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Those of you who have read my other stories have met my girlfriend in them. You know she's beautiful, hiv positive, a flithy pervert and the very definition of the perfect girlfriend, 'good, giving, and game'. She treats me really well, and I do my level best to ensure I do the same for her, but her most recent requested adventure was one of the most difficult and ultimately incredible sexual exploits I have ever been involved in.

It all started when I told her about how, until some time last year, I had a habit of once a month going to Steamworks Vancouver for a PNP session with one or two party tops I know. After my wife found out about it, and divorced me, I stopped doing it as frequently, and since entering into my relationship with her, I haven't had any anon sex at all outside of what we have done together. I have decided not to make the same mistakes I made in my marriage, with my new GF, and it's actually been pretty easy. She's very open and accepting, and we have a very trusting relationship despite how short a time we have been dating.

 She asked for all the sexy details, and much fun was had by both of us as I told her the stories and we fooled around. One result of this conversation was the set of chapters about my ex-wife and her sensory deprivation blindfold gangbang, another result was the adventure we went on last saturday night. As always, a few key elements that don't affect the plot, but which do prevent us or our partners from being doxxed have been made. The events described occurred just as told, though, at least as well as a couple of seriously partied up sluts can remember coherently. 

Basically, my girlfriend wanted to get into the bathhouse with me, and watch as I played the cumdump for an evening. She also wanted to meet my two top friends, Mr Silver and Mr Black, and maybe get into some trouble with all four of us if possible.

Now, I would imagine most of our readers have never been to Steamworks Vancouver, but it's a really nice Bath house. It's also well attended by a lot of hot guys, but unlike other baths I have never seen any CDs or transwomen, or even transmen there. I went on their website, and did some googling. I found out that their policy explicitly says that anyone who identifies as male is welcome, although they do expect trans women and CDs to dress in a more masculine fashion. So I knew that at least there was a *chance* of arranging this. Problem is, my girlfriend is a stunningly beautiful woman. I wasn't sure how easy it was going to be to conceal her extremely female nature. She told me to relax, and that she would handle the disguise. I shouldn't have worried. I got on the phone to my top friends to see what I could arrange, and she disappeared into her bedroom. Soon to be 'our bedroom', by the way, when my lease is up. Yeah, we're moving in together ;)

'Mr Black!', over the phone he was a little out of breath,'Catch you at a bad time?'

'Nope, just finishing up at the gym, good to hear from you!' I explained our little project and I could practically hear his broad grin over the phone, 'Where the hell do you find these incredible little sluts? I am in for sure, and if you want, I can bring some pharmaceutical T for the party. My G connection is no good these days though...'

'No problem,' I replied, and we figured out how much T we would want for us, agreed on a price, and a date. 'I still have a great G hookup through that girl I know. You bring the T and the infrastructure, I will bring the G, and we can sort out who owes what in a couple days.' We settled on the next saturday evening as out date, and I got on the phone to Mr Silver.

'Mr Silver! I have an unconventional adventure happening this Saturday and would love it if you could come!' I explained in detail, and as with Mr Black, Silver was amazed by my constant ability to find the wildest women in Vancouver and make them mine. He quickly agreed to the time and date, said he wold look into sourcing some quality cocks, and of course bring some party treats of his own to share. Silver is one of the only other people I know who buys MDMA directly from my connection, who manufactures it herself and gives it to me absolutely pure. 

'See you there on saturday,' Silver said, and rang off. I made a call to my G dealer, and arranged to pick up a litre (I always buy in bulk, usually one or two litres every 3 or 4 months.) She's a little pricier than some, but I've never caught her watering it down, which is worth it to me. Besides, she's cute as hell, gives great head, and is usually more than willing to seal a transaction with a quick hard fuck. My kind of drug dealer.

As I got off the phone, a tall slender twink walked out of my girlfriends bedroom. I stared in disbelief. Wearing a trucker hat,  a plaid shirt, and some baggy jeans, my girlfriend had morphed into the kind of tight-assed teenaged barely legal chicken that was going to have all the tops in the sauna panting. Her face looked subtly masculine, there was even a hint of beard stubble. The paint was gone from her nails, her eyebrows had been thickened. I jumped up and kissed her, then flipped her away from me, and bent her over the kitchen table. My hands yanked her jeans down, and I dropped to tongue her asshole.

'Aren't you a handsome young man, I said between licks, as I fumbled at my belt. I grabbed the lube sitting on the table, and slathered it on her asshole, and without ceremony rammed it straight into her asshole. She gasped, and in an artificially low voice began that cliche masculine 'yeah man, oh yeah man, fuck me with that big cock man' chant you see in all the movies. It was so hot, I had never thought to role play with her as a dude!

She began slamming back at me, then grunted in manly tones as she came, then begged me for my load in 'her tight teen ass'. I groaned and filled her/him.


I pulled out, spun her around, and said 'Yeah, you'll pass...'


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She grinned back at me, 'If that's how pretty boys get treated in the bathhouse, I may just start going on the regular!' She kissed my nose, pulled up her (mine actually) levis and walked back into the bedroom. This time she swung her hips like a girl, and blew me a kiss as she closed the door to turn herself back into a girl.

So the plan was looking like this. I was going to go down to the baths at about 7pm on Saturday and rent one of the sling rooms. My Gf would come in as my out of town guest, and Black and Silver would meet us around 9pm to start the serious partying. Until then, Alex and I (I just realized I've never given her name in these stories. Alex, short for Alexandria.) would prowl around the darker corners of the bathhouse and I would give her a good tour of what goes on. I arranged a dinner date with Black, Silver, Alex and I for Wednesday to talk about boundaries and goals for the evening.

On the one hand I was really excited at finally getting to get my bottom freak on with the woman I love, but I was also nervous at having her see just how degraded and submissive I can be. A bit troubled, I left to pick up the G.

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I got back with the G, and found my girl in the kitchen putting together dinner. We skipped the wine in the interest of seeing how strong this batch of G was. 

(pro-tip, any time you buy G, it will probably be somewhat stronger or weaker than the last batch. Since the stuff is so dose sensitive, you want to test it at home before taking it to a party. Otherwise you run the very real risk of falling into unrousable sleep in the sling. Not the safest thing ever. I always try a low dose, then the next day a somewhat higher one, and keep going until I find that 'go to sleep point' while safe at home. Then I know exactly how much I can take recreationally. Of course, when you mix it with T, it's far harder to cause yourself to pass out, so it's not quite as important, but still good to know!)

So after dinner, we watched a little netflix, and sipped some G and Juice, and talked about our coming adventure. She asked me if I had any concerns, and I admitted I was a bit worried about her seeing me in slut-bottom mode. After all, while she and I sometimes switched roles, I was mainly the top in our relationship, and it worried me that she might find me less attractive if she actually witnessed what Mr Black and Mr Silver can do to me.

'When I bottom for men,' I said, slowly, 'It's completely different from the way I have been submissive with you. When I submit to you, it's a very loving and affectionate thing. I am very conscious of your respect for me. And that it's an exchange between equals' I pause, trying to collect my thoughts. 'When I do these party sessions, it's the exact opposite. I am seeking to lose control, to be degraded and used for their pleasure, and to the greatest extent I can to be their total fuck-toy. My pleasure, in the sense of them caring about my orgasms, doesn't matter at all. Black and Silver are total tops, there is no love and no exchange. It's total surrender.'

'So why do you enjoy it?' she asked. I love the way she can accept things like this, and just try to understand instead of judge.

'I think its because I am naturally so dominant. Even when I switch, with a woman, at some basic level it's a kind of role play. But with a dominant gay man, I can genuinely submit. I can settle into being a mindless set of pleasure holes, and the result is probably very similar to the way you feel when I dominate you and you have those continuous helpless orgasms: You're freed to have as much pleasure as possible because choice has been taken away.'

She nods slowly. 'Two things, sweetie. First, the only thing seeing you get topped is going to do for our relationship is make it stronger. That's because if this is something you need sometimes, I'm going to be there to make sure you damned well get it. Plus it's sexy as fuck to think of you showing me such a deep and secret part of your life!' She gives me a quick kiss. 'Secondly, This saturday night will be different. You aren't going to be submitting to Black and Silver. You're going to be submitting to Black and Silver and ME. This isn't going to endanger what we have, it's going to make it stronger. Frankly, if you had done this with your ex-wife, you guys would still be together.' She grinned a little crookedly at me, knowing she was poking a bit of a wound and showing me she was aware of it, 'In a lot of ways I am lucky you screwed up this part of your relationship back then, and I know it, but with you and me, I want to see us get it right.'

I buried my face in her lap, feeling my throat choke up and tears start to flow. Simultaneously mourning what I lost and almost indescribably happy with what I had gained. Quietly, she stroked my back as I sobbed into her belly. I was reminded of previous times she had comforted me through a bad mushroom trip, after a violent encounter in a bar with some asshole rednecks, looked after me when I was sick. Gradually, some of the pain and guilt I had been holding in for years eased out. I felt so much better.

She pulled me up, and kissed me. Got up, went to the fridge. Measured out some more G, returned and literally fed it to me, holding the glass to my lips until I downed it all. She led me into the bedroom, and stripped me, laid me back on the bed, and knelt between my legs. She began to suck me. Soft, into her mouth. Slurping and licking me inside her mouth, feeling my cock stir and harden as she kept her lips sealed to the base of me. My cock hardened inside her. lengthening and extending further, until rather than thrusting into her throat, I literally 'grow' between her tonsils and in. As her air cuts off, she takes a huge breath, and keeps me that deep as long as she possibly can. Straining and struggling to stay plugged with me. At last she comes off with a gasp, and with a handful of lube on her hand, begins to display some of the unbelievable artistry she owns.

This girl may well be the finest cocksucker on earth. In a well-spent life of swinging and orgies and general sluttery, I have had my cock sucked by probably a thousand men and women. None have ever come close to the kind of mastery she displays. I moan as her hand coaxes me perfectly, making me harder than seems possible. Her lip ring brushes my shaft and tip, her tongue a flickering fire. She holds me so close to orgasm for minutes at a time, where one tiny movement would send me exploding, and with utter confidence that she can hold me there forever. And she does hold me there, and then slowly backs me away from that precipice, allowing me to calm a bit. Looking up at me, she smiles. 'I was going to swallow it, but I think I want to ride you!'

The G has my head spinning, and the prospect of her tight cunt sliding down on me is intoxicating. I mumble something affirmative and she laughs at me 'Awwww, poor baby a little fucked up on his G? Gonna be fucked up on my cunt in a second!'

She rises, throws a leg over me, fits my tip to her and sits down hard with a squeal. She's tight as fuck, but also dripping wet. She pauses with me hitting bottom, grinds twice and grunts out an orgasm. Obviously the long cocksucking (while grinding on my kneecap) had her well primed. I almost explode myself as her cunt milks at me, and she laughs.

'You almost came there, didn't you baby?', she laughs again, the musical laugh of a slut proud of her effect on me, 'You know you can't hold back, right? You know you're going to cum the instant I decide I want you to? Don't even worry about it! You let your Alex have her fun...'

She starts to slowly grind again. My cock has been touching bottom continuously now for what seems like forever. I raise my hand to her perfect tiny breasts, A cups, barely there at all save for those sweet firm and sensitive nipples. The barbels in them gleam. I brush my thumb against them and she moans and shivers. More grinding and she cums again. Still not lifting from my groin. Again I am right on the edge of explosion as she pauses and smirks at me. 

'Want to cum, baby?'

'Y Y Yessss'

'Roll me over and fuck me as hard as you can. I want it so deep I taste it when you spray!'

I growl like an animal, grab her by the hair at the nape of her neck, and flip her. Her legs fly up towards the ceiling, her hands find the small of her back and her mouth finds my nipple as I rise all the way out of her and ram back in. One stroke, two, three and my cum is boiling, four and I groan, five and at the very deepest I explode for what seems like an hour, cum pulsing out of me like waves onto a shore. I stir the cum with my cock, it feels like 10 men have been there before me , so much gooey slippery delicious sperm. I gasp, my weight falls upon her, and I distantly feel her kissing and stroking me. My next coherent thought comes as I awaken beside her, hours later, her arms wrapped around me, her gentle snoring beside my ear. I can see the clock. Our alarm will go off soon. I carefully escape her arms, shut off the alarm, and pad into the kitchen. My girl has certainly earned coffee in bed, and more besides.

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I returned from work Wednesday evening and got dinner ready. Alex brought wine, and we chatted while I cooked.  As you have likely already realized, she is also a member of this site, since we collaborated on writing about the blindfold gang bangs. She was both surprised and intrigued to learn about the hiv fetish stuff, which she had never heard of. Bugchasing and the fetishization of HIV just isn't a thing in straight and female bi and lesbian circles, so it took her a while to wrap her head around it.

I was still pretty shocked when she mentioned that she wanted to do some infection role-play.

'I don't want you to tell anyone that I am poz.' She said, 'I may want to do some kinky pozzing or rape play.' I was stunned. 'Hey, sometimes role play is really hot for people who have been victims! Half the reason I like rape-play is because I've been assaulted. One of the reasons I like age-play is because I started young, and sometimes I like to have a mental do-over.' She paused to sip her wine, looking at me over the rim of her glass. 'Comments?'

'Honestly, it freaks me out. Both because the idea of fetishizing a disease which kills millions of people is disturbing, and partly because I sort of get it.' I paused, because what came next was difficult to say, 'Sometimes I find myself wanting you to infect me. It's some sort of weird bonding thing, I think, that would somehow tie you to me. And it makes me uncomfortable.'

She nodded. 'I get that. It's one of the reasons I want to play with the subject. It's also one of the reasons I am glad I'm undetectable and that you're on PrEP, because I don't want you to do something silly and impulsive. HIV is not a license to debauchery like the guys on breeding.zone sometimes think. It's got a lot of downsides to go along with at least not needing to worry about getting HIV anymore.'

It was difficult, but being GGG for this girl has become my guiding principle. I have dedicated myself to not repeating the selfishness and the concealments that doomed my last relationship, but this was a stretch. I drew a deep breath, exhaled and: 'If this is what you want, I am going to do everything I can to help it out. Just trust me to use my safe word if I can't handle it, and otherwise please be my absolute owner from the instant Black and Silver start to dominate me, Okay?', I pause, 'I trust you. Completely. With my life, in fact. If you told me to let you infect me, I would do it here and now'

She put down her wine, and came to hold me. not sexually, just in my arms and pressed against me. I had no regrets of what I just said. I was no longer worried, but eager to find out what it will be like to surrender, for the first time, to someone I actually love.

I went back to cooking. Alex set the table, found some music, eventually the buzzer went and I went down to let them in. Silver commented that he had dated a woman who lived in this same building more than 40 years ago

They came in, both having come from work. Mr Black from the hospital (he's a nurse) and Mr Silver from his corner office in a mid sized oil company. I introduced them to Alex, and actually caught Mr Silver licking his lips, which amused me. Both men are Bi, though Mr Black rarely fucks women (my ex wife a notable exception) Mr Silver, though, is married to a rather beautiful woman. It was pleasing, though not unexpected, to see his instant and naked desire for Alex. It was also returned in kind, as Alex seemed to be finding that perhaps a 69yr old man can be pretty sexy after all! She also appreciated Mr Black, though his response to her was harder to gauge.

'I see what you mean by 'alpha tops'', she said with a grin, 'These are some very attractive, and extremely *manly* men. I suspect I am going to learn a thing or two on saturday!'

The pasta was ready, I plated up. Spaghetti Puttanesca, it was irresistibly appropriate. Silver laughed immediately, getting the culinary joke. For those who don't understand, the name of the dish literally means 'Whore's spaghetti'. I poured out wine, we sat.

I'm a good cook, and our guests are polite gentlemen, who are also probably a little surprised to learn their slutty bottom cumdump is a skilled cook. They complimented me on the food, and in Silvers case, he mentioned that he recently had the same dish at one of Van's best restaurants, and this would stand with theirs. I'm flattered, since there is no way Silver would dream of saying it unless it were true. A short discussion of good restaurants ensued, We finished our meal, headed to the couch to chat.

I'm not going to recount the dialogue. Suffice to say the main issue was that, while all three were going to be topping me (along with others, almost certainly), that Alex was the one in charge. Her will was law. I commented that I trusted both men absolutely in terms of controlling my drug intake, and in keeping me from being physically injured. Black brought up the elephant in the room, asking Alex about safer sex. 

'Your boy here, he's on PrEP, and the rest of it is curable. What about you, girl?'

'Well, my fantasies involve bareback and risky sex, and pregnancy and maybe even some infection talk, so I'm planning to gamble this time. It's probably not smart, but that's my decision.'

'You know a lot of the guys at the baths are poz?'

'Yes, and I know that the undetectable ones are pretty safe'

'Sure, but guys lie. Chances are you will be fine, but you should know the risks.'

Silver broke in 'I've arranged a few guys, all of them are undetectable.' 

Alex nodded, we changed the subject.

We discussed how Alex would present in the baths to avoid freaking out the gay-boys, And Black said he had arranged to take Alex to meet a Trans woman friend of his, Alex was excited by the idea, and they set up a date for the next evening.

The rest of the evening was devoted to limits and safe words and drug preferences. Alex mentioned how much she looked forward to seeing me get slammed, and that she might want to try it herself. Eventually we said our goodnights, cleaned the kitchen, and off to bed for a quick shag and sleep. Already I was as excited as a kid waiting for Christmas.


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This is getting more and more interesting. Especially because Alex has those risky games and infection fetish on her mind. That's awesome!

21 hours ago, degenerateraver said:

As you have likely already realized, she is also a member of this site, since we collaborated on writing about the blindfold gang bangs.

May I ask what's her name on here? I'm just curious because every "real" woman with a certain HIV interest is rare and interesting.

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3 hours ago, RiskyMarc said:

May I ask what's her name on here? I'm just curious because every "real" woman with a certain HIV interest is rare and interesting.

Sorry. She will see your question though, perhaps she will message you. I wouldn't expect it though. 

8 hours ago, degenerateraver said:

Sorry. She will see your question though, perhaps she will message you. I wouldn't expect it though. 

Awesome! :-)


The next evening, Alex stopped off to visit with the trans woman on the way to work, and I puttered around my apartment packing up a few boxes, doing some cooking, and digging out the  various toys and equipment I would be bringing to the baths on saturday. I also spent a little time stretching my hole and working my way up to the 12" monster I keep around to make sure nothing at the baths can surprise me. It had been a while, but I was confident that with some daily practice over the next few days, and the drugs, I would be back in the saddle again. Or rather, the sling and the horse.

Alex met me at about 9, carrying a medium sized gym bag. We hopped into a Car2go (my car was parked at her place) and went over to her place for the night.

I asked her how the evening went, and she was pretty excited. 'It was fantastic. Cherry is close to my size, and lent me some stuff. I will seriously be able to pass as a guy. Even in the hot tub.' I must have looked skeptical. 'Wait and see'

I thought she meant when we got home, but no. She dragged me to bed for a quick fuck, followed by a session of pegging. While pressing me down into the bed with her largest silicone feeldoe, she whispered 'You're getting this every night until saturday, little whore! I'm going to make sure you don't embarrass me in front of Black and Silver.' She giggled 'They probably think I'm way too easy on you...'

I moaned, as she ground the feeldoe, which is roughly the size of Mr Silver, but even less yielding, into my asshole. As I came for the second time, I reflected on how lucky I was to have stumbled from a massive fuckup into the arms of such a lovely girl. As she kissed me hard, and folded me in her arms, I drifted off smiling.

Friday passed in a blur of work, our last solid food (consisting of lots of high fiber) before sunday. Also, another feeldoe pounding from Alex. She was increasingly dominant and demanding. Obviously practicing for saturday. In particular, the trans friend had taught her to modulate her voice deeper like a man. It was disconcerting, but also sexy, to hear my normally *incredibly* womanly Alex sound like a horny twink. She also forbade me to cum, my first orgasms would happen in the sling, after more than 48hrs of chastity. About four times as long as I usually go between shots. I should also mention hydration. Some of you reading this are probably making notes, and if you plan a session of pnp, you should drink at least 3 litres of water or other (non caffeinated and non alcoholic) liquids per day for the three days before hand. It will make everything about your experience better, including the come down and the hangover. Hydration before and during is *key*.

We spent a couple of hours giving each other super deep clean outs, which we would repeat tomorrow, there was a tacit assumption that at some point, Alex was going to be getting fucked, and that it would be 'as a man'. I honestly couldn't see how that was going to work, but maybe it would just be behind closed doors with people in on the secret... I shrugged, and forced my cock into her throat, feeling her gags spray her bowel contents into the toilet bowl. So tempting to face fuck her and breed her throat... I sit, and she gets her revenge forcing her fingers deep into my tonsils and laughing at me.

 The next morning, just clear smoothies, and she fucked me *again*. This time she was gentle with my ass, though still full depth, but she was rough with the rest of me. Forcing ass to mouth, making me eat her pussy and ass, and gloating at me over her freedom to cum in my face while I had to wait. She was putting me into bottom mode, and I had my suspicions that Silver had been giving her some coaching. It was working too, My ass felt empty and hungry, and I found myself thinking of her in the same way I think of Silver and Black: I wanted her to use me, wanted to be something that exists just for her pleasure. I longed to show her how willing I was to do anything it took to please her... I remember shivering with the anticipation.

The funny thing about all of this is that, right up until the moment the session starts, I may be *looking forward* to being a bottom, but I am still a natural top. In the past, I have often been pounding some twink in the asshole and making him call me daddy when Silver or Black arrive and take the other end. Until I start the actual scene, I'm not a bottom at all. There is like a switch.

We did another complete clean out at 4pm, packed up our stuff. Alex transformed into twink boy, and at six pm we cabbed down to Gastown and walked into the Steamworks lobby.

'Hey, is the sling room beside the bathrooms available?'

'Let me see... Yes it is!'

'Awesome, can I get it, and a locker for my guest here? He's from out of town' This was the key moment. If he asked for ID, we were fucked. Luckily, the counter guy was a top... He licked his lips.

Alex leaned in and whispered in my ear 'Ask him when he is off shift', smart girl! No way he is going to ask for ID on a boy he thinks he might nail.

'Hey,' I say casually, 'If you're off shift later, maybe you might want to come for a visit?' I goose Alex in the asscheeks and she groans like a twink and makes a smooch at the clerk.

'Possibly! Thanks for the invite!'

After that it's all smooth sailing. We collect our keys, head downstairs, and get inside the room. Alex collapses on the double bed laughing. I note she is immersed in character, even her laugh is lower pitched now. It's fucking hot. I set things up, plugging in the lap top, setting out lubes and toys. Alex strips, and changes. I take notice.

She has a cock. It's like a cup that forms around her cunt, it looks quite real, and even has a pisshole, she can obviously walk up to a urinal and piss out of the end. Over it, she puts on a tight leather jockstrap with a zip fly, obviously designed to hold the assembly in place. With it tightened down, she looks like a rather well hung dude. I grope her. It even feels real! 

'That's incredible!'

'Right? I have to very careful with it, replacing it would cost almost 400$. It's designed for trans men who want to pass before surgery.' She reaches into the bag, pulls out a second one, which is erect. It has a spring, and she shows me how it can be folded into the jock and erects when let loose.

'Wow!' I look at it. 'Not big enough for me though, I like them big.'

'You're a fucking cumdump tonight. If I find you a two inch micropenis you will please him, slut, and we both know it!'

I sigh, knowing it's true. 'Did you at least bring your cock?' ('her' cock is the massive black silicone feeldoe)

'Of course, you think I would forget?' She cuddles into me and kisses me. Suddenly a woman again. 'You having any second thoughts?'

'Nope. I can't wait.' Suddenly an undefinable shift and she's a boy again. 

'Good, let me finish changing and lets go find some ass.'

On reflection, she switches to the erection model, and reattaches everything. I notice that one has a little bulb, and realize it can cum. Cool! She adds a tight leather vest, solid in front, all straps in the rear, and a leather cap. Look at the adorable little leather daddy-in-training!

I strip naked, add a silicone cock ring, grab lube and poppers. 

We walk out into the baths. 



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Our sling room is in the basement, which is filled with private rooms, glory holes, a small dark play room, and a shower and toilet area that features private stalls with enema facilities. Our Private sling room has a sturdy leather pig sling, a double bed, and a video screen with dozens of channels of gay, bi and straight porn. It's really the best room in the baths: In order to get to the dark rooms and the bathrooms, most people will have to walk past our door. If that door is open, whatever we are doing will be on public exhibition.

As we leave our room, a tall and muscular black man is leaving the dark room. Our eyes both drop to his crotch. He pauses, and smiles at us, letting his towel drop to the floor. His cock is long and thick, and shiny from whatever hole he was fucking back in the dark room. Alex steps forward, grasps his cock, and strokes it. The man closes his eyes, and leans back against the wall. His cock stiffens.

'You like this one, daddy?', Alex asks huskily, 'Or should we not settle for the first nice cock we see?'.

'I'm sure we will see him again, Alex,' I say, loathe to interrupt the scene, but eager to show her the rest of the house.

'Okay daddy', she steps back, and to the black man she says 'Come visit us later, here in the sling room?'

'You bet, I will, you bet...' He picked up his towel, nods at me, 'Nice boy you've got there...' and leaves.

Alex falls into my arms, giggling almost silently, whispering in my ear 'He thinks I'm a real boy! This is so fucking sexy!' Her hand drops to my cock, under the towel, finds me rock hard. 'I see daddy is having a good time?'

'Yes indeed, Alex, yes indeed!'

I lead her around the corner, and show her the dark rooms. You squeeze down a narrow corridor, and it opens into a room with a couple of fuck tables, conveniently at a height to make accessing bottom holes comfortable. One side of the room has a gallery running across it with a railing and spindles. It's set up so bottoms standing in the dark room can suck tops through the railing. A door at the back continues into a series of glory holes. Further still, is a door that leads into the bathrooms.

There is a bottom on one of the fuck tables. It's too dark to see details, but his sillouette is that of a muscular guy of medium build. He stirs as we enter. Two words, 'Use me', come from the shadows at the head of the table. Alex pulls me closer. Her hand strokes down the bottoms back. He is slick with sweat, and other fluids. She puts my hand at his hole. It is slick and dripping. She pushes me towards him, and pulls my towel away.

'Fuck him daddy,' She says it huskily, 'I want to see you use his sloppy hole'

I lean forward, and enter him. Alex cuddles against me, her breath at my ear. 'How many loads do you think are in there?' More than a couple, I am thinking. His hole is soft and wet and sloppy. As Alex's tongue tickles my ear, I cannot help but think of how opposite this cumdump is to her tight muscularity. Alex's hole is always snug, even after a pounding, she grips my cock. This random slut, however, is gaping. It's like waving my cock in a bucket of water. I ram deep, and hear him moan, and Alex pulls me backwards. She leans over, and licks my cock. 'Mmmm your cock is coated in strange cum, daddy...'

She stands again, and pulls me away. The bottom sighs in resignation. We continue. The glory holes. She shoves me into a booth, follows me in. I sit down, she nestles into my lap, and we begin to kiss. She squirts lube into her hand, and starts stroking my cock. I unscrew the poppers, take a deep snort, and then hold her under her nose. She breathes deep, and her head drops into my lap. That incredible mouth closes on my cock. Her head bobs, I groan. And suddenly she freezes. Someone is entering the next stall. Her mouth leaves me, and goes to the hole. She is sucking the cock that has been stuffed through from the next stall.

She is panting. I push her head down hard onto the unseen stranger. I hear her gag, then a groan from next door. He is cumming! My girlfriend is taking her first bath house load, into her mouth from an unseen stranger. He pulls out, she sits up, I hear him leave. She grabs my head, and kisses me hard. She spits the cum into my mouth, forcing me to taste it. I groan in pleasure, and spit it back. We both moan and swallow our share. 

Sounds from next door. A cock pokes in through the hole. Long. Curved. White. Alex grabs the lube, and slicks the cock up. She stands, and presses her asshole against the tip. She's really buying in to this bath house thing. She whimpers as she wiggles her tight hole down. I know what the guy in the next stall is feeling: A tight, taut hole. Not your typical sloppy glory hole anus, not at all like a typical sloppy sauna hole. She moans, and I reach between her body and the wall, find the cock where it enters her.

Raw, no condom, slick with lube and her ass juices. I hear her moaning with pleasure, I know she is unable to reach her clit through the leather jock and the rubber penis, yet I can hear her as she busts a small orgasm. There is a groan from next door, and alex sits down further on the cock. I realize he's cumming. Breeding her asshole. He pulls out, she stands. I spin her and push her against the wall. Spreading her cheeks, I bury my face in her asshole and lick the slick cum from her. I hear her gasp in shock as I eat the strangers cum from her hole.

'You fucking dirty whore!' She breathes as my tongue works.

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She shudders and tells me to slurp out every drop, and then we rise and depart the booth. Walking past more booths, all empty, around a corner to the right and a little more light is filtering through from the bathrooms beyond. A door enters into the showers, and we continue around to our right into the urinals and stalls.

I show her the stalls, which have locking doors, and I show her the enema taps designed to employ a length of hose (brought by the customer). She nods thoughtfully. 'You should install something like this  at my apt for us'. I hadn't really considered it, but it was certainly doable...

We exit the stall, to find a man kneeling between the urinals. He sees us, and opens his mouth wide. Alex looks at me, and grins. 'Fun!' She steps forward, remaining a yard from the waiting urinal-boy, and unzips her jock. The penis springs forth, and she aims it and begins to spray her piss at him through the peehole in the prosthetic! The slut-toilet strains to catch as much as possible, as the flow slows to a trickle and stops. He scoops droplets off his chest and into his mouth and thanks her.

Unwilling to be upstaged, I walk to him and place my tip in his mouth and begin to give him a drink from the taps. Alex comes beside me, then drops down beside him, and steals my cock away to her mouth for a second. I hear her gulping, then she returns it to the man. I sigh as I finish, all but a few droplets are in the belly of the two slutty 'boys' in front of me. I pull Alex up.

'Come on, young man, we still have more of the tour!' We stride out into the hallway. The piss bottom awaits more piss. If we continue down this hall to our right, we will end up in front of our own room again, so I show Alex this, printing in her mind how to find our room in the dim maze of the basement. Later on she will surely be stumbling around, partied up, and easily lost, so it's important. 

'I need to go in the room'

'Sure thing' I unlock the door, and we enter. She rummages through the bag, finds a euro style swimsuit, and a set of neoprene chest harness. She quickly changes into them, and grins at me. 

'See? I can pass in the hot tub!'

It's true, too. I grope her 'package' which even feels real. Quite the piece of engineering. I check my phone, we have an hour before the other tops arrive. 

This is the slowest time of day for the baths, and it's when I like to arrive because I am almost certain to get a decent room without having to wait. There are only a few guys wandering around, most of the afternoon bi married daddies from the suburbs have left, and the downtown crowd will start arriving around 10pm, with a big swell at closing time when the bars let out. We wander the basement halls, I show her the glory hole stalls that are out in this better lit area. I show her the one Silver likes to put me in, ass against the hole, for random use. She grins at that.

Someone is just going in to the other sling room, an older leatherman, we stop and chat, and Alex tells him about how her 'Daddy lost a bet to me, and tonight he has to take ten loads in the sling in front of me, before he can put my pretty neg ass in it where I belong!', She puts her hand on the mans crotch, 'Maybe you want to come help him pay his debt? Or maybe enjoy me after?' she gives that husky boy-laugh, 'Or maybe both? it feels like you have a lot to go around!'

The man, who is a rather handsome bearded fellow in his 50s or more, gathers her into his arms and kisses her deeply. She moans into his mouth, and when he breaks away she says huskily 'Two Daddies at once is a favourite of mine, mister...'

'Well, it's sure a nice offer, but you should know I'm Hiv+...' The man trails off.

'That's okay mister, as long as you're undetectable?' My sweetie is doing a perfect imitation of the kind of cumdump that is surprised to be pozzed after a few dozen nights in the sling playing with 'undetectable guys' and slamming tina. I can actually see this Leatherman's cock straining against his black leather jeans.

'Well in that case', the man smiles broadly, 'I will come visit later, and maybe bring some friends'

'Oh, goody mister!' playing up the jailbait role play fantasy to a T.

He slaps her on her perfect round ass, which never looked boyish to me before, but is quite convincing now. She gasps, presents her ass for another, and another. He roughly turns her and presents her ass for me, and I take a few hard swats and spin her again. After a dozen hard ones, her legs give way and she slumps against him.

'Thank you mister, that made me cum a little!'

He laughs at her 'Little slut boy, aren't you?'

'Yes mister, I can't help it!'

He swats her gently, and we are on our way. She holds my arm for support for a few steps. 'I like that one, Daddy!'

The basement has stairs at both ends, and by the one further from our rooms, there are computers available for customer use. I show her, but of course we have our laptops and wifi in the rooms, so it isn't a factor. I walk her up the stairs. Upstairs is the lobby, and there are vending machines with a selection of sex toys and better than usual food and non alcoholic drinks, there is also an actual gym with legitimate weights and equipment. As usual, there is a muscle boy in there working out and posing. It's the tall black man we first met, and we have a seat and watch the show. He is impressively built, and obviously enjoys the attention. Alex plays it up by rubbing her bulge, and I smack her head and loudly say : 'Remember, boy! you don't get to touch yourself, or to get touched, until later'

'Oh daddy, he's so sexy!' Alex pouts convincingly.

'Tough. The only things that get touched are your holes, you know the rules!' I grin at her, enjoying the fact that, in order to keep her cover, all her pleasure, for most of the night will have to come from hard cocks bumping her spot during anal. The very idea makes me harden.

The guy has heard this exchange, and walks over. Sweat beads his skin, but he smells fresh and clean. His cock is long and thick, dangling down his leg, still soft. 

'Mind if I use your boy's mouth a bit, sir?' He asks me, as the obvious Daddy.

I wave assent, and he steps forward to where Alex is sitting beside me on the bench. She leans forward as he grasps her short hair around the nape, and pulls her onto his cock. I watch as she begins to use her skills on him. He hardens quickly, and rather than face fucking, he lets her control pace and depth. With a deep breath, he steps back.

'Man, that's impressive boy! And, this is no insult and quite far from it, did you know you suck cock more like a girl?'

Alex takes it in stride 'I know, mister. The man who taught me was bi, and he taught me the way girls do it because he likes it better. But I can suck like a boy too!' She leans forward, lifts her chin for a straight throat angle 'Try it and see!'

The man steps forward, and grabs her head. Steering it as he wishes, he begins a thorough facefucking. Soon enough tears are streaming down Alex's face, and snot is bubbling from her nose. She looks so beautiful that way. I clear my throat,

'You are more than welcome to fill her face with cum, but I know she's hoping you will join us later in the sling room...'

'Yeah, me too, but I can usually go a few times.' His moves become even more forceful, and then he stops, balls deep and indifferent to her strangled struggles as his load pulses into her throat. She won't have tasted a drop of it.

He lets her go, and she collapses against me, moaning. He laughs, and picks up his dumbbells, returning to his workout as his cock slowly softens and Alex slowly recovers.


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Panting, Alex leans against me, having been very nearly choked out by the black cock that had lodged itself in her throat at the end there. She gasps and gurgles a bit, wiping her nose and eyes where his violent facefucking caused her to dribble snot and tears. After she recovers, and straightens herself out, I pull her to her feet. She blows a kiss to the man who just used her throat, and we continue on. I show her the lounge upstairs, and the small play area that contains little cubbies, glory holes, benches, and the public sling. For whatever reason, the public sling never seems to get as much interest as the two private rooms in the basement, I've never understood why.

The upstairs area is empty, so we carry on. I show her the lockers, and then the steam sauna, which is one of the best I've been in, even including regular saunas in regular exercise facilities. It's always hot, it's kept scrupulously clean as well. Honestly I find it far too hot for sex, although it's good for checking out the talent. Around the corner, and there is a large and scrupulously clean bathroom, with a chalkboard provided to allow patrons to advertise their room number and services. I take this chance to write up our room number and 'hot bottoms taking loads from all tops, come join the party'. Most people should get the hint. Alex grins at me.

Back out, and I show her the hot tub area. A large communal shower leads directly into a very large tiled hot tub. One of the things I like about these baths is how thoroughly everything is cleaned. Every morning, this whole area is throughly pressure washed, the water is changed and reclorinated, and I know this because I have often been blearily recovering from a night of pounding, come up for a soak and been thwarted at 930am...

Alex turns on a shower, and pirouettes under the stream, pulls me in with her, kisses me deeply. Appreciative eyes are locked on the hot twink and the muscular daddy making out. She pulls me to the hot tub, and we enter, leaning back into the swirling water. Alex nestles into Daddy's lap, and I begin to nibble and bite her neck. The two other gentlemen slide closer and chat with Alex, who tells them of my 'lost bet' and the plans for tonight. Both men agree to stop by later, Alex amuses herself by ducking under the water and blowing the guys, staying under as long as she can each time. 

Eventually, I realize that 9pm is likely approaching, and it's time to get back to our room. Black and Silver are punctual men, and it does not do for bottoms to keep their tops waiting. We say our good byes, shower again, stop by the desk for dry towels, and head back downstairs to the room. We putter about, Alex changes back into the leather jock and harness. I measure out ghb portions into gatorade bottles, lock our valuables into the lockers under the bed, set out toys, lube, and some condoms. I prefer bare, but my policy as a bottom is to take cock, if the top chooses to wrap, it's his business.

'So, Daddy, are you excited?'

'Hell yes... I'm starting to drop into bottom mode. I can't wait to get started!'

A cute cub walks past the doorway, stops and leans in, 'Hi guys, may I come in?' He's a cute little thing. Early 20s maybe, ginger, well trimmed beard, furry but manscaped pubes, a well formed if average cock (it's at about half mast). He's also very nicely built. Barrel chested and muscular, slightly shorter than Alex's 5'9". Alex slips into his arms and kisses him, starts whispering in his ear. I can't hear much over the house music which plays constantly here. I do catch 'party', 'negative', and 'cumdump'.

Her hand drops to that pretty little cock, and strokes it. He hardens as she licks his ear. Turning to me she winks, and barks 'In the sling, daddy! I've got your first gentleman ready for you!'

I adjust my cock ring, and hop up into the sling. Alex leads the cub over, hands him a bottle of lube, and bends over and kisses me hard. I feel the cub finger my hole, carefully lubing me. I'm grateful that my first cock of the evening is showing some consideration, as he thoroughly greases me, and I feel the inimitable sensation of a hard cock head brushing at my opening. My own cock is hard on my belly, my nipples are rock hard as Alex drops her mouth down to nip and suck at them. The cub presses in on my hole, and enters. I gasp as I take him, either he thickened up *substantially*, or I am tight today. I reach down to learn this cub is most assuredly a 'grower'. His cock is thick and very hard. I moan, as he slides deeper, and begins to grind in my hole.

Alex pulls back from my nipples, and looks into my eyes. She leans over and, very deliberately, spits in my face. 'You're such a dirty fucking whore, daddy. You didn't even ask him his status. I know you love cock, Daddy, but it always surprises me just how much a whore you are.'

'I can't help it,' I moan as he slides even deeper, 'I need it so bad!'

Alex laughs and evil little laugh. 'I know you do, Daddy. And I am going to make sure you get more than you can handle.' She pauses, and tweaks my nipples roughly, watching me flex my hips against the cub's thrusting cock. 'I know his status, Daddy, do you want me to tell you?'

I sigh, as his cock is finally fully in me, I reach down and cup his furry ginger balls and groan as he begins to thrust into me. I stare into his eyes, loving the sensation of a thick cock pressuring my prostate, stretching my hole, forcing me to open to him. He quickens, thrusting harder, I grunt in rhythm to his strokes. My cock is painfully hard, I worry suddenly that he will make me cum. I don't want to cum the early, my pleasure will be greater if I hold off, as long as possible. Alex leans to my ear, 

'He's positive,' she speaks clearly, so the cub knows I've been informed of his poz status. He pauses in his stroke, leans over to me,

'Want me to stop fucking you, slut? Now you know my status?'

'N n no, Sir... I want you to fuck me harder!'

Alex laughs evilly. 'I knew it, you fucking whore. All those times you've dumped your cum in me, Daddy, and you're just as big a slut as I am. Carry on, young man. Give him is first load of the night, maybe you will knock my Daddy up!'

The cub starts to long stroke me and I groan as Black and Silver stride into the room. Black laughs at me, as both men drop their bags, and enjoy watching my performance. The cub slaps me across the face lightly 'Want my load, Daddy? Your boy wants me to breed you, but I think you should decide if you want my Poz load or not.' He continues to pound into me as all I can do is nod frantically. He smiles, groans, and I feel the base of his cock pulse against my ring. My first load of the night, and as always I shiver with pleasure at my use.

The cub pulls out, and I watch as Alex drops to her knees and carefully cleans his cock. Her tongue coaxing every drop of lube and cum and ass slime off him. It's something she has always done, since I first met her years ago, but for some reason I had not expected it in this context. The cub thanks her, introduces himself to Black and Silver, and promises to return later for another session. He closes the door behind himself.

Alex leans over to examine my hole, gives it a quick lick, and informs me nothing is dripping. The cub dumped in me at full depth, so his cum will remain as lube for the next gentleman.

Alex shuts the door, for the moment, as Black and Silver begin to unpack and prepare for the evening, drugs, rigs, toys, some bondage gear are sorted and organized. I start to get out of the sling, but Alex barks 'Stay, Daddy!' she glares at me, 'You want out of that sling, you ask permission!' 

I settle back, for the first time I feel the warm glow of a total bottom who has been taken charge of by 'his' top. Suddenly, I know this evening is going to work just fine...


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I watch from my sling as the three of them, two alpha male power tops, and my own wonderfully transformed girlfriend, putter around the room. I notice again, how very *domestic* the time before these scenes always is. Unpacking gear, preparing points, arranging toys, chatting about what's to come, debating who will take what role, who will be responsible for what task.

Alex fits right in (like she does in practically any social situation) with these massively masculine men. It fascinates me to see her effortlessly take charge of the evening, without ruffling any feathers, and in fact seeing these tops not merely accept her leadership, but do so cheerfully. There is no way, in her place, that I could manage Black and Silver so smoothly.

It's starting to dawn on me that Alex has some hidden qualities that, in my normally dominant position with her, I have failed to notice. It's also starting to dawn on me that she has perhaps been in more control of me than I thought, in the past. I suppose some men might feel a little put out by this kind of revelation, but frankly, I am just impressed (being head over heels in love helps with that).

I have my talents, but there is no question I have my weaknesses as well. It's a bit amusing to suddenly notice how well her strengths mesh with my weaknesses in this particular venue. That's the thing about true dominance and submission. It always teaches you something about yourself, and your partner. I shivered a bit in anticipation of the night. 

One of the things the boys have unpacked is a clock. As I mentioned earlier, Mr Black is a nurse by profession, and he takes his responsibilities as a party top extremely seriously. Nobody overdoses on Mr Black's watch. He uses only the best methamphetamine, pharmaceutical grade obtained through professional connections. He scales doses, and he creates structured timelines for his bottoms. Slams are carefully calculated to give a maximum rush, while still allowing for little bumps in between. GHB is tracked carefully, and while Mr Black will often slam himself, if he has a bottom to care for he always retains control. The clock is key to Mr Black's ability to safely party a bottom to their limits, and it's something all party people should think about. More people have gotten themselves into trouble by bumping their doses to early than for any other reason.

As I watch, another key safety device, a Naloxone set, is demonstrated to Mr Silver and to Alex. While none of the drugs we will use tonight are opiates, the fentanyl crisis in Vancouver has led to a number of opiate overdoses due to cross contamination. Careless dealers have allowed a few tiny grains of fentanyl to accidentally get into other drugs, and that's more than enough to kill you. Naxolone is a syringe kit, handed out by harm reduction groups. Administered to someone who has overdosed, it will save their life. Mr Black goes over how it works, how to decide if it's needed. Silver and Alex listen carefully. Ask intelligent questions. Should anything happen, one will administer the naloxone, the others will gather up all illegal drugs in the room and flush them, before the EMTs arrive. It's a sobering and chilling reminder that partying is fun, but something to be taken seriously as well.

PSA: Not kidding about the importance of Naloxone in the modern party environment. I urge all the people reading this to look into the problem of opiode contamination of other drugs, and to find out if there is a naloxone program in your area. The life you save might be your own, or it might be your favourite top or bottom. Google, and your local LGBT community are good places to start. Enough with the serious.

The truth is, that while at first hearing all the serious discussion of potential disaster is a bit of a downer, by the end, I am reminded of what excellent hands I am in. Ultimately, a bottom needs to feel that his top will look after him. That may well mean ensuring his holes are broken, bleeding, and filled with poz cum, but it also means making sure everyone gets out the other end alive! These three tops know their responsibilities, and I feel safe. 

Everything is ready, we all laze on the bed for a bit, some cuddling happens, I am permitted to make small requests for experiences I would like to have. One of my favourites is to have my ass used as a toilet, which makes Alex grin broadly. It's something I did with her when first we met, at a music festival years and years ago. She was ridiculously high on a psychedelic called 'foxy', and begged for it, and it was a first for both of us. It has since become a favourite kink of mine. Another request, to drink directly from Alex's cunt. 

It's around 11 pm now, a few more rooms have filled up, but the baths won't start to jump for another hour or so. Peak party will happen around 2-3pm. Alex strips out of her boy disguise and pirouettes for the two tops, I watch as they appreciate her body, with the door closed Alex is free to be a woman, and both these men appreciate beautiful women.

Alex whispers in Silver's ear, and he laughs delightedly. Mr Black opens the candy box, and removes a capsule. He grabs a butt plug as well, and walks over to me. He shows me the capsule 'It's 2ci, boy. Stage one of your evening, time for lift-off.'

'Thank you, Mr Black. How would you like to dose me?'

'Get up on all fours , and present your hole to me.'

I scramble to obey, and Mr Black slips the capsule up and inside. Pushing it deep on his finger. The steel plug, well lubed, follows. I note with some 'shame' that it's Alex's princess plug. Complete with a pretty jewel on it. 2ci is a psychedelic, in effect it's rather like a combination of LSD and MDMA. It takes around an hour or so to fully kick in, at which point I will be a very horny boy. In many men, and I am one, 2ci also grants the ability to experience multiple orgasms... I've had as many as a dozen in a session. Not the more common dry orgasms which bottoms experience sometimes, these are regular ejaculatory orgasms, albeit with precious little cum after the first few. As he works the drugs and plug into me, Mr Black explains my program for the evening.

'We're going to let this 2ci work on you until around midnight. That's when some of our friends are scheduled to arrive. Some well hung hiv positive slam-tops. We will be keeping the door closed for that part, and you will be getting acquainted with miss Tina and some very big cocks. Once you've been properly put in your place, the door will be opening, and you will be expected to provide entertainment to the house.'

I shiver with anticipation, and look up at Mr Black. 'You guys will look after me?' I ask him timidly, the thrilling fear of my situation is finally taking hold. I love this bit. 'I want to be the best possible slut I can be for all of you!' Black smiles down at me, and shakes me by the neck in an affectionate way, as though I were a large friendly dog.

'Don't worry, slut, you're far too much fun to let anyone ruin you too much. You're in good hands,' he pauses, and grips a little tighter, 'As long as you're pleasing us, that is. You start being difficult, or get uppity, and maybe we let the boys get tougher on you!'

I whimper and fall over myself promising to be a good and perfect slut, my cock hardening as I think of whats in store. Black laughs and pushes me down on the bed.

Alex and Silver are also on the bed, both naked, and as I watch, Alex begins to kiss and stroke Silver. She is naked, and in female mode, and Silver has been lusting for her since the first time he saw her back at the apartment. She cups his balls, then begins to stroke his cock. He kisses her deeply, a hand at her cunt. She wriggles a bit in pleasure, and rolls him onto his back. Dropping down, she engulfs his 8.5" thick circumcized inches in her mouth. Silver sighs in pleasure, his hand strokes her head (but I notice he puts no pressure on it...He is treating her as an equal, as is appropriate between two tops). I watch spellbound as she treats him to her incredible mouth, shivering in lust, my cock rock hard, as I know exactly how Silver feels right now. Alex is the queen of cocksucking. The finest mouth I have ever experienced, perhaps the finest mouth there is anywhere. The minutes pass as she blows his mind. Silver stares at me as she pleases him, and I revel in how hard his cock is in her mouth. She stops, and straddles him, reverse cowgirl, and sinks her cunt down onto him. Silver groans as he feels her muscles ripple on him. Alex giggles delightedly at the enormous cock swelling inside her. It occurs to me that Alex is not on the pill, and Silver may be 69 years old, but he does not shoot blanks. Mr Black joins them on the bed, standing beside Alex, offering her his cock. Delightedly, she takes Black's 9" into her mouth, sucking him from half mast to rock hard. I watch spellbound. Black pumps into her throat, and Alex gags, which clenches  her cunt on Silver. Things speed up, Alex moans and cums, shuddering and shaking, without ever letting Black escape her lips. Black groans, and stiffens, and pumps his load into Alex's mouth. I hear no gulping. Black pulls away, and steps off the bed, as Alex leans backwards and rests on Silver's chest. His hands are at her cunt, he is thrusting hard, and he groans and fills her fertile cunt with his poz cum. My Alex has been bred, and bred well, and the evening has begun. She rides him for a few more strokes, milking the last drops from his cock, and swings off him. She bends over me, spits Blacks load into my mouth, and then straddles my face.

'Suck the cum out, little whore! There is only one cumslut in here tonight!'

I slurp eagerly, letting the two loads mingle in my mouth, before gulping them down. I lick and clean her cunt thoroughly as she pushes cum out into my mouth. Eventually she dismounts, kisses me hard, and orders me to my sling. I hasten to obey. It is 1145, I am feeling my 2ci begin to rush in my body, my holes feel empty. I have not cum for two days, me who normally goes twice a day or more. I am so desperate to be fucked. I watch as Alex carefully assembles her prosthetic cock, dons her clothes, transforms again into a delicately handsome young man. I watch with interest as she and black fill the ejaculation system with a mixture of tina and water. I realize I am seeing how my booty bumps will be administered tonight. I moan in pleasure as the drugs pass a warm wave over my body. I look down, my cock is rock hard and dripping pre-cum. The room is filled with dancing light, I am warm and drowsy. The rush, I realize distantly, is well underway. I feel a strap tighten across my torso, and another down near my hips. I have been fastened to the sling, but my arms and legs remain free. There are more people in the room, I must not have noticed. 

Mr Black is beside me, and Silver stands by my asshole. He is stroking his massive hard cock slowly, slicked with lube. Alex stands on the other side of me. Three men stand around the room, all wear leather, all have their hard cocks in their hands. As I watch, each of them slams themselves. The room echoes with coughing. I feel something at my hole. Silver is removing the pretty little princess plug. The tops all laugh derisively to see it. I feel renewed pressure at my hole. Silver has placed the tip of his cock there. I am dazed, incredibly lustful, I long to feel myself full, to be pounded, I need to be used, to fill my role as slut and cumdump, to begin pleasing these men. I feel a prick. I realize I am being slammed just as the tourniquet is pulled away. I feel the warmth, I cough, and my body roars into hyperspace. Silver's mighty cock slides up and into my asshole, filling me in a single stroke. I shout something unintelligible and roll my hips to cram even more into myself. My cock sprays cum, covering my belly, my chest, and my face. Alex scoops the cum up with her fingers and conveys it to my mouth, I slurp and swallow eagerly. Someone is chanting 'fuck me fuck me fuck me' I realize distantly it is me. I am being pounded hard, Silver is not holding back. The same cock that impregnated Alex an hour ago is about to pump my hole full of hot poz cum. I groan as I feel him pulse inside me, as he pulls out, as one of the strangers walks up and without ceremony enters me. His cock is slender, not especially big, but curved, and it strikes my P-spot perfectly. Five strokes in and I am cumming again! Again my cum is gathered up and stuffed into my mouth and again I swallow eagerly. This one fucks long and slow, obviously relishing my sloppy hole. I beg him to never stop, to fuck me until I bleed. His face twists in pleasure and he dumps in me. This time I feel the actual cum spurting inside. He turns away, another stranger, this one is thick and stubby. He pounds away, he groans and sprays. Silver again, stretching my hole for a while, until another stranger steps up. An arab man, a very long, but slender cock. He slides in for what seems forever. It must be a foot inside me, I feel him pass my second sphincter and his tip must be well past my belly button inside. It's like someone is churning my guts with a broom handle. I moan, looking down at my belly, expecting to see his head bulging out from the inside. He is chanting filth at me. Alex leans down and whispers in my ear 'He is poz, and just diagnosed yesterday. His viral load is off the charts! Beg him to poz you!'

'Please sir, please fill me with your cum. Please breed me, please give me your poz cum!'

The tops all laugh. One says 'You're leaving here tonight a well bred slut! Every one of us is poz you stupid little whore!' I moan, willingly entering into the fantasy.

'Oh god, Oh god' I chant it as I feel an orgasm building inside me. The arab mans long cock stiffens inside me and his cum coats my guts a good foot inside. I convulse and cum again. I have lost count of how many times I have cum, my cock still hard, dribbling semen. The Arab pulls out. The men are finished with me, they thank Silver for my use. They leave.

Alex comes to me, and places a cup under my asshole. 'Push the cum out, you fucking whore.' I groan and push, and I feel it spurt into the cup. 'Again, slut!'I push again, more cum. It feels like pints of it. Eventually, no more is coming out of me. The cup is handed to Mr Black, who draws it up into a large syringe, and makes note of the volume. 100ml of semen and ass juice has been harvested from me. I watch as he measures out 300mg of MDMA, and mixes the semen with it thoroughly. He draws it back into the syringe and sets it aside for later. Alex embraces him and kisses him deeply, and whispers in his ear. Black grins. Comes over to me.

'I bet you were wondering whats happening with that mix of  cum and drugs?' He laughs evilly. 'Later on, when it's Alex's turn in the sling, That poz cum mixed with MDMA is how she is going to get her party, before we declare open season on her ass.' I moan with lust, loving the idea that (supposedly) negative Alex is about to be subjected to a pozzing party. I have never felt so filthy, so kinky, and I revel in it. I meet Alex's gaze, and she winks at me.

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