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You don't think that Jackson may have assumed that Ethan was a big fan of the rapcore/hardcore punk band Biohazard (one of the earliest bands to fuse hardcore punk and heavy metal with elements of hip hop) and responded "YES!" because Jackson enjoys nothing more than listening to rapcore when getting fucked?

If that's the case, I bet Jackson feels like a silly goose right about now...

  coyotesmiles said:
umm...so i'm kind of in a rush right now, but i just wanted to throw out that i recall reading on T.I.M. a blog post (or something like that) in which a T.I.M. agent wrote something to the effect of, "We send Jackson Taylor a picture of Ethan's biohazard tattoo and told him, 'Just so you know what you are getting yourself into' and Jackson Taylor wrote back to us saying, 'Great' (or something to that effect).

That's one of his big things in his complaint. The tattoo thing was misrepresented and it SEEMS like he's saying he didn't know what it meant. It's a crazy situation.

  dshanebb said:
You don't think that Jackson may have assumed that Ethan was a big fan of the rapcore/hardcore punk band Biohazard (one of the earliest bands to fuse hardcore punk and heavy metal with elements of hip hop) and responded "YES!" because Jackson enjoys nothing more than listening to rapcore when getting fucked?

If that's the case, I bet Jackson feels like a silly goose right about now...

What the hell?

Please tell me you're taking the piss or something because that's just a shitload of just stupid assumptions.

  BBCumPigGA said:
That's one of his big things in his complaint. The tattoo thing was misrepresented and it SEEMS like he's saying he didn't know what it meant. It's a crazy situation.


I don't really know Paul Morris in great detail but I do know that in all of his publically available communications to, say, a member of the press or whomever-

He has always struck me as very intelligent, very careful with his words, and surprisingly even handed and level in his discussion of every topic or question I've seen him address.

Also, though seemingly random and unrelated, I also know from posts on Twitter that he has a very unique and totally refined and sophisticated taste in music.

I actually do think this is indicative of a person who doesn't just fucking willy nilly do whatever.

Oh, and of course obviously, T.I.M. is pretty fucking successful.

So you know, I have a hard time believing that he would have been so stupid as to open himself to such a potentially damaging revelation without taking some sort of precautions and/or surrounding himself with equally intelligent and competent people who would also think about this.

But what do I know, maybe everyone at T.I.M. is just high and fucking all the time and can't be bothered to cover their asses.

I have no idea, I just wonder, "Okay, so T.I.M. says that they somewhat vaguely and imprecisely altered Jackson to Ethan's poz status and Jackson in turn gave his consent by saying, "Yes."

Clearly it doesn't take a genius to realize that's not a particularly sound documentation of consent so I'm just wondering still, could T.I.M. have taken other precautions?

I have no fucking clue.

I will tell you this, and I've said this before on a different forum thread, human beings, homo sapiens, mankind- whatever you want to call the moron infestation on this planet destroyed any and every claim or right or whatever to moral and ethical codes years and years ago.

First, human beings ceded their sovereignty to a bunch of dipshits who promised crap like "eternal salvation" and what not in exchange for utter obedience. Not a new problem, been around actually for millennia.

Second, that's not really the real kicker, the real kicker is that pretty much all moral and ethical concepts/standards/etc stem directly from the Judeo-Christian religious system. Doesn't take much of a genius, rather just an observant eye, to realize, you know what? All of that morality and all of that ethics is fundamentally invalid as the religious system from which it arises is not just spiritually bankrupt and toxic, it's totally hypocritical.

Thousands upon thousands of people were persecuted and deprived unjustly of both life, liberty, and property/possessions/whatever for bullshit nonsense like heresy and "witch craft."

Excuse me? What the fuck? According to the Judeo-Christian religious system, their deity is not only omniscient and omnipresent, but fucking omnipotent...so why the fuck does that deity need a bunch of hoohas running around burning, hanging-whatever some deviant person?

If "God" doesn't like someone, does it not stand to reason that "God" will deal with said person.

On and on through the course of history this hypocritical whatever bullshit keeps popping up everywhere the Judeo-Christian system has spread.

Bad enough that at points in history different sects have literally persecuted and killed each other, like seen in the Protestant/Catholic conflicts-

Worse yet, Christian missionaries and Christianity was undoubtedly the principal impetus behind the obliteration of native/indigenous cultures and peoples all across this planet. Why? Because time and time again Christian morality whatever was the foundation from which political and military leaders concluded, "Oh, these heathen idiots are obviously totally in need of our guidance and direction and so we'll just take this lands, their lives, their liberties- everything."

Third, Judeo-Christian religious thought/teachings is obviously an utter fiction by some unscrupulous assholes trying to pull a fast one over on pretty much everyone else.


Because there is zero respect, consideration, reverence whatever for the natural world or whatever you want to call it.

Come on people let's not be a bunch of fucking morons.

What kind of deity is going to "create" a world as intricate, diverse, and rich in life as this one and then say, directly or indirectly to its followers,

"Doi di doi. Oh do whatever you want with this planet (I think the more precise wording is, depending on the translation, let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth).

Wait a fucking minute.

First stupid ass Adam gets kicked out of that bullshit Garden of Eden and then second, he and his descendents are given "rule" of everything?

Y'all need to learn to start calling the bullshit because otherwise we are all going under and I can promise you it won't be pleasant if that happens.

Anyway, that's all a super long winded, but I feel/think necessary way of demonstrating:

You know what, at this stage in the game no one, I don't care if you're gods damned Pope or the mother fucking Dalai Lama or whatever-

Nobody gets to be the voice of morality whatever.

Like I said, humanity/mankind/whatever forfeited morality and ethics millennia ago.

So you know what?

Welcome to the fucking end of the world as we know it.

Ya might as well go out with a bang.

Or whatever.

  uncollared said:
I think it's a publicity stunt. It totally wreaks of it.

Yeah...I kind of wonder if this is just yet another bullshit media whatever 'cuz you know people are always playing spin doctor to everything.


When you have sex, you take a risk. When you have bareback sex, you take a greater risk. When you do it on camera, you at least get paid for your efforts.

I know that our schools (and more importantly, parents) aren't exactly the best source of information about sex these days... but at 20yo, you should be able to figure things out pretty well for yourself. If you're too stupid to understand how it all works, then Darwin has a law that pertains to you.

My guess is, this kid is no fool. He understood the risks and the consequences. He's more than old enough for that. BUT he is too young and naive to understand that "I didn't know what I was doing" just isn't going to fly in court or even earn him much sympathy.

TIM has had much bigger and worse lawsuits on their hands, and they either won hands down or were more than able to settle. My guess is that their contract pretty much eliminates any issues the minute he signed it. In fact, I wouldn't doubt it TIM has by now learned to not only win in court, but also use any similar incidents to their advantage in selling future videos.

Guest JizzDumpWI

Of course, now we also have PrEP to add to the option pool. So a guy could just as easily be on a PrEP regimen; bottom his ass off for TIM and still remain neg.

  coyotesmiles said:
What the hell?

Please tell me you're taking the piss or something because that's just a shitload of just stupid assumptions.

I couldn't have been more sarcastic in that post if I tried... I obviously went out of my way to write the most illogical scenario possible.

  dshanebb said:
I couldn't have been more sarcastic in that post if I tried... I obviously went out of my way to write the most illogical scenario possible.
You totally did, but it sailed right over someone.

I have mates who have perormed in some TIM videos. They tell me that basically the contact they sign says they agree NOT to sue TIM for anything. It covers them against such consequences as stds and I guess HIV infection. Thy sign to say they are personally responsible and wont hold TIM responsible for anything. The contract does not state anything about hiv status so theoretically neg and poz can perform together (even poz top and neg bottom). TIM seems to have a "dont ask, dont tell" policy and make the performer sign to clear them of all responsibility. Thats what ive been told by multiple ppl who have worked for them in London.

So i wouldnt think Jackson would have a case.

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