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Sedative Breeding


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10 years ago


So much of this story causes me personal shame. It's embarrassing. I'm currently 47 years old, but I still felt like a kid ten years ago. I was 37 and fighting some demons from childhood. I was raised in a very strict, religious household and remember rules and discipline as a way of life. I rebelled like we all do at some point.  Unfortunately, I never grew out of that stage. I got stoned right before my high school graduation...and pretty much every day after that for the next three years. College was pretty much a breeze, but in my senior year, I woke up a little and shed some anger in order to get my degree. 

The problem is that I never got over my hate of doing stuff I didn't want to do. Sure, I got up early every morning and worked at a job -- but I never got a regular checkup with a doctor, and I never ever went to the dentist. I'd had a wisdom tooth removed when I was in my 20's. It was such a bad experience that they only did the one even though I had three more that needed taken out. I swore I'd never go back. And I didn't for over ten years. Well, you can guess what happened ... I eventually developed some major issues in my mouth. I paid for my neglect with horrible tooth pain. No amount of Advil would help. I once took shots directly from a bottle of rum to kill the pain. I woke up sick and spit blood into the bathroom sink. Not good. It was time to grow up a little and make a dental appointment. 

I nosed around on the computer to find dentists in my area. I came across Dr. Manning, who not only was near me, but took my insurance. He also practiced "sedation dentistry" which I'd never heard of. If you don't know it already, you can now go to a dentist and be drugged up for hours while they fix everything wrong with your death and you're not even aware of it. Sounded good to me. His picture was on the website. He was a handsome, mid-50's guy with a salt and pepper mustache. I called and made an appointment. The phone lady was very nice...and had that so soothing 'nurse voice'. I told her about my pain and she was very sympathetic, but said I'd need to come in for x-rays and consultation before any work could be done. Fine. I lived through a few more unbearable nights before the appointment. I was tense as hell and even the dental assistant noticed. She left the room for a few minutes and came back with a valium. "Dr. Manning is running late. Take this and relax a little while. I'd never had any tranquilizer before, but quickly understood why people got addicted to them. Damn.,I felt perfect and in love with the world. I dreamed for a bit. I think. A hand touched my shoulder....Dr. Manning. The lady assistant was there too.

"You less nervous now? Poor kid. Linda, take his blood pressure." Then I was sorta awake as the cuff went on my arm. It had to be low now, but it wasn't....170/50. "Start him on the gas and I'll go adjust Carmen's braces."  He put a hand on my chest and said "I can't do anything until you calm down. "  It's impossible to 'try to relax', but as soon as I started breathing  the air coming from that mask -- it felt like a piece of paper floating in the wind. There should be a better way to describe it, but that's all I could think of at the time. It had no odor that I could perceive. I could hear the dentist and his assistant talking and asking me to open wide and telling me to relax. They scraped and inspected, and I thought it was great. Fun. After they stopped the gas, I was out of my happy trance in seconds. 

"Well, Vince...we've got some work to do." I needed the other wisdom teeth removed, three fillings, a crown and a thorough cleaning. I was so embarrassed. "We can do almost all of it in two appointments, but you need to get the blood pressure normalized. I have a friend, an internist over at Saint Luke's who will get you in soon. Follow his instructions and then come back. I'm writing you a scrip for some strong pain pills. Don't take more than three in a 24 hour time period. We'll call you in a few weeks to see how things are going. Sheila at the front desk will be ready for you whenever you've awake enough to get up. 

"I just need half a minute." Dr. Manning sent his assistant to retrieve that internist's number from his office, leaving me and the doc alone. 

"You are way too tense. Bill can help with that too. Why are you so nervous?"

"I just always feel like a tight coil inside."

"Is that why you party?"


"I could smell a little booze and pot in the air you breathed out. People always think they can brush or use mouthwash and we won't know. We always know."

"You married, Dr. Manning?" I had no idea why I asked that.

"I was once. Years ago. What about you?"

"Nah. I am too independent to be in a union of any kind."

"Yeah. That's pretty much where I'm at now. If you still feel loopy, I can give you a ride home. Sometimes the gas affects people that way." I should have taken him up on the offer, but I declined.

"I'm okay now. Thanks, though."

"Here..take a few of these until you get the scrip filled." He took my hand, opened it and dropped a few pink tablets into my palm. "Don't say anything. This is just between us."

"Gotcha. So I call back here in a few weeks?"

"Or we'll call you...or at least I will."

Three weeks later, I was feeling okay. His friend had put me on some blood pressure pills and an anxiety med. Xanax became my new best friend. It was like the valium but more so. The pain pills really worked well. I checked my blood pressure every other day at Walgreen's. It was normal...almost nearly normal. I was in bed, enjoying the pills and thinking I'd call the dentist office tomorrow from work. As soon as I formed that thought, my phone rang. Oh fuck it...It was late and I was on a cloud. It stopped ringing but then started again thirty seconds later. 


"Did I wake you?"

"What? Not really. Who is this?"

"It's Mark. Mark Manning -- your dentist."

"Oh Hi. I was going to call your office tomorrow. My blood pressure is way lower now."

"Excellent! We can fix your teeth now. Schedule an appointment tomorrow morning. I assume you want to be konked out for the first round."

"Oh yeah. Do I get extra gas or something?"

"That...and we give you heavy-duty pills. Your insurance won't cover the gas or the meds, so it'll set you back several hundred bucks."


"Yes?" His voice was deep and sultry.

"What time is it?"

"Not so late. I just wanted to check on you. I assumed you were doing well...checking your blood pressure at that pharmacy multiple times." What? How did he know? 

"Yeah. I don't feel as coiled now, but I sleep more than I ever did."

"Good! Sleep is healing. It'll help you keep looking so young." I smiled in the darkness, and my dick shifted in my boxers. 

"I need to sleep now, Doc. I'll call the office in the morning."

"You better...I'll keep checking. Good night, kid." Damn. He was one attentive dentist. Was his business doing bad and he needed to get more patients? No. I somehow knew what was going on.

The Xanax was dragging me down into sleep. I remember in my early weed-smoking days, that I used to imagine that our reality as very layered. I'd lie in bed and go deeper through the levels. I was going way deep under the waking reality, thinking of this Dr. Manning.

I called from work the next day and spoke to that pleasant front desk woman. "We've been expecting you call, Vince. Do you have a pen and paper near you? There are instructions to follow.Ready?"


"OK. You first need to come get the sedation pills here at the office. They'll be here this afternoon. Can you come by before 6?"

"I'll be there."

"Good. Now, you can't drive here yourself for the appointment. Do you know someone who can bring you? We have a deal with a taxi service. Dr. Manning said he'd even drive you here himself."

My friend and neighbor, Ernie was a retired man and never did anything but fuss around his garden. It was almost Winter now, so he stayed on the couch and watched "Law and Order". For hours. He was a buddy and always bringing me tomatoes and radishes.

"I have somebody to drive me."

"Okay. If I'm not there when you get the pills today. Just take them as directed. Do you have an Ipod or something like that? Some patients like to hear music."

"Yes. I have one."

"Wear loose clothing -- like sweats or something. You have to probably take two days off of work. Are you able to do that?" 

"Yes." I had so much vacation saved up because I never went anywhere. Or did anything.

"Good enough. See you this afternoon...or Jemma will. My day is in flux because my daughter is sick."

"Sorry. Hope she feels better soon."

"Thanks. Have a good day."

I had meetings all morning. My phone was blinking with multiple messages. You can guess who they were from. Dr. Manning himself. I knew his voice so well.

  "Glad you called. How's work?" beep

  "What time are you coming in today? I'll try to be there to say 'hi'" beep

  "Are you ever in your office?" beep

It occurred to me that this guy was not very professional. Did I mind? Fuck no. I think he and I had something. But what? He was older and divorced and my dentist. I decided I'd go along for the ride. I picked up the little plastic package of 400 dollar pills. Mark wasn't there. The front desk lady told me he wanted to schedule me for Saturday morning. That was fine because Old Ernie got up at the crack of dawn to rake or fill his bird feeders every Saturday. 

The Friday evening before my appointment, Ernie called to tell me that his daughter had been in a car accident. She'd be okay, but would have to spend the next few days in the hospital. She was about 200 miles from us, and he needed to leave tonight to visit her. I ran through a list of names of people I could call to get up early on a Saturday and take me to the dentist. I hated annoying people. I'd call and schedule a taxi, but needed to find a number. Shit. People had tougher lives than me and coped somehow. I only had a short time to figure out a plan. As I started my usual period of panic, the phone rang. 


"Nervous? You need to take that yellow pill pretty soon so you can get some sleep. It's the smallest one."


"Yeah. Sorry. I was worried about you. It will be totally fine and easy tomorrow. Take the pill now...while we're talking. You need to be rested."


"Yep. I went by your house after work today and saw your neighbor guy put suitcases in his car. Is all that all for you?"

"No. His daughter was in a wreck and he had to travel. What's the name of the taxi service you office uses?"

"Don't bother.U'll pick you up at 8:30. You need to take the biggest pill an hour ahead of time. So get up at 7:15 and take it. It's supposed to be cold. Wear sweats if you have them."

"Thanks, Doc."

"My pleasure. You took the night pill, right?"

"Just now."

"OK. Good. Get ready for bed...you'll be crashing soon. Are you on a cell? Can we talk while you're in bed?"

"Sure. Can you hold while I get undressed and settled in?" I put the phone down and left my clothes on the floor. I went about my usual nighttime routine. I turned on the TV and muted it.  I kept it on a jewelry shopping network as I fell asleep. Something about those glittering gemstones was hypnotic. I got under the covers.

"Mark? You there?"

"Yeah. Just listening to you. Your breathing is getting heavy -- which means you'll be sleeping soon. How do you feel?"

"Wonderful. Like...just...wonderful."

"That's my boy!"

"How. Why? I mean..do you do this for all your patients?"

"Not really, but you're a friend of mine...I make exceptions for good friends."

"Oh. OK." We were friends all the sudden? GOOD friends? I guess it was true if he was saying it.

"Kiddo? Are you sleeping?? What do you wear when you sleep?"

"Huh? Just underwear. Why?"

"Describe them a little. What color? What style?"

"Yup." I felt like I was dreaming.

"OK. I'll call you early to make sure you're up."

"Absolutely."  And then I slipped away. Dreams were waiting. I slept so well and only woke up when the phone rang. They'd call back when I got done exploring heaven. 


"No! Stop! I ..." Dr. Manning was there in my bedroom, standing over me. How the fuck did he get in here?? 

"You need to wake up a little. We're running late, Vince. Damn! I should have factored in your pain pills and Xanax. This is my fault. Take this now and I'll give you the last one when we get there. Might as well take it with a beer. Coffee will only make you tense."  It was weird to taste beer while I was still half-asleep, but whatever. He helped get me dressed -- which I'd have found really awkward if I would have been fully awake. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and put on a ball cap.

"I'm ready."

"Here's your coat...it's super cold this morning." His fancy sports car looked out of place in my crummy driveway. The air smelled like snow.

"Nice car, Matt." The seat was so comfortable.

He chuckled. "It's 'Mark', buddy. You want some music?"

"Oh shit! I forgot my ipod."

"I've got a portable CD player in the office. We really don't have time to go back now."

"And my wallet. I forgot that too."

"No problem. We'll send you a bill. Just don't worry anymore. You are the most person I've ever met. Now, do you want music or not?"

"Yeah. Christmas music." I must have been feeling the effects because I normally hated holiday songs. This town had at least two radio stations that played only carols this time of year. Mark found one of them and festive tunes washed over us. His audio system was amazing.  Maybe I nodded off a little. I just felt so, so perfect. 

"OK. We're not all that late. Lois is already here though." Who was talking? Oh. I woke up a little. I thought I'd forgotten my coat too, but I was wearing it.  Mark helped me walk to the office building like I was feeble or something. My memory gets a little spotty from there. 

"So...what now?" I was in the warm waiting room, and no one else seemed to be around.

"Take this. It'll be a short wait. I guess I should say "good bye" now because you won't remember much for the next five or six hours."

"OK, Mom." He laughed and then left me alone. I could have dozed off right then, but I fought it. Why would I want to sleep through this perfect feeling? I made myself be aware for as I could. It's like when you reach that perfect buzz while drinking...remember what you can because you'll ultimately be sick.

I was reclined in the dentist chair and Lois had the little CD player ready for me. "What kind of music do you like?"

"Alternative." She stared blankly. I was unable to explain that any further. She was probably a Garth Brooks fan. A minute later she came back with an Oasis CD.

"That's perfect," I said even though I'd always been lukewarm on that band. They had a few hits. 

So much for trying to remember everything...it was mostly a blank from then on. I remember that the music was better than any music I'd ever heard. And then...a huge blank. While I was out, three wisdom teeth were removed and a crown out in. I felt none of it. I do remember that I needed to pee really bad...and I had a stomach cramp. At some point. I was sitting on a toilet. As much as I needed to pee, I needed to poop more. My ass was sore. It was like a raw sunburn feeling. I guess all the meds were having a side effect. The process took forever. I might have been in there too long because the door opened. "You OK?" It was Mark. I pulled my shirt down a little to cover my stuff. 

"Yeah. Just slow."

"OK. I'll be right outside if you need something."

Then there was a bunch of blank space. It was sometime in the evening when I slowly came out of the haze. I was in bed. I never knew my mattress was this comfortable. I might have snoozed another hour before I returned to the world. I thought it was weird that my jaws and my mouth didn't hurt at all. My ass was still sore though. It took a confusing few seconds before I realized I was not in my own bedroom. It was a nice, spacious bedroom with fancy decor. Huh? I was suddenly sure of where I was...Dr. Manning's house. Probably. I didn't trust my brain too much right then. There were dried blood droplets in my underwear...and then I knew. I knew he'd fucked me at some point. I was no virgin. I'd been fucked by my first boyfriend/mentor. He'd been a safe sex fanatic and we used condoms always. After the first time, my ass felt a lot like it did now. The pieces were starting to come together, and I somehow didn't mind too much. Mark had taken advantage of my coma-like state and gotten his rocks off. With a condom? I doubted it.

I decided to compose myself and get dressed. My folded sweats and shoes were all placed nicely in the bedroom. I was ready to see what other weird shit the day (or night) had in store. I took a breath and walked out the door. I could hear a TV and followed the sound. There was Mark, wearing only a pajama bottoms. His bare feet were propped up on top of a coffee table that probably cost as much as my car. His bare torso was covered with fur and he was smoking a joint. 

"Hey! Have a good nap?" 

"Yeah. Are we...why did you bring me here?"

"I just wanted to make sure you had someone near to take care of you. How are you feeling?"

"Not bad. Good, actually." I was holding my cards close to my vest. It would do me no good to start accusing him of rape. Not yet. 

"Well, the worst is over. Don't touch your gums. I'd offer you a hit, but you need to not suck anything for a day. The suction might open the wounds in your mouth. Wanna shotgun?"

"What's that?" I knew what it was. My God, his body was so sexy. 

"Come sit. I'll take a hit and blow it directly into your mouth." So we did that a few times. His warm lips on mine felt so nice...and familiar somehow. He kept urging me to take more and more "shotguns". Eventually we were just kissing with no smoke involved. OK, this was happening. I was overwhelmed with a bunch of thoughts fighting each other. He pulled away and stood up.

"You hungry? I made made some mashed potatoes with green onions and cream. It won't hurt your mouth to eat it."

"Cool. Thanks, Mark."

"I'd bring you a beer, but you can't have anything carbonated for another twelve hours. Want some wine?" 

"Sure. I'll have some if you do." He wasn't the only one with devious plans in his head.

"Already started without you. It's almost 9 at night, Vince."

"Wow." No way. I'd lost most of my Saturday. He brought me an overfull glass of red wine.

"Do you remember anything that happened?" I chose my words.

"I think I sort of remember Lois taking me to the bathroom."

"Nope. That was me. I sent Lois home as soon as you were prepped. It was just us for three hours. I only open the office on weekends for long procedures...like yours." He put down a plate of the promised mashed potatoes. It was not bad, but my stomach fought it. I could not eat any more without gagging, so I just sipped the wine. It was probably really expensive, but I had no knowledge of wines. It was just fruity booze to me.

There was a college football game on his super TV. I gave no shits about NCAA football because my college team was always awful. 

"Can we watch something else, Mark?" I wondered if he'd put on some gay porn. But no. He found the old version of "Little Women" on a classic movie channel. It was the black and white one with that famous actress as a younger gal. Hepburn? 

"They always show this around the holidays. Like this?"

"Yeah. I loved the novel as a kid. I got fun of for walking around with a 'girl's book'. Can we do some more shotgunning?"

"I was just about to ask you that!" He brought out a very nice bong and fired it up. "We need to go slow, Babe. This medical grade." He took a major hit and exhaled directly into my mouth. His lips...my God...I wanted to kiss him forever. "Okay. Let that sink in for a bit and watch the story." Oh fuck the March sisters -- just keep kissing me, Dr. Rapist! I nodded and finished the wine that he kept refilling. I was so wasted suddenly. We dropped all pretext and just started kissing like lovers. I let my hand rest on his crotch which was growing. I could have just laid my cards on the table...I could have just confessed that I knew what he'd done to me today. He was an enthusiastic kisser and I was rock hard in my sweats.

"One more hour and then you need to rest...you've had a big day."

"I don't feel sleepy at all. Well, a little bit maybe."

"Yeah, but your mouth will start hurting soon. It'll wake you up in the middle of the night. Let me give you a few pills to prevent that." He got up with an obvious boner and left the room.  Damn. It's like he wanted me drugged all the time. No discussion about the kissing or my hand on his dick. I'd play along...it was Saturday night after all. I think it was. I took the tablets he handed me. I couldn't help but notice how clean and well-groomed his fingers were. One of the Little Women was sick and dying. I used to know all their names.

"Were those sleeping pills or pain pills?"

"Both." Damn. He was going to continue this ruse with a guy who was smart enough to figure things out. Or maybe he knew that I knew. That would another level to this game we seemed to be playing.

We shotgunned and drank more as I got drowsier and more into that next world he wanted me in. Right about the time I was going to ask Mark a question, I slipped away. Blackness and mist. The only thing I remember is being in that excellent bed again. I also kind of remember being naked and feeling my neck kissed, but that might have been a dream. The morning crept around his thick, luxurious drapes...and I was alone again. My butt ached again, but not as bad. It was also a little damp. He'd done it again! If only he knew how much I'd have been willing to fuck with no impairment. 

"Breakfast!," He called from behind the door. "Take a quick shower. I washed your sweats and left you a clean towel." I cleansed and fixed my hair up a little. He left me the washed sweats but no underwear or socks. I was a little hungover. OK...I was his plaything, but he didn't seem to realize that I was willing. No drugs needed. I would have to say something...soon. I had to work tomorrow and, while this had been adventure, it was a little tiresome to appear stupid. I guess my shoes were still by the couch, so I just went into the kitchen barefoot. He was fussing around with the stove. 

"Good morning."

"Hello! How's the mouth?"

"No pain. You're good at your job, Mark." Boy was he ever.

"Aw. Thanks. Always nice to hear that. I made French toast. It's probably not going to hurt your gums now." We sat at his kitchen table and ate. My mom never made French toast, and so this was new to me. Sweeter food than I liked in the mornings, but....but Mark made it for me. I was becoming infatuated with him and his devious ways.

"I'm not wearing underwear... feels odd."

"I'm not either. All that is in the drier. I have a housekeeper who comes in three times a week. She's coming tomorrow morning. I'll let Rosa clean all this up."

"I can't believe the whole weekend is over. They close down my office building from Christmas Eve until after New Year's. That's coming up and I can't wait." He smiled and started lighting the bong again. Dang. For a doctor, he smoked a lot of weed.

"What do you do for Christmas, Vince?"

"Usually go visit my parents, but I don't know if I can handle it this year. They are decent people, but so religious and nagging. My dad and I tend to argue."

"Same here. Did I tell you I was raised a Mormon?"

"No way." He'd lost his place in Mormon heaven a long time ago.

"Yeah. I just hang out with friends on Christmas...good friends like you." Whoa. It was time to say something. Apparently this man equated drugged rape with friendship.

"Mark...I need to tell you something." He leaned over and exhaled a giant weed cloud into my mouth. I kepi my mouth where it was and we passionately kissed for a full minute. 


"Nothing...I ...I just think I'm falling for you." I'd chickened out. 

"About time. I was waiting to hear that. I should tell you a few things first."

Here it comes. "I've loved you from the minute you walked into my office...and I got carried away. I followed you and googled you. I know so much."

"Is that it? What about admitting you raped me twice while I was drugged?" Silence hung thick in the air. He shifted and looked at the ceiling.

"Three times. I fucked you three times in the past 24 hours. Are you mad?" 

"Let's just say I figured it out. But, why? I would have said 'yes' with no drugs involved."

"It's my thing. I love fucking passed-out men. Maybe it's a self-esteem thing, but I am too awkward when the other guy is fully awake." 

"But you are gorgeous. You don't need to drug people. I really want to have sex with you and remember it...see things, feel things."

"I know. I want to do that too...but it might take some time, okay?" My boner was completely gone. His fetish was helpless, unconscious  guys. That was not a good thing any way you looked at it.

"Did you at least put a condom on?" Silence.

"No. That's my other thing...I like to go in bare, make my seed count. I most likely don't have anything if that's what you're worried about."

"OK. I should probably go home now. I don't even know if I'm mad or not, and I need some time alone right now." He nodded and went to retrieve the rest of my clothes from the dryer. I just held the socks and underwear and stood by the front door.

"Let me get some shoes and a coat. I'll be right back. The garage door is at the far left end of the kitchen." I went there and kept my expression neutral. I wanted to keep guessing what I was thinking. I could report Mark and get him arrested, but that wasn't anything I wanted to do. I could just get another dentist, but I liked him still. Still. Even after everything. Didn't we all have a weird desire or two? He was so handsome and so smart...friendly. I'd figure it out somehow. I've learned over time that the brain is more trustworthy than the heart.

He drove me home. I was amazed at how such a nice neighborhood could be so close to my plain one. He had the Christmas music station on again, and it was playing probably my favorite song with my favorite verse:

  "...from now on, your troubles will be out of sight."

"I know this probably isn't a good time, but you still need to get a few fillings. If we do it now, you can avoid getting more crowns. Just saying. If you want to go to a different dentist, I can refer you to somebody. A woman if you want."

"No. It's okay. Later this week, maybe."

"This week would be best. Will you call me?"

"I will." We got to my place and barely said good-bye. I just needed to be in a safe place with the door locked and the blinds drawn. Ernie was still gone. The inside of my house seemed foreign, and I wished I had a dog. Or a cat. I never realized how lonely my life was. Oh well. I needed a good friend to call, but it was a weird afternoon hour on a Sunday. Everybody would be deep into football and drinking and chicken wings and talking. No thanks. I just took an extra long shower and dressed like I was ready for bed. I turned on the TV, but was careful to avoid seeing that creepy "60 Minutes" clock ticking away. I found "Scrooged" on a lame channel and watched that. It was such a mean-spirited movie, but the ending was supremely uplifting. Time for a pill. Dr. Manning had given me so many extra tranquilizers that I could afford to splurge a little now. I settled on the couch and imagined I had a big, furry cat on my lap. Of course I dozed and barely remember watching the movie. What WAS that actress's name? I used to know it. 

It was almost 10 PM when the phone rang. I knew who it would be. 


"Hi, Vince. How are you?"

"I was just relaxing for a bit. Let me grab a diet coke...hold on. OK. What's up, Mark?"

"I made some calls...I don't want to tell you too much now, but it would be good if we could do your fillings on Wednesday. And then take the rest of the day off. Maybe Thursday too. No...definitely. Can you take two days off?"

"Oh sure. I've got a crazy amount of vacation time saved up."

"Perfect. I've got you scheduled for 10 AM on the 14th. You don't need any pills for this. I'll give you a valium when you arrive, and have the gas and Oasis ready!" I was smiling. 

"Sounds great." 

"I won't keep you, but what's in your head right now?"

"Not much right now. I do know that I want to see you again. Just please understand that I want to be with you when I'm awake."

"I know. I understand. We will as soon as your appointment is over. OK?"


"Get some sleep...and don't forget to tell your boss you are taking two days off. I'll remind you."

I slept so soundly that night -- even though it felt like I had already slept forever. I was pretty much useless at work the next day. Between my brain fog and conflicting thoughts about this new man I loved, it was all I could do to remember to eat lunch. Tuesday was only slightly better. The night before the appointment, I took a pill and dozed off on the couch while some old movie with fake snow played. The phone rang a few times, but I knew it was Mark. Him. My man. Was it love? Maybe. 

I came to the dental office early. It was nice to see the waiting room full of people. I picked up a random magazine and perused it like I was interested in the material. They needed a TV here. Lois came out...

"Vince? You're next. Follow me, please." I could swear she had a slight smirk on her face.I settled into that great chair and waited while she came back with a pill and the CD player. "Take this now...the doctor will be in soon." She fussed around with the tank of happy gas and then left. Lois must know what's what. Whatever...I'd just enjoy the pill and close my eyes. None of that was my problem anymore. Half dreams in shades of blue and gray. Then the mask was over my nose and the headphones were on my ears. 

"Ready? Just breathe for a few minutes. Oasis is waiting for you." Mark. And Lois, of course. She was right there. One of them hit the play button and cranked the volume way up. I happily opened my mouth and was ready for this. I knew he was shooting some of that numbing stuff into my gums, but it felt fine. No complaints. There was a line in one of the songs playing I'd heard before:

"Slip inside the eye of your mind, Don't you know that you might find a better place to play"

Nice. I'd meditate on that wisdom for a little while. I'd probably retire in twenty years or so. I would just plan on listening to music while breathing in this gas. Maybe I'd even get a dentist's chair. And live somewhere it never got cold....and have a cat. A big tabby tom. I would be fine. I stayed in that blissful place until the mask was taken off of me and the music was rudely removed from my ears. It was over. Damn. Who the hell even knew what time it was?

"OK, buddy. Wake up a little and we're good to go. Lois, go get him a bottle of water, please." 

He stood right next to me as I opened my eyes. "Look real quick." He pulled his cock out the dress slacks he was wearing and flashed me a quick few seconds. He'd adjusted himself by the time she came back with my water. Cool. I was okay with everything. 

"Vince? Can you get up? We're done."

"It's fine. I can just drive on top of traffic going home. Nobody else will think of it."

"Uh oh. Looks like I need to drive you home. Luckily, I'm off the rest of the day.And tomorrow. I'm leaving town. Lois, I'll be in on Friday. Make sure you give Jemma that folder."

We were walking out to the parking lot. "You're leaving town?" 

"Only metaphorically. I'm going to take you to a party now." Oh god. I was afraid he was going to take me to some bar where everybody would be drinking and talking. I didn't want that. There was his beautiful car that he helped me inside of. As I settled into the luxurious seat, it occurred to me that I had been given something stronger than just a valium. We were driving. The trees were bare.

"Mark? That wasn't a regular valium you gave me, was it??"

"No. But you were awake the whole time. I'm taking steps, Vince. I'm trying."

"Lois knows about you?"

"Shit. You are too smart, kid. She's the sister of Bill -- your doctor. He's partying with us tonight. You like him, right?"

"Yeah. He seems too straight-laced to party. He's like a doctor from a Norman Rockwell painting." Mark chuckled. 

"This will be fun. We're both going to get what we want." We pulled into his garage and I was strangely more awake than I had been in the last ten minutes. My god - everything was so clean and organized. His life was so neat and tidy. I could hear loud music already. I was almost sure it was New Order. I had that CD. I figured it would be a bunch of people, but no. It was just Bill in his boxer shorts. He was so pale and skinny and hairless. 

"Hey! How's our patient?"

"A little sleepy -- I'm gonna get him some coffee."

"No. I'll take a beer though. Hi Doc. My blood pressure is normal now." I looked him over. He was around Mark's age and usually wore glasses. He had red hair which I'd never found attractive until just now. 

"Good. But you never call. Check the appointment card I gave you last time -- I wrote my home number on the back." Huh? I never even checked the back. I just wrote the date down on my calendar and threw the card away.

"Sorry. I didn't know that. You have my number, though."

"Definitely." Mark came back with a bottle of beer that was probably expensive. Everything about him was top shelf. 

"Damn, Bill. You made yourself right at home, didn't you? We're going to ease Vince into this." Ease me into what? That's when I saw the syringe on the coffee table. Fucking hell.

"What's in that needle?" They were both silent. 

"I thought you said he'd be ready to party, Mark."

"It's okay, kid. You have two doctors here. Nothing bad will happen." Dr. Bill shook his head slightly.

"That wasn't what I asked." I wasn't about to shoot up drugs...

"It's like a fun version of vitamin B-12." Bill had an obvious hard-on under his boxers. He was playful and devious. "Take your clothes off." I looked to Mark with questions in my eyes.

"I won't let anything bad happen to you, Vince. You believe me don't you?" I mostly did. I just stripped down to my underwear and waited.

"Let me change the music to something a little more mellow." Bill went and adjusted the stereo.

"He is like my brother and I love him, but he's  a little flaky. I'll protect you." I finished the beer and relaxed on the couch. Carol King was singing about clouds in her coffee. What the hell did that mean?

"Get him one more beer...I don't want him all nervous for this."

"Want another one, Vince? I picked up some diet coke if you'd rather have that...I can mix some Wild Turkey in it."

"Sure. Yeah." Bill was sitting next to me, really close. It's funny the weird twists and turns your life can take if you don't pay attention. My doctor and I talked about the music. He loved the 70's tunes which I did not. To me, it was rewarmed 60's until disco showed up. 

"Turn it down a little, ass. This is not the club." Mark gave me the coke mixed with a generous amount of whatever kind of liquor Wild Turkey was. It killed the carbonation, but I wasn't about to complain. He changed the CD and Madonna started her beautiful, slutty singing. OK. Much better.

"Don't be a mom, Mark. He's an adult. Let's start this party! Who's first?" Bill was radiating a hunger.

"You. You're eager and I need you to shut up a little." Mark put his hairy arm around me. I don't remember him getting stripped down to his jockey shorts. 

"Bitch." Bill thumped his inner arm and plunged the syringe into a vein. "See? It's easy. Doesn't even hurt." He was done. I watched his face. He looked happy and relaxed. He didn't pass out or go crazy. "Vince is next. Doctor's orders." OK. He fussed around in his duffel bag and rejoined the 'party'. It felt like Mark was holding me even closer.

"It's seriously going to be fine. You'll feel much better soon." Bill sat next to me gently pulled my right arm straight out in front of me.

"I am so good at finding veins. Back in college, I could practically find them with my eyes closed." And then the needle pierced my skin with almost no pain. I felt more pressure as he plunged the drug into me. I didn't even ask if it was a new needle or the same one Bill had used. I also never asked what exactly I was taking. Too late now.

"How soon do I feel it?" 

"By the time Mark is dosed, you'll be doing real fine."

"But what IS it?" 

"My own private mix. A little of this, a little of that. Nothing too heavy-duty." I must have missed seeing Mark shoot up because he passed and empty syringe to Bill. So we were all on drugs now. I waited. It wasn't long before I started to cough. It didn't last long, but my heart was racing. Speed? It might have been, but was like a record played at a lower speed. Bill and Mark were both fully naked now and stroking their boners. I was naked too.

"Who took off my underwear?"

"You did," they answered in unison. I also had an erection. Mark's cock was longer, but Bill's was fatter...the both looked beautiful and I wanted to suck them both at once. And then a dick was in my lips. The grunting voice was Bill's. 

"Shit! You trained him good, Mark. He's a pro. I'm gonna cum! I should have fucked you first, Vince...but...but I  AHH!" A thick lotion-like fluid flooded my mouth and dripped down my throat. None of this was enough...I wanted him to shoot again. "Wow! I've been needing a blow-job like that for months." Mark impatiently prodded his naked meat into the back of my neck. I turned around and gratefully took his shaft all the way. I might have gagged a little, but there was no way I'd let that stop me. I let my fingers wander up and down his furry ass as it thrust. I was born to do this very thing. 

"Stop. I need to pee really bad. We can continue in a little bit. You probably need something to drink. Want another special coke? I'll get it." I never got a chance to tell him I'd drink his pee too. I really would have. He walked away, with his hard dick bobbing up and down like a toy. The music was something different now. I didn't recognize it, but like it. Mark came back with my "special" coke, and then padded away to use the bathroom. It occurred to me that he might have mixed something else besides booze in it. No worries.

"Hey. Take this -- it'll help prolong the fun." He handed me a tiny white pill and I swallowed it with no hesitation. And then he kissed me quickly. "If it doesn't work out with the dentist, you can give me a shot." I wanted to give the whole world a shot right then. I wanted cocks and cum and everything. I wanted the fun to continue, but tried to keep cool. I'd never been so horny in my life.

"You leveling off a little, Vince?" He stretched out and I took careful note of how long and lean his legs were. And hairy! Whatever I was on, I followed my instincts with no question. I was sucking on Mark's fat toes before I knew it. He curled and uncurled them while they were in my mouth. "Wow. That feels nice."

"You lucky bastard. He's into feet. I haven't had mine touched since I dated Dennis. You got yourself a keeper, buddy." I took the hint and worked on Bill's feet next. I never imagined I'd be doing such things, but I'd lost control. They both had straining hard-ons at that point. "Let's fuck him. He's super horny."

Mark took my face in his hands and looked into my eyes. "Are you ready? Can you think now? Bill, you didn't give him anything else, did you? His pupils are super big."

"No. I swear." (lie) 

The next thing I remember was lying in Mark's great bed with nakedness all around me. Arms, legs, hands. My legs were straight up in the air and a pillow was under my ass. Bill's not-quite handsome face was directly over mine. "So I hear your ass is pretty tight. Don't relax too much...I want to drill you so deeply. Like the idea?" I liked anything and everything right then. I wondered if Mark was watching this and having second thoughts about me. I guess I was cheating on him already. I worried up until the point the doctor's dick went directly inside of me. There was an explosion of pain and surreal pleasure. I might have made a noise...no idea. I imagined his dick as a red-hot iron pole poking my guts and destroying everything it touched. He was relentless with the pounding. "Yeah. You are exactly as promised, Vince. Almost time for your reward...it's ...oh shit...TAKE IT!" He came and I could feel the heartbeat in his penis. The deed was done. 

'Dammit, Bill. You gave him something. His breathing is way too slow. Vince?"

"Just a little party favor. Nothing too strong."

"Get out! I'm going to refer him to another doctor...you can't be trusted. Take your shit and leave." There was movement and cussing and arguing. I was alone in bed and thinking this was all my fault. It was fun, and I messed it up. Mark came in and turned on a bright light."Look at me." I thought he was going to yell at me now.

"Just give me a minute...I need to sleep now." 

"OK. Good idea. I'm going to watch you for awhile. Turn on your right side and breathe...deep as you can." So I did. At some point, the room got darker. I was keenly aware that I was being watched, but the dreams came on anyway. Boring dreams of nothing special. The next thing I knew, it was morning. I was all by myself in the big bed. I scanned the shameful memories and cringed. The clothes I was wearing the previous day were right there for me to slip into. I felt so guilty of so many things. I went to the bathroom. I needed to face the Mark Music now. 

He was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. "Good morning, cutie!" He was in a bathrobe and didn't seem mad at all. "I'm so sorry. I think we overdid it just a little. Or a lot."

"No. I'm sorry you had to see me with Bill. I wanted to be with you instead...I just..."

"Shhh. Don't think about him. He's on my shit list. Let's eat and then we can do whatever you want. No drugs." We ate and and then stepped outside briefly because I wanted fresh oxygen. I was mostly myself as we had sex in his bed. He was tender but passionate. It didn't take him long to cum the first time. Or the second time. We made love most of the day. He'd given me what I'd wanted. At last.
































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OK, I'm sorta overwhelmed at the moment but I have to say a few things before I make my "real" comment.

One. I am truly sad that bj and I are the only damn comments! Do people just not care to thank an author for GIVING them what they were seeking? I have found out I was raised in a totally different time than today. I am always thankful for being exposed to such good talent. Yes, talent IS in the eye of the beholder but at least tell the author, painter, director, gardener, etc., tell them how much you appreciate, how much you enjoyed, hell, how many times you beat off. 

Anyway, this is amazing for me, the humble reader, who happens to enjoy erotic fiction, literary porn, nasty sex! So, IMO, for me, this served a purpose that went WAY beyond just me reading so I could close my eyes and beat one out! But, I won't get so personal with the author as to make him, Toon, uncomfortable or whomever takes the time to read this post. I'm nobody and no one cares for my opinion anyway, which is cool.

Two. I'm positive that, if someone took the time, had the skill, to do a poll here, of the members on BZ, asking why they visited the "reading" portions/areas, whatever, of this website, they would find at least 90-95% are here to get off. Yes? This had to have gotten members to that most happy of all cerebral places! 

Three. Toon, having read EVERYTHINIG you have posted here, this is, I know, outside your "normal" box. I can tell this "story" is a step beyond your regular fare. But, I can also tell, as your story unfolded, how comfortable you were becoming with the telling. Again, I cannot get so personal in my assessment of the author's work. 

I came here to read my favorite member's work (OK, that was sorta personal). Expecting the content of the story to fall along with most in this section of chem sex, ie, as I see it, maybe a 50/50 mix of chem assisted consensual, vs chem involved less than consensual. For me, I'll just say that both have their own places in my reading enjoyment. Yet, what I got Toon, was a fruitful JOURNEY. I stepped in, as I am usually able to do with your writing for some reason, but this time, not only did I feel like the happy observer, I felt ALOT like I was Vince, or at least a part of Vince! Damn, that was/is amazing!

Not only was this sexually enjoyable, but this was emotionally enjoyable as well!! OK, personally here, you have such wonderful talent! I can see you doing professional, published in the everyday world, talent!

Thank you Toon for an enjoyable read, an enjoyable part of my evening!

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It want bad,  imho, or would have been better,  I think,  with more descriptions of how he felt during the sex.

I've fantasized,  for years,  of being drugged, unconscious, and being used as a cumdump by many men.  Not be aware that anything even happened,  until weeks later,  when I open my email to find a video link to a tube site,  and watch more being used by a group of guys,  with my face shown,, and my info in the comments. 


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One of the best stories ever written here.  "Arms everywhere" was the hottest part.  Jerked off so many times to this, wish it were me sandwiched between these two sexy men

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  • 3 months later...
Guest takingdeepanal
On 11/4/2017 at 5:28 PM, lynn1964 said:


OK, I'm sorta overwhelmed at the moment but I have to say a few things before I make my "real" comment.

One. I am truly sad that bj and I are the only damn comments! Do people just not care to thank an author for GIVING them what they were seeking? I have found out I was raised in a totally different time than today. I am always thankful for being exposed to such good talent. Yes, talent IS in the eye of the beholder but at least tell the author, painter, director, gardener, etc., tell them how much you appreciate, how much you enjoyed, hell, how many times you beat off. 

Anyway, this is amazing for me, the humble reader, who happens to enjoy erotic fiction, literary porn, nasty sex! So, IMO, for me, this served a purpose that went WAY beyond just me reading so I could close my eyes and beat one out! But, I won't get so personal with the author as to make him, Toon, uncomfortable or whomever takes the time to read this post. I'm nobody and no one cares for my opinion anyway, which is cool.

Two. I'm positive that, if someone took the time, had the skill, to do a poll here, of the members on BZ, asking why they visited the "reading" portions/areas, whatever, of this website, they would find at least 90-95% are here to get off. Yes? This had to have gotten members to that most happy of all cerebral places! 

Three. Toon, having read EVERYTHING you have posted here, this is, I know, outside your "normal" box. I can tell this "story" is a step beyond your regular fare. But, I can also tell, as your story unfolded, how comfortable you were becoming with the telling. Again, I cannot get so personal in my assessment of the author's work. 

I came here to read my favorite member's work (OK, that was sorta personal). Expecting the content of the story to fall along with most in this section of chem sex, ie, as I see it, maybe a 50/50 mix of chem assisted consensual, vs chem involved less than consensual. For me, I'll just say that both have their own places in my reading enjoyment. Yet, what I got Toon, was a fruitful JOURNEY. I stepped in, as I am usually able to do with your writing for some reason, but this time, not only did I feel like the happy observer, I felt ALOT like I was Vince, or at least a part of Vince! Damn, that was/is amazing!

Not only was this sexually enjoyable, but this was emotionally enjoyable as well!! OK, personally here, you have such wonderful talent! I can see you doing professional, published in the everyday world, talent!

Thank you Toon for an enjoyable read, an enjoyable part of my evening!

Just discovered this story - and I'm glad I did! I'd LOVE to know what was put in the special dose - and the fact that doctors and dentists have access to pharmaceutical grades just makes it hotter (and forms a little fantasy of mine).

I love it when my RL adventures go from chem-assisted consensual to chem-involved less than consensual. I just wish that I could write well enough in order to post something that would be worthy of reading - and I wish that I could remember all the details of what happened when my life changed on 28DEC15. I REALLY want to post something about it, as it has led me on some wild adventures, including some (LEGAL) things that no-one seems to have done to them - at least not that I have read (and I did a search of the site for one particular activity but didn't get any results).

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