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Everything posted by brnbk

  1. Other Nations have contributed disproportionately to world issues when they where world Powers, and the US benefited immensely from it. World War II was only won because India funded the war effort through the "British Empire" and Russia sacrificed 50 million men for defeating Nazism. WW -II helped the US build its industrial capacity and surge ahead, and neither Russia nor India where ever compensated for their war efforts. Being a World Power, comes with responsibilities and since India and Russia where the primary world powers in that era, it was natural that they did what needed to be done. Since the US took over as a world power eventually become a Superpower after the collapse of the Soviet Union: it is only fair that it foots the bill for US defense and military goals, and world security.
  2. Option 3: For me, its always the act of getting fucked by a Top more than getting loads or the sensation . I always find Top Men so fascinating and sexy - Just always have. Straight men always say how they find women and their bodies so fascinating; for me its always Men and a Top when he fucks is what really gets me when it comes to sex.
  3. This is what happens when you try to reinvent the wheel. RFK is such a rich brat. If he has all these concerns about vaccination and medicine, why not get a degree or maybe a diploma? in medical sciences/vaccination, and then offer your opinions, the way men and women have for the past 300/400 years in the western world. The process of getting a degree, will open up his mind to the complexity of the issues at stake, and also rectify any errors in his own thinking and ally fears that he clearly has about vaccination. Rich people like RFK are such a pain in the ass. Rich people without an education and with vain bodies — and a desire to show them on social media, are the worse and just plain dangerous. Ugh.
  4. More than age, I find it is the Pandemic that has really changed it for me. I am way more internally —anxious and stressed, and one of the first casualty of mental stress is the gut system and associated mechanism including control and feeling of pleasure inside, and behind as well. I have always been scared of catching the Virus, and even though the imminent danger of CoVID is over, atleast for the moment, monkeypox still exists. I fear CoVID has made me into less of a bottom. 😔
  5. But we want to avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Yes, we need to eliminate the profit oriented lies, half truths that are in our knowledge base but should we , perhaps out of frustration that the robber baron corporatists have been imposing on us, deny the basics and foundation of our modern understanding of medical science and knowledge. Can it be denied that if where it not for vaccines, in our recent history, majority of the human population would have struggled with a lot of more disease and death than we did since the acceptance and use of Vaccines as a way of preventing some disease. Vaccines are safe. The human population has shown to use vaccines without any adverse effect. I and majority of the guys on here, I believe, are all ears and up for it.
  6. I object, Sir. I and the majority of ladies on this sight are god-fearing and gay. Is it really balking if we beg to different and point out the probable errors in your views? The two health issues, contaminants in the food chain and vaccines are not mutually exclusive, but can be worked on together to ensure better health outcomes. Reducing the number of contaminants (chemicals, micro plastic etc) in the food suppy chain and using vaccines for diseases that already exist will keep us at our healthy best. I am unsure of the real cause of Polio, and if chemicals where the real cause. I am willing to concede that human interventions aka agricultural chemicals are likely to have influenced/accelerated the growth and development of the polio virus—co-relation rather than causation. However, unfortunately, that is history and we cannot put the genie back into the bottle. We have to work with what we have; vaccinees for existing conditions and elimination of contaminants seem like the most reasonable and prudent approach to take.
  7. How people can be so misguided is beyond me. Which world does Robert Jr live in. Assuming he grew up in the US and was educated there and not in some Soviet republic isolated from the rest of the world, a brief reading of the medical history of his country would impress on him the importance of vaccines. For e.g., in the US, children and even President Franklin Roosevelt struggled for life and death with the Polio virus and until a vaccine was invented and polio was eradicated in 1979 made life of ordinary mortals including Presidents a living hell! Antibiotics and Vaccines revolutionized human medicine systems, and greatly increased our life span and protection against diseases. He is really strange; Appearing semi nude on Instagram for his wife's and daughter's beauty line. Clearly he likes to sell stuff and is not a very good republican role model. [think before following links] https://nypost.com/2024/11/30/us-news/rfk-jr-appears-naked-in-video-posted-by-wife-cheryl-hines/ Unfortunately, that is one of the sickest aspect of the the medical and health/pharmaceutical industry. There is money to be made by making people sick or killing them.
  8. brnbk

    TikTok Ban.

    Thank you for sharing this very interesting study. China is, sadly, not a bastion of free thought and has not gone down the path of freedom both political and social, even though it has strived to create greater economic freedoms for its people. Gay people in present day communist China face more oppression than their forefathers would have under the Emperors in the 2nd century before Christ! Queer people or Eunuch as they are referred to in modern English had more freedom and opportunities to be themselves in ancient China, unlike the present day government which cracks down on "sissy men" — e.g. the dictate by President XI against "effeminate behaviours" on Chinese state run TV. Queer chinese men also called eunuchs where part of the royal family and elite class including the imperial bureaucracy and often where the most powerful group in traditional Chinese society. I don't believe change in China is going to happens sans TikTok. Change in Chinese attitudes both social and governmental are more likely to come through freeer exchange of ideas through apps like TikTok rather than without it. The study does has some major pitfalls. It is not peer reviewed, and just proves that there are fake accounts on TikTok, who push the Communist party world view. The Study seems to have a strange accusation against TikTok in page 21, "Those who use TikTok are more likely than Instagram and Youtube, to see China as a travel destination". Looks like the authors of the study seem to think that it is morally wrong to see China as a destination worthy of Travel presumably because its 4000 or more years of civilization is not protestant christian, and the Chinese people are not considered "white" - their civilization is not worth a trip. Was there a study to see how pro US or UK governmental views are pushed forward by apps such as Youtube or Instagram, governmental views which serve the industrial-military complex of the US establishment rather than the average American citizen or the common good of people around the world?
  9. brnbk

    TikTok Ban.

    Is there really any crediable and substantial evidence that TikTok is actually sharing data with the Chinese government, since its main servers are located in the US and Singapore?
  10. Does the ban on the social media app, TikTok violate traditional U.S. and Western understandings and commitment to free speech and capitalism?
  11. The process has already begun, in Idaho, two days ago. Republican Rep. Heather Scott has proposed a resolution to reject the Supreme Court same-sex marriage decision, and the proposal was moved forward by the Committee and will come up for a public hearing. If passed by the Idaho legislature it goes to the Supreme Court, where it doe not have any legal weight but does carry symbolic weight. [think before following links] https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/idaho-lawmakers-move-to-restore-natural-definition-of-marriage-bring-back-same-sex-ban/ar-AA1x7Nio
  12. Regan was truly a monster. There is an interesting excerpt from the book, The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America by Charles Kaiser, on Slate., on how he actually brought about the gay holocaust that AIDs was back in the 80s and 90s. [think before following links] https://slate.com/human-interest/2016/03/the-reagans-surrounded-by-discreet-gays-still-did-little-to-help-with-aids.html
  13. Apologies for the late reply; I ,unfortunately, did not see the responses. You have a right to a view, and be pedantic, but I am going to disagree with your view. The oldest mosque in Indonesia is from the 15th century and Malaysia from the 17th century. These nations where colonies of India, before the Anglo Saxon empire started the policy of Indian removal and the Hindu/Indian populations where whipped out of these countries and the native Malaysians and Indonesia given a Muslim identity. While Arabs and Indian Muslims traders did exist in these countries from the 900 onwards, the locals had a tolerant attitude towards all religions and practiced Buddhism, Hinduism, paganism and the new Islamic religion equally and never really converted until the British ran their missionary anti pagan/Hindu campaigns and divided the world into idol worshippers and worshippers of the True God-monotheistic, non idolatrous etc. This is very evidenced from the way in which these countries practice their true religion, and exist. For eg, when the Asian Finance crisis hit East Asia in 1997, the Indonesians immediately fell back to their "ancient gods" and issued a currency note with the elephant headed Hindu god Ganesh's photography to try to appease their ancestral pagan gods. The half elephant, half human god is considered as the god who removes obstacles and the Indonesians had no qualms in praying to their ancestral gods to pull their country out of a crisis. The bank of Indonesia issued a currency note with the pictue of the hindu god ganesha in 1998 the Indonesia leader Ki Hajar Dewantara on the highest currency note of 2000 Indonesian dollars. [think before following links] https://www.boomlive.in/fact-check/economy/indonesia-20000-note-with-ganesh-ganpati-muslim-country-rbi-19711 [think before following links] https://en.numista.com/catalogue/note205416.html The Indonesians did not think that their Islamic Arabic brothers or the Islamic God was going to come to their rescue but the Indian/Asian pagan gods. Doesn't sound or look very Islamic to me!
  14. While it is true that the Quoran, like most Holy Books including Toarh of the Jews, Bible of the Christians and Vedic traditions of the Hindus condemns homosexuality, the fact is these religions evolve as well. For eg, the restrictive tribal religion of the Judaic God who only cared about Isrealities, gave rise to a much more tolerant and Universal god of the Christians. The sacrifice loving Vedic religion of which was more tribal and fierce gave rise to a more philosophical and Vegetarian modern Hinduism. The point I am making is all religions evolve. I strongly disagree with the suggestion that Islam and the countries that it has spread to have been anti-LGBTQ. During the Islamic rule over most of west and south Asia, gay culture flourished. In India; the local language in India referred to homosexuality as a hobby of the Muslim rulers( Mughals) and Transexual people particularly thrived. Poems from Persian and part of Iraq during the Mughal times, do openly talk of men loving boys. Even today, crimes against transexual hatred, the way it occurs in the West, is fairly unknown in the Muslim world and often the state will recommend and pay for transexual surgery, for eg in Iran. However, the same freedom is not given to gay people, and the status of gay people has worsened since colonial times when a lot of colonized countries adopted the Anglo-Saxon disdain for homosexuality and incorporated Anglican legal mores into their own code of laws. I unfortunately am not a scholar of Islam and my understanding of it is limited. However, I do know there is a distinction between the Sayings of the prophet vs the Main Book which is the canonical book, and that the anti-gay passages are in the Sayings rather than the canonical book. Interestingly, u mention Islam and Malaysia, two countries that had been Indian for centuries, the abandoned Hindu temples and Buddhist monasteries along with various other factors proving it; which converted to Islam roughly during colonial times. The British not only went and conquered countries, they often changed the religion of the colonies so as to wipe off the proof and influence of the previous colonial power under the rubrics of a war against paganism/heathen/idol worshiping religion, even though the real reason was politics and loot. The anti-gay laws that we now see in Malaysia and Indonesia are partly a result of that as most of Malaysian and Indonesian Islam tends to be like Indian Islam: more moderate. Also, both Malay and Indonesian Islam have debates within their country over other related issues, as well, such as the place of their national heritage including Arabic clothes vs their own national clothes and culture, within Islam. Thus the debate within Islam is not just about LGBTQ rights, but also about other important issues such as national culture, practices, etc, and proves that sometimes there are tough questions to be answered within Islam and it is capable of having that debate.
  15. I noticed a curious phenomenon in a downtown church that I started attending. Some gay men showed up at Mass and a lot of them are looking to hook up. I only started attending the church a few months ago and am unsure how long this phenomenon has existed. Our city does not have a gay space in the downtown/centretown area as the old Sauna and gay bar shut down roughly before CoVID. Interestingly, even an older church associated with the church I attend shut its doors last decade and is now a performing arts center. It makes sense to me that gay men would use a local church as a gay-social center since gay men have contributed for generations to the Church in terms of finances but also other resources. There is a certain old-school charm to see gay men eager to cruise/meet other gay men in the real world. For centuries, christian men have courted/met their wives in a church, and it's only fair that gays be allowed such an opportunity as well. I am wondering, has anyone else observed such a phenomenon in their city where in the absence of gay spaces in the city the local church has emerged as a meet/hook-up spot for gays?
  16. The United States is squatting on Indian lands, and is thus a major freeloader as well. Ever thought of paying the native American for his stolen lands and gold? I believe Kamla Harris would make a great president as she embodies ALL of America: She has a black father, an Indian mother, and a Jewish husband and she chose an old(er) white man to be her vice president! Many intelligent and accomplished white women, including Liz Chaney, Melinda Gates etc, have supported her, and the most influential black woman in America, Oprah Winfrey has given her approval as well. Even though I am not from the US, as a person of color in Canada, I can see how much she truly loves America and does not discriminate between black and white. Far from being an airhead, she is a very accomplished and intelligent professional woman. As far as the Orange Man is concerned, Donald Trump needs to be put in an orange jumpsuit and sent right away to Jail. He will blend in with the rapists and thieves there.
  17. In the US and rest of the Anglo world up until the 1912 Portland Vice Scandal, oral sex was not penalized nor considered fellatio or covered under oral sex. The legislature of Portland changed this in 1913 to broaden the definition of sexual perversion and included oral sex under it. It is almost eerie but I do believe that history has a way of impacting a city and its culture.
  18. I am wondering if the fear of anal sex and even oral sex in Portland has got something to do with the history of anti gay laws in that state. I was just doing some research and came across the Portland Vice Scandal, and how sodomy (that could get u into legal trouble, was interestingly defined as anal sex but not oral sex in the US at that time, but in Portland it was held that even oral sex was a crime against nature in the judgements of the Vice Scandal case (Peter Boarg, Same-sex affairs : constructing and controlling homosexuality in the Pacific Northwest). I personally think a city's particular anti gay history has a deep bearing on the city's gay community. I have seen that in the city that I live in, for e.g,: A deeply closeted community in spite of being at least in law one of North America's most progressive country.
  19. What can I say: I suspect, the guys on the beach read my post, and turned on the groove 🙂, Or, the fact that Mr. Owner/Opinion did not show up let the boys try something different than what Mr. Opinion thought should be happening on the beach. Sounds like u and the guys on the beach had a party. woo-hoo! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honestly, gay men just holding a cuddling party sounds so lame and ridiculous like Grindr without GPS, a French party without wine, or Indian food without spices and flavor etc. Interesting to note that even a 'cuddling party' is not without its problems. Monkeypox is indeed a serious issue we are facing and gay men who think cuddling is safer than sex - i find the whole concept annoying and slightly homophobic - will think again. Portland is, apparently, a big religiously unaffiliated hub, according to this news article¹, and make up double the size of white evangelicals; which explains the cuddling parties, IMO: people who can't make up their mind if they are OK with being gay or not. A sex party with actual fucking would mean they are gay, while cuddling is unaffiliated and somewhere in the mid of things 🙂 . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¹ [think before following links] https://www.oregonlive.com/faith/2015/03/portland_unaffiliated.html#:~:text=The Portland metro area is,or no religion in particular.&text=Surprise%2C surprise%3A statistics show Portland,area in the United States.
  20. It could be that the guys there are looking for a relationship, rather than a quick hookup. It is quite possible, that you are rather handsome and the people there want you for something long-term. There are other reasons why someone could be attracting relationship type guys. For e.g. u might look well/better off than them and many guys while choosing mates do prefer someone who is well off, as the logic is you will be able to afford a relationship in the long run. However, it could also be that it really has something to do with the local conditions: gays having gone to conversion therapy and avoiding actual homosexual sex etc. Some of such groups really teach gay men, to hug, cuddle and get 'manly affirmation' I have been observing the cities, Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal, for a long time and can tell u this out of personal experience. The difference in the number of sex parties and consequently publicly visible/available sex in these cities is true for at least the past 5 years that I began noticing it.
  21. Absolutely, and I believe I did state that in my first paragraph, if you read it.
  22. This warrants an investigation. I am going to try to go doing some digging dicking this weekend and find out more about Portland - Cascadia's/Pacific North West's gay scene. I do know of something similar here in Canada, where some cities seem to never have sex while others are knee dick deep into homo-Sexuality. For e.g., if you go look up bbrt's sex parties info data and compare three cities, here in Canada: Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa; the differences will stun you. Ottawa probably hasn't had a sex party in the last 5 years with more than 5 confirmed attendees, whereas Toronto and Montreal usually have at least 5 sex parties every month if not every other week with lots of people attending. Why is there such a huge difference in sexual behavior (at least publicly) between the three cities is a very interesting question. Ottawa is a capital city with a history of anti LGBTQ actions by the federal government including anti gay purges and the "Fruit machine" Projected created under the RCMP (Canadian police) to identify homosexuals. Most people are officially liberal & pro gay even though they seem to take great pains to hide their own homosexual relations, identify etc. Toronto and Montreal on the other hand are huge "immigrant magnet" cities: of every greedy bugger² who showed up in Canada in the last 50 years approx. 40% went to Toronto or Montreal¹, and thus by their very nature have an inbuilt openness. @NWUSHorny Are there any other cities in the US that are equally uptight and inhibited, or at least come close? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¹ As was the trend over the past 50 years, Toronto (29.5%), Montréal (12.2%) and Vancouver (11.7%) continued to welcome the most recent immigrants in 2021.| [think before following links] https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/221026/dq221026a-eng.htm ² Trigger Alert: Bugger or buggar can at times be considered as a mild swear word. In the United Kingdom the term has been used commonly to imply dissatisfaction, refer to someone or something whose behaviour is in some way inconvenient or perhaps as an expression of surprise. In the United States, particularly in the Midwest and South, it is an inoffensive slang term meaning "small animal". The term is used in the vernacular of British English, Australian English, New Zealand English, South African English, Hawaiian Pidgin, Indian English, Pakistani English, Canadian English, Caribbean English, Malaysian English and in Sri Lankan English.| [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugger I thought of giving an explanation, simply because I realized on second readings, the phrase could be misunderstood in North American or U.S. English. 🙂
  23. Sounds like a very entitled person to me. Who are "we": he and his friends, or the people who "own" the nude beach or the city that owns the nude beach. Some gay men, especially those who live in isolated communities, are very aggressive in their preferences and think it is is their duty to inform you of it. Sounds like a nasty experience and I am sorry you had to go through it. From my own personal experience, I can tell you as a south Asian guy in a north American city, that is not very cosmopolitan and fairly closeted, many people feel it is their duty to be make me feel or sometimes outrightly tell me, I don't belong in a gay bathhouse or bar because I am an immigrant/Indian etc. Such unpleasant experiences reminded me that even gay people can be very small minded and bullying/bigoted etc. The fear of monkeypox and HIV AIDS is still very real in many in the gay community, and understandably, since these along with being sexual issues are 'health issues', a topic that often makes many people nervous and uncomfortable. The no action (fucking) and not touch all stem from the potential dangers these disease pose to gay men.
  24. Every other day, lately, almost daily! I would prefer less prefect looking and more realistic porn with stories and plots, as I am not the 'bam bam, thank you mam man' kind of guy. There are some porn flicks with some decent plots but it really is a hit and miss. I would like to read more porn but hardly find very exciting things which are rooted in the plot.
  25. If your country has a morality police they likely already have a list of suspected homosexuals in their country, so the GPS on the Grindr app in Paris is hardly going to get them trapped. Most gay guys in countries where being gay is illegal, still try to meet up and create gay spaces even if the police could show up anytime and arrest them; simply because human beings are humans, and the human spirit to experience life is far greater than any conservative's safety net. Even in the West: as confirmed by the men here on our site, gay men choose to bareback rather than use condoms even if that is the safer thing to do simply because the human spirit wants to be free; and no it's not stupidity, its called wanting something more free. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The problem is not the GPS on Grindr but the fact that Grindr shares/sells data to third party companies, who of course can pass it on to criminal people/the morality police, and who often use it to harass/harm gay men as some recent lawsuits against Grindr in the US and UK indicate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If being gay only means gay men and perhaps gay women, then yes the West is definitely more safe for gay men and perhaps gay women as well. However the West is a nightmare for Trans people - If you consider them as "gay/LGBTQ", whereas violence against Trans people in the Muslim world/middle East is unheard of. In Iran the State encourages even gay men to become Transexual and pays for gender reassignment surgery as Trans sex is not seen as anti-Islamic. So, again words can mean different things and what might be true for one culture, isnt necessarily the case elsewhere.
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