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Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?


Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?  

864 members have voted

  1. 1. Poz Guys - Do You Like Being Poz?

    • I LOVE Being Poz
    • Yeah, Sorta - but there are some negatives
    • Not Really - the negatives outweigh the positives
    • I HATE Being Poz

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If you didn't bareback much before testing poz, it's likely you became infected through "safe sex". Safe sex is 10 to 20 times safer than bareback. So if you had safe sex 100 times, that's the equivalent of 5 to 10 bareback encounters...

"It only takes one encounter" applies to safe sex as well as bareback.

AFAIK that is not quite correct. To the best of my knowledge, the "10 to 20 times safer" statistic refers to the sex guys who say that they always practice safer sex have in REAL LIFE. Which often isn't really all that safe. Wrong condom size, using decade-old rubbers, condoms get lost in the ass, or drunken encounters without rubbers are conveniently omitted etc..

If one practices safer sex the way it is meant to be (e.g. using right-sized condoms, replacing them regularly during a prolonged session, staying sober enough to know what you're doing etc.), safer sex is actually pretty safe.

It's a question one can only answer for oneself. If someone had been strict about safer sex, then it is HIGHLY unlikely one becomes infected through safer sex. The "it just takes one" mantra doesn't apply then. If anything goes once you're just drunk enough (the way it often is in the real world), well, that's a different story.

I don't know which category obsidian falls into. And it doesn't matter to me. Only thing that matters is that he's doing fine ;) .

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AFAIK that is not quite correct. To the best of my knowledge, the "10 to 20 times safer" statistic refers to the sex guys who say that they always practice safer sex have in REAL LIFE. Which often isn't really all that safe. Wrong condom size, using decade-old rubbers, condoms get lost in the ass, or drunken encounters without rubbers are conveniently omitted etc..

If one practices safer sex the way it is meant to be (e.g. using right-sized condoms, replacing them regularly during a prolonged session, staying sober enough to know what you're doing etc.), safer sex is actually pretty safe. .

The data I've seen says the failure rate when used properly is about 5%, when used "normally" (e.g. not carefully) is about 10%.

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I don't like being poz, but it is what it is now, there's no going back so I embrace it. The fact that it's hard to remember to taken medication each day when you're not use to taking any is a bitch. Having people reject you for the simple fact you are poz is an even bigger bitch.

I had that problem too...easy solution for me was to pick up a couple of those weekly/daily (or more) med boxes and you can tell at a glance if you took it or not. With the weekly ones you only have to fill it once a week. Put the box wherever you are most likely going to see it at that time of day (morning, nite etc). My morning meds are in the kitchen, my bedtime meds are on the pillow (nitestand didn't work because I didn't always see them...LOL)

As far as guys rejecting you, that is a problem, but I have decided it is THEIR problem. Many guys who are Poz lie about their status for that very reason. While understandable, not recommended, for ethical and possibly legal reasons (depending on where you live).

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  • 2 months later...

Great topics. I'm 50 years old and have been poz a year now.  I freaked at first but after having many friends that are poz I was pretty informed of the realities.  I haven't told my family yet and only one or two friends.  I started meds right away and have had no problems at all from the meds or the HIV.  I'm in a study so haven't had to pay for meds yet but I do have insurance so that shouldn't be too much of an issue.  The meds is the negative.  But...now the sex is amazing.  I was always worried about taking a bb cock....didn't do it much...because I was worried...now it's really nice...I can be a whore and get fucked and not worry.  It's really made sex hot.  I go to bath houses a lot and 90 percent of the guys never ask about status when I'm fucking them...just assume they are poz or don't care. 

I would rather be neg....but being poz for a year has not caused many problems.

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I agree with MascMountainMan about being more "fun", if it doesn't freak potential partners out. I get ignored a lot, though maybe I'm just not their type (but I always wonder what it is about ME that's wrong). Meds are super expensive and even though I'm undetectable I don't think I'm "as healthy".

But the one thing that really makes me hate being poz is that I infected my best friend a couple days before I found out... and HE died last year. So even though his many friends and family don't seem to hold me accountable, if I believed in hell, I'm going straight to it.

As skyguyy mentioned, I haven't told family, but some friends know.

Edited by AM06063.bv
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"HATE" was the closest answer for me.  Really, for me, it is my one regret in life.  All of my other mistakes in life gave me a chance to grow and become stronger; and I have no regret.  But, becoming poz, even 13 years later I still regret.

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"Do I LIKE being POZ"?  Well, I would rather be negative for a number of reasons, but I have not let it define me.  I don't allow myself to be stigmatized. I don't make it MY PROBLEM, when I experience rejection or other negative behavior from others.  Recently ( 4+ months) I've been dating the most wonderful man who just happens to be negative. It's opened up a whole new way of looking at things/life.  It's pretty much a non-issue, he has started PreP.  I love him for the fact that he didn't let my HIV prevent him from exploring a deeper relationship with me. More people should have this point of view. There is too much emphasis put on "status", and not enough on how we relate to others & ourselves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't really understand why someone would seek the virus out.  I was reckless and the result was HIV; it wasn't like I was actively seeking it.  The one benefit to getting the virus has been knowing my health status.  I know so much more about my health now then I ever did before.  Otherwise, even though I only take a pill a day, I don't like having HIV in the back of my head all the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Only having converted about 4 months ago, I guess my perspective is a lot different to those who have lived with it for years.

Before I'd gorge myself on cock and cum for a few months and then spend a few months hating myself for being so reckless. Swearing never again that sort of thing.

The fantasy of conversion setting me free wasn't really the case, in fact I went off sex altogether at first, feeling shame and guilt. The point where it really hit me was when I first went on meds, having to take tablets (irrelevant of side effects) for the rest of my life seemed so final at first. In fact I didn't even manage to take them for more than a week before I came off of them.

I told my family pretty quickly and found that it helped not to have it bottled up inside. Sure i lost some straight friends but found myself not caring that month that much.

I guess the best thing about being poz is there is no need to feel guilty after I gorge myself on BB sex. But I am pragmatic enough to realise it is going to affect my life in ways I haven't yet realised.

But on the whole I'm happier now and honestly wouldn't change my status for anything.

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I went for "not really" in the poll, the reason being the drugs. Since I'm in the UK I won't say anything about cost. I seroconverted in 1980 and started AZT monotherapy in 1989. Until I started on a protease inhibitor in (I think) 1998 I tried a number of drugs (who am I kidding - I took everything available) to no avail, with my CD4 count reaching a nadir of 80. Protease inhibitors turned that round and by 2000 I had about 240 CD4s. Unfortunately we knew nothing about dosages and I was taking a massive overdose, in addition other drugs (some still in use) damaged my pancreas enough to give me diabetes. We still don't know enough about the long term effects of the drugs: after a seven year relationship, tenofovir (one ingredient of truvada) nearly killed me - a rare reaction, lest you panic: about 1 in 100,000 people. Net result: poor kidney function, osteopenia, and neuropathy (just a few months ago I lost the ability to tell the temperature of bath water with my toes).

However, we've learned more about the drugs, but still know relatively little about their long term use, even though we've gone from day to day survival to decade to decade survival. For those diagnosed today, this is less of a worry as there's a fair range of choice (I know someone diagnosed last year who is on his fourth different combination). It takes longer to run out of options these days. Although I'm on salvage therapy, the best, but not ideal, combination they could cobble together, I'm still in the position of watching for what's on the horizon.

Kvetching about drugs aside, it's a hell of a relief not to have to worry about getting HIV. My antivirals can beat the shit out of your viral load ;) I get more stigma from being out of work (I'm on disability benefits) than I do for the actual reason I'm out of work, and that's me being open about HIV to the point that I'll answer any honest question as best I can (including the taxi driver who took me to the annual flu clinic who thought I didn't look old enough to need the flu inoculation). Just wish I was getting laid more often...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have absolutely no regrets about being poz for about 30 years - or about anything else in life. I prefer to seize on experiences as opportunities to learn, grow and improve myself as a person. As a result, I take excellent care of my health, enjoy exercise and being fit, and remain optimistic about the future.


Meanwhile, being poz has given me the most satisfying sex life I can imagine! Being a twisted fukker who has always enjoyed taboo sex, I eroticize the bug and get off on swapping dirty seed with other poz pigs. Nothing is hotter or more intimate to me than two poz men making love while swapping their poz strains.


I realize and respect that many others have struggled - and died - because they are poz. For whatever reason, that has not been my experience. I also understand that many people condemn my celebration of poz fucking .... and that only makes it more desirable to me.

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Guest BBSeroMan

Fucking love being a POZ PIG TOP. I fuck A LOT of chasers and knock em up with my toxic no meds breeding tool. Always HARD. Always HORNY. Love pozzing the versatile Tops especially cuz I know they're gonna fuck my strains in more negs

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Guest BBSeroMan

Fucking love being a POZ PIG TOP. I fuck A LOT of chasers and knock em up with my toxic no meds breeding tool. Always HARD. Always HORNY. Love pozzing the versatile Tops especially cuz I know they're gonna fuck my strains in more negs

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