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Gay men are lucky.

When all you want is some good, hot sex, forget playing message tag on all those hook-up apps.

If you go straight to a sex club, you get to check out the merchandise, for real, and pick out whatever you want.  Plus, if you decide that one guy isn’t as good as he looked, you’re free to end it, and make another selection.  As for the cost, all you have to shell out money for is the price of admission, and one or two bottles of water.  Then, it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet, of cocks and asses, from the time you get there until they close the place, around 4 in the morning.


I tend to be way too shy, and way too particular about who I have sex with, so, before I leave the house, I make sure I load up on some artificial courage, namely, Tina.  That way, the shyness, and nervousness, and inhibitions roll right off me, and, instead of hanging back, watching other guys having a hot time, I magically become one of those guys.


After I get cleaned up and cleaned out, I load the glass pipe, and stand in front of the bathroom mirror, watching myself blow clouds.  I don’t know why that’s a turn on, but it is.  I love watching other guys hit the pipe, and I love watching myself do it.  The whole process gets me worked up, and gives me an instant hard on.  I’m serious.  It’s hot just looking at the little baggie because I know how good I”m going to be feeling, just 2 or 3 minutes from now. 


Although I love to watch myself (or anybody else) blow out a huge white cloud, when I’m preparing to go to a sex club, I’m a lot more concerned about getting seriously fucked up, without burning through a large portion of my stash.  That involves sucking a big cloud into my lungs, then blowing it into a condom, then sucking that same cloud back into my lungs, again and again, maybe 15 or 20 times.  Then, I repeat the whole condom exercise, 4 or 5 more times.  The end result is that I’ve taken somewhere between 60 and 100 hits, instead of just a few.  


Now that my heart is racing, and I’m feeling like I can take on the fuckin’ world, it’s time to get dressed and hit the road.  My go-to gear is a jock strap (any color but red, since I haven’t been trained for that, yet), black leather bare assed chaps, vest, biker cap and my motorcycle jacket.  



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I park on a street close to the club, and, as I’m walking toward it, I happen to hear a homeless guy holler out, “Hey, that guy isn’t wearing any underwear !”  Into the club, where I sign in, check my jacket, and buy a bottle of water, which I quickly down.  Gotta keep hydrated.


After stopping in the restroom long enough to shoot some lube and a good size shard of Tina up my hole, I take a quick tour of the place, and, since nobody’s occupying my favorite sling, I climb in and throw my legs up in the air, and rest my booted feet in the stirrups, with my legs spread, completely exposing my willing hole.  I’ll give it a few minutes and see if I can get lucky, early on.  Every so often, a few guys wander through, each of them checking me out before they continue on their way out the other side of the small room.  Are they all bottoms, or just not interested ?  


A good looking middle aged guy wearing faded jeans and no shirt, wanders in, checks me out, on his way through, then he stops in the opposite doorway, and turns half way around.  I nod my head, and move my ass around a little, in the sling.  He seems to sense that I could be interested, so, after staring at me a little while longer, he walks back in, and stops at the end of the sling, placing each of his hands on the chains that suspend the sling from the beam in the ceiling.


Again, I move my ass just a little, and he places one hand on my furry stomach, while his other hand explores my ass.  Finally he must have convinced himself that I want to get fucked, because he suddenly pops open his 501’s (no underwear), and pulls out his cock:  maybe 7”, cut, and thick, with a good size head on it, just fine to start off the evening with.  And, he’s rock hard.  After rubbing the head of his cock up and down my crack, he locates my hole, and works his way in.  For me, the sensation is extremely intense, with all of my nerve endings on high alert from the Tina.


Gripping the chains on the sling, he takes a couple short strokes, then pushes his cock all the way inside me.  My, “Yeh !” brings out the aggressive fucker in him, and he gives my hole a good pounding.  His cock likes that, a lot, and about 15 seconds later, his chest is heaving and he’s exploding deep inside my hole.  As soon as his balls are drained, he quickly pulls out, grabs a paper towel from the shelf on the wall, behind me, and hurries out of the room.  I’m thinking, “Not bad, for starters.”


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Posted (edited)

It’s been my experience that most guys love to watch another guy get fucked, and this was no exception.  Maybe 7 guys had gathered around the sling to watch the guy pounding my hole.  I was getting off watching him fuck me, not paying much attention to the other guys, but, as soon as he walks away, I glance around at the other guys standing around me.  Most of them still have their cocks out, stroking them, just before they’re ready to zip up and leave the room.


I zero in on a guy standing very close to my right side, and I instinctively reach out to stroke his black cock which is about average length, but it’s so thick that I can’t get my hand completely around it.  “Oh, man,” I’m thinking.  “He can’t be first, but my hungry hole definitely wants him to be next !”  He doesn’t move away, and I can’t take my eyes off his cock, as I continue stroking it.  


I feel somebody playing with my hole, and, when I turn my head to look, I see another black guy.  He has average good looks average height and weight, and he’s wearing glasses.  His hard cock quickly finds my hole, and he proceeds to fuck me, not fast or hard, but at a steady pace.  Then, he pulls his cock all the way out of me, and starts using his cock head to tease the super sensitive nerves at my opening.  It feels so intense that I start moaning,  Suddenly, he takes some deep breaths then jams his cock all the way in.  He’s one of those guys who yells when he cums.  Usually, I find that kind of annoying, but his cock feels so good fucking the hell out of me that I ignore his loud voice and happily accept load number 2.


Edited by Webster9
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As soon as he pulls out and walks away, I turn to my right, and I’m glad to see that the black guy with the tree limb thick cock is still there, and his cock is still in my hand.  I guessed that his cock was about 7” long and about 8” around.  I’m talking THICK !  Before anybody else could move in, he stepped around to the end of the sling where he struggled to pull on a condom.  Quite a few more guys enter the room.  They obviously want to see if my ass can handle a cock that size. 



The guy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bottle of poppers, saying, “You’re probably gonna need these.”  I didn’t argue.  I started huffing the poppers, feeling the enormous pressure of his cock pushing hard against my hole.  Before he’s inside, the condom breaks, and he tears open another one, to try again.  That one broke, too. “That’s okay,” I said.  “No problem.”  As he tosses the second broken condom aside, I quickly retrieve a bottle of “Gun Oil” from my vest pocket, and hand it to him.  He gives his immense cock head and shaft a good coating of the oil, then hands the bottle back to me.  Someone hands him a paper towel to wipe off his hands.  


I resume huffing the poppers, and he steps forward, his cock pointing right at my hole.  He grasps the chains that are attached to the sling, and steadily pushes forward, taking another step, then another, until, “WHAM !”  Now, his super thick cock is completely inside.  It doesn’t hurt, but the stretch and the pressure are incredible.  He watches me, and waits.  I give him a nod, and he gradually pulls his cock back about half way, then gradually fucks it back into me until his thighs are firmly against my ass.  All the while, I huff the poppers as he carefully moves his cock in and out of me.  I’m surprised how well I’m doing, taking a cock that big, and I’m definitely into it.  


For just a few seconds, I glance around at the group of guys (15 or more?) that has crowded into the room, most of them jacking their cocks and jostling for a better view of the action.  Then, I look at his eyes, and I nod my head.  I continue to take regular hits of the poppers, and he picks up the pace, fucking his massive thick cock in and out of me, faster and harder, faster and harder.  I take a break from the continuous hits of poppers, feeling as if I might pass out.  My hole just keeps begging for more.  


Without warning, his breathing quickens, and, with his cock jammed as far inside of me as it will go, he starts pumping his load into me.  I can actually feel the jets of cum blasting out of his cock, and splattering my insides.  When his balls are completely drained, we both look at each other, and grin, both feeling a thrill of achievement at what we just accomplished.  


After accepting load number 3, I suddenly feel like I need to take a piss, so I head for the restroom where I latch the stall door and pull out my empty water bottle from my vest pocket.  I unscrew the cap, and drop in a couple good size shards.  Then I aim the head of my dick at the opening of the bottle, and let it go, almost completely filling the bottle.  I know that the shards of Tina will quickly dissolve in my hot chem piss.  I screw the cap back on, and I take another tour of the club.  I can’t help but notice that there’s a much bigger crowd of guys here, now.


As I’m walking around the club, checking out all the other guys, I occasionally open my water bottle and take a few swigs of my highly charged chem piss.  It isn’t very long before I can feel it taking effect, getting me more and more spun.


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I enter the glory hole area of the club where the guys who want to suck cocks, stand at ground level, and the guys who want to have their cocks sucked, stand on an elevated walkway, so that the glory holes are right at the perfect level.  I feel like sucking some cocks, so, being at the ground level, I walk up to one of the unoccupied glory holes.  Almost immediately, I see a man unbutton his jeans, slide them down, and he offers his semi hard cock to me.  While holding it with one hand, I take it into my mouth, and, as his cock gets harder, I suck it farther and farther into my mouth.  When his cock is balls deep in the back of my throat, I hold my breath, feeling his cock throbbing.  After a few seconds, he pulls back, then he thrusts his hips forward against the wall between us, repeatedly fucking his cock head into my throat.  When he’s ready to shoot his load, he jams his cock into my throat and holds it there, and I can feel it pulsing, his heavy load of cum blasting down my throat, and I greedily accept my load number 4.


A couple different guys step up to the glory hole, but I ignore them.  Although I’ll gladly take any size cock fucking my hole, if I’m sucking cock, I want a mouthful.  The next guy who shows his cock through the glory hole is fine, and I suck him off and, in less than 2 minutes, I swallow my load number 5.  Although when I’m high on meth, I usually completely lose track of time, I think that at least an hour goes by as I suck off one guy after another, and I swallow loads 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.


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i love cock without meth, can't imagine how much trouble i'd get in if I used drugs before getting fucked


When I see the next guy step up to the glory hole, I look up, and I see him looking over the wall at me.  Through the glory hole, I notice that he’s in full leather, wearing codpiece pants, with a very large pouch.  I’m definitely interested.  He unsnaps the pouch, and out flops a very big, thick cock, which he pushes through the glory hole.  I immediately take it in my hand, and start sucking on it, as it grows a lot thicker and longer (9” long by 7” around?).  Soon, I’m just pressing my mouth up to the glory hole, and letting him fuck his big cock in and out of my throat.  Suddenly, he pulls back, and walks away.  “Damn !  I really wanted that load down my throat.”  


I figure that I’m not going to see a better cock than that, so I walk away and head into the restroom, where I guzzle down the rest of my potent chem piss, then I repeat the process of adding a Tina shard to the empty water bottle.  This time, I pour a little G into the bottle before I pull out my dick, and refill the bottle with more of my chem piss.  Then, I decide to give the glory holes another try.


While keeping an eye on the glory hole, waiting for another cock to appear, I turn around to see the various other men at their individual glory holes, doing their duty.  Then, I notice the man in full leather, whose cock I had just been sucking, coming down the steps from the upper level, and he walks right toward me, a big smile on his face.  “Nice chaps,” he says, as he places his hand around my waist, and casually squeezes my bubble butt !  “Plus, you’re one hell of a good cock sucker !”  


Just as I’m thanking him for the compliment, he gestures toward the glory hole, right behind me, and I see an even bigger cock (10” long by 6” around?) !  “That’s my partner,” he says to me.  “How about sucking his cock while I fuck you ?”  

All I could manage to say was, “Yes, Sir !”

Partner number 1 unsnaps his codpiece pouch, letting his big cock flop out.  I immediately drop to my knees, and suck him until he’s hard.  Then, I remove the bottle of “Gun Oil” from my vest pocket, and I squeeze his stiff cock as I rub the oil all over it.

He asks me if I have poppers, and I say that I don’t, so he reaches into his pocket, then hands a bottle to me.


I take several big swigs from my chem piss / water bottle, then I take two good hits of poppers, and turn my attention toward the glory hole where Partner number 2 is waiting for me.  I start sucking his cock, and he’s definitely a mouthful, and getting bigger, all the time.  Partner number 1 wastes no time shoving his cock into my hole, and I automatically spread my legs and bend over a little.  This causes a problem because, now I ‘m not standing tall enough to suck Partner number 2’s cock.  Partner number 1 takes charge of the situation, motioning for Partner number 2 to follow us.  


In another room of the club, there’s a bench that’s nicely padded, and covered in black leather.  The best part is that it looks like it’s just the right height for what we have in mind.  Partner number 1 tells me to climb onto the bench and lie on my back, with my head hanging off one end of the bench.  Perfect.  With my head hanging off the end of the bench, Partner number 2 steps up and slides his big cock into my mouth.  Partner number 1 joins me on top of the bench, and pushes my legs up and back.  He tells me to take a big hit of poppers, then he shoves his cock into me. 


Man, there is no better sensation than flying high while two hot leather men with great big cocks fuck both of my holes, and at the same time !  I hope they’ll keep this up all night.  They stop only long enough to switch places, and let me gulp down half of my bottle of chem piss and G.  Then, they go right back to assaulting my holes, as I moan loudly.  Another large group of men is gathered around us, most of them with their cocks out, stroking, as they intently watch the action.  


Partner number 2 (with the 10” cock) likes to force it all the way down my throat, and I have to hold my breath until he decides to pull it back out.  A lot of times, he fucks my throat, and I feel his big cock head bulging in my neck.  Finally, but too soon for me, both of the leather men can’t hold off any longer, and their big cocks erupt, blasting their hot loads of cum down my throat and deep in my ass.  When we’re finished, I feel like I’m so exhausted that I can hardly stand.  One of the leather men gives me a card, with his phone number on it, and tells me to call him so that we can get together again.  Again, all I can say is, “Yes, Sir !”  Because I’m wearing bare assed chaps, I have no pockets, so I slide the card inside one of my socks.  Taking load numbers 11 and 12 was fucking incredible !


After that wild, intense session, I feel like I need to rest for a few minutes.  Besides, the club appears to be slowly emptying out, so I know that it must be getting late.  In the break room, I takes gulps of my bottle of chem piss and G, and I stare at the porn on the big screen TV.  In walks this guy who I’ve seen in the club, maybe a hundred times, and he always gives me the creeps.  In the past, he was always grabbing at me, but I guess he finally got the message that I wasn’t interested.  One thing he does have going for him is his huge dick.  The only reason I know is that I’ve seen other guys sucking his cock through the glory holes.  As he gets a cup of coffee, I quickly leave the break room.


Taking another tour of the club, I uncap my water bottle, and guzzle down all the remaining chem piss and G, stopping off at the restroom, to refill the bottle.  In another part of the club, there’s are 2 slings hanging side by side, and I decide it’s as good a place as any for me to take a break.  Instinctively, I mount the sling the same way I always do, leaving a few inches of my ass off the end, my feet in the stirrups, and my legs up high and spread wide, completely exposing my hole, the standard invitation.  There are hardly any men walking around the club, now, and except for the pounding rhythm of the music, there is no other sound.  


Suddenly, I see the creepy guy with the huge dick walking by.  He looks over at me and stares for a few seconds, squinting.  I have a feeling that we must be the only two guys left in the place, and I guess that the only reason he’s still here is that he hasn’t gotten off, yet.  For some reason, he turns his head and looks in the opposite direction, as if he’s afraid he might get caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing.  He looks back at me, but still stands there, not moving.  Then, I guess he finally decides to take a chance.


Now, my brain is feeling really spun, all the chem piss and the G completely taking control.  My  insatiable hole is twitching wildly.  It doesn’t care that the big guy is creepy.  All it wants is COCK.  So, I have no choice in the matter.  I don’t notice him walking toward me.  It seems like he just suddenly appears at the end of the sling, with his pants open, and his cock and balls out.  DAMN, his balls are huge, too !  I lean forward and massage his cock with “Gun Oil” until his cock is rock hard.  


Then, I lay back in the sling as he takes a couple steps closer.  I gasp when he shoves hard into me, then continues to push deeper and deeper until his cock head is banging up against my inner ring.  He takes very long strokes, fucking me hard, and slamming into my  inner ring, almost every time.  While the creepy guy with the huge cock is fucking me hard and fast, an employee of the club wanders over and says, “Almost 4 o’clock, guys.  Closing time.”  Creepy guy stops fucking me, but he doesn’t pull out.  I can tell that he’s trying to decide what to do.  But, I decide for him.  I lean forward, grab onto his hips, and pull his cock all the way back inside my ass.  That makes him snap out of it, and he starts fucking me, furiously.  I’m alternating between gasping and moaning, but loving every second of his huge cock turning my hole inside out, with every thrust. 


When his entire body starts spasming, I know he’s ready to explode, but he keeps right on fucking me, blasting continuous jets of cum into me, again and again and again, until his huge balls are completely drained.   Not so creepy guy packs his huge dick away and hurries out of the club.  I pull my feet out of he stirrups, and lower my legs to the floor.  Feeling a little delirious, I make my way to the coat check and retrieve my motorcycle jacket.  As I walk to my car, I feel a steady stream of cum running down my legs and soaking the inside of my chaps.  Holy fuck !  Lucky load number 13 was incredible ! 


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  • 3 months later...

GreaT sTory!!! Reminds me of some of my blog posts.   Sounds like you're writing from true life experience ;).  Especially can relate to the last post - under normal circumstances, most guys would leave happy after the scene with the two leather studs - but with T and G flowing through your veins, you need MORE!  GoTTa love it when you reach the state of just wanting more and larger cock in your hole - no matter what kind of troll is attached to it.  Fucking pig!

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