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Just The Tip


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How many guys think they are closet barebackers?  Had a guy that would do 'just the tip' and then put a condom on.  Does that everytime, but is a damn good fuck.  Expecting he'll BB me totally soon since it seems most guys that play that game eventually go BB.  Hoping the third time is the charm.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest btchbyl

did that. then it was 'let me put it all the way in'. then it was 'let me put it all the way in and fuck 4 five mins, i promise i wont cum in ur ass'. 5 mins turned 2 1 more min, then i got a buttload of sperm. was hot tho. fun game 2 play with a top.

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One time cruising the rest area of the parkway I met a guy, he took me to the construction site he worked at in a trailer.  He looked like a str8 cowboy and had a southern accent.  I think he was married.  I blew him, I was in an office chair lifted my legs and told him to just stick the head in.  He liked it so much he put the rest in and  fucked me good and raw. 

Edited by Pig Bottom
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  • 4 months later...

Will power will only carry you so far when base drives are involved. The amount of "tip" tends to become more in repeat sessions and usually lingers longer too. Non sexual frustrations adversely effect will power too. The frustration may just be a matter of having "one of those days."




He wants it raw and the bottom has indicated he can have it that way. Getting off will help him forget all of the bullshit he has had to put of with lately, which he really wants to do. Under the circumstances, that God damn piece of latex is yet another annoyance. Not only will it keep him from getting the most out of the experience, he has to go dig around and find one, try to get the fucking thing open while he has lube on fingers, or be careful not to cut the rubber if uses a knife or scissors. By then his hard-on will have dwindled making it harder to get the fucking thing on. By then he will have started to worry about looking incompetent to the bottom he wants to impress. For fucksake he might get more out of jerking off! But he has enjoyed the bottom the last two times they have been together and doesn't want to send him away disappointed. He's good company and after such a shit day, he could use the human contact. So he'll suit up and plow him. But he's going to do that "just the tip" thing first while dreaming of sliding in bare because it will make him good and hard and more likely to stay that way while fetching and fumbling with the fucking rubber.


The bottom's ass looks even more inviting than usual for some reason. Feels more inviting than usual too. Nothing is said but plenty is communicated. The top senses that the bottom somehow intuitively knows his frustration and is empathizing with him. Without words he seems to be saying: "I get it bud. It's alright. You don't have to wear one if you don't want too. I don't take cock in my ass much, raw or wrapped, but I can tell you're a good man and I want to help you out. I know it would make your week to fuck a raw hole. I want to be able to make that happen for you. I want you to feel good and I know that few things in the world feel better than sliding your au-natural cock into a warm wet manhole!"


The nonverbal interaction reminds the top of why he loves sex with men. There is something about the mutual understanding that comes from having the same parts and drives that seems to free men from judgement when they are with their own kind that makes him feel connected to some sort universal brotherhood. No time to manscape during a busy week - instead of thinking of him as some kind of lazy slob, another man would think nothing of a little natural growth on a man with a demanding schedule. Not getting a chance to shower before hooking up - we all get a little a sweaty and musky sometimes, no big deal. Yellow stain in a pair of tighty-whiteys - what guy hasn't gotten in a hurry and forgot to shake? Or worse, had to sit through the most boring three hour presentation imaginable with a week’s worth of cum weighing down his balls and a fucking dripping hard-on that won't quit and that you can't do anything about. Can't even give it a good squeeze. Case in point though, the man underneath him, without speaking a word, seem to be telling him it was alright. Using a condom might be the civilized thing to do, but men have animal urges that can difficult to override at times. Every once in a while, they get the better of you. What man, at some point in his life, hasn't lost the ability to resist the natural urge to slide bare into a warm wet cumhole and deposit his sperm deep inside it as evolution intended? Sensing that his new friend understands that and doesn’t think of him as some perverted swine for wanting to do what nature had hardwired his balls to do is oddly affirming. That kind of assurance is something a man can only get from another man and he appreciates it on a deep, personal level. Unfortunately, it also makes him want to give in to the primal need to push past the ring his cock is nestled at the entry of.


The bottom has his own battle to contend with. Though he would love to feel that cock inside him bare, he senses the top's reluctance and doesn’t want to coax him in to doing something that might fuck with head later. He has developed an admiration for the man who has the tip of his hard cock right inside his outer ring and senses that a deeper bond could easily develop between them and he does not want to jeopardize the possibilities. However, that same admiration and attraction makes want to take his cock raw even more. He wants more than anything to make his buddy feel good in the best possible way. Give him an outlet for all that pent up repressed masculine desire. Without even making the conscious decision to do so, the bottom rotates his hips just enough that half of the top's cock slides inside him.


Caught by surprise, the top's body reacts on instinct and he drives forward, sinking the rest of his sex starved rod into that oh so sweet hot spot between his man's legs.


Feeling the top shiver slightly and groan from the intense pleasure he feels cranks up the bottom's desire to feel the top's stiff throbbing prick enter him over and over again. Now he doesn’t just want the raw cock inside him, he want the man's seed, his very essence, too. Another deep groan from the top makes his skin tingle, his balls tighten, and his own cock starts to drip. Brief moment to adjustment and he gives him a full but slow penetrative stroke and holds still. Feeling his new man’s uncovered cock nestled against his prostate gives him a floating feeling in his balls and ass. Looking over his shoulder he sees the struggle written all over his stud’s face. He has enough strength to keep himself from thrusting again, but not enough will power to pull out.


“You’re clean right?” he inquires.


“Yeah,” the top answers after delivering another full stroke. “Just let get a few strokes in” he says sounding almost like he’s pleading in a subtle way. That hairy little pink hole feels like warm silk wrapped around his cock.


Top’s subtle plea melts the bottom’s heart and weakens his resolve to ask him top not to cum in his ass as he was planning to do just in case. He understands that this powerful man is at his mercy. To deny him the few minutes of unrestrained pleasure that he badly wanted, had practically begged for, seemed like an inhuman option.


A few strokes later and the top flatly mentions, “I guess I better go get that condom.” However, he continues to slide in and out of the unbelievably hot asshole that’s giving him so much pleasure.


The two men’s eyes meet. This time the top’s plea is silent but obvious. “Please tell me I can finish riding you bare just this one time. Come on man. Don’t make beg.”


“Keep fucking me” is all he needs to hear!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's never come up (lol) but if any of it goes in me raw, it's all going in me. I've masturbated to stories too many times of "it's just the tip" and "just let me slip it all the way in a few times" and had major orgams... if it goes in me at all it's stayig util t's rplaced with cum

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Guest bbbearlover1

Since I've only played raw since '06, and I make that VERY clear to everyone I might meet up with, then that's a dangerous game to play with me, lol.  I've had two white males tell me that they only played safe, but who let me "put the tip in."  They got fucked, and weren't upset.  They knew what they were hungry for, when they agreed to meet me, and we all got what we wanted and needed.  "Put the tip in,"  LOLOL.

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  • 8 years later...

I've ran into guys that were "safe-only", but changed their tune after a bit of sitting on their cock and slowly grinding, making sure to make a point to catch their head with my opening as I moved. I never asked if the whole "safe-only but then changing their mind" was a fetish of some sort for them, I ultimately got fucked and that was what I cared about.

Edited by YourNoLimitsBottom
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  • 3 months later...

A married "straight" friend of mine (whom I'll call G) a couple of years ago told me a story of him experimenting in college. I was totally cool with this since who hasn't tried out new things and to be frank, I really wanted to tap his ass too. Anyways, G told me how he experimented with his roommate by trading blowjobs a couple times. G was content with this but his roomy wanted more and asked if he could invite his bf over to join. G agreed and after another round of head, agreed to try anal but provided they used lots of lube and to go slow. (G then told me that the two guys were fit and black and G was their 1st white dude.) At this point, I was struggling to keep my cock in my pants and mostly succeeding. 

When I asked how did it go, G said he told the two guys that he was an anal virgin and only wanted the tip. I rolled my eyes at that remark. It's no surprise that he got the full shift to which I asked how he liked it. G smiled and added that after the initial penetration, he enjoyed it and but was slightly shocked they didn't use condoms to which they told him, "they do not fit and when they use too much lube like G requested, the rubbers fall off. I debated telling him that they lied to him but i quickly reasoned that if i ever get my chance to bending him over, i would try using the same excuse.

Before the topic changed, he then added something I never thought I would ever hear. It seems he enjoyed the whole experience because his more successful (and very in charge) wife pegs his ass (which might explain the lack of kids even though they claim they're 'trying')😄

I'll definitely update the thread if I get a chance on giving G the tip.


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  • 1 month later...

I had a friend that I would meet to swap oral. Every so often we’d do anal, but we were both bottoms so we both wanted to be fucked, not the one doing the fucking. But I was more on the submissive side than him, so he would top me more often than I would top him. 

The last time we got together he came over to my place and we did our normal stuff, I was naked when he got there. That was one of our rules. I always had to be naked when we hooked up even if it was in the car. One time I met him at his place and I had to walk from my car at the curb to his front door naked. Anyway I was naked I started sucking him, then he went down on me and ate my ass (something he knew really got me going.) he had me on my back in the couch and started sucking me, and then started eating my ass really good. Then he asked if he could tease my hole with just the tip of his cock. I said ok, and he started doing it. It felt really good. Then before I knew it, he rammed his cock balls deep inside me raw. We had always used condoms before. I remember my eyes went wide, and then I moaned and told him to fuck me. We spent the rest of the night fucking bareback. I even went ass to mouth for him. Unfortunately, he didn’t breed me and came on my face instead. It was really hot and I jack off to the memory pretty often. 

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