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The Virus Takes Over


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The ride home was silent. I didn’t even turn the radio on. The last thing I remember the doctor saying to me was, “Scott, you’re HIV positive.” I was in a complete daze beyond that, nodding when I felt I needed to, but the world fell apart around me. When I returned to my apartment, I fell onto my bed and I laid there for what felt like hours trying to figure out how this had happened. Apparently, my boyfriend, Tim, hadn’t been as safe as I had been.

I had met Tim on Grindr a year and a half ago, and after our first four months together, we began barebacking each other after both our annual HIV test came back negative. We weren’t completely monogamous for the first few months that we were together, but we both agreed that we can open the relationship up since he was always out of town and we were two highly sexual men. We promised each other though that when we played around with someone that we’d use condoms and that we’d both get on PREP as soon as we were both able to get insurance. I had been in between jobs and when I eventually got a job, it didn’t happen to provide insurance so it was condom city for me all the way. I hated them, but I was terrified of contracting HIV (go figure.) Tim had gotten a job when we first met, I was applying for the same job that he ended up getting, and it happened to provide health insurance. He told me that he had started PREP, so I was left to wonder just what the fuck happened?!

I decided to text him and invite him over to talk this out, though I felt more like fighting this out:

Me: Hey, babe, think you can come over? I’ve got a surprise for you.

Tim: A surprise, huh? Is it a dirty surprise?

I thought about the virus that had taken residence in my body and the fact that my seed was indeed now tainted, dirty.

Me: I guess you can say that 😉

Tim: Give me about 15 to finish up something I’m working on, and I’ll be right over.

Tim lived less than 20 minutes away, so as soon as I received his message, I tried to rehearse and think about how this would go. I honestly wasn’t sure what was going to happen; on the one hand, I’m incredibly pissed that he could do this to me, to us. On the other hand, I was insanely terrified to be alone. That shouldn’t be an excuse to stay with someone that had done something like this, but thinking about the unclear road ahead terrified me. To be fair, for as safe as I thought we were being, I could have been even safer, but the hindsight of the matter comes down to the maxim that you never truly know anyone… and I mean ANYONE.

Caught up in my own thoughts, I hardly heard Tim knock on the front door to my apartment? Had it been 30 minutes already? I opened the door and found him there in a tight tank top, the cold night air caused his pierced nipples to strain against the fabric. For a second, I nearly forgot why I had asked him over here, and I wanted to jump him, to press him against the doorframe and fuck my dirty load deep into his body, reuniting the virus with the host that it had come from, neighbors be damned. I nodded for him to come inside and he plopped himself on the couch.

“What’s up, babe?” I sat down next to him on the couch, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him just yet while I was still gathering my thoughts. “Hello?” He said, noticing that I was miles away from him, mentally speaking.

“Tim, is there something you need to tell me?” I asked.

“What? What do you-“

“I went to the doctor today….” I said and let that ring. I looked over at him, and an instant look of understanding washed over his face and his earlier playful expression vanished.

“Oh… so you got tested….” He said.

“Yeah, I got fucking tested,” I hissed, “Tim, how could you do this to us?! I thought we were going to be safe when we played with other people! I thought you were on PREP!” I wailed at him before waiting for him to answer.

“I was….”


“Yeah, I was,” Tim took a deep breath and sighed before continuing, “but my doctor said that they were affecting my liver, so I needed to stop.”

“What?! Shit! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think it’d be a big deal; I thought I’d just go back to condoms like you had been doing.”

“So, what happened?”

“I couldn’t go back. Since we were still barebacking, when I played with others, I couldn’t stand feeling a condom-covered cock in my ass. I tried, but I couldn’t help myself.” I remembered how much of a cum slut Tim used to be around the time that he was probably talking about and, yeah, I could see how that habit could have been hard to break. I used to love watching him take loads from guys, but I thought he was on PREP. I even remember a guy with a biohazard tattoo fucking him and even dumping a toxic load in him around this time. The guy asked if I wanted a load too, but I told him that I’d only want him to fuck me with a condom and the guy refused, saying that he “never used condoms and didn’t want to start now.” I ended up cumming on the guy’s face and I watched as Tim licked it off and snowballed it back and forth with the man. If I remember correctly, about a month later, Tim got a nasty flu, but neither of us, at least not me, had thought anything of it since it had been going around Tim’s work. Or at least that’s what he had told me.

“So when you had the flu a while back, that was-?”

“Yeah, that was probably me seroconverting.” The word stroked a bit of fear in me, but at the same time, I noticed that my dick gave a little bit of a jump. “That’s the moment when you’re most likely to be contagious.”

“And we fucked like rabbits right after you got better, didn’t we?” I said more than asked.

“Yeah, yeah, we did,” Tim said, mussing his own hair while avoiding eye contact. I stood up and began to pace in front of him on the couch.

“Why, damnit! Why didn’t you at least say SOMETHING?!” I begged. He didn’t miss a beat; he got off the couch and closed the distance between the both of us and grabbed my cock through my shorts.

“Because this is why.” I hadn’t even noticed that my dick had done more than jump earlier but was rock hard. “You’re rock hard, and you want to fuck, don’t you?” He said, face to face with me. I couldn’t look away from his sudden assault, but I tried my best not to look him in the eyes. “Say it. You’d want nothing more than to bend me over and fuck that dirty seed into my ass, wouldn’t you? I could tell that you’ve wanted to ever since you opened that door.” Fuck, how did he know? “Even though you’ve been a nice, little bottom these past few months, you want to shove this,” he squeezed my hard cock, “up my tight ass.” I gasped. I was starting to lose whatever fight I was fighting and looked him in his eyes. “You have a virus in you,” he said very matter of fact, “and that virus wants to spread. It doesn’t matter to whom it wants to infect everyone around you. It wants to recharge those who already have it. It’s in control… isn’t it?”

I couldn’t help it anymore, I kissed him, and he nearly attacked my mouth back with all the power of the sexual tension that had grown in the last few minutes between us. Without breaking our kiss, we pulled each other’s pants down. I pulled away from his mouth long enough to spit into my hand before I turned him around and pressed him against the wall by the front door of my apartment. I lubed up my cock with the spit and violently shoved my cock into Tim’s ass with a growl. He nearly screamed with the assault on his rectum. As soon as I planted myself balls deep inside him, I went to town, violently fucking my infected boyfriend with my infected cock. I felt driven by a lust I had never felt before, it felt urgent, primal.

“Fuck my ass, Scott!” Tim begged as I pressed his face against the wall. I began to fuck him even faster than I ever have in my life. “Fuck yeah, babe! Fuck that POZ load into me! Recharge my ass, baby! Let it win! Let that virus win!” That fucking did it. Any inhibitions that had been holding me back, what few there were, were released and I immediately felt my balls begin to tingle. I slammed balls deep into Tim and bit down on the soft patch of skin where his neck meets his shoulder. He moaned as I continued to pump what felt like the biggest load of my life into his body and increased the pressure on his neck like a wild animal holding onto its prey. The virus in my infected sperm had returned back to its original host and had undoubtedly fortified the infection present there. The, probably, millions of copies of HIV between us no longer separated by skin but reunited as my load soaked into the lining of his rectum. I had pumped my first load of toxic cum into another man’s ass, into his body.

 “I’m sorry,” I said as I slowly pulled my still hard cock out of Tim’s ass. Tim turned around.

“I’m not,” He said as he kissed me.

That night I fucked two more loads into him before my cock finally went soft. Both of the other times, Tim begged for my POZ load, and I came deep into his bowls. It was some of the hottest sex we had ever had. As we laid on the bed in our post-sex bliss, he told me that he had been fucking some NEG chaser when I texted him earlier. I didn’t know how to feel about it at first until he offered to text the guy and have him come over. My cock immediately got rock hard again. I wanted, more than anything, more than I ever could have imagined before this morning’s doctor’s appointment, to inject him with my lethal seed. At that moment, I fully understood Tim because I knew that the virus had fully taken over me. The virus had won.

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7 hours ago, TexRanchKing said:

The ride home was silent. I didn’t even turn the radio on. The last thing I remember the doctor saying to me was, “Scott, you’re HIV positive.” I was in a complete daze beyond that, nodding when I felt I needed to, but the world fell apart around me. When I returned to my apartment, I fell onto my bed and I laid there for what felt like hours trying to figure out how this had happened. Apparently, my boyfriend, Tim, hadn’t been as safe as I had been.

I had met Tim on Grindr a year and a half ago, and after our first four months together, we began barebacking each other after both our annual HIV test came back negative. We weren’t completely monogamous for the first few months that we were together, but we both agreed that we can open the relationship up since he was always out of town and we were two highly sexual men. We promised each other though that when we played around with someone that we’d use condoms and that we’d both get on PREP as soon as we were both able to get insurance. I had been in between jobs and when I eventually got a job, it didn’t happen to provide insurance so it was condom city for me all the way. I hated them, but I was terrified of contracting HIV (go figure.) Tim had gotten a job when we first met, I was applying for the same job that he ended up getting, and it happened to provide health insurance. He told me that he had started PREP, so I was left to wonder just what the fuck happened?!

I decided to text him and invite him over to talk this out, though I felt more like fighting this out:

Me: Hey, babe, think you can come over? I’ve got a surprise for you.

Tim: A surprise, huh? Is it a dirty surprise?

I thought about the virus that had taken residence in my body and the fact that my seed was indeed now tainted, dirty.

Me: I guess you can say that 😉

Tim: Give me about 15 to finish up something I’m working on, and I’ll be right over.

Tim lived less than 20 minutes away, so as soon as I received his message, I tried to rehearse and think about how this would go. I honestly wasn’t sure what was going to happen; on the one hand, I’m incredibly pissed that he could do this to me, to us. On the other hand, I was insanely terrified to be alone. That shouldn’t be an excuse to stay with someone that had done something like this, but thinking about the unclear road ahead terrified me. To be fair, for as safe as I thought we were being, I could have been even safer, but the hindsight of the matter comes down to the maxim that you never truly know anyone… and I mean ANYONE.

Caught up in my own thoughts, I hardly heard Tim knock on the front door to my apartment? Had it been 30 minutes already? I opened the door and found him there in a tight tank top, the cold night air caused his pierced nipples to strain against the fabric. For a second, I nearly forgot why I had asked him over here, and I wanted to jump him, to press him against the doorframe and fuck my dirty load deep into his body, reuniting the virus with the host that it had come from, neighbors be damned. I nodded for him to come inside and he plopped himself on the couch.

“What’s up, babe?” I sat down next to him on the couch, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at him just yet while I was still gathering my thoughts. “Hello?” He said, noticing that I was miles away from him, mentally speaking.

“Tim, is there something you need to tell me?” I asked.

“What? What do you-“

“I went to the doctor today….” I said and let that ring. I looked over at him, and an instant look of understanding washed over his face and his earlier playful expression vanished.

“Oh… so you got tested….” He said.

“Yeah, I got fucking tested,” I hissed, “Tim, how could you do this to us?! I thought we were going to be safe when we played with other people! I thought you were on PREP!” I wailed at him before waiting for him to answer.

“I was….”


“Yeah, I was,” Tim took a deep breath and sighed before continuing, “but my doctor said that they were affecting my liver, so I needed to stop.”

“What?! Shit! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think it’d be a big deal; I thought I’d just go back to condoms like you had been doing.”

“So, what happened?”

“I couldn’t go back. Since we were still barebacking, when I played with others, I couldn’t stand feeling a condom-covered cock in my ass. I tried, but I couldn’t help myself.” I remembered how much of a cum slut Tim used to be around the time that he was probably talking about and, yeah, I could see how that habit could have been hard to break. I used to love watching him take loads from guys, but I thought he was on PREP. I even remember a guy with a biohazard tattoo fucking him and even dumping a toxic load in him around this time. The guy asked if I wanted a load too, but I told him that I’d only want him to fuck me with a condom and the guy refused, saying that he “never used condoms and didn’t want to start now.” I ended up cumming on the guy’s face and I watched as Tim licked it off and snowballed it back and forth with the man. If I remember correctly, about a month later, Tim got a nasty flu, but neither of us, at least not me, had thought anything of it since it had been going around Tim’s work. Or at least that’s what he had told me.

“So when you had the flu a while back, that was-?”

“Yeah, that was probably me seroconverting.” The word stroked a bit of fear in me, but at the same time, I noticed that my dick gave a little bit of a jump. “That’s the moment when you’re most likely to be contagious.”

“And we fucked like rabbits right after you got better, didn’t we?” I said more than asked.

“Yeah, yeah, we did,” Tim said, mussing his own hair while avoiding eye contact. I stood up and began to pace in front of him on the couch.

“Why, damnit! Why didn’t you at least say SOMETHING?!” I begged. He didn’t miss a beat; he got off the couch and closed the distance between the both of us and grabbed my cock through my shorts.

“Because this is why.” I hadn’t even noticed that my dick had done more than jump earlier but was rock hard. “You’re rock hard, and you want to fuck, don’t you?” He said, face to face with me. I couldn’t look away from his sudden assault, but I tried my best not to look him in the eyes. “Say it. You’d want nothing more than to bend me over and fuck that dirty seed into my ass, wouldn’t you? I could tell that you’ve wanted to ever since you opened that door.” Fuck, how did he know? “Even though you’ve been a nice, little bottom these past few months, you want to shove this,” he squeezed my hard cock, “up my tight ass.” I gasped. I was starting to lose whatever fight I was fighting and looked him in his eyes. “You have a virus in you,” he said very matter of fact, “and that virus wants to spread. It doesn’t matter to whom it wants to infect everyone around you. It wants to recharge those who already have it. It’s in control… isn’t it?”

I couldn’t help it anymore, I kissed him, and he nearly attacked my mouth back with all the power of the sexual tension that had grown in the last few minutes between us. Without breaking our- kiss, we pulled each other’s pants down. I pulled away from his mouth long enough to spit into my hand before I turned him around and pressed him against the wall by the front door of my apartment. I lubed up my cock with the spit and violently shoved my cock into Tim’s ass with a growl. He nearly screamed with the assault on his rectum. As soon as I planted myself balls deep inside him, I went to town, violently fucking my infected boyfriend with my infected cock. I felt driven by a lust I had never felt before, it felt urgent, primal.

“Fuck my ass, Scott!” Tim begged as I pressed his face against the wall. I began to fuck him even faster than I ever have in my life. “Fuck yeah, babe! Fuck that POZ load into me! Recharge my ass, baby! Let it win! Let that virus win!” That fucking did it. Any inhibitions that had been holding me back, what few there were, were released and I immediately felt my balls begin to tingle. I slammed balls deep into Tim and bit down on the soft patch of skin where his neck meets his shoulder. He moaned as I continued to pump what felt like the biggest load of my life into his body and increased the pressure on his neck like a wild animal holding onto its prey. The virus in my infected sperm had returned back to its original host and had undoubtedly fortified the infection present there. The, probably, millions of copies of HIV between us no longer separated by skin but reunited as my load soaked into the lining of his rectum. I had pumped my first load of toxic cum into another man’s ass, into his body.

 “I’m sorry,” I said as I slowly pulled my still hard cock out of Tim’s ass. Tim turned around.

“I’m not,” He said as he kissed me.

That night I fucked two more loads into him before my cock finally went soft. Both of the other times, Tim begged for my POZ load, and I came deep into his bowls. It was some of the hottest sex we had ever had. As we laid on the bed in our post-sex bliss, he told me that he had been fucking some NEG chaser when I texted him earlier. I didn’t know how to feel about it at first until he offered to text the guy and have him come over. My cock immediately got rock hard again. I wanted, more than anything, more than I ever could have imagined before this morning’s doctor’s appointment, to inject him with my lethal seed. At that moment, I fully understood Tim because I knew that the virus had fully taken over me. The virus had won.

as it always should do - bugspeading is so irresistible, as it should be

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18 hours ago, TexRanchKing said:

“You have a virus in you,” he said very matter of fact, “and that virus wants to spread. It doesn’t matter to whom it wants to infect everyone around you. It wants to recharge those who already have it. It’s in control… isn’t it?”

This is a really good story.  And I really do believe that once a the bug converts a Man to POZ, the bug really does take over.  It makes our toxic cocks want to seek, breed, infect and destroy and it makes our toxic holes lust after more nut loads of new strains to transform us even more.  

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I agree with bug Ryan


“You have a virus in you,” he said very matter of fact, “and that virus wants to spread. It doesn’t matter to whom it wants to infect everyone around you. It wants to recharge those who already have it. It’s in control… isn’t it?”

This is a really good story.  And I really do believe that once a the bug converts a Man to POZ, the bug really does take over.  It makes our toxic cocks want to seek, breed, infect and destroy and it makes our toxic holes lust after more nut loads of new strains to transform us even more.  

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Thanks for the love so quickly everyone! I got this one out quicker than i though i would. I already started on the follow up story to the Camping with my POZ neighbor series, but i'm not going to post the first part of that one, regardless of how far i get, until New Years! Merry XXX-Mas and have a safe (but kinky) New Years Eve everyone! 😜🎄🎉

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15 hours ago, TexRanchKing said:

Thanks for the love so quickly everyone! I got this one out quicker than i though i would. I already started on the follow up story to the Camping with my POZ neighbor series, but i'm not going to post the first part of that one, regardless of how far i get, until New Years! Merry XXX-Mas and have a safe (but kinky) New Years Eve everyone! 😜🎄🎉

The appreciation shown to your story is very much deserved ~ Extremely well written and wonderfully crafted!

Would love another chapter with the NEG chaser taking centre stage. 👅

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