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I Was Being A Good Bottom Until....


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And there I was, on my side, one leg bent, the other bent over my top's shoulder, his big thick latin cock railing away in my ass. Me moaning like a bitch and begging him to go harder. It was the second load. He was on fire, hips a jack-hammer, cock driving deeper than it had ever been before.


Then it happened. Horrible. Disgusting. Tore the mood the shreds, the passion to pieces, and sent his dick deflating.


I had a charlie horse.


It was a motherfucking purebred, 20 hands high, "Now I'm here, bitch, and I'm in charge" muscle spam that shot down my calf, up my thigh, and provoked a half-laugh / half-cry I haven't heard come from my mouth since I was kid. It was fucking ridiculous. He started laughing at my real pain. I kept the laugh-cry going until my leg stopped bouncing, the muscles settled down, and I was normal again. He held me for a few moments, both of us chuckling. Then he got an evil look in his eye and we started again.


Any one else have such a mundanely crazy experience in the middle of their fuck session? 



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LOL -- Yeah stuff like this has happened to all of us!  Muscle cramp, sneezing fit, a horrible unexpected belch, whatever. I must confess, I too though were going to say your guts suddenly let loose in a messy torrent. Thank goodness that didn't happen!


Your experience made me laugh -- but not at you, rather in sympathy with you, because I've been there too.


Usually you can recover the mood and keep going once the problem passes.  And it's always worth a laugh later. Don't be afraid to laugh during sex; it's supposed to fun.

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Yeah, I've had it happen a couple of times over the years.  Once I was bouncing on this guy's dick when my left hip started hurting like a bitch.  First time in eons, but I had injured it as a kid and it’s always been sensitive, although usually it is never more than a dual ache when it acts up.


Other time was me getting it doggie and got a cramp in my back right shoulder all the way down my right side.


Thankfully that is the only two times, but alas, sometimes it just happens.

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Just a leg cramp? :) no biggie.

I thought you were going to say you crapped on your top.


I wrote it to suggest that. But while that's an ongoing concern -- even when I know it can't happen -- the funny part is getting tripped up by something as silly as a charlie horse. :-)

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