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Does a white man belong in a sex club geared towards men of color?


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Poptronic, I totally agree with you from the political standpoint. And I have to clarify that the two men who were in the front office and managing the place as well as the one who responded to my inquiry were friendly, warm, polite, and considerate. From the standpoint of the club, I was totally welcomed and considered one of "those who admire them". But that doesn't and didn't entitle me to "all you can eat".

I still think of this evening as a profound experience since rarely does a sexual binge result in so many questions, issues and first time experiences. I do wish they would host a "White bottom" event and let the men who enjoy interracial sex and all the socio-political implications it entails.

Tiger, I still think it's bullshit and not even a little bit okay that the suggestion is being made again and again that you didn't belong there. And I'll tell you why... The club advertises itself as that it "caters" to men of color. "Caters..." is very different than "serves only..." and that is not just in the sex club/bar world, that is universal.

Here is a good example. When I was younger and just out of college, I was working in an upscale restaurant that "catered" to people with money. A lot of money, I mean. It was a high-end clientele. Imagine a working or middle class guy who saved up a few dollars so that he can take his girlfriend out for a special dinner where he can propose to her. Should we turn this guy away because we "cater" to rich people and this guy showed up driving a Honda? The answer is no, we shouldn't. And why not? Because he came with the same purpose as everyone else. He shows up with his girlfriend, both dressed appropriately, and he had the money to spend that night.

You, my friend, showed up to that club with the same purpose as every other guy there. You had the naked body, you had the ass, and you wanted to get action. You weren't there to spectate. You weren't there to socialize. You were there to get action and that's what you got. The fact that you're white is neither here nor there. Perhaps there were guys there who are simply just not into white guys sexually and that's fine, we all have our preferences. But to say that you didn't belong there simply because you were white is wrong.

In my honest opinion, saying you didn't belong there because you were white is a statement with traces of racism it it. Not outwardly and obnoxiously racist, but still somewhat racist. I'm also not saying that it's wrong to have a club that caters to men of color either. It's the belief that you didn't belong there that I have a problem with. And as long as we live in a world where people believe in principles such as that clubs like this are necessary to segregate races and a white man just "doesn't belong," then that nasty little social bug we have called racism is NEVER GOING TO FUCKING DIE.

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