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Have any gone 100% Bareback and never use a condom?

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Will walkaway from a fuck unless it’s bb , not prepared to arrange meetings with anyone whos  profile doesn’t explicit state that they Bb.

Dont start me on the “well I don’t normally, but I might , let’s see how it goes”



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For the last 30+ years I've been almost totally bareback. No condoms and not on prep. Only take a condom rarely if the top insists. Only had very minor stds. I think each of us must do what feels right for us and if your happy to use condoms or prep then go for it. 

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I'm gonna do a long-winded storytime here! Maybe repeated somewhere before on here by me, IDK! Hope you can relate.

Condoms were always that awkward 'Debbie Downer' elephant in the room for me. For many of you too! The CONEHEADS used the as chewing gum!  Even when THE GOLDEN GIRLS timidly purchase rubbers in a drug-store, each one of the girls picking a personal style, then getting humiliated as they get loudly broadcasted by an  uncouth druggist! Cringeworthy things and it seemed as though even the churches despised those demon GADGETS!

Mentally I was too tweaked to even WANT to DEAL and fuck with those clinical devices on the pecker,. Really did a doozy on the dick hydraulics. Passion went POOF! And all the implied ungodliness in the early days of doom and gloom attitudes. An era of FEAR & Loathing, the talk of SAFE SEX is NOT SAFE, just SAFER! ABSTINENCE IS BEST! And then the even more bizarre palaver about DENTAL DAMS for blowjobs and 'chowing down on beaver' on what was essentially pitched as 'sensible responsibility' to keep that DREADED SCOURGE at bay... For heteros it made even more sense with their constant worries of CHILD SUPPORT for decades to come, on top of the often hysteric AIDS fears falsely linked to sitting on a tainted toilet and accidently drinking from THE WRONG CUP. 

SICK, SICK, SICK the proselytizing anally-verklemmte cults of rebranded McAngrypunishmentofGod church people preached and railed. The 'sodomites' as well as the 'perversions' and THEIR AIDS were pitched as divine punishment. The stigmatized American UNTOUCHABLE caste of homos was derided by Anita Bryant and ignored by Reagan, until THEIR FRIENDS and America's show business darlings in Hollywood came out of the closet, but typically once close to death.

I was one of the intimated novices not impressed by the bitter attitudes of the gay volunteers at the AIDS PROJECT (?) in LA, hateful towards 'twinks' , blaming some of them for a plague having gone out of control. There were barely accurate tests available and few medicines were as primitive and toxic as rat poison.

I sequestered myself away from the gay mainstream of West Hollywood and SF escaping into make-shift gay monogamy. A total of FOUR of these, each longer than trailer-park marriages (on average) all destined to fail with the hypocrisy, cheating, lying and deceptions. SERIAL MONOGAMY as prophylactics! Better that those 'breaking condoms'! Sure! 

Then slowly I let my guard down, fornicated 'selectively' by WHO LOOKS SAFEST: no inked, pierced, heavily vested in gay subculture 'types'. A very conservative gay doctor friend us to rail against contacts with them.  I picked my suitors like a fool hooked on fairytale endings. All 4 of my suitors were alleged monogamists who sadly failed when temptations arose. Then my Number 5 came around like an innocent Harry Potter art student in 2007 and by 2008 us going straight to BAREBACK seemed a SAFER CHOICE. 

Withing a year of newly-wed bliss my young prince was getting sick. Cancer squarely related to the cure-all herbicide product ROUND UP of Monsanto had made it into his weekly chores of spraying this chemical malarkey liberally (and UNPROTECTED) into the otherwise weed-choked parking lot of a small church in Arkansas, instructed to do take care of, easy as child's play by his scripture toting, homo-hating preacher father. Wafting and pickled in Roundup hiding his sexuality as he went to college.

Reality Check: Leukemia had spread throughout and the kid who was given little chance of survival as he was also found to be poz. And although my tests weren't coming out the poz, I was told that in 6 months ... and yes then I too had the SCARLET LETTER.


Quick thinking, cobbling lemons into lemonade, discovering the NEW NORMAL of unrestricted, promiscuous BAREBACK sex and essentially a WILLFUL mental conversion followed.

From those days on my BF and I decided that we can reinvent and disband the RULES of an uptight morality best suited for scripture-fearing heteros intend to raise clutches of toddlers.

We would embrace sex as a subcultural CONTACT SPORT, promiscuity-embracing and ALWAYS to be practiced RAW, BAREBACK and say the words WITHOUT PROTECTION. Embrace and celebrate what we once feared, stay healthy, keep home-wreckers, partner-poachers at bay, keep the house clean of VD or the generic kinds, including crotch monkey crabs, mites and other nuisances. Become a new breed of poz, gay and proudly-promiscuous BAREBACKERS who will not even tolerate a suggestion of shame, fear and condoms. 

RAW IS LAW and as we line up out sexual exploits, they are handled in a casual manner like a weekend fishing trip. The BAD BOYS, once gossiped as 'having that plague', the ones carrying a style and appearance that MARKS them as 'man-whores' and 'sluts' are now our favorites! We even invite the VETERAN POZ survivors into our lives and have reported to each other (among peers) that the raw, vulgarly-celebrated acts of poz sodomy and debauchery gives us the strongest thrills. In a way, it is penance and redemption but also a personal high some comparing the willful poz bondings as a spiritual SUPERCHARGE. 

And NO CONDOMS EVER or the ones not IN SYNC with it, still stabding lost with scriptures and TROYANS will find themselves politely escorted away from where the NEW NORMAL has become 'standard practice'

(ok its later, I'm foregoing edits)

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Looking back on those days, mid 80's & into the 90's, it is quite laughable 😱because even as a poz "victim", practising safe sex was still essential because of new sub-Variants. Oh no, this new strain would kill me in 8 moths instead of 10 months. WTF 🫤, most of us just played our cards & went for it & lived: raw, wonderful, dick throbbing & cunt filling BB sex. Many friends were lost but, those of us who did survive appreciate every second of cocks fucking us legless & most importantly the throbbing sensation as your cunt is filled with delicious 😋 piss & white hot com. BB is sex 😜🍆💦💦💦💪.

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When I bottomed I reacted to latex, I think I got fucked by tops a few times in the 90s with a condom but it hurt and I broke out in a rash and bled and couldn't get fucked for up to a week after. So that was a deal breaker and putting it on my own cock instantly made me soft. I got pozzed in a cinema in NYC by a beer can thick Italian type back in the 90s - I ran out of the cinema after I came, he got me back in his SUV, took me home, held me down, covered my mouth so I couldn't scream like the daddy in maverick men porn, and bred me all night and well into the next day. He did not want me to leave and kept holding me in bed and I didn't understand why back til I tested poz. I didn't realise it was BB because I was effectively being overpowered and the struggle was a mind fuck but really horny. Then when I realised it didn't hurt and he was plowing me bare, I came like never before and probably never since .. just like that ... and I think that act, that time, that encounter has stuck with me and is the precursor to every fuck I have had since. Raw is law

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For me the same. Since and because of my first time having sex which also was my first fuck that and was bare.

That was in my fathers ass, he was a 100 % Bi Bottom. I have fucked him sooo many times I lost count. And shortly after he popped my cock cherry with is ass he took me over to 2 older gay friends of him. And from there on they used and abused my cock and fucked the hell out of it and always bareback with breeding there asses. So from the first time I fucked I got imprinted to fuck bareback. That has never left me. When I go cruising I never have any condoms with me. If some one want to be fucked with an condom I let ist happen but will not cum. I safe that for any ass after that who wants it Bareback.  

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