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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by UKFFBBBtm

  1. I love how innocent you are. It won't, if anything it will make going to the toilet easier. As you stretcher your sphincter to take fists and larger toys, you're stretching the muscle to accommodate it, however as its a ring of muscle it relaxes back into shape once you stop exercising it. So when you're not playing and are not empty your sphincter will relax back towards its usual shape and size and hold everything in, however when it starts getting stimulated again it starts to relax quicker so you can be fucked or fisted without much working up to it.
  2. Honestly, only the clinic or doctor will be able to advise that and the risk it poses to others.
  3. If someone comes across any of my profiles on any of the sites I have 2 thoughts: 1. They had to be looking for my profile or similar activities/fetishes that are ties to that profile in order to locate it. 2. Like you, so what. As you say nothing is hidden, nothing is private, nothing is impossible to find. We're all "at risk" of being found out if any information is put on a profile or a thread that someone posts.
  4. If you've followed the steps in the 1st post in this thread it will be deleted, however it can take up to 90 days to do so, it is not instant and no matter how many post are made demanding that the account is deleted, it will not speed up that process. You just have to wait
  5. Wishing for a speedy recovery for him.
  6. That's what I thought, but my 53 year old husband was offered it last time we went for a check up, where as before it was only up to 40 odd, so I think some clinics are relaxing restrictions
  7. I was offered free vaccination course from my local GUM clinic in the UK, its either 2 or 3 jabs a couple months apart. HPV is linked to the following cancers: Penile, Anal, Cervical, Vaginal, Vulval, and some types of head and neck cancer. I urge everyone to get vaccinated if you can.
  8. Sounds intriguing
  9. I've had a guy breed me before, no questions before just caught in the moment and then said afterwards "oh I'm negative btw, but but late really hahaha" I'm upfront about things, I say it in messages when hooking up, I'm negative and on PrEP and only do BB. This gives them the chance to say their status. I don't care either way, but at least its out there. I always wonder the same thing. You can get home test kits for HIV, Saunas/bathhouse do testing nights, in the UK there are plenty of charities that offer services if you don't want to go via NHS, I just don't understand why people don't get tested for things if they're so hung up about status
  10. You were, wasn't referring to you.
  11. Guys, the mods and owner have lives away from the forum and work on the site and keep it running for free with very little thanks. If you want to raise something to them, tag a mod or the owner of the site, they can't be expected to notice every single thread and post. @viking8x6 @rawTOP
  12. I sware by x-lube note. Its amazing
  13. Thanks, really nervous about it, but wanted one for the longest time, even though im predominantly a bottom, as a really do like seeing guys with a large PA.
  14. I keep thinking about getting a PA, I love the look on other guys, find them a real turn on and would love to get one, however I'm squeamish when it comes to pain, needles and blood. For people that have a PA (or had one) say how painful it was, how much blood and how was the recovery?
  15. I've also thought this as well, or the studio want to get a cum shot for promo's and because they think that's what everyone wants to see
  16. Nope, never happened to me, I'm in the UK. I usually get fuckwads that are up themselves and try and body shame me because they think they're gods gift and say I'm disgusting amd how dare I message them. Quite a few have reached out asking for money, they swiftly get reported as escorts and blocked.
  17. Good to know, I have a phobia of injection needles (covered in tattoos but injections are a no no) so wouldn't be able to do it myself, also as a bottom I don't really need to stay hard. This is also part of the reason I'm still to be slammed. As for the needles and syringes you have left over, are you not able to take them to your local Sexual Health clinic for disposal? A lot of clinics in the UK will dispose of needles etc from drug use (and do needle exchange to keep cross use down)
  18. I read in an article once the reason most porn actors pull out to wank and cum is due to the erection injection they take. Most find it almost impossible to cum whilst fucking so they need to wank off furiously at the end to cum. Disappointing and sad side effect of porn I suppose
  19. Instantly stop watching it, such a boner killer
  20. My hole has great muscle memory, it starts tight and then a little bit of probing it blooms and opens up nicely to be a loose fuck hole
  21. You're welcome, don't want you to be disappointed that if you see a guy with a PA at a sauna and try to hook up and the both of you spread your legs waiting for the other to fuck them.
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