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No Chem Sex
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Everything posted by UKFFBBBtm

  1. A lot of bottoms have PA as well so it's not an instant guaranteed they have a PA so they must be top
  2. Have I missed something? Since when is not swallowing an option? You trying to tell me that people spit it out? I mean that's so rude
  3. If you don't want to be here any more I have 2 questions Why do you keep logging in? Why do you keep posting on other threads? If I wanted to delete my account on a website I wouldn't keep logging in let alone participate in conversations or features of the website. As far as I am aware, websites only have a legal obligation to delete the information and data for people living in the UK and EU under the GDPR laws that were past. Websites have two options, block access to everyone from UK and EU or adhere to the GDPR laws and allow data deletion. If the owners of websites wanted, they could ask people to prove they're a UK or EU citizen and only then delete the data/account. There isn't any, that I am aware, legal requirement to delete accounts for people outside of GDPR countries. If you really don't want to an account here, stop logging in, stop posting and your account will eventually be deleted provided you've requested deletion in the correct way.
  4. Thanks, I still don't like it. I don't look too fat there
  5. That's absolutely disgusting and I'm sorry you've experienced this. It's one of my fears and reason I stayed out of the scene and places because I didn't want to risk this.
  6. That is one sexy as fuck bear on the posted and I'd be straight under his leather kilt. His body is like my husbands and if I had the two of them I'd be in piggy heaven. I'm a chubby guy and hate my body. My husband loves it but I can't see what there is to love. I think the reason in part if because so much advertising in sex and fetish shops is either aimed at skinny thinks or 32 inch waist muscle guys. I have an underwear fetish (among many other things) but almost all of the fetish or gay leaning brands only go up to an XL which they usually classify somewhere between a 34 - 38 waist, that ain't no XL. It's like you're made to feel ashamed if you're a larger build and not allowed nice sexy clothes and the brands themselves clearly don't make the larger sizes not because they won't sell, they'd sell out every time they were restocked, they just don't want larger men wearing their clothing. It doesn't help when society makes jokes about it, oh he's got a dad bod, or he's let himself go because he's got a partner and doesn't need to try any more, and in the gay community you're seen as a joke and made fun of for being a chubby chaser or wanting a daddy. Depending on the clothes and store I'm between a 38 and 42 waist, and therefore made to feel like I'm disgusting and how dare I want fetish clothing, lose some weight you fatso freak. If you're not a skinny twink or a ripped muscle Mary then fuck you we have no clothes for you. I'm pleased to see Recon pushing boundaries with their advertising, just wish more followed suit. Edit: pic of me for context
  7. Sure this has been mentioned but just saw it for the 1st time in a while, flashes of a camera going off during the action
  8. Hey, welcome. I love the same as you
  9. I love being fisted and large toys. I can't get enough of it. Only play I look for now is enjoying T and FF
  10. Nottingham and come and play with me and my hubby? Lol. In seriousness, no idea other than travelling to the cities you've already mentioned
  11. A top is a top. Age is but a number
  12. Neg but poz friendly
  13. Thanks for the follow

  14. I love the feeling of a guy filling me, especially if it's a large load and dribbles out a bit as he pulls out of my well fucked hole
  15. I've been told a few times by different tops I've got such a nice fuckable hole
  16. @rawTOP I'd be interested in beta testing
  17. They take they're pants/jeans/joggers off but leave their t-shirt/top on
  18. I don't want to pay anything for what I can currently get for free
  19. Just did a quick google search of him and IMO he looks like the typical repressed right-wing nut job
  20. I find it odd that they're trying to implement laws to restrict something that has caused zero mass killings/murders but the mere suggestion of implementing additional check or waiting periods for firearms, the cause of multiple mass killings/murders, is all of a sudden unconstitutional and an infringement on their rights. What about protecting the children then?
  21. I mean that is a truly ridiculous bill (I'm UK based). The mere suggestion that any bill or law introduced to "protect" children is a load of crap, it's purely and simply a way for the repressed rightwing to try and control the masses. Some of the most depraved and kinkest people I've known have been rightwing supporting douchebags. The potential issue here based on the proposed bill, from what I understand, is that if they redefine what is "obscene" porn in the US (where a lot of studios are based) will have to revert to being softcore. No more piss, bb, fisting, deepthroat gagging, BDSM, pup play etc. Everything will go back to light sucking, safe fucking with no view of penetration or any dick in arse, will just be rolling a condom on and then simulated fucking just like the old days. Why this extreme? Because the rightwing church leaning trump supporting enthusiasts will deem anything that isn't a man and a women in softcore pornography perverted and will try to claim it is obscene to "protect the children". I work in the Credit Card industry, and I can tell you that most, if not all, Credit Card companies don't want age verification checks built in to porn and other adult entertainment websites. The amount of additional work, complaints, disputes and Chargebacks that it would create would be ridiculous, this is also why Acquirers (the companies that facilitate a merchants ability to take Credit Card payments) don't want it either. Mastercard and Visa don't want it either. As Rawtop has said, the UK has been unable to get any form of law passed to impose age restrictions on adult sites for probably close to a decade now. Whilst we're technically 4 countries (each with slightly different laws in some cases), laws like this would usually apply to all four countries if the law was passed. Unless the US made it federal law, I can't see how the US is going to impose any such restrictions where all 50 states agree to implement it at a state level. There is nothing in these laws that protect the children at all. I don't know why politicians and a lot of adults think that children are stupid. A lot of teenagers around the world know how to access things they should be able to access, such as adult sites, and know how to do it safely, securely and secretly. If the laws are passed, "children" will find a way. If the redefinition of obscenity law is passed, America's porn industry will die overnight whilst the studios relocate to another country like Germany of Netherlands where pornography laws are a lot more lax and set up shop there instead.
  22. It's Finn Sawyer [think before following links] https://rentmen.eu/Finn_Sawyer/
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