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Part 1

I started to regaine consciousness, slowly shaking the fog out of my brain, unable to immediately focus my eyes. My first realization was that my arms were stretched over my head, spread apart and strapped down. My legs were in a similar position, spread and tied. I slowly realized my chest and stomach were also strapped down and the only thing I could move was my head. Apparently I was on what I would eventually learn was a "St. Andrew's Cross" As the fog cleared I tried to yell out, only to emit a muffled scream. Something round and hard filled my mouth, preventing me from speaking. I started to panic as I realized I was totally naked and completely vulnerable. Then my eyes started to finally focus and fresh terror ripped through my heart.

There, about 10 feet in front of me was Billy, my best friend since childhood. He too was naked, but in a different position from me. His head and hands were placed in wooden stocks. A leather sling was under his chest and stomach, hanging from chains connected to the ceiling, and his feet were spread wide, chained to rings in the floor. He was still unconscious, but I could see a metal contraption in his mouth, spreading it wide open. Drool ran out of his mouth forming a puddle on the floor.  I tried to scream his name, but was unable too. 

The summer had started just as it should. Billy and I were recent high school graduates and had decided to take an exciting road trip before we went to our seperate colleges. We had been friends our whole lives, brothers really. Grade school, junior high, high school, boy scouts, sports, girls, we had been through it all together. A buddy road trip seemed the perfect way to begin our lives apart from each other.

By the way, I'm Randy. I stand a nice 6'2" with a toned but slim body. I've got green eyes and curly brown hair. The kind all the girls are jealous of. I already had a full beard and some chest hair with very, hairy legs. Billy was the complete opposite. He was 5'9" with a compact muscular frame, which helped him take state in wrestling. He had blond hair, and big puppy dog brown eyes, which  drove the girls crazy, and a surprisingly large 8 inch cock on his small frame, which also drove the girls crazy. I knew this cause lets face it, Billy and I had always seen each other naked. I sported a nice 7 1/2 myself. Billy still just peach fuzz on his baby face. He definitely didn't look 18.

It was our 4th day on the road, and we were in the middle of bum fuck Texas on our way to New Orleans when it happened. BAM!! No more radiator.

"Fucking God Damn Shit Billy!" I yelled at him from under the hood. "I told you your piece of shit car wouldn't make the trip!"

"Fuck you Randy! How was I supposed to know the radiator would blow?"

"Jesus, not even fucking cell reception in this God forsaken place!" I complained. "Well, nothing we can do about it but wait for someone to stop and help. I'll have my dad wire us money to get it fixed."

We waited till long after the sun went down. A couple cars drove by, but noone would stop for a couple of guys in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, we might as well hunker down for the night." said Billy, "someone's sure to stop tomorrow."

So we climed in the car to get some sleep. The night was cold, so we snuggled for body warmth. No big deal for bros.

We woke to someone banging on the windows.

"Wake up boys!" yelled a deep voice. "Looks like you need old Earls help!"

We jumped up and out of the car to find a large, toothless black man with a tow truck. 

"Fuck yea dude!" I exclaimed! "You saved our fucking asses!"

"Yall's  asses gonna need saving!" chuckled Earl. 

Before I knew what was happenening, I saw Earl jam a needle into Billys neck, instantly dropping him. I turned to run but felt Earl grab my arm as a needle was plunged into the back of my neck.

Then everything went black.

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Part 2

When I could finally take my eyes off my unconscious best friend, I looked around my new environment. I seemed to be in what looked to me like a huge dungeon. The floor was cement and the walls were all stone and brick. Several bare bulbs hung around the room, providing a harsh illumination. All around the room were what looked like torture devices. I recognized a rack from history class, but the other items looked foreign to me, except for the wall that had all kinds of whips and paddles hanging on it. It made my blood run cold. On one side of the room I could see a cage. Inside that cage was what was obviously a man. He was on his hands and knees with his head sticking out a hole in the front. But you couldn't see his face because it was covered by a leather hood with a large black funnel attached to the top of the cage, and a tube leading to his mouth. I could also see another tube that came out of his dick and disappeared into his ass. I didn't need to be told the reason why. The final thing I took notice of was a row of barred cells directly opposite of me. There were 6 of them. I could see men in four of them. All of them were asleep on mats on the floor. The first two men I couldn't make out too well. The third man was a muscular guy with a shaved head. The fourth guy appeared to be very skinny. I didn't look to long as I heard men approaching. 

"What are we doing with #36?" I heard a voice ask.

"This ones going to my clients in New York City." Another voice replied. "They haven't bought used property in a while. They made the best offer." Then I saw four men enter through a door. I recognized Earl as one of them. The other 3 were all rough looking men, older with big bellies.

"Ahh #40, I see you're awake." Said one of the men, grabbing my balls and squeezing them, causing me to wince in pain. "Good, cause I didn't want to administer your first dose just yet. But wouldn't want you to miss your friends initiation, so you can ponder when it will be your turn." I broke out in a sweat at those words knowing it couldn't be good. I watched as one of the other men unlocked the cell with the skinny guy and hoisted him over his shoulders. As he was carried out I could see his back and ass covered in all kinds of bruises, welts and other marks. The man who had grabbed my balls just laughed as he saw the shocked look in my eyes. "Don't worry #40, you'll look like that some day soon. Maybe you'll meet his same ultimate fate. Or maybe something worse." I screamed and struggeled in my bonds, to no avail. The man just laughed again as he dropped his pants revealing a large, gnarly veined cock that was quickly rising to attention. Earl dropped his pants too revealing an even larger cock while the first man held up a needle, checking its contents. He then tied a band around Billy's arm as Earl hocked some spit on his cock. "Here we go!" said the man as he stuck the needle into Billy, "let the fun begin!" With that he ripped the band off Billy. Billy's eyes flew open as he gasped then coughed a few times. That was the moment Earl was waiting for as he forcefully rammed his snot and spit covered cock straight into Billy's unprotected asshole.


Oh my god! I had never heard a scream like that before. Earl just held onto Billy's hips and he rammed him over and over as hard as he could. Billy just screamed and screamed as tears flowed down his cheeks, unable to defend himself as he was savagely raped. The first man approached Billy's head, placing his hands on top and plunging his hard cock into the stretched open mouth. Billy retched and gagged, vomiting as he chocked on the cock plowing his throat. I puked myself as I watched my best friend get brutally violated right in front of me, the vomit squirting past my gag and down my naked body.

"Oh Billy, Billy, Billy," I said to myself as tears flowed down my cheeks. "I 'm so sorry." knowing I would eventually endure the same thing. I just hung my head and cried as I listened to Billy's weakening screams and the men yelling as they pumped their cum into my best friend. 

I really have no idea how many men fucked Billy that first time. I was numb, physically and emotionally. I think it was about 10 or 11, and I think most of them fucked Billy twice. I do remember he got another shot at some point, and I remember bright pink cum running down his legs. After a while Billy's screams turned to moans, then simply to grunts as his asshole was turned into hamburger. Raw, bloody hamburger.

And I shook wondering when my turn would be.

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Very hot start! Sick n twisted...but I think that's the point. I love these kinds of stories where just about anything can happen. Please keep going pervinmt! 


Part 3

After the various men had left, the only one left was the first guy that had come in whom I assumed was like the leader or something. He just hummed to himself nonchalantly as he moved about his business. I just watched him with fear and loathing. 

"I suppose you're wondering exactly what your situation is #40," he said as he wheeled a contraption behind Billy. "Yes you no longer have a name, just a number. You're #40 and your friend is #41. That's how many slave boys I've gone through. And yes, thats what you are now, my property." He looked me in the eyes as he said these words, enjoying the fear he saw in them. "You see, I have a little underground busines selling boys to satisfy the nasty desires of men. So yea, you're not only a slave now, but a whore too. At least you will be after tonight." He chuckled as he lined up the contraption to Billy's ass. It was a machine with a long pole and a large dildo attached to the end. He placed the tip of the fat, fake cock right at Billy's puffy, red hole. "You're friend here is already officially a whore now. Those men last night paid some good money for a first timer. Tonight is your turn." He said, placing headphones over Billy's ears. A tear rolled down my cheek as I shuddered. "This is going to help break your friend into his new position. The headphones have a repeating loop telling him he's a whore now. A worthless faggot cumdump slave. A slave who will crave cock and cum. A slave who will crave pain and degradation. A slave who will serve any man he's sold too."  He removed the metal spreader from Billy's mouth and Billy moaned in pain as he closed his jaw for the first time in hours.

"Why?" Billy croaked, barely able to speak. "Why us? Please let me go." he cried.

"Oh there's no leaving here #41, unless I sell you once you're of no more use to me, or I dispose of you because you're so damaged I can't even do that. Although I always seem to be able to find a buyer. There's always someone wanting a boy to fufill their ultimate darkest fantasies. The slave I just sold went to a couple in New York. They're particularly cruel and he will suffer greatly before he meets his end."

Fresh tears rolled down both our cheeks as we listened to our fates. The man just laughed as he picked up another needle and administered it to Billy. Billy went rigid and coughed again as the man pushed a button on the headphones, then walked to the contraption, flipping a switch. The machine kicked on and started plunging the fake cock deeply and harshly in and out of Billy's already sore and ravaged hole. Billy howled as this new torture was inflicted on him.

"That should really bust his cunt open. A few hours of this and he won't even know what world he's in anymore. See you in a few hours, sluts." With that the man left. Billy sobbed and wailed as his abused ass was plundered relentlessly. Unlike a man, the machine kept a steady, unwavering pace, shoving what had to be 9 inches all the way in before withdrawing to the tip, forcing the flared head constantly past Billy's puffy, red sphincter, lubed only with cum and blood. I could only hang there and watch my friends torture, fearing my own.

I have no idea how long it went on, hours for sure. Billy's sobs eventually became grunts, then nothing as his ass was pulverized beyond feeling. After what seemed like an eternity, the man and Earl finally returned. Ignoring Billy, they started to finally unstrap me. I fell off and into their arms, unable to controll my numb extremeties. They removed the gag and let me down to the floor. I lay there moving my jaw for a few moments before I started to try to crawl toward the door saying "Fuck You!" to the men. They just laughed as Earl landed a hard kick into my balls with his steel toed boots. I doubled over in pain as the two men each grabbed an arm and dragged me across the floor, my bare skin scraping along the cement. They picked me up and placed me on my back in a leather sling, quickly strapping me in, legs in the air. The man grabbed a needle and tied my arm off. I wept knowing this was the end. Earl dropped his pants and spit on his big, hard cock, lining it up to my asshole as the man inserted the syringe, pushed the plunger, and released the band.

WHOOSH!!! A wave of electricity flew threw my body as my brain exploded and my lungs seized up, eliciting a deep, wracking cough. The Earl grabbed my thighs and mercilessly plunged his fat, black cock into me.

"AAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGG" I screamed as a searing pain unlike any I had felt before ripped through my soul. My head thrashed from side to side as my ass burned like it was on fire.

"Damn, this is my favorite part of my job!" exclaimed Earl. "Being the first to rip open a young white boy and hear him scream for the first time! The blood is the best!" I knew what he meant, that my asshole was bleeding from being torn apart. I just sobbed and wailed as Earl pounded me as hard as he could. After what felt like an eternity to me, he buried himself as deep as he could and went ridged as he pumped his cum deep inside me. "Feel that boy? Feel that cock spurting deep in your slave cunt? Thats poz cum slut! The same poz cum that shot into your friend yesterday!" I cried as this new realization dawned on me. Although at this point it should have been no surprise. Earl just pulled out and moved to my head, grabbing it. I could see blood and cum coverering his semi hard cock. "Clean it off slave! And don't even THINK of biting it or I will crush your balls with a sledgehammer!" I shook, knowing he meant it, and took his dirty cock in my mouth, trying not get sick as I sucked it clean.

The man then entered my burning hole, and pounded me deep and hard. "Call me Master boy! That's my name to you. Master or Sir! Thank me bitch for fucking your slave whore cunt!" I refused and Earls grabbed a riding crop and started hitting my cock and balls as hard as he could till I acquiesced. "Yes Master!" I screamed through my tears. "Thank you Master! Thank you for fucking your whore Sir!"

"Thats better slave! You will learn! I will break you, just like I will break your friend, just like I've broken EVERY slaveboy I have captured!" He snarled as he pumped a second load deep in my guts. He too made me clean off his dirty cock.

Again I have no clue how many men fucked me that first night, I just know it went on for hours. After my second shot my moans of pain became moans of pleasure. In my fucked up state the cocks raping me started to feel good. I was almost sad each time one pulled out and I felt empty.

Oh god, I really WAS a faggot slave whore!

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