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About orderthepartysub

  • Birthday 09/15/1987

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    San Francisco, CA
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  1. ... especially in regards to the piss 😈


    (SF local here... if this message doesn't make any sense, I left another one on your post in my local forum just a moment ago)

  2. Very sorry to only just be discovering this post now, but in my defense I didn't really start being active as a member until well over a year after it'd already been posted. Rest assured, if you ever do make your way out here again, I'll be more than happy to meet, serve, and do all that I can to satisfy.
  3. Fuuuck, I'm betting that hotbox maneuver had some part in you agreeing to give iT a try 😈
  4. I just read all of this and matched the hits Jakey was given/shotgunned... and fuck do I want some cock now
  5. What a hot few hours of clouding and edging this was. Wish I was Sean 🤤
  6. Sure would. I've heard it changes your relationship to sex when you do it, though. Makes you feel like it's typically only worth it if you're being paid for it. I like getting fucked and wouldn't want to ruin my relationship with that, so clients would have to be looking to take my dick and load
  7. Absolute fucking dick move on bear#2's part...
  8. Aww, I was hoping to learn the identity of this not-so stranger... but it didn't detract from what was an orgasmic story overall
  9. We want it, we want it baaaad
  10. I'll admit, I have a bad habit of fearing the worst, but I seriously do worry that at this point the choirboy is more AWOL than rogue...
  11. Oh, older bottoms can be fantastic too. It's pretty wild when a guy can get my soft chemcock inside of him, and it makes it so much easier to fill his ass with my party piss
  12. Saaaaame 🤤
  13. Honestly, if I'm choosing between two hot guys, I'm always more interested in the older one. Been that way my hole life In fact, here's an unsolicited photo of me quenching my ThirsT from a local daddy's tap. Quod "Erot" Demonstrandum
  14. Sounds like a good little cult. Where do I go to join?
  15. What's this?? 👀
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