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1 hour ago, Pozlover1 said:

I have a different understanding of Latin America. There were more Black slaves in Brazil  than in the USA. The first ones built the docks where the rest of them stepped off the boats. The docks are STILL THERE  I guess they built them pretty damn good. The Government has tried to bring the people together with cheesy ad campaigns but the fact remains  that in  major cities, wealth is directly proportional to lightness. But there are thriving Black communities in rural areas (where the best music on the planet is made). 

In Cuba’s Carnival, some of the costumes are of  Blacks with exaggerated lips, tits and asses but nobody seems to get offended, most of the White costumes are just as hilarious. 

In Mexico, they freed the slaves in 1830, which was the cause of Texas becoming an independent country (despite John Wayne’s line in The Alamo about “people wanting to be free” LOLOLOL). There was never a stigma against mixed marriages. It is said in Mexico that “everyone has a Black grandmother”.

All of the USA west of the Mississippi was deeded to Spain in 1763 and they built cities without massacring Native Americans. In fact they married them. The Dollar Sign is the abbreviation for “Peso”, which was legal currency until 1857. 

Spanish Florida was once a refuge for runaway slaves, who were living peacefully among the Indians under Spanish rule as “Black Seminoles”.  Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson made his career and got on the $20 bill by going down there and killing them. 

OF COURSE there are differences between races. Latino is not a race, but most are Mezisto, a mixture of Spanish and Amerindian. 

Prejudice is both wrong and stupid, but so is modifying society to artificially create equality of results no matter their aptitude. That is like forcing Gays to be Straight. I demand  a place on the Harlem Globetrotters because I’m White and they should reflect US demographics, never mind that I can’t catch a ball. Sounds stupid, donnit? 

We need to make sure there is equality of OPPORTUNITY and let the chips fall where they fall. 

I don't know where you are coming from. I just read everything you wrote and it sounds like you're trying to (what I call) "whitify" the situation and believe in the "rainbow/kumbaya/"somos todos mezclados" lie that Latinos spew about their countries. To say most Latinos are mestizo is definitely a stretch and depends on the region in Latin America as well as their diaspora in the United States.  Mexico, yes. The Caribbean? Absolutely not. Regardless, every single country in Latin America is extremely anti-black and very Eurocentric, so much so that esteemed Latino sociologist have written works about the prominent lack of self-awareness and low self-esteem that runs rampant in most Latin countries due to their mixed heritage. "Vira-lata" by Nelson Rodrigues (Brazilian) is where you can start if you'd like more information on the topic.  There's plenty of other research that supports this claim, not to mention Latinos' overall attitude towards anyone that isn't white. 

Also, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery in the entire Americas. The Brazilian government never gave black Brazilians anything to help them economically after freeing them, and instead held an open immigration policy for a massive amount of European and Middle Eastern immigrants to enter Brazil with the promise of free land and government backed loans with low interest rates to start businesses. Most white Brazilians today cannot trace their ancestry in Brazil further than the late 1800's/early 1900's.  I'll let you figure out why their government did this.

And the Spanish conquistadors decimated all of the indigenous peoples in the Caribbean where they first landed in the Americas. I've read horrific reports where they would chop off their heads, burn them in a fire pit, constantly wage war against them, capture their leaders and send them back to Europe in every island in the Caribbean. Again, "whitifying" history is not acceptable.   

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32 minutes ago, nelly26 said:

I don't know where you are coming from. I just read everything you wrote and it sounds like you're trying to (what I call) "whitify" the situation and believe in the "rainbow/kumbaya/"somos todos mezclados" lie that Latinos spew about their countries. To say most Latinos are mestizo is definitely a stretch and depends on the region in Latin America as well as their diaspora in the United States.  Mexico, yes. The Caribbean? Absolutely not. Regardless, every single country in Latin America is extremely anti-black and very Eurocentric, so much so that esteemed Latino sociologist have written works about the prominent lack of self-awareness and low self-esteem that runs rampant in most Latin countries due to their mixed heritage. "Vira-lata" by Nelson Rodrigues (Brazilian) is where you can start if you'd like more information on the topic.  There's plenty of other research that supports this claim, not to mention Latinos' overall attitude towards anyone that isn't white. 

Also, Brazil was the last country to abolish slavery in the entire Americas. The Brazilian government never gave black Brazilians anything to help them economically after freeing them, and instead held an open immigration policy for a massive amount of European and Middle Eastern immigrants to enter Brazil with the promise of free land and government backed loans with low interest rates to start businesses. Most white Brazilians today cannot trace their ancestry in Brazil further than the late 1800's/early 1900's.  I'll let you figure out why their government did this.

And the Spanish conquistadors decimated all of the indigenous peoples in the Caribbean where they first landed in the Americas. I've read horrific reports where they would chop off their heads, burn them in a fire pit, constantly wage war against them, capture their leaders and send them back to Europe in every island in the Caribbean. Again, "whitifying" history is not acceptable.   

The Spanish were cruel colonizers. The British did a better job of giving the colonies at least the appearance of local control.

The “peaceful and civilized Dutch” ran the worst colonies in Africa. 

The  post Colonial governments as imagined by Símon Bolivar in Latin America and the established Spanish government in North America were and are less racist than Canada. 

The USA is responsible for most of the misery in Latin America, by deposing the leaders that were elected and replacing them with corporate stooges who willingly enslave their own people for the opportunity to live like little kings. 

You do know that Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery and continue to do so, right? This is a  Forest Fire That Only You Can Prevent. A few others are: 

China taking over Africa

The ease with which Blacks are hooked on drugs by Whites here in the USA for profit, who then stuff them in Corporate Owned Prisons for even more profit. 

The false hope  of welfare to keep them voting for the vipers who promise more free shit, like a circle. 

I would like to see more solidarity between gays worldwide. Like a separate genuine Nation within the imaginary ones. We never built gas chambers, atom bombs, Napalm, for-profit prisons, had 10 inbred kids, or caused anything that is wrong with the world except the AIDS pandemic and there are theories that it, like Ebola and Superbola, is man made

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Guest takingdeepanal
On 9/17/2019 at 1:30 PM, BlackDude said:

I’m not sure if this is the right forum for this  topic but here I go...

 Although I live in California, I am noticing a more “racist” attitude by Latin men toward blacks. Now I’m into all types, but I’d define say I’m shocked by this change. And before you say it’s my ego, I’ve discussed this with other friends and they’ve felt the same change in attitude. I have dozens of examples, but a few stick out:

1. At our local spa, we have the typical cluster of Latins who show up. They’ll wander around like the have no idea what’s going and will refuse to fool around with anyone but a white guy, no matter the looks. Same for our local cruising spot: they will wait if flat out leave if anyone black shows up.

2. Last three cumdumps I went to,Latin men pulled up shop as soon as I or another black showed up or the white guys left. 

3. Their is a popular guy on xtube. He’s obviously a darker skinned, husky Latin guy but has hours and hours of tape posted with zero blacks (or Asians) which is both hilarious and boggles my mind at the same time. 

4. I recently seen a hot as hell Mexican pass over several hot men of all types to give $20 to a homeless tweaker for what was suppose to be head. 

Well that was kind of a rant and I don’t know what it all means. No lie it’s starring to me look at this Trump situation different (another forum). But I was just curious to hear other guys experience or opinion on this. 

I'd pretty much sell my soul for a BBC right now.

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Guest takingdeepanal
2 minutes ago, Ranger Rick said:

Hm, maybe Castro really was Justin Trudeau's real father. It would explain a lot.

Well, his slut mother didn't care who fucked her ...

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33 minutes ago, Pozlover1 said:

The Spanish were cruel colonizers. The British did a better job of giving the colonies at least the appearance of local control.

The “peaceful and civilized Dutch” ran the worst colonies in Africa. 

The  post Colonial governments as imagined by Símon Bolivar in Latin America and the established Spanish government in North America were and are less racist than Canada. 

The USA is responsible for most of the misery in Latin America, by deposing the leaders that were elected and replacing them with corporate stooges who willingly enslave their own people for the opportunity to live like little kings. 

You do know that Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery and continue to do so, right? This is a  Forest Fire That Only You Can Prevent. A few others are: 

China taking over Africa

The ease with which Blacks are hooked on drugs by Whites here in the USA for profit, who then stuff them in Corporate Owned Prisons for even more profit. 

The false hope  of welfare to keep them voting for the vipers who promise more free shit, like a circle. 

I would like to see more solidarity between gays worldwide. Like a separate genuine Nation within the imaginary ones. We never built gas chambers, atom bombs, Napalm, for-profit prisons, had 10 inbred kids, or caused anything that is wrong with the world except the AIDS pandemic and there are theories that it, like Ebola and Superbola, is man made

The ease in which blacks are hooked on drugs? I think white, Asian, Latin et al people do drugs and are on welfare too but okay. Lol Also, in America, whites sold blacks onto slavery. 

Anyway.....props to all the guys willing to have a decent convo about this dirty little secret in our community. I also think it’s curious how few Latin men it seems have something to say about this. 

Edited by BlackDude
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Guest takingdeepanal
23 minutes ago, BlackDude said:

The ease in which blacks are hooked on drugs? I think white, Asian, Latin et al people do drugs and are on welfare too but okay. Lol Also, in America, whites sold blacks onto slavery. 

Anyway.....props to all the guys willing to have a decent convo about this dirty little secret in our community. I also think it’s curious how few Latin men it seems have something to say about this. 

I lived in Guatemala for a couple of months (married to a slut who cheated on me, whored herself out, and stole all my money). There is a lot of fake machismo BS there, and it is an incredibly dangerous place for women and children (second worst in the entire world after India), let alone gay men.

I'd be incredibly receptive to you wanting to fuck my holes - and I'd thank you for the alpha that you are.

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27 minutes ago, BlackDude said:

The ease in which blacks are hooked on drugs? I think white, Asian, Latin et al people do drugs and are on welfare too but okay. Lol Also, in America, whites sold blacks onto slavery. 

Anyway.....props to all the guys willing to have a decent convo about this dirty little secret in our community. I also think it’s curious how few Latin men it seems have something to say about this

Or how few Latin tops would sleep with black bottoms, but plenty of Latin bottoms would gladly "andale andale" for some black dick. 

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1 hour ago, Pozlover1 said:

The Spanish were cruel colonizers. The British did a better job of giving the colonies at least the appearance of local control.

The “peaceful and civilized Dutch” ran the worst colonies in Africa. 

The  post Colonial governments as imagined by Símon Bolivar in Latin America and the established Spanish government in North America were and are less racist than Canada. 

The USA is responsible for most of the misery in Latin America, by deposing the leaders that were elected and replacing them with corporate stooges who willingly enslave their own people for the opportunity to live like little kings. 

You do know that Blacks sold other Blacks into slavery and continue to do so, right? This is a  Forest Fire That Only You Can Prevent. A few others are: 

China taking over Africa

The ease with which Blacks are hooked on drugs by Whites here in the USA for profit, who then stuff them in Corporate Owned Prisons for even more profit. 

The false hope  of welfare to keep them voting for the vipers who promise more free shit, like a circle. 

I would like to see more solidarity between gays worldwide. Like a separate genuine Nation within the imaginary ones. We never built gas chambers, atom bombs, Napalm, for-profit prisons, had 10 inbred kids, or caused anything that is wrong with the world except the AIDS pandemic and there are theories that it, like Ebola and Superbola, is man made

The British were never better. They were actually worse than the Spanish and the Portuguese. Ever heard of a place called Jamaica? That's where slaves went to die from being worked to death. It was cheaper for the Brits to import slaves to their Caribbean colonies so they overworked them. You should look up Derby's Dose. It's a punishment for slaves that the Brits used in Jamaica.  Ever heard of a place called South Carolina? The state was developed by Brits from Barbados who directly copied the same slave economy there that they successfully used in Barbados.  South Carolina was one of, if not, the richest state in the Confederacy and remains one of the most blackest states in the USA today.  

Not one person believes that the Dutch were peaceful in the Americas.  Did you know that the Dutch owned huge plantation estates in Northeastern Brazil, the blackest region in the entire country? Only mentioning this since you brought up Brazil first. 

Canada is extremely racist, especially given the treatment that white Canadians have bestowed upon Native Canadians. And Simon Bolivar learned everything about freedom in the Americas from black Haitians who fought for Haiti's independence. 

The USA is responsible for the lack of progress in Latin America, but Latinos themselves are also to blame for the conditions of their countries including their own incompetence, denial of severe "isms" that are rampant in their societies, and overall low self-esteem and their believe that everything in the United States and Europe is much better than in Latin America. The blame also falls on Spain and Portugal for all the ills of colonialism that were left behind. It is so backwards in Latin America, that the US government doesn't have to do much but make a phone call and completely change the course of political elections and the entire economic outlook of a country - see Lula and past Brazilian election. 

Yes, most black descendants of enslaved peoples that live in the Americas were sold by other Africans to Europeans for monetary gains.  The Africans had no idea how cruel slavery was in the Americas until former slaves returned back to Africa and told them.  However, for this discussion we are talking about Latinos and Latin America. Your points are very misinformed, white-identified and honestly, just all over the place. I suggest you listen, read closely, do your research and maybe meet and talk with Latinos who are not white. Also, there is no such thing as a "gay community" nor will there ever be any "solidarity" especially when obtuse gay white men like yourself remain the norm in said "community".  

Edited by nelly26
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  • Moderators

Moderator's Note: Thanks to everyone who kept the discussion reasonably civil. Everyone else enjoy your vacation from the site. If you don't want to join them, keep it calm and avoid personal attacks and sweeping, racist generalizations. 

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Guest POZitiveBoyZ
4 hours ago, BlackDude said:

Great history lesson. But history but not excuse stupidity to replace personal experiences: it only places them in context. And still doesn’t quite explain how what I observe in the gay community is WORSE than in overall society.  

I guess I can get what’s happened in our community. The truth is about that there’s no any LGBTQ community. And we got a lot of rejections by our shapes/looks/race/sizes etc. Latino hates Black, Masc hates Fem, Fit hates Chubby and everyone is still hating and refusing a Transgenders

The things “way out of my league”  is so ducking dangerous and wrong. Cuz I’m Not Going to get fucked with someone who looks overweight or too old to me. Cuz if you wanna promote things like “diversity/inclusivity/being yourself/loving yourself etc.” then MASC/FITNESS guys MUST FUCK FEM/SKINNY/CHUBBY and someone with disabilities.

This is a some very important advice to everyone. Please read this topic a very clearly! Cuz what’s exactly happening in this fucking time it is a Political Technology to convert  people from humans to vegetables. A lot of people lose their brains 🧠 and abilities to critical mind. Some “community leaders” makes desires for others to get a huge Benjamins in their pockets


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Gosh I agree that all my problems are caused by others. Those pretty young white boys look away now that I am older. They know all about climate change, evolution and video games because unlike me they accept what they are told. I wish we could hang out and I could share their superior wisdom and hot, relatively undiseased bodies. I don’t deserve such rejection. 

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On 9/20/2019 at 5:58 AM, Pozlover1 said:

Gosh I agree that all my problems are caused by others. Those pretty young white men look away now that I am older. They know all about climate change, evolution and video games because unlike me they accept what they are told. I wish we could hang out and I could share their superior wisdom and hot, relatively undiseased bodies. I don’t deserve such rejection. 


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