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  rubio2001 said:
I created my first album and I'm pretty sure I did it right, however in the Album Gallery I see it, but there is not a 'main' pick - just the description of the album. I see another album right next to mine where it's the same. Just the 'name' of the album, but no pic. How do you load the pic that becomes the picture for the album gallery? Thanks!

Never mind... just figured out how to do it. Thanks!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
  PissPigBrooklyn said:
I am trying to upload a pic and the message I get is that "This is not a valid image file." it is a bmp. does it need to be jpeg or something else?

Probably. BMP is Windows-specific. JPEG and PNG are cross-platform file formats and more likely to work.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
Two parts of a story I posted have been combined into one file. How do I change the title of that file so readers will know the conclusion is contained there in?

You had part 2 and part 4... where are the other parts?


The story was concieved in 5 parts. When I went to post Part 3, I discovered that parts 1 & 2 had been combined into one part in Bug Chasing, Gift Giving. So I renumbered, part 3. Being able to edit the title in Chem Fiction would allow me to clear up the confusion.

  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking at my "sent mail" and the legend at the bottom is confusing. The legend says that an open envelope says its NOT been read; the closed envelope says it HAS been read. Is this not reversed?

Thanks rawTOP for a great site.

  • 1 month later...
  • Administrators
  combat said:
Sir...I'm new to here and can't get the Chat/Cams to work. Do I need to change a firewall setting?

There are problems with Chat/Cams - it's broken more often than it works. I'll try to get to the bottom of it in a couple months. Don't have the time between now and then, sorry.


Hi Rawtop , i have problem adding new pics to my album . Im pretty sure what i did was right

Album->Add files->Select files->Up load and the thing kept going on but didnt upload my file. Please help. Thank for great site


Sorry for the delay, but it's done.

I am travelling these days, so some posts slip by, as I have to read every single post written here,

If you need something in an urgent way, please send me a PM, that I see it as soon as I log in here.

This week both RawTop and I are travelling, so, keep that in mind, and, again, do not hesitate to send me a PM.

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