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Why do you like Donald Trump and what do you dislike about him.


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This has been a question that has been in my head for a while now. I'm just curious why people like Trump and what do they see in him. I am also curious to see what if anything they don't like about him. The reason why I ask is because I don't like painting people with a wide brush and they have their reasons for supporting him, as odious as I think he is. 

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Guest hungandmean

Does it really matter? If they like him - they're terrible people. Literally. Who gives a shit if they agree with his stance on immigration, or his views about America first, or any of the other nonsense he talks about... 

He's an insanely dangerous racist, who is currently actively committing genocide as defined by the UN (Yeah, stealing kids, putting them in cages, and then losing them or adopting them out is actually a recognized form of genocide go figure)

Paint them with the widest brush possible for fucks sake these people do *not* need to be understood or sympathized with they fucking suck for supporting him whatever the reason is. 

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 I like pretty much everything about President Trump, but 2 things stand out:  He's not part of the political class, at all, & he has managed to give 10 million "Progressives"/Wanna-be Socialists malignant hypertension! (Malignant hypertension means high blood that causes  someone to have a deadly stroke!)  TRUMP 2020 --- Make America Great Again!  

Edited by dirtyarizona
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5 minutes ago, dirtyarizona said:

 I like pretty much everything about President Trump, but 2 things stand out:  He's not part of the political class, at all, & he has managed to give 10 million "Progressives"/Wanna-be Socialists malignant hypertension! (Malignant hypertension means high blood that causes  someone to have a deadly stroke!)  TRUMP 2020 --- Make America Great Again!  

So you like him because he’s uninformed and incompetent, as well as the fact that he intentionally antagonizes citizens he swore to protect.

Doesn’t say much for your character, does it?

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You are doing nothing more than putting words in my mouth... Donald Trump is "uninformed and incompetent"? How about some evidence, or facts, to substantiate your claims?  He "intentionally antagonizes citizens"?  PLEASE, Trump Derangement Syndrome is so very very evident in your "rebuttal"!

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4 hours ago, Twochipigs said:

So you like him because he’s uninformed and incompetent, as well as the fact that he intentionally antagonizes citizens he swore to protect.

Doesn’t say much for your character, does it?

The topic is why do you like / dislike Herr Trumpf. Not why the other poster is wrong. So...Why do YOU dislike Donald Trump?

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  I mostly like what he says but dislike a lot of what he does. 
   The decent hard working illegals need a clear, easy path to Citizenship instead of being slave labor terrified of deportation. Fast deportation  for undocumented felons would benefit the Latino community.
  He continues the Bankers’ wars in the Middle East and covert operations in Latin America.
  Cutting red tape and fees for small business would be a good thing if it were really happening.  Instead he means relaxing pollution laws and allowing Monsanto to poison us with RoundUp. Curious name BTW...
  He says he is against the NWO / Globalism but is wiring up a Surveillance State that they will find pretty handy. I don’t know enough about 5G to be specific, but the Deep State is sure Hell bent on installing it, and our phones are fast enough now so it’s not for that. 

I guess the only things I like are he is better than the Democrats, and, as has been mentioned, and demonstrated, he triggers all the correct people very well. 

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I hate to paraphrase Sarah Palin, but Trump pals around with dictators,  but then, each seeks their own kind.  He won't release his taxes, so obviously, he's got something to hide.  Because of him, the USA is a laughing stock on the world stage.  Attack me if you will, but you can't argue with facts.

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7 hours ago, evilqueerpig said:

I hate to paraphrase Sarah Palin, but Trump pals around with dictators,  but then, each seeks their own kind.  He won't release his taxes, so obviously, he's got something to hide.  Because of him, the USA is a laughing stock on the world stage.  Attack me if you will, but you can't argue with facts.

I have a theory on the taxes. Actual billionaires choose investments that make money while they stay in the shadows. Trump has always done the opposite. Flamboyant resorts and casinos that cannot conceivably return enough to pay for themselves. Buy Piedmont airlines, repaint their smelly woreout planes with your name on them,  take pictures, then fold. Rinse and repeat. 
  Mentored by Roy Cohn, he has been groomed for this role since 1973 and financially backed by the exact Deep State Banking Cartel that he promises to expose. He actually will expose them, but not like you might think. 
 He has not released his records because the real ones would show he is less than penniless. They might draft a wildly fictional set if pressed. 
 Further, the doomed Border Wall is designed to make Conservatives clamor for a microchip to prove citizenship, and Jarod  Kushner has them ready to go. 
  The “trumpets” in the English translation of the Book of Revelation were really those long horns known as Trumps. Curled up they became Trumpettes, or, Trumpets. 

....as bad as this all sounds, the bribery fueled baby eating monsters sporting Adrenochrome facial lesions  known as Democrats are even worse. 

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Democrats have made it clear they hate people like me; white guys who live in mid-America. They call us deplorables, bitter-clingers, and sneer at us from their positions of power. For all Donald Trump;'s myriad faults, he doesn't seem to hate people like me. So, there's that at least. 

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23 hours ago, evilqueerpig said:

I hate to paraphrase Sarah Palin, but Trump pals around with dictators,  but then, each seeks their own kind.  He won't release his taxes, so obviously, he's got something to hide.  Because of him, the USA is a laughing stock on the world stage.  Attack me if you will, but you can't argue with facts.

just 2 questions    what dictators does he pal around with?    and who is laughing at him ?  not attacking would just like to know  and who told you that ?  i looked into trumps buddies and one guy stands out big time and he died of aids  and some where killed in a heli crash in nj    and all the others say he is a work aholic loner.    as far as taxes i will comment but yes there is something wrong there i give you that . what i believe it is tho is he had great accountants that took every tax break he could and some would love to say see he stole or cheated anything to get rid of him but why   what has he done thats so bad? wish i knew then maybe i would understand ..

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14 hours ago, Ranger Rick said:

Democrats have made it clear they hate people like me; white guys who live in mid-America. They call us deplorables, bitter-clingers, and sneer at us from their positions of power. For all Donald Trump;'s myriad faults, he doesn't seem to hate people like me. So, there's that at least. 

democrats dont hate you  they are just mad cause the midwest is not closing there eyes  repubs and dems are so corrupt both partys need to change and have term limits dems do think they are better than us tho you see everyone would like to dictate to use how to live work sex and all  that is not good and it seems like more and more people are falling in line

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15 hours ago, Pozlover1 said:

I have a theory on the taxes. Actual billionaires choose investments that make money while they stay in the shadows. Trump has always done the opposite. Flamboyant resorts and casinos that cannot conceivably return enough to pay for themselves. Buy Piedmont airlines, repaint their smelly woreout planes with your name on them,  take pictures, then fold. Rinse and repeat. 
  Mentored by Roy Cohn, he has been groomed for this role since 1973 and financially backed by the exact Deep State Banking Cartel that he promises to expose. He actually will expose them, but not like you might think. 
 He has not released his records because the real ones would show he is less than penniless. They might draft a wildly fictional set if pressed. 
 Further, the doomed Border Wall is designed to make Conservatives clamor for a microchip to prove citizenship, and Jarod  Kushner has them ready to go. 
  The “trumpets” in the English translation of the Book of Revelation were really those long horns known as Trumps. Curled up they became Trumpettes, or, Trumpets. 

....as bad as this all sounds, the bribery fueled baby eating monsters sporting Adrenochrome facial lesions  known as Democrats are even worse. 

i also think there is to many people in the government that think they know best only there way and if you disturb there way hmmm  your done  need to clean house make term limits 

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