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learning his lesson by going (bare)back to school


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Coaching and cumcatching

The heavy metal doors opened into the high school atrium with a whoosh of air, and immediately Paul felt déjà vu, recalling the hundreds, perhaps thousands of times he’d walked through these doors on his way to class. Now, he was back, almost a decade later, and it felt like he’d been there yesterday. The difference was Paul was no longer a flabby teen with bacne, glasses and braces. He’d grown a few inches at college, gotten contacts, and learned the proper balance of eating right and working out. The result allowed him to strut a little as he passed 4 teen girls, each undressing him with their eyes, gawking at his trim waist, muscular legs, chest and arms, and his firm bubble butt.

Yet even with his adult body, ears of college training, and almost 5 years of real world experience, part of Paul wanted to run straight for the dark corner of the auditorium where he spent many afternoons running the lights for shows he never got cast in, eventually memorizing every inch of it so he could do his job in pitch black. He felt invincible in that spot, unseen and in total command. That same dark nook also held fond memories of his first sexual experimentation with handsome, talented, kind, sexy Tom Downey. No one ever understood why tall, muscular, gorgeous Tom hung around with chunky, dorky Paul, but they were inseparable when Paul wasn't relegated to run lighting, while Tommy shined on stage (not to mention on the swim team and baseball team). Most schools would not have intermixed theatre kids with athletes, but Franklin high had been home to one of the country’s top high school theatre programs for almost as many years as it had been presided over by Mrs. Nancy Wheeler. She had started in the mid-seventies and within a few years she’d made the drama department as profitable for the school as any of the athletics, before it became the city’s magnet school in the early 80’s. It was what made Paul, and many others, work tirelessly to get transferred to Franklin. Paul had always dreamed of performing in shows and movies, but Mrs. Wheeler popped that bubble on his first day, informing him he was too plain and shy to ever be more than a techie. It was her m.o. to tactlessly burst kids’ dreams that way, earning her the nickname Pinwheeler.

Thus when they both tried out for 'the Tempest' their freshman year, Paul was stuck as a lighting assistant, training to work the control console while getting stuck with other jobs to fill the time. Tom however, got a lead role, and tried to help his bud by requesting Paul be his costume helper. Night after night, Paul pretended not to notice Tom’s hard cock while they hurried to get him out of a complex velvet period costume and into another. Closing night the friends went to the cast party and were talked into smoking some weed with a few seniors, including the only openly gay couple at the school. Stoned and giggly, they wandered around the host's house while Tom confided he'd caught the gay guys blowing each other one night in the parking lot. Paul still can't remember who initiated it, but minutes later they took turns swallowing each others' cum loads in a guest bedroom. Some guys would pretend it hadn't happened and get all weird but Paul and Tom decided they wanted more and began sucking, jerking and fingering every chance they got. By summer break Paul had trained Tom to take 3 fingers before they spent a month as roomies at a theatre camp. Neither duffle bag was even unzipped before Paul bred Tom's hole for the first time. When sophomore year started, Tom's butt was taking at least 10 loads a week.

If Tom hadn’t regularly provided some hot ass, Paul would probably have given up on theatre since he was always losing roles to the same boy he routinely cornholed. 'Pinwheeler' assumed Paul had a crush on Tom, and told him once that, just as he would never succeed in acting, Paul had no chance of landing a leading role in Tom's life either.

Paul smiled now remembering her words. Last year he’d made close to 3 million bucks acting. He wasn’t a movie star, but he’d gained the skill and confidence in college to get him steady work and recently landed a recurring supporting role on a cable drama series. That's why Paul graciously agreed to volunteer his help when his alma mater sent a letter requesting his expertise judging their short film contest. It didn’t hurt that the new teacher assisting Pinwheeler was fresh out of college, 6’4” with black hair, blue eyes, golden skin, and a thick muscular build. Paul was already planning to come to judge the videos to show Pinwheeler she was wrong, but decided to offer his help from start to finish when he saw Mr. Dick Carson's photos on Facebook.

He paused as he reached for the door to enter the theatre room. This was the first time he’d be entering as the star, and after all his fantasizing of how it would be, he suddenly realized he needed to leave that behind if he was going to do these kids any good. Still, he took a moment to relish the look of wonder and embarrassment on Pinwheeler’s face when the whole class mobbed him before he’d even made it through the door.

That afternoon, every student in the theatre magnet program watched and listened to everything he said with awe and admiration. At the end of the day, over 200 kids had taken his advices as gospel, and once again Paul found himself surrounded by fans, all hoping he’d agree to help them with some aspect or another of their videos. Mr. Carson stepped in just in time, informing the kids they would each get a chance to meet with Paul as each step of the process was submitted. Paul’s cock twitched as Mr. Carson’s arms guided him into Pinwheeler’s office and away from the kids.

Over the next few sessions, the students got less pushy, and Paul found himself really enjoying being able to help them take their ideas and transform them into some truly funny, smart and marketable short films. A few seniors in the group were planning on submitting their films as audition pieces for college programs focusing on screenwriting, directing, cinematography and of course acting. He was shocked to discover that these students hadn’t been indoctrinated with Pinwheeler’s agenda, showcasing the acting talents of all shapes and sizes, while encouraging the beautiful girls and handsome boys to try their hand behind the scenes. Mr. Carson finally explained over drinks one Friday evening, that the administration had been receiving complaints for years about Pinwheeler’s harsh doses of reality and prejudiced approach. It was getting worse now that she was almost 70, so Mr. Carson had been hired to train under her before she was given the option of retirement or demotion.

Paul tried not to show his delight in the news, but he did offer his congrats to Mr. Carson, adding that ”the kids are in great hands with you, Mr. Carson. These past few weeks, I’ve seen you open the minds of each kid in there, and I’m sure you’ll continue to evolve the program in many more exciting ways.”

“Please Paul, call me Dick. After all, I never would’ve been able to pull this off without your generosity. I’m sure you’d prefer to spend your break from filming somewhere other than back in the little town high school where you were never appreciated.” Paul’s cock hardened slightly with thoughts of all the butts he could be breeding during this time. He and Tom only managed to enjoy clandestine rendezvous once they went to college, before Tom settled down with a girl they knew. Their last shared load was the day of his wedding, his tux pants around his ankles, while groom’s man Paul fished his cock from the fly of his own tux, bent Tom over a catering cart in the dish pantry while the bride and her family took photos, and committed his one and only act of infidelity, sealed with a load of semen deep inside. Paul started exploring his options at school after that, and discovered he had a lot now that he was in shape, taller and his Dick had grown to its full adult length of 8 thick cut inches. At first he fucked every butt that would bend over for him, but was shocked into secrecy when one of his regular cum-dumps was outed on the local late night news. Turns out the slim young preppy guy he’d met online was actually a married father of 4 and minister for an extremely conservative church the next town over. As Paul watched the man’s life dissolve into tabloid fodder and late night jokes, Paul made a rule: always be dating a hot girl, while secretly mating a hot boy, but never let either know the other.

So now he was seeing some young actress he’d met doing a commercial, and hooking up with guys online for anonymous breedings. She was too busy to do much more than escort him down red carpets and be “caught” by paparazzi kissing, and his butt boys never saw his face. He’d even found a group in LA that hosted monthly orgies requiring every guy wear a mask. Since he’d been back home, he’d been too worried about being discovered to do anything other than jerk in the shower each morning after his work out. Usually this involved scenarios featuring Mr. Carson or some of the well developed high school boys bent over the editing computer or up against the stall door of the restroom, begging for Paul’s cum inside their holes.

Paul came back to earth when he realized Mr. Carson, Dick, had not removed the arm from around Paul’s shoulders since placing it there when he was thanking him. He forgot himself for a second and glanced into Dick’s lap, observing a big lump snaking its way down his left leg, proving that Dick had the right name.

“I bet you miss having your girl around especially,” Dick said while beginning to rub his arm down Paul’s back. “saw her on TMZ last month. She is one hot piece of pussy. I can’t imagine having to give up pounding that for a month just to help out an inexperienced teacher and a bunch of snotty brats.”

His laughter sent a bolt to paul’s cock, and paul assured him that he was loving the time with Dick, and the kids, finishing (pretty unconvincingly) by adding that he did miss her tight pussy.

“seems unfair that you’re being so helpful and won’t get laid till after you leave. Of course you could always enjoy some local fare, especially since there are so many people here who’d do anything to show you how much we appreciate you being here.” Dick chose that moment to move away from Paul, walking over to the bottle on his counter, and refilling Paul’s glass with some cheap rum and store brand coke. “Hell, I can’t even offer you really coke for your cocktails, but you could have your pick of any girl in town and most of the guys.”

“Sounds fun until you remember how quickly those guys… and girls would jump online and spill to 4 million of their closest strangers. It would be the end of my relationship, not to mention my trust worthy reputation as the good boy of cable TV.” He walked back over as Paul explained the downside to cheating as a semi-celeb, but didn’t sit. This meant his large unfurling penis was eyelevel with Paul.

“that does suck, I just hope you know you have given so much of your time and energy, you’ve earned a friend in me and I’d never do anything to jeopardize our relationship and its future.” Dick rook a step closer.

“our relationship and its future…” Paul leaned forward to take a drink and Dick could feel his hot breath through his thin grey work slacks.

“I am willing to do anything to secure the future of this program at the school and would never exploit our relationship as friends. So what can we do to ensure you are motivated to return every year and provide your services?” Dick didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he pulled Paul’s head forward until his giant man meat was up against Paul’s face. Once they made first contact, it was only seconds before they were naked on the kitchen floor, 69ing and playing with each other’s asses. Before Paul could catch a breath between inhaling Dick’s Dick, He was being flipped on his stomach and Dick was using the olive oil from their salads to finger Paul’s hole.

“whoa Dick, I don’t catch, especially not a massive log like yours. I’m all pitching, but I’d love to take a toss at your butt.” Paul tried to get an angle on Dick’s hole, but Dick confirmed that he, too, was all top. Disappointed, they made the best of it and spent the rest of the evening eating each other’s cum loads. When Paul went back to the house he was renting, he almost turned off the highway to cruise a rest stop, before he reminded himself what dire consequences that could mean.

The next few days working with the kids were even more fun than before now that Paul was taking breaks 3 or 4 times a day to feed Dick his load and swallow Dick’s semen. As he suspected, Dick had a hot muscled body, but with much more mass and less definition. Combined with his 9 inch uncut Dick and hairy chest and Paul was hopelessly desperate for each suck session. He even started dreaming about letting Dick fuck him in his almost virgin hole. He and Tom had tried once unsuccessfully (with Tom cumming too soon and Paul screaming in pain), and Paul had tried again his first year in LA with a TV star from his childhood. One of the first gigs Paul got after moving to Hollywood was a guest spot on a failed crime drama about a gay closeted cop and his drug addicted partner. The star playing the gay cop, ‘Bert’, was famous 10 years before for playing a wholesome dad, and he hoped he could redefine his image with the show. Paul played a male prostitute who witnessed a murder, was taken into protective custody and then sleep with the cop. Paul had had a crush on ‘Bert’ since he first saw him, and couldn’t believe that even at 40, he was still extremely well built and full of charm. After some long days filming sex scenes over and over, Bert noticed Paul getting excited while filming. Mortified, Paul apologized, but Bert told him it was no big deal and invited him to dinner to discuss his career. Paul was shocked when he arrived at Bert’s house when Bert answered the door naked. Bert offered Paul a drink while he got dressed, but Paul asked for some cock instead. Bert was all top, but Paul was starstruck, and decided to go for it when Bert told him he had some ghb that would help him relax and enjoy it. Within minutes of drinking it, Paul could barely stay conscious. Without any memory of how he got naked or upstairs, he found himself face down being roughly butt fucked by Bert. The pain was pretty severe since Bert didn’t use any lube, until he shot all over Paul’s hole. Too out of it to move, Bert said something about an encore and the next thing Paul knew, Bert was watching while a short buff, tattooed Latino forcefucked Paul’s stoned ass as well. After the ghb wore off, Bert tried to convince him to try some other stuff and stick around, but Paul politely declined while running out the door. His ads was sore for days after that, and ever since then, he’d only been a top.

Now he found himself envisioning Dick stuffing his giant monster cock into his tight hole, and started using magic markers and a plastic ladle handle on his hole when he was jerking off. He was almost ready to ask Mr. Carson to teach his hole a new trick, when Dick got some bad news. Turned out his Mother was ill and he had to run off cross country that night. Paul sucked him off before he left, and prayed for a hot substitute, but no such luck. Finally ready to get fucked, and the guy he wanted to ride was 1000 miles away.

That Friday, Paul was considering driving to the next town over for a shady internet hookup when he got a call from one of the students, frantic due to his laptop and thus, his entire film being stolen.

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Chapter 2

"Hello?" Paul answered curtly, annoyed that someone was calling his private line less than 6 hours into a 3-day weekend, also happening to be the exact moment he chose to start jerking off.

"Hi, I mean hello, sir, um, is this Paul, excuse me, is this Mr. Bishop?" The nervous teen voice at the other end of the call confirmed Paul's suspicion that one of the students was finally using the number they'd be given to invite him to some stupid high school bash or ask for an autograph.

"Who's asking?" Paul responded, trying to sound less upset than he was.

"This is Daniel Jacobs, sir. I am extremely sorry to call you this late," the boy sounded mortified, which melted Paul's anger a little, especially since the 'late' call was coming at only 9 pm. "but I am fu- um, in trouble Mr. Bishop. I was at the gym this afternoon and my locker was broken into, and my backpack with my laptop was stolen, and it had all of my finished footage from my project on it. Plus, I had just come straight from the editing lab at school, so all my back up disks and equipment were in it too. My teammates are freaking out, and I, well, I don't know what to do..."

Paul felt awful when he heard the quiver in the boy's voice that made it sound like he might break into tears. Thinking back, his voice made it seem that he may have ben crying before the call too, which immediately made Paul ashamed for the rude way he'd answered the call.

"ok, Daniel, right?" Paul asked in his softest, most calming voice.

"Yes sir." Daniel sniffed.

"First, calm down and take a deep breath. can you do that for me?" Paul waited until he heard the boy do as he asked. "Good, now don't panic, remember that I have copies of everything you've finished as of mid-week this week, so all you've lost is the stuff you hadn't edited yet... you did turn in your assigned deadline work this week, didn't you?"

Paul remembered that a few of the groups had been lazy about turning in stuff on time since Mr. Carson had left town, and he wondered if this boy was playing him somehow, creating a fake robbery to get an extension on the final deadline, when he or his teammates hadn't been doing the work required.

"Yeah, we did Mr. Bishop, you even screened some for the class the next day cause you liked our opening sequence so much, remember?" Daniel pointed out. Paul remembered the film now, and was positive the boy was on the level, since the film was one of the best in the school, and showed an immense amount of work by the team members. All he wondered was why he couldn't remember a boy named Daniel on the team, since he had taken some extra time for them that week.

"That was your film? Of course I remember it, you've all done an amazing job putting it together, I'm embarrassed to say I can't recall you being on the team Daniel." Paul admitted, hoping the boy wouldn't be more hurt than he already was.

"Oh sorry sir, that's my bad, the guys call me Dingo, so does Mr. Carson." Daniel, aka Dingo, said, and suddenly it dawned on Paul who the boy on the phone was. Paul had noticed Dingo from day one and often imagined it was his ass taking Paul's raw monster cock when he was jerking off. Dingo was taller than every other student participating in the project, standing almost 6' 10" tall, but was blessed not to have awkward bone structure or off-putting facial features as a lot of giant guys do. His perfectly formed bubble butt was always wrapped in baggy bball shorts, creating many opportunities for Paul to enjoy the view of it. The sight was enhanced with strong lanky muscles, smooth pale white skin, light blonde hair, crystal blue eyes and a smile to die for. He was captain of the basketball team, nicknamed due to his miraculous vertical jump shot, and had turned down multiple full ride offers from some serious ball schools in order to pursue his dream of attending USC film school to become a director. Dingo was one of the shunning stars in the magnet program and Paul knew he had to do whatever he could to make sure the boy got his wish. "does that ring a bell Mr. Bishop?"

"No one can forget you man, sorry if I was short when you answered, you caught me during.... something. Anyway, don't panic because I keep all the stuff you turn in and can easily get a copy to you this weekend Daniel, sorry, Dingo." Paul's cock was still fished out and began to harden again, imagining how grateful Daniel would be, not to mention his team, which consisted of two other young hot guys, and two somewhat attractive girls.

"I like when you call me Daniel sir, it seems more professional, like it will on my films." Daniel's voice was calmer now, and his tone suggested he was relieved. "Man you stopped me from having a heart attack, or being murdered by my group. I just wish I had sent a copy to my cloud when I finished it tonight, so we didn't have to re-film the last scene and edit it all over again."

"it's lucky you're ahead of schedule, I can get a copy of what I have tomorrow, and you'll have a week to finish up." Paul was stroking softly to Daniel's male team members' butts and faces floating in his mind.

"I couldn't possibly put you out any more sir. I feel terrible asking you as it is, but I’d feel much worse knowing you cancelled your weekend plans to save my butt,” Daniel protested making Paul smile, and stroke harder when he mentioned his butt.

“I appreciate the consideration, but based on the rest of your work, I am guessing you will use every possible second to get the ending exactly right. Besides, the only plans you’d be interrupting would be reading some screenplays my agent is sending me, since my girlfriend cancelled her visit this weekend.” Paul lied to reinforce the lie he’d fed the students on the first day about how his girlfriend would be flying out to see him on the weekends, which meant he wouldn’t have time to come to their parties or meet them for work sessions. This allowed him to gracefully decline invitations and subtly concrete the idea that he was straight as an arrow.

“Are you sure you’re not just being nice? Because I could really use the extra time, since we’re all going nuts trying to find replacement equipment and schedule the actors and everything.” Daniel was giving in, and Paul was starting to precum.

“I’m happy to help out anyway possible. In fact, I’ll bring over my camera and computer for you to use over the three day weekend. Then, on Tuesday, you’ll be able to finish using the school’s editing lab.” Paul said while trying to cover the growing excitement in his voice.

“You gotta be the nicest movie star in the whole world Mr. Bishop,” Daniel gushed. “My crew will be on their knees tomorrow when you arrive.”

That image almost made Paul explode. “What?”

“We’ll get on our knees and kiss your feet or build you a shrine or something. We’ll do anything you want to make up for this, Mr. Bishop, anything!” Daniel promised. The idea of the teen boys on their knees offering anything Paul wanted was too much and made Paul cum, covering his sculpted chest, even hitting him on the chin and lips. Paul had to let the phone drop to the couch cushion at this side and bite his lip so the boy didn’t hear him groan as he came. When the orgasm subsided, Paul whipped the phone to his ear. “…there Mr. Bishop? Hello?”

“I’m here Daniel, sorry, just dropped the phone for a moment. Why don’t you text me when and where you’ll be filming tomorrow and I’ll stop by with everything I have, okay?” Paul said, disguising his heavy breathing as best he could.

“I will sir, Thank you so much, and have a good night.” Daniel hung up, and Paul let himself breathe normally again. After he’d cleaned up the cum running over his firm pecs and pooling between his abs, he opened his briefcase and pulled out the materials the students had turned in that week, and popped in the dvd of Daniel’s group. Watching it now, after his conversation cause him to notice much more about the boy’s bodies and performances.

The film was about a family who invite a foreign exchange student into their home, never suspecting the boy is manipulating them with lies and misunderstandings, causing their secrets and insecurities to come out. He begins by getting each member of the family to confide in him, and then exposing their secrets to the others so they are all angry and untrusting of everyone but their foreign guest. He then works to corrupts the brother and sister, which the mother questions until he ‘accidentally’ leaves out his diary, explaining his deep commitment to his religion and his promise to save himself till marriage. With the father, he shows interest in his job and all the activities he loves, which the kids can’t stand, finding out the dad was once a compulsive gambler. With the parents thoroughly fooled, he bullies their teen son to sneak out to parties and clubs, making sure the parents discover and blame the son and not him. He even tries to take the blame, but they believe he is only trying to cover for the boy, which makes them even more confident that he is perfect. Meanwhile he seduces their daughter and convinces her to make love. Paul had stopped watching at this point before, since it was one of two dozen films he needed to watch, but continued now and couldn’t believe what he witnessed. In the next few scenes, the boy manages to get the mother to act on her desire for their next door neighbor, sets up the father to take up gambling again, and gets the daughter to invite over a friend for a threesome. The final scene they had edited features the son fighting with the student for getting him in trouble, but forgiving him when the foreign boy tells him he is sorry and cries over possibly losing the only friend he has in the world. When the son goes to comfort him, they end up kissing, which got Paul had as a rock once more, since the boys in the film were the two friends of Daniel’s. Before the action got good, the screen went dark, causing Paul to dive for his bag again, digging through it for a copy of the script they submitted.

Skimming until he got to the shot of the boys kissing, he read on to the next scene, in which the foreign exchange student is being dropped at the airport. As he hugs each of them goodbye, he turns back and hands the Father a film he’s made of his trip. When they get home the family watches in horror as the film goes from innocent shots of scenery and touristy places, to hidden camera views of each family member engaging in salacious acts. The daughter in the threesome, the father losing $12,000 at seedy bar, the mother beginning to undress with the neighbor before the lights go out, and the son drinking, smoking pot and finally sleeping with the student. A voice over comes in, with the foreign boy explaining his film’s purpose: to show the seedy side of middle-class America, calling it “Waking from the American Dream.” When the film-within-the-film ends, it reveals a college professor watching it in his office, while the foreign boy sits across from him, interviewing for entry to a film school. The professor puts the foreign boy on the wait list, obviously upsetting him for a second, before he composes himself, thanks the professor and leaves. The professor is then seen packing up and leaving for the night, driving home and going inside, where this filming switches to a shot from outside his window. Once he kisses his wife, the professor sneaks into a desk drawer and takes a swig from a bottle. The voice over begins again “Subject hides a drinking habit from wife and faculty, corroding their relationship and impairing his ability to do his job. Our goul? To expose his deceit, dissolve his marriage, disqualify his tenure, and ensure his replacement with someone who recognizes and admits brilliant applicants. Watch his destruction in ‘Waking the American Dream, part two.’

Paul loved the rest of the script and couldn’t wait to see Daniel and his friends complete the last few scenes. He made up his mind as he drove to their film site the next morning that he’d stick around for a while and watch them get to it. When he arrived, he was happy to see they were all set up to film the scene with the family watching the film. Daniel ran out of the house with his two male teammates, who played the foreign exchange student and the son, to help carry in the equipment Paul brought, even though it all fit in one box.

“Thanks again, Mr. Bishop, you’re saving our lives. By the way, these are my co-producers and two of the actors in the movie, Steve and Justin.” Paul shook their hands and let them carry in the box containing the camera, tripod and laptop.

“Nice to meet you guys, and call me Paul, it feels like I’m someone’s dad when you call me Mr. Bishop.” The boys all laughed, a little more than was necessary, obviously excited to be getting some private attention from someone they thought of as famous. Justin and Steve went inside and started to set up, while Daniel and I followed and went over their schedule for the day.

“We just have the one scene to film here at Steve’s house which should only take an hour or so, then we’re headed to Justin’s dad’s work which we set up last night to look like the airport in one of the hallways. Then we’ll shoot in his office, which we tried to make look like a professor’s office, before we head to my parents’ mountain house to shoot the final scene and do some reshoots around the Jacuzzi to look like a party, since we lost all the stuff we shot at the real party two weeks ago. If absolutely necessary we can finish up any reshoots or ADR on Sunday and have all day Monday to edit so we can just do the opening and closing credits on the machines at school.” Daniel was totally focused as he explained the plan, almost eliciting a chuckle from Paul if he didn’t think it would have made Daniel crazy wondering what he was doing wrong. In truth, Daniel’s attitude and vision reminded Paul of some of the directors he’d worked with back in LA. The humorous part was comparing the memories of those short, balding, hairy men, to this muscular Nordic demigod.

Inside, Paul met the two girls on the team, who played the daughter and her friend, as well as being in charge of the sound and lighting. There were also two boys from the basketball team who volunteered to help by holding the boom, and operating the camera, and the actors who played the father and mother, who turned out to be Steve’s actual dad, and his Aunt who taught acting at the university an hour away. It was too bad that she didn’t have the class of the students from school, as she spent every second they weren’t filming trying to convince Paul to take a look at her reel or come speak with her class. Finally, as much as he enjoyed watching Daniel film, Paul couldn’t take any more of the woman’s incessant jabbering, and snuck out in the middle of a scene.

From his rented car, Paul texted Daniel how great it looked, and to call if he needed any more help, before heading back to his rented house and spending a couple hours looking at the films from start to finish. Once he’d managed to get that done, he started feeling bored and, unable to read the screenplays from his agent, since they were on the laptop he’d left with the crew, he wandered the house looking for something to do. Finally he ended up doing laundry and drinking a cape cod made from some smooth vodka he’d been sent as a thank you from a car company for whom he’d recorded some voice over tracks for their commercials. He was about to make a second when his phone rang.

“Mr. Bishop? It’s Dingo, sir.” Daniel said, sounding almost as panicked as he had the night before.

“I told you to call me Paul, Daniel. What’s the problem?” Paul said, anticipating something terrible had befallen his laptop or camera.

“It’s our schedule Paul, one of the actors had to run out of town for the holiday and didn’t call to tell us until about 10 minutes ago.” Daniel’s speech was getting faster as he went on. “We have sent out texts and calls to all the guys who could play him, even called a few women thinking we could make him a girl, but everyone who we can find has already been in the movie as somebody.”

“Which part is it?” Paul said, wondering who they could possibly need to film that could be either sex.

“A professor who interviews Bashir, our main character,” Daniel explained, “in a pivotal scene which shows the audience the point of Bashir’s behavior. He also has a few more shots in the”

“I read the script,” Paul cut him off. “The Professor is crucial to your plot, can’t one of your parents play him?”

“You read it? Really? What did you think?” Daniel suddenly switched gears, totally awed that Paul had taken the time to read the script.

“Yes, really, and it was very well put together, but stay focused Daniel, what about a parent?” Paul smiled as he said this, enjoying the boy’s idolatry of him, but trying to stay on task.

“Right, parents, no. All of our parents have been in it as teachers and neighbors and waiters and stuff and they all have little lines. We tried calling Mr. Carson, but he told us he won’t be back from visiting his Mom till Monday night or Tuesday. The guy who was playing it was a friend of my Aunt’s from her Improv troupe, but he only did it cause we were gonna pay him $100 for the afternoon of filming.”

“$100 for a student film? This guy was ripping you off!” Paul got angry about the sleazy improve guy, but also over reacted a little since he had hoped Dick would be back before then so they could spend a day screwing. “Tell you what, gimme 30 minutes and I’ll provide a person to fill the role, ok?”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Bish-, I mean Paul,” Daniel answered sounding like a kid hearing he gets to go to Disney world. “Just tell whoever it is to bring a suit coat and button up shirt if he can and we’ll provide everything he needs.”

“Will do,” Paul smirked, forming a plan. “No guarantees on his acting abilities though.”

“No problem, any one will do,” Daniel responded, obviously splitting his focus between the call and the film crew so they’d be ready. “We can edit his scene to no lines if we have to. See you soon.”

Paul pulled into the parking lot of the office 25 minutes later. He walked in, carrying a garment bag over one shoulder, running the lines in his head after memorizing them on the fly. He got off the elevator at the 9th floor as the text directed him to, and saw the high schoolers bustling around an open office door just down the hall.

“Where do you want me?” Paul startled them with his question.

“Anywhere you want to watch, Paul,” Daniel said, crossing to shake his hand again. “Where is the guy?”

“You’re looking at him,” Paul responded, watching as each of their faces turned from shocked to ecstatic.

“No shit?!?!” Justin shouted out, pushing past Daniel to Paul.

“Justin!” One of the girls screamed. “Don’t say shit in front of Paul Bishop!”

Paul laughed and told him not to worry about it, asking where he should get changed. Daniel directed him down the hall, giving his teammates a dirty look before showing Paul a private washroom where he could change and put on makeup.

“Sorry, they’ve been super stressed since we found out all the work we have to re-do.” Daniel continued talking, sitting on an arm chair in the bathroom, showing no plans to give Paul any privacy while he got ready. “It is a huge relief knowing you’ll be doing the final scene for us Paul. If the others had known I bet they’d have stuck around to help.”

“I noticed it was down to the five of you on the team, what happened to the volunteers basketball guys and Steve’s dad and Aunt?” Paul asked nonchalantly, while stripping off his shirt and shoes.

“They were tired of waiting around,” Daniel turned his eyes down to avoid glaring at Paul, but occasionally snuck peeks at Paul’s tight physique. “so we figured we could finish things here and at the Professor’s house, since the scenes only feature two people, and I sent them home,”

“Smart move,” Paul paused to talk just as he’d finished sliding the shirt over his bare shoulders, before unbuckling and pushing down his jeans, leaving him in white designer briefs. “You want to tell me how we will be shooting the scene?”

“What? Oh yeah, sure.” The high school boy’s eye were no longer discreet as they worked over Paul’s buff legs, full package and up his cut abs. He reviewed the shooting plan, including which angles would be shot and with what lenses and angles, while Paul finally pulled on some slacks, buttoned and tucked in his light green oxford, and pulled on his grey silk suit coat. At that point, Daniel got one of the girls to come in and do Paul’s makeup(which turned into Paul giving her a lesson in proper application), while Justin ran the lines.

Two hours and a dozen takes later, they’d shot the scene from 5 angles, some close up, some two-fers, and even some impressive shots from above and out the window. Overall, they all felt they’d learned a lot from Paul’s expertise, and Paul was impressed with their creativity and willingness to learn. They completed with some random footage of Paul locking up the office and going to his car (which was actually a very nice Jag owned by one of the girl’s grandfathers). From there they drove the jag onto a trailer attached to the back of Steve’s Father’s truck, which had a tripod secured in the bed to film the car’s drive to the ’professor’s house.’ Paul was amazed they had thought of something so elaborate, and was really wowed when they explained that they’d simultaneously be filming from a cell cam in a following car for the creepy footage. They drove about 45 minutes to the house, getting plenty of footage, while Paul “drove” the jag with Daniel hidden in the backseat, communicating by cell with the other two vehicles. He felt bad that the 6’10” guy had to spend the 25 minutes bent in half, but didn’t mind once he adjusted the rear view to see Daniel’s ass.

At the house, they pulled the Jag off the trailer, did two shots of Paul pulling it into the drive. The final shots were all done with the cell cam, to reinforce the idea they were shot by “Bashir,” and involved nothing more than one long continuous shot of Paul walking in the house, kissing one of the girls (who wore a wig), waiting for her to leave the room, pulling out a bottle, taking a swig, pouring some into a can of coke, and sitting on the couch and drinking. Paul liked this kind of filming since it let him sit and drink over and over, especially when he found out the bottle was a real bottle of Johnny Walker Black. When they finished, and the girls ran out the door to make it back to town to meet some friends, Paul was feeling the liquor enough to make him give each one a huge hug before they left. Daniel asked Paul to watch the footage they’d shot, while he, Steve and Justin went out and took apart the set up in the truck before it got too dark. Everything he saw impressed him, some of it so much, that he pointed out specific shots to the boys when they got back in. When he finished discussing it with them, he realized it had been almost 80 minutes since they’d shot the final scene.

Paul, slowly sobering, knew the boys still needed to film some of the party scenes, so he decided to get out of their hair, until he realized his street clothes, cell phone, and wallet were locked in his car, 45 away at the office building. As they set up for the party, he pointed out his situation and asked to borrow a phone to call a cab.

“Oh crap Paul,” Daniel said, stepping in to apologize. “I totally forgot you didn’t drive here. Give me one second to tell the guys where to set up, and I’ll drive you back myself.”

“Don’t stop working to do that,” Paul stopped him. “You guys are so close to being done, just finish the filming and I’ll catch a cab.”

“A cab would take at least half an hour to get here,” Steve interjected, setting up some lights on the deck by the Jacuzzi. “and it will cost a fortune to drive you back to the office.”

“Yeah, plus Rick is on his way with the party supplies,” Justin added, tossing empty solo cups into the Jacuzzi and around the deck. “He’d be happy to drive you back into town.”

“Rick?” Paul asked, turning to Daniel, worried about having a strange guy acting as his chauffer, leading any number of outcomes, from benign annoying celebrity worship to crazy stalker kidnapping.

“Steve’s brother who’s in town from college for the long weekend,” Daniel explained while setting up the tripod. “He has some stuff he is dropping off here for us, and agreed to stay here tonight and tomorrow night so we can stay and work without our parents around to interrupt. If you’d rather not catch a ride from some guy you’ve never met, you can take my truck and Rick can drive me down tomorrow to pick it up.”

“I think I’ll wait to meet Rick,” Paul said, leaning in to Daniel. “But I might take you up on that if he’s nuts.”

They laughed and Paul shed his jacked and went to the powder room to wash off his makeup. When he re-emerged, the guys were filming a party scene which looked pathetic since only Steve and Justin were in the shot. Paul stepped in, insisting Daniel join them, and then using lots of trick angles and close ups to make it look like more people. After a few short bits, Paul sniffed a cup that one of the guys had been drinking from, and recognized the smell of the Johnny Walker.

“You guys really drinking?” Paul asked, stopping the boys in their tracks. They all began stuttering a response when Paul laughed. “It’s cool guys, just be careful and don’t ever tell anyone I was here when you did, okay?”

The guys agreed, and they filmed a few more takes of “bashir” forcing “the son” to take shots or encouraging him to smoke some weed. They paused when the doorbell rang and Daniel went inside to show Rick to the back deck.

“…traffic getting’ up her was murder Dingo,” Rick sauntered out in front of Daniel. “Took me a fuckin’ hour and 15 to get here bro. You guys start the party without me?” He laughed and turned to meet Paul’s gaze, which made his eyes grow HUGE.

“Holy shit, you’re…you’re…fuck! You’re that dude from that show man!” Rick grabbed Paul’s hand and pulled him in for a bro hug, not letting go. “Fuckin’ a, these shitheads told me they had a famous teacher but you’re for real!”

“Thanks man,” Paul said as he pushed Rick off, as nicely as he could. “Steve says you’re his brother Rick, right?”

“Yeah man, shit!” Rick continued freakin out a little, before turning to his brother and the other two guys. “You didn’t tell me you invited Hollywood elite, or I’d have brought more shit!.”

“His name is Paul Bishop, Rick,” Daniel said, trying to get Rick to calm down. “He’s been helping us finish this one thing then he’s gonna head back to town in my truck.”

“Aw seriously Dingo?” Rick looked crestfallen. “You gotta stay for some a drink and smoke, Mr. Bishop.” He pulled his backpack off and brought out a pipe already loaded with weed. The boys all looked horrified, which made Paul laugh since he had no intention of stopping their fun on a holiday weekend.

“I’m so sorry Paul,” Daniel quickly pushed past Rick while Steve stepped up to take the pipe and stuff it back in Rick’s bag.

“No big deal guys,” Paul smiled. “In fact I would be down to smoke some before I go.”

“See he’s cool,” Rick said, pulling the pipe back out and lighting it up. He took a huge hit and coughed as it came out. In a show of good faith, with one eye on the camera to be sure it was off, Paul took the pipe from him and took a hit himself, controlling it so no coughing occurred.

“Gangsta!” Rick proclaimed, slapping Paul’s hand and bumping his fist while Paul passed the pipe to the others. “Lets get in the fuckin cuzzi and finish this bowl.”

With that, he ditched his coat, and cap revealing a closely trimmed head of honey colored hair, around his handsome very defined bone structure. Off came the shirt, showing his ripped, though skinny chest, covered in a well groomed layer of hair, and a tattoo across his right arm of some cheesy barb wire design. Suddenly he tore down his board shorts, leaving him in some grey cotton boxer briefs, which Paul purposefully didn’t check out while Rick hopped in the water.

“We still have to film some more drinking and smoking shots,” Daniel objected, when Justin and Steven began to follow suit.

“Let’s film it in the Jacuzzi,” Justin shot back, stripping off his button down short sleeved shirt and undershirt to reveal a trim but undefined chest with a dusting of dark black hair leading from his belly button to his waistband. His skin was somewhere between olive and brown, leaving Paul to guess that he was of Mediterranean descent. His black slacks came down revealing dark green boxers and hairy legs. “It makes more sense that way when there are less people in the shot.”

“Plus it’s fucking hot out here,” Steve argued as his polo came up over his head full of curls the same color as his brother’s. His chest was slightly thicker than rick’s but he was also defined and covered in hair, but it was less groomed and more wild, with some curl across his upper chest. His khakis hit the deck, providing a clear view of his white boxer-briefs. “You want to join us, Paul?”

Daniel’s eyes turned to look at Paul, and Paul tried to gauge whether they were asking for permission to do it or permission to stop it. Unable to decide, Paul began unbuttoning his shirt and toeing off his black loafers. Daniel sighed and pulled off his ball cap, before peeling away his polo, then his white wifebeater. Paul pretended to be looking at the buttons on his shirt while check out Daniel’s tall, slim, smooth buff body. Most guys that tall are so skinny it looks painful, but Daniel obviously worked like made to have thick arms and pecs. They were still developing, but Daniel was not ashamed of them. Paul decided to be brave, and shucked his slacks, showing off his perfectly fitted white briefs, before stepping into the hot tub. All eyes fell on Daniel who loosened the belt on his jeans, sliding them down his slim but manly hairless legs. He was wearing some basketball shorts, with a slight waistband of some sort of undies peeking out above them, but he got in wearing both, to Paul’s disappointment.

They passed the pipe and drank beer and whiskey while Rick admired and commented on how ripped and toned Paul was, which led to Paul describing his workout routine to them. After the second bowl was finished and they’d filmed plenty of shots of each of them drinking and smoking, Paul hopped out to put the camera far enough away to keep it from getting wet.

“Damn Paul, what do you do to get your ass like that bro,” Rick said, digging through his bag for something. “Cause that shit is as round as any bitch I’ve ever seen.” The guys all laughed, and Paul hopped back in, ignoring the question. Without provocation or permission, Justin reached over and ran his hand down Paul’s abs, telling them all they had to try it. Paul was surprised when Daniel was next, letting his hand go from the nipple down to the waist of the white briefs.

“That’s television abs, but feel the real deal,” Daniel flexed his stomach, and Paul and the others all took their turn. Somehow they ended up each feeling everyone else from tit to treasure trail, before Rick finally focused, reached back in his bag and pulled out a funny looking pipe and a baggie Paul figured must have been coke.

“Who’s down to kick this shit up a notch,” Rick said, smiling and shaking the baggie. “You game tv star? Or too chicken shit?”

“Not chicken shit, but not into coke bro,” Paul responded, “but I won’t judge if anyone else wants to.”

“It’s not coke, tv.” Rick pointed to the pipe, “this is crystal. But whatever, more for me and my bros. Who wants to get spun with me?”

The guys all looked at him silently.

“Make up your minds,” Rick stood and stepped out of the tub, revealing the outline of a semi hard lump snaking down his right thigh to a thick head in his wet, darker undies. “but I’m loading this over on the deck lounges if anyone is up for it.”

As he walked over, Paul turned to the boys expecting them to stay put. He was unprepared for Daniel to shout “wait up,” and go to follow. The other two rose to join, and Paul gave in. He was grateful for all the booze and pot, because his dick would have been hard as a rock otherwise. As it turns out, he had nothing to hide, since Justin’s boxer’s tented impressively and Steve’s white boxer briefs became see through, showing his almost fully hard 7 inch cut duck tucked across his right thigh. Daniel’s short effectively obscured anything going on his groin, but Paul figured he was probably in a similar predicament as his two hs buds.

When they sat around an unlit firepit, Daniel flipped the switch, turning it on, and then pulled the extension cord on the lights they’d used to light the filming, leaving them with only some inside lights bleeding through the glass doors and the fire light. Steve sat next to Rick on the porch swing, with Justin on a lounge chair next to them, so Paul took a seat next to Daniel on the other lounge he’d turned sideways so they could both face the fire.

Daniel seemed even bigger when they were almost naked and sitting in low light, making Paul feel as though he couldn’t speak without leaning all the way into the center over the pit for the others to hear and see him.

Rick had poured a good size pile of little crystals into the clear glass in his hand, and lit it before inhaling, waiting for the rocks to melt. When he finally had them smoking, he inhaled long and deep, and told Steve to open his mouth, kissing his brother and shotgunning the smoke into his lungs.

“Jesus,” Justin said shouting but at half the volume. “Nice tongue action, fags.”

“Fuck you lesbo,” Steve said, punching Justin’s bicep. His voice also low, as if dimming the lights lowered the volume as well. “It saves smoke, haven’t you ever shot gunned before?”

Justin shook his head, so Steve lit the pipe and motioned for Justin to do the same thing he’d done. Their shotgun had much less contact, proving Rick and Steve had more experience doing it and didn’t mind sharing a little spit if it meant a bigger hit. Justin took a hit, which Steve had to light for him, and coughed before he could turn to either Steve or Daniel with a shotgun, blowing out stiff clouds of white smoke. He handed Daniel the pipe, and Daniel hit it like a pro, no need to have Rick or Steve show him how. He didn’t offer to shotgun Justin or Paul, instead blowing a steady white stream straight across the fire to Steve’s place on the swing. He handed Paul the pipe, who handed it to Rick without taking a hit.

“Come on Paul,” Daniel said, breaking the smoke silence. “Let us get you high. It’s the least we can do after all the ways you saved our asses today.”

“Thanks but you gotta remember how many people watch me like a hawk,” Paul put up his hands as Rick tried to pass it back to him. “If you guys try this shit, you only have to hide it from your parents. If I try it, I have to hide it from the world.”

“No one here is gonna tell anyone,” Daniel said, grabing the pipe from Rick and taking the lighter to the round end. “We could all lose our futures at college, not to mention go to jail, if we did. Just do it tonight.”

Before Paul could refuse again, Daniel put the stem to Paul’s lips and told him to inhale. As if he was a dog, he did it without thought, inhaling until his lungs were so full he thought he’d burst, when Daniel moved the pipe away and told him to exhale, placing his full pink lips just a hair from Paul’s. Paul shot gunned into Daniel’s mouth, desperate to follow the smoke with his tongue, but holding back instead to pull back and watch as Daniel repeated the exhale with a load as big as the one he’d taken first hand.

“Fucking epic man,” Rick added, taking a huge hit and then turning and shot-gunning it into Paul’s mouth, but making full contact with their lips. After that they kept the circle going, sometimes shot-gunning, sometimes not. Paul lost track of how many hits he took, and began aching for the pipe to be back in his mouth. They decided to return to the hot tub after Rick loaded the pipe for the third time. When they stood to walk over, Daniel, Steve and Justin started a tweaker conversation about the film, but Rick grabbed Paul and held him back to keep smoking. They took some hits and Paul asked Rick what got him into Crystal.

“Tina is the preferred name,” Rick said, lighting another rock in the bowl. “I started about a year ago after I joined this frat at school. Some of the guys sold it on the side to make some dough, so I tried it out. That’s how I ended up fucking around with dudes too.”

Paul coughed. “*coughcough* you *cough*…you’re gay?”

“Nah bro,” Rick said taking another hit. “I just fuck around with guys sometimes when I get spun. Gay dudes get the best shit. Steve knows I suck dick sometimes or cornhole the occasional fag to get some good shit. I had to ride this huge ass cock last week to get my hands on this stuff, but my bro doesn’t know I’ve done that, ok man?”

Paul Nodded, and took another big hit, shot gunning with Rick, and letting Rick kiss him a little after.

“He also don’t know I let his drama teacher, Mr. Carson, use my holes sometimes. That dude fucks like it’s his job, and gets the best shit I’ve ever smoked.” Rick was openly stroking his cock through his wet boxer-briefs when he wasn’t smoking, and Paul could feel his own hard cock expanding inside his white briefs. He couldn’t tell if he was hardening from watching the 20-yr-old next to him or because his regular fuck buddy was a perverted tweaking top who traded drugs for straight ass.

“Damn Rick, aren’t you freaked someone will find out?” Paul said pulling back from a shotgun that had gone from smoke to making out.

“Sometimes, so I always make sure the dudes I play with have as much to lose or more than I do. Plus I’ve gotten used to taking big cocks when I party, and I am not sure I wanna give it up. Speaking of which, once the jailbait goes inside to edit their film, I’d trade my left nut to have your big ass dick in my hole in the Jacuzzi.” Paul jumped a little as Rick began stroking his cock through his white briefs. It took no time at all for Paul to double check they couldn’t be seen from the hot tub, before he returned the favor, reaching into the grey boxer brief pouch to stroke Rick’s 7 cut inches. Rick moaned softly, reaching his other hand around and under the waistband to grope Paul’s cheeks, with the rare swipe of a finger in between to tease his hole. Paul grunted each time the finger made contact, and Rick smiled, working Paul’s briefs down below his stiff, dripping hard 8 inches, and under his bubble butt. Paul returned the favor and moved both hands around to finger Rick in earnest. Rick let Paul slide his finger all the way in, but took the hint to only tease the outer ring when he tried to reciprocate and Paul’s cheeks squeezed shut. So on they went before Paul went for another hit and Rick pulled his hands away and reached to the bag of tina on the swing.

“You wanna get really high and fuck like nothing you’ve ever tried,” Rick whispered, opening the baggie and fishing out two larger crystals. “Just slide this up your ass and wait for it to melt. It’s called a booty bump.”

Paul watched with anticipation as Rick returned his finger to Paul’s rear, this time pushing the shard of tina past the sphincter and deep inside on the first shove. Paul whimpered, but willed himself to stay put. Rick handed him a shard of equal size and Paul repeated the action, only getting a moan of pleasure from Rick. Once they were sure the crystals were in place they went back to stroking one another and smoking the bowls. After about five more minutes, Paul forgot to stroke the dick and instead began rubbing Rick’s chest and ass between hits. This led to the two of them sinking back onto the swing and feeling each other all over and making out. They started to get in position for Rick to lay back and get fucked, when they heard a splash of people getting out of the water, and hurried to get their underwear back on all the way before Steve rounded the corner.

“Stop boring Paul with stories of your glory days in the high school musicals,” Steve told his brother. “and come share the goods with the group.”

Rick and Paul got up to head back, and Paul was pleasantly surprised to find his cock had gone soft, as had Rick’s. He remarked on it and Rick told him Tina sometimes did that, but not to worry, it would get hard later when it needed to. They went back to the Jacuzzi and hopped in, Rick loading a new bowl and passing it around. He also provided a bottle of ghb that each of them took a small amount of. For a while they just sat in the hot tub and chatted about the film before somebody questioned why Daniel didn’t just play the professor, since he hadn’t acted in the film at all.

“You know Dingo can’t be on screen man,” Steve said after a big hit. “We don’t have a wide-angle lens.” This got laughter from Justin and Rick, and a confused look from Paul.

“You know why he’s called Dingo, right tv star?” Rick said, shot gunning with Paul, before Paul shook his head yes. “Not the bullshit basketball reason, but the real reason?”

“It’s cause he’s got a Dingo in his shorts and that thing will drag you in and devour you whole if you get it angry!” Steve interrupted, and He, Justin and Rick all erupted in even louder laughs, which Paul couldn’t help but join in on. Daniel was even chuckling.

“You gotta see it Paul,” Justin said, “go on and whip it out for Paul, Dingo.”

“Nah man, no one wants to see that shit,” Daniel scoffed and splashed Justin.

“I do,” Rick volunteered. “I’ve been hearing about this shit for years and you never prove it. I bet he’s got an apple dick, you know, big dick, no stem.” This got a laugh from all of us, which didn’t last long.

“Oh yeah bitch?” Daniel stood up and pulled down his shorts revealing a pair of Joe boxer bikini briefs with a bulge running half way down his extra long thigh. “Meet the dingo!’

With that, he pulled the side of the bikini’s away and out sprung a good nine inch uncut pink cock, that even soft was as thick as a can of soup. The entire group went quiet, while Daniel smiled, lifted it up, smacked Rick across the cheek and lips, tucked it back in and sat down.

The laughter that followed made each of the almost hyperventilate, and when they’d calmed down, it was decided they’d better go inside. Rick stopped Paul again, and they each took another, bigger slug off the bottle of g before following the teens.

Once they were out of the pool, Daniel tossed towels to each of them and directed Steve, Rick and Justin to use the downstairs showers while he showed Paul to the master bath and used the other upstairs shower himself. Paul was incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t going to get to use Rick’s hole yet, but he consoled himself by stripping nude and climbing into the hot steam shower, sitting down on the stone bench, and jerking himself to hardness, while working a finger in his tight ass. Frustratingly, he found his dick didn’t want to get all the way hard, his head was spinning from the ghb and his butt was hungry for more than just his finger. Hoping out of the shower, Paul toweled off and swerved into the attached Master bedroom, going through drawers and closets before discovering a black dildo about 8 inches long and pretty wide. He ran back to the bathroom, poured oil over it and moved onto the bed. Stroking his stiffening cock, he lowered his hole over the wide dick but couldn’t get his hole to open enough to take it. He cursed slightly, imagining Dick Carson named below him and tried again, still with no luck. He added more oil, and tried a third time, just as Daniel burst in with a pair of shorts for Paul to wear. The shock caused Paul to lose his balance and fall, impaling himself on the first four inches of cock, causing him to scream.

Daniel began to apologize, but instead of leaving, he turned around, locked the bedroom door and walked over to wear Paul had fallen back on the bed and was groaning.

“I prayed for your ass Mr. Bishop.” Daniel said before grabbing Paul’s legs and folding them back over his torso till his knees hit the bedspread next to his ears.

“AAAAhhhh, dammit Daniel, that hurt, what are you doing?” Paul whimpered, trying to move away but with no leverage to go anywhere.

“I’m gonna help get this thing out, so don’t move sir.” Daniel put his body over Paul’s holding his legs back, freeing his hands to take the oil from next to them on the bed, and reach down to start pulling out the big black dildo. Paul started to scream again so Daniel covered his mouth with his own, forcing his lips to meet and meld with Paul’s. “There now it’s almost…OUT!”

The head popped out and for a moment Paul floated between consciousness and passing out. When his senses returned he looked down to the space between his legs and Daniel’s impossibly long torso to view the same monstrous cock he’d seen in the hot tub, now four inches longer, red as the devil and pulsing with each heart beat.

“Oh God,” Paul cried, sure that he would die if Daniel fucked him with that beast. “You can’t do this to me Daniel. You’ll kill me. Please I’m not gay and I’ve never been fucked.”

“Mr. Bishop, right now I don’t care.” Daniel moved his crotch forward until the dick head smeared the oil against the hole. “I’ve never been inside anyone before. Not a mouth, not a pussy, nothing. So tonight you’re taking all of me, and I’m sorry. Try to relax, they say it makes it easier.”

The next thing Paul felt was the thick cock of a high school boy as the head worked past his sphincter and inched up and up until it reached the second barrier. With a grunt and a thrust, Daniel pushed past that one too, causing Paul to pass out. That relaxed his hole just a little more allowing Daniel to continue until almost all of daniel’s cock was inside Paul’s butt. Just as he felt his big balls and light layer of blonde pubes rub against Paul’s ass, someone knocked on the door.

“Hey Paul, you in there man?” Rick called from the hallway.

“He’s still in the bathroom Rick,” Daniel called out. “We’re just discussing the film. How about going down to the family room and turning on some music or something till we are ready to join you dudes?”

“Sounds good man,” Rick said, heading to the stairs. Daniel looked down to see Paul coming to below him, making his anal cavity start to twitch and tighten. Paul opened his eyes just as the loud music began to float up to them on the bed.

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Bishop.” Daniel repeated one last time before slowly removing his cock all the way except for the head and then pushing it back in. At first it was as if Paul was being pulled apart and pushed into a tiny ball at the same time, pain overloading his nerves until he could no longer struggle. Once he gave in, he began experiencing something like the start of an orgasm, but not just in his cock, but everywhere in his groin and ass. Two minutes and some faster thrusts and the orgasm was building. Two more minutes and Paul was throwing his head back as ass-gasm after ass-gasm racked his toned, perfect form. It took less than ten minutes before Daniel lost all control, made half a dozen powerful fucks and realized what was happening.

“Sorry Mr. Bishop, but I can’t hold it, I gotta shoot. I gotta shoot. I’m…I’M…FUCK!” The cum rocketed so hard out of Daniel’s dick that, combined with the pulsing of his shaft against Paul’s prostate, and the teen abs rubbing his dick, Paul had a real orgasm and sprayed them both, all over. It seemed to take hours and be done in seconds at the same time, but neither pulled apart when it was finished. They kissed and Daniel released Paul’s hands, which let Paul feeling the body above his. He was still spinning from the tina and G, but managed one coherent word.

“More.” Paul whispered before grasping Daniel’s butt cheeks and pulling his hips against him. Daniel obliged, taking 15 minutes the second time, and enjoying the extra lube his first load offered him. Paul was overwhelmed and passed out when Daniel had orgasm number two. So Daniel pulled a blanket over Paul’s well-used, chiseled body, shining from pools of cum in the dim light from the bathroom. Daniel got off the bed, put on his shorts and went downstairs to join his pals.

When Paul awoke in the dark room, he felt the tongue pressing against his hole, and happily discovered it had retightened. He wanted to reach for Daniel and pull him back up to fuck him some more, but something had his hands pinned. He moved against the restraints, realizing they were hands.

“Shit, he’s waking up,” Rick whispered from behind his head. “If you wanna lose that cherry bro, you better put it in now.”

Paul panicked as Steven popped into the beam of light provided by the bathroom, and winced as he felt the boy ram in all seven thick cut inches at once. His hole may have had some lube from Daniel’s cum, and was stretched by it as well, but it was still new to this experience and fought and grasped the dick at each opportunity. He felt something burning along the dick, and realized it burned the same way when he’d had a booty bump before on the deck. Steven didn’t use any of the gentle thrusts Daniel had used, instead he was full throttle from the start. It only took five minutes before he added his load to Paul’s ass, but it felt like an eternity to Paul who was now much more aware and knew that his mouth was stuffed full of something to keep him quiet.

Steven sweat and huffed and he pulled away, replaced by Justin almost before Paul could take a breath. Just had a shorter dick, around 6 inches, also cut, but it was as thick as Daniel’s. He power fucked Paul just as Steven did, but he’d go all the way in and out each time, making Paul scream into his gag everytime the thick brown head of his dick slammed back into the asshole. Luckily Justin was the fastest yet, breeding Paul after three minutes. When he finished, he slapped Paul and laughed.

Paul had very little fight left, which worked out well for Rick. Rick had his brother come hold Paul’s hands while he used his 7 and a half inch cut cock to make love to Paul’s hole. Paul began to enjoy the fuck so much that his cock got hard again.

“Get your mouth on his dick little bro,” Rick ordered, grabbing his brother’s curls and forcing his head down to Paul’s cock.

“Ew, no way Ricky,” Steve fought and pulled as much as he could while his brother held him by his hair. “that shit if for faggots.”

“You want me to show Mom and Dad the pictures of you getting sucked by that boy from your film class? Then you suck his dick and swallow his cum.” Rick’s blackmail did the trick, and Paul’s cock grew in the boy’s mouth. Some thrusts from behind and a little tongue and Paul began shooting down the boy’s throat. Rick followed right behind him, pumping load four into Paul before collapsing on his brother’s head and making his bro lick his cock clean.

They argued about something as they left the room, Justin snickering and following after our into the dim hallway.

A sound came from the opposite corner and Paul focused enough to lift his head. He could just make out a form in a chair, holding something with a blinking red light. As the form stood up, Paul could see it had to be Daniel based on the height and frame. As Daniel stepped into the light from the bathroom, the thing in his hand was revealed as a camera.

“Sorry to do this, but it is my insurance that you won’t tell anyone what we did once you leave.” Daniel explained as he set the camera on the dresser by the bed. “I didn’t mean to force myself on you like that, but I to have that ass, you understand?”

“You can’t keep that tape, you have to destroy it,” Paul sat up, and felt woozy still. They must have given him more ghb as well as the booty bumps.

“I can’t Paul. It’s my insurance.” Daniel lit the pipe and put it to Paul’s lips. As upset as he was, he was desperate for the high like before, so he took a giant hit, and didn’t fight Daniel as he kissed him and sucked down the smoke too. “Not just insurance that you won’t tell, but insurance that I will get to do it again.”

Paul heard the last part too late, as Daniel pushed him back, turned him onto his stomach and pinned his hands before inserting his cock once more. Paul screamed and screwed his eyes shut for the first few thrusts, opening them to find Rick holding the pipe for him to smoke. As Daniel took his time and raped Paul in every position he could, Rick kept Paul busy with either the pipe or his dick in Paul’s mouth. When the sun started to peek in through the curtains, Daniel had shot twice more inside his ass, and Rick had cum once in his mouth and once all over his face, all on camera. Paul tried to think of a way out of this without ruining his career or destroying his reputation, but kept coming up empty handed and asking for more tina.

Coming soon

Chapter 3: Dick Carson returns, The films are screened, Paul goes back to Hollywood

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