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About StlBottom

  • Birthday 10/10/1956

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    St Louis, Overland
  • Interests
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Poz Friendly, total sub, bottom, passive, compliant, docile, sex-addict, sex-slave, sex-pig, sex-toy for anyone and everyone to use for their sexual pleasure - , will suck, swallow, bareback

    Not camera shy, will do full-face pics and video for you to use and post
  • Porn Experience
    strictly amateur, ready to do the real nasty stuff
  • Looking For
    Looking to be use like a piece of sex-meat, sex-object.
    Shared with others,
    humiliation, degradation

More Info

  • Adam4Adam Profile Name

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] https://fetlife.com/users/613353

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  1. Being filmed, video, photos taking cum loads in my ass, am always ready for that.
  2. I just let them do their thing, if they ask, I look at them and say "whatever you do enjoy yourself"
  3. While anywhere I find them is hot, something about finding them in par parking lots and other public places. Not so much anymore around me anymore. Years ago could go to several local parks in west texas and would find at least one and usually 2 or 3 in park, bring home 7+ a day Sat, Sun and 4-5 on Mon. was there for a year. Froze them, knew some Tops/Doms who like to be creative
  4. Couple of decades ago, began discussing our getting together, him being a Top, me being the sub, bottom, and had moved to the phone. After a few minutes of our expectations he begins telling me how the last guy who came to his house pissed him off. In gory details he describes using his doc martin's on him and other extreme abuse to put the guy in the hospital. I mumbled something about getting back to him and hung up. He made quite an impression on me. It made me more cautious about hooking up, maybe too much sometimes.
  5. Old, bottom, looking for cum
  6. Always a bottom, 1,000 loads would be minimum, and 2,000+ is likely. Cruised parks, rest stops, anywhere outside where guys cruised. Daily, 5+ days/week and 6+hours a day. Along with arcades and other indoor venues. Most bareback, I never refused a cock that got hard enough to stick in my ass.
  7. Never used one until i realized it stops everyone from playing with my cock (but not my balls), never leave home without it when cruising or even hooking up, i'm locked up.
  8. and when my ex watched, pushed all my orgasm buttons not to 10 but to a Spinal Tap 11
  9. Yes, when the Top is into having his cock cleaned, any ass he wants to fuck i'll clean up after. it is part of who i am sexually. Rather this risk than say bondage. For Me. Tried to give it up, but the mind trip is a powerful thing.
  10. Would not bother me if the sucking was skipped, the load shot in my mouth, swallowed, next cock up, repeat
  11. the more twinkish the better as is a nice size cock
  12. when he starts fucking my ass and never asks about what i would like, any convo always about what he wants/needs feels good
  13. Overland bottom old submissive 420 mellow passive docile 63114
  14. Reading about all the fun y'all having getting me horny, have to get to one of the local bookstores, see what I can find.
  15. Right On! Describes me perfectly. Especially if I cum, I be gone.
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