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California To Vote For Safer Sex On Porn Films


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Push it to surrounding areas, increase in film tourism, that would be my best guess. It is a wrong headed approach by condom nazis who cannot seem to wrap their heads around the notion that they are the ones with a fetish, not barebackers. They see bareback porn is a thing that sells, they see lower condom usage rates, and they believe it is entirely a monkey see, monkey do situation. When it is no where near so simple.

What it is is a return to normal sex, because no one likes condoms in the first place. Condoms were a great idea in the beginning of HIV/AIDS when there wasn't another option. Just as they have been against any other (at the time) untreatable sexually contracted disease. Stem the tide, slow the infection rate, get a handle on how to treat, prevent, manage, and/or cure, then move forward.

I know it sounds cold and forgetting, which it is, but that is how the world works.

It is the repetitive cycle of life, major event, widespread PTSD (fear, hypervigillence, unpredictable behavior, mania, paranoia, easily exaggerated startle response), treatment, calming, renormalizing. We all go through it in our own time, and arrive (minus a few stragglers) at the same point. Among the stragglers are those who get caught at the PTSD stage and become paralized. Those who lost the most, either physically or in terms of innocence, and need additional help.

Unfortunately not what we are doing. Instead we exploit those people, use them as cautionary tales and trot them out at fundraisers a la Jerry's Kids, and promotional materials that sound like after school specials. Grab the tissues and your checkbooks, abstain or condom up,peril awaits around every corner, operators are standing by, batteries not included, some assembly required, act now time is running out.

It's not that condoms are an ineffective approach, just an unsustainable one. Useful when nothing else works and consequences are dire, but inevitably flawed if one takes a this and nothing but this stance.

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They can be made elsewhere


True, but that piece of shit Weinstien will follow it and get the same laws/regulations enacted everywhere, or if possible, have OSHA do it so it is nationwide, and bingo, no more porn.


Apparently he blames porn for giving HIV to someone close to him, so this is his revenge.


This comes from Adultdvdtalk.



Due to the present proposed adult industry Cal-OSHA regulations instigated by Michael Weinstein and AHF, NO company presently producing adult movies in California is in compliance. This includes all types of scenes including even g/g scenes. When I read a recent AVN report, I was very skeptical of what the Free Speech Coalition was saying and I thought they were bending the truth. Thus, I went to the regulations proposed along with Cal-OSHA's interpretation of suggestions submitted for them by proponents and opponents of the regulations. After reading this 65 page document with Cal-OSHAs responses to the suggestions, I was absolutely stunned by what this means. The Free Speech Coalition is correct: If these regulations take effect, the production of all adult movies will be destroyed in California. If these regulations take effect, the following acts are illegal:

BG Scenes

1. Condoms must be used for all penetrative sex and oral sex.

2. Barrier protection for the eyes, mouth, and other mucous membranes. Thus, no facials or cum in mouth unless eye protection (goggles) or mouth protection (dental dams) are placed on face.

3. No creampies.

4. No cum shots on genitals. Vagina must be covered with a dental dam.

5. No mouth to vagina direct contact. Vagina must be covered with a dental dam.


GG Scenes

1. No mouth to vagina direct contact. Vagina must be covered with a dental dam.

2. No direct vagina to vagina contact. Vagina must be covered with a dental dam.

Responses to Adult Industry Input

1. Declined to consider

Responses to AHF and supporters Input

2. All input accepted and incorporated into the regulations


Here is the key section that makes all current adult movies against the law. Wicked Pictures should even be worried:

Barrier protection for the eyes, skin, mouth, and mucous membranes. The employer shall not permit ejaculation onto the employee’s eyes, non-intact skin, mouth or other mucous membranes. If work activities may expose the employee’s eyes, non-intact skin, or mucous membranes to blood or OPIM—STI, the employer shall provide condoms or other suitable barrier protection.


This is what that piece of shit is trying to impose.

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This shows how out of touch the porn world is again.


If a consenting adult is willing to do things like bareback then what is the problem and why are these pornstars that are always going on about hiv not taking things like prep.


US has something about sex they are happy that people get blown to bits but sex they are odd with it.


The people that try to put rules like this in place are not understanding this will make porn like it was in the old days underground so it will be even more dangerous and come on it's 2015 work together to make the industry better not keep attacking it this doesn't help anyone.

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No doubt, there will always be some group trying to control behavior through misguided legislation.  Too bad some states (CA, NY, IL) with large urban populations seem to think they need to control every aspect of life.   I don't need to be told to not get a big gulp and I don't need to be told i can only get fucked by a plastic coated cock.


But it is a fact of life in a country with nearly 300 million folks.  The population size makes the "need" to control a bigger issue for some in the population to fully control those they think are of a lower status.  It is as if they believe we cannot think for ourselves.


The commercial porn industry has many issues.  The internet has made profitability in porn production more difficult in the US.  Look at all the eastern European and Latin American based stuff floating around.  Some really nice fucking...but generally marginal quality flicks.


I think there is some opportunity for local "co-ops" to start producing stuff with local guys....guys who own a piece of the action....but are "amateurs".....but decide to sell their stuff....


Florida has a pretty solid porn industry in the Miami area.   


Like everything else....the format, the process, the results will change...but if there is a need....someone will fill it.......

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