think it was having had the best fuck of my life and feeling good about myself that a man wanted me and not my feminine clothing as a fetish. Four hours later I had my chiropractic appointment and was asked if the referral was a good one. I just smiled and said, "oh yes." I get to see my stud again in exactly a week for two full hours of sex.
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I would safely say that 100% of the men I've been fucked by in the past 5 months would identify as "straight" even though they really are bisexual. They're all married, all get no sex at home (or very little), most drive truck - the others were chance meetings or from other boards. Only my Daddy is now admitting that he has so many deeper feelings for me that he is positive he only wants to be sexual with me and doesn't see himself any longer as "straight." Of course I was the same way, though for years I've not been turned on by women in the least and would not be able to get aroused even in front of one totally nude. I'm just so done with titles though. Only title I care about now is the one for my "Daddy" and his for me, "Sissy."
Last night. my Pimp Daddy came in on a run and he wanted to meet for dinner and talking before going back to his truck to do what we do best. We ate dinner and then because it was such a warm evening still we opted to drive over to a spot along the river. We walked, talked and opened up about a lot and before long we were checking around to see if any park personnel were out or if anyone else was around. We'd parked at a local hospital across from the river, crossed the road and down into the park before starting our walk, so there was no chance any ranger would have spotted a car and become suspicious, but we still wanted to be careful. I'd say we were out for at least 30 minutes before our more amorous feelings came over us and we were kissing as we walked, he was caressing my ass and I was fondling his manhood through his pants. He asked me "you wearing a special pair of pantyhose tonight, baby?" I told him I always wore a special pair for him, kissed him, and asked him if he was so horny he needed to fuck me right now. His reply: "I'm always horny when I spot you coming toward me because I know my gurl has nothing but love and desire for her Daddy." He's right. I do. So we kept walking, checking around carefully since once the sun sets the park is supposed to be "closed" but we'd seen a jogger already once we got there just as the sun was going behind the horizon. We found a very secluded place and decided that we could not wait any longer. I dropped to my knees and got Daddy's viper out and began to lovingly suck on it, kiss it and lick it. He just rose as fast as ever. He stood me up, felt my clit and knew how hard I was. He reached in and released it from my tight black jogging pants and caressed it through its nylon encased confinement. He told me "no cumming" because he wanted another feel of it in his ass tonight, but right then he needed to release his "Daddy venom" into me and reclaim my pussy after two men had me the night before. We went into a slightly more secluded part of where we'd found and I put a condom on Daddy's sweet viper, then turned around and spread my cheeks to let him tear at the hole in my pantyhose and insert his viper into me. Gawd it felt good sliding in! Even though I'd had two dicks the night before, Daddy's felt so perfect inside me. After a few mintues of pumping and pushing into me, Daddy pulled out and tossed the lubricated raincoat into the bushes and re-inserted his viper and began the conquest. "Baby gurl that pussy belongs to me and I'm reclaiming it as mine with my special sexy sauce." I always love when he gets wordy as we fuck. He comes up with some really hot things to remember. I just begged him to enjoy himself inside me and to take back his pussy from the Canadian trucker and the other trucker who had me the night before. AS we fucked he asked how good it was. Of course I didn't lie, "None of them fuck me as good as you Daddy. None of them treat me the way you do. None of them make me feel like I complete them." We kissed as he kept his hard snake inside me making me moan quietly as I whispered his real name several times. "Oh gawd Kara I just love when we're together like this. I forget everything except you, our passion and how much I am grateful I took a chance on you that night when I saw your perfect little ass in those tight silky jogging pants and all I could think about was breeding you." Anytime we date now as "two guys" just chatting about stuff I wear them for him as a reminder of our first encounter and how it felt when he claimed me. Tonight was no different. But I think the fact we were outdoors, somewhat concealed but still exposed, had us both loving this moment. He reached up and caressed my breasts with both hands and said he could not wait any longer, he needed to power-fuck my ass. We moved against a tree and I spread my legs a bit more as Daddy grabbed my hips and began to really pound the crap out of me. It was taking every ounce of self control not to scream in ecstasy as he was bitch-fucking me because when he gets like this, the feeling is incredible! I could feel loads of precum in my nylon and I still kept my composure even though I wanted to sissy cum so bad. Then Daddy let out a small groan - muffled by far from his usual moan and groan of conquest - and I could just feel a bit of his load in me so I knew it was buckets full of cum. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my plug. Daddy put it in me to keep his viper venom in there and act as a nice lube for later when he really could focus on fucking my ass without people possibly hearing much from us. We kissed a bit as we got cleaned up - a water bottle poured over his cock and me sucking it sweetly to lick it dry and make sure it was nice - and then both of us adjusting our pants and clothes. We made it all the way out of the park area and across the street to my car. We started to make out then before i could even start the car. "Damn Kara that was so hot! We've got to find more places like this to do it." Well {used his real name} I know of several other spots along the river further east and west - some with parks, some just very wide open places with no one around so maybe when we fuck you and I can make a little more of our love noise." This got him all hard again and anxious for us to drive back to his truck. We got to the truck stop, I parked near his rig and we both went in. He started it up just enough to get a bit of heat going and then we killed the lights and we spent the next 2 hours making love. HE had a special extra-lube condom for me to wear and I got to penetrate Daddy and make love to him, then after I was done he was so ready. I spent the next 45 minutes on my back being his obedient and devoted lover as he slowly fucked my pussy and made me cum one more time before he once more deposited a big load into me. We talked more as we cleaned up and got dressed - him ready to sleep and me to make the drive back home. I told him that next time I am going to get him to come to me - fuck me in my bed .... make me feel like "my bed" is now "our bed" whenever I sleep in it. We kissed passionately and said our little goodbyes to each other.
Married guys or sissies
ohmalewhore replied to Marriedbluecollar1's topic in Minneapolis / St. Paul Metro Area
Just a few days ago I stated that I didn't care one way or the other. Now, after finding that I'm developing some very serious emotions for a guy, I'm reconsidering that position. I'm looking into how to get PrEP without a whole lot of hassle and probably going to talk with my "Daddy" who is also the man I have feelings for about keeping myself for him and him alone in the coming weeks, maybe sooner. After the last time spent with Daddy, I was not as "wild in bed" with the truckers who go through Daddy to fuck me. I still gave them a good pussy to fuck, but I didn't seem to enjoy it as much as my mind was on Daddy more and wishing he was the one in my pussy cumming and fondling me and using me. I just don't want to bring anything back to Daddy, even though I'm fairly certain I'm clean still. But I find these feelings for him are overriding my desires to just whore myself out to any stranger or even to Daddy's friends.
LTR with a Cumdump - Feasible or Fantasy?
ohmalewhore replied to Ieatcumholes's topic in General Discussion
Ever since I took on the idea that I was attracted to men, craved the need to be filled with cock as often as I can get it, and began to really enjoy every moment a man gave me as he used me as his cumdump, I never once thought about a relationship. In fact, a relationship with a man was the furthest thing from my mind once I started down the road of serving men, getting fucked by men and enjoying the feel of a man's touch all over my skin as he used me. Just the mere writing of this makes me tingle and makes me want to dress up and go prowling for cock. But prior to Christmas, not long after Thanksgiving, I had a chance encounter that changed my life. I was pumping gas into my car at a nearby truck stop. A trucker spotted me, liked what he saw from my tail section and just on the off chance I was what he needed, approached me. His flirtatious nature and curiosity won me over to slipping off with him to his rig and giving him my body for the next few hours. But each time we've spent since then he's become much more than just a "random encounter." He's now my "Pimp Daddy" and my lover. First he started out wanting to show me off to other truckers who were lonely, needy and horny. But over that course as I was taking loads from these 6 different other men, "Daddy" and I got closer. It wasn't as much about the loneliness of his cock and my ass but of our two hearts, bodies and minds needing one another. One night we admitted we each had "feelings" for the other and just a few nights ago we shared an intimacy that rarely is ever done .... not only did he make love to me but he then asked me to enter him, to put my cock inside his ass, and to make love to him. I've not fucked a man/gurl since the very early 2000s and really never wanted to do so again. But when Daddy asked me, I could not resist. It's taken our relationship to a more meaningful level and a whole new level too. Now instead of texts telling me when he's coming on a run, when he's dropped his load at the destination and when he's within an hour or so of "our truck stop" he calls me. We talk. We laugh. And instead of getting right down to sucking and fucking, we converse as we're kissing, caressing and making each other feel special. Yes, I still fuck other men. Yes, the 6 other truckers still get at least one day (if they're in the neighbourhood) to fuck my ass. But when Daddy's headed in, the entire evening is his and his alone. Last time we started with a dinner and then went back to his truck. Next time we might meet at a different location for dinner or he might just pick me up in the truck and go out to dinner and then "retire" to a bedroom to make love. He enjoys that I'm still a "dump" for his needy friends, but I think sooner rather than later he's going to ask me to stop. And when he does, I will. There's something amazing about him. -
What makes you go bareback?
ohmalewhore replied to WildBreed's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
The first men who ever fucked me did me raw, though they did use a lubricated condom to open my virgin hole at first before discarding that awful rubber to the other side of the van. Very few men have ever fucked me with a raincoat on and I prefer it that way. I love the feel of a man inside me - not a man covered in synthetic garbage. But if a guy's scared and wants to use one, I won't turn him down. I just won't enjoy it as much. -
What is the smallest cock you would suck?
ohmalewhore replied to Bigdickdaddy's topic in Cocksucking Discussion
As long as the person is able to convince me they're over 18, which typically I don't like guys under 30 anyhow, I will suck any cock placed in front of me. Obviously I prefer ones with some thickness and some length, but I've actually not minded guys who are around 4-5" so long as they offer up their cum as a reward for my mouth. -
Have not been as active on the boards as I was before. But when Pimp Daddy is getting trips now every other day, and on his off days farming me out to at least 2 other men to enjoy for the evening, a gurl has little time to write her exploits. So for now my posting to boards about "last load" has to be curtailed. There's no way I can accurately document every load I'm getting - between Daddy and between them men he lines up for me to enjoy being fucked by.
Will try to find time to compose something about how my Pimp Daddy and I are doing soon. He's amazing! -
I'm a bottom. I'm shaved from face to feet, including down there. I was trained that way for over 2 decades and I'm not changing for anyone. Like me or move on.
I always try to "prep" for an encounter if I know one is coming. I mean it's just my way of saying "I care" and trying to be thoroughly clean for someone about to give me something amazing. But yeah, there are times when you're NOT ready and things just happen. I've only had one guy freak out over it before. I was walking along the Maumee River in a park and caught the glimpse of a guy looking around cautiously inside of a shelter. He didn't see me, but I saw him. Then things got quiet, other than the traffic from the nearby road, and no sign of him for about 5 minutes. I finally got up closer to the area and heard him masturbating as quiet as he could be. I startled him by showing up, but I startled him even more by dropping to my knees and sucking his dick. As I was doing this he told me he'd been waiting for a guy from Craigslist for an hour and the guy ghosted him so it was a good thing I came along. Well when he decided to bend me over, then I got quite a surprise. He was good. He was making my ass feel nice and wanted. He had a condom on to start but then when he pulled out to take it off and discard it, he saw "something" he didn't want to see. That ruined the whole moment. I mean I was there to walk and enjoy the scenery. I wasn't expecting to find a man tossing off and in need of sexual release! I had no idea I was going to get a dick in my ass at that very moment. It was outside, it wasn't very secluded but secluded enough that unless you heard something or just happened upon that exact spot that you'd see two men having sex. But he freaked over like the smallest amount too ... and it was still on the condom not on his cock.
what or who makes you start having raw bb sex?
ohmalewhore replied to Barehorny's topic in Making The Decision To Bareback
I've been a bareback slut right from day one. Two men took me with a condom at first to lube me up, then pulled out and tossed it aside and went in after that raw. That's honestly the most I ever see a condom is some guy who wasn't expecting to fuck me, but has a lubricated condom to start the ball rolling. Not once has a man been in me with a condom on and ejaculated. They all have taken me bare and all left their DNA in me.
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