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Hi, Im Lee, and this is my story.

I should say up front that I'm not a writer - so please don't expect everything to be themed and told in any sort of order.  I started writing this because I was bored out of my fucking mind during lockdown, and I've just written encounters down as I've thought of them.

Like I said, my name is Lee.  I'm 32 years old and I run a lettings agency in west London.  I've owned the business for about seven years now and, though I say it myself, I've made it into a really sucessful business.  Outside work I play sport and I volunteer for a couple of charities.  Oh, and I'm HIV positive and not on any meds.  That's a bit of a long story and I might tell you about that another time.  I was diagnosed about seven years ago - just after I had taken over the business.   I suppose I felt a number of things when I was diagnosed - some expected and some unexpected. The most unexpected thing was how horny it made me.  It seemed like my dick was permanently hard and I just wanted to fuck as many lads as I could - and actually that's more or less what I did and and pretty much what I've been doing ever since.

Here's the deal.  I don't stealth anyone - any guy who gets my load up his cunt knows he's going to get it.  I don't lie either - if anyone asks me about my status I will tell them - but if they don't ask, I don't tell.  I'm a top, I love to fuck and I don't like condoms.  That's about it really.  Well, let's say I'm mostly a top - if the truth be told, the more I've had to drink, the more likely you are to find me with my arse in the air,  but I'm a top most of the time.  I think I'm an ordinary looking guy but, though I say it myself, I do have quite a sizeable cock and I pack the front of my trousers out pretty well, even when my dick is soft.  That's led to a lot of opportunities when I've  seen guys checking out - I'm not shy about going for it and pretty soon one thing leads to another.

That's true at work too.  The business is quite a small business and so I do a lot of the property viewings, inspections and end of tenancy visits myself.  We act for a number of landlords and the property portfolio consists of a lot of student flats and houses, some very high end flats and various other properties in and around west London.  I know a lot of people think you should't mix business with pleasure but I have to be honest - I've had so much sex through work.  You'd be surprised how often I find some lad checking out my crotch when I'm showing a flat.  Sometimes its one of a group of students, sometimes it's the father of one of the students and very often it's one half a couple who are viewing a property together - and this applies to both gay and straight couples.  When I've finished a viewing, I always give out my card and say if they have any questions or want a second viewing or anything they just need to call me.  If I've noticed anyone checking me out, I give them a card with my personal mobile number written on it and you'd be surprised how many calls I get and how many times I get to enjoy a horny bareback fuck with no one any the wiser and more often than not, no questions asked.

One time we took on the management of a flat just outside our area in south London.  It was a nice flat but the parking around about it was terrible - London parking at it's worst.  The first few times I went there I had to park miles away and then I noticed that there was a council estate just on the other side of the block which, unlike everywhere else around it, didn't appear to have controlled parking and I started parking in there.  I got a couple of dirty looks from the residents and knew I probably shouldn't continue parking there but it was so convvenient I did - and then one day I got challenged.

The guy who challenged me looked to be in his mid 30s - he was slim, dark haired and actually quite good looking.  He was obviously nervous and had clearly taken his courage in both hands to challenge me.  He was brick red but explained that the parking was for residents only and when people from outside parked there it made it harder for people who lived there.  He told me he was a nurse who worked shifts and said it was really inconvenient if he couldn't get parked.   When he finished tallkng he looked at me and I could tell he was nervous about my reaction so I smiled at him and told him he was quite right to call me out and I apologised for being selfish and told him I wouldn't park there again.

He was a bit taken aback.  "Oh, well.....I suppose it's not that big a deal," he said, with a smile.  I held out my hand "I'm Lee,"  I said.  He shook my hand.  "I'm David".  I had noticed him checking out the front of my trousers by now and I could feel my cock growing in my pants.  There was no mistaking it now - he was definitely checking me out so I decided to go for it.  I spread my legs a bit to give him a better view and he asked nervously if I would like a cold drink as it was such a hot afternoon.  I said that would be great and soon I was following him up to the second floor of one of the blocks.  I could tell he was nervous as he handed me a (very welcome) cold drink and guessed I would have to make the first move so I pulled him towards me and soon we were kissing.

A few minutes later, my pants were down and he was sucking my cock.  It was just what I needed and I must say he did it really well.  I could easily have let him blow me until I unloaded in his mouth but I wanted to see if he was willing to go any further.  I pulled him up and soon I was going down on him.  I sucked his cock for a while and then turned him round.  He bent over the kitchen counter and I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue into his arse.  Along with fucking, licking arse is definitely my favourite thing.  I love pulling a guys cheeks apart and pushing my tongue right up him, knowing that I'm soon going to be pushing my raw cock up there.

David's arse was a little hairy and I enjoyed licking it and judging by the moans he was giving out, he was enjoying it as much as me.   I stood up and began to rub my cock against his hole.  He pulled back then.  "Oh...." he said, "I can't....I...I've got a partner..."  His voice tailed off as I pushed the head of my cock against his arse again.  "I really want to fuck you," I said and he moaned.  I knew he wanted it too but then he said "We have to use a condom."  I told him I didn't like condoms and he moaned again.  "I....I can't,,,,,not without a condom."  I told him that was fine and said I totally respected his decision and said we didn't have to fuck.  I've found to this to be a very effective strategy over the years in getting lads to fuck without a condom - especially when they're really horny for it as this guy was - I've found that so many safe only guys will fuck bare rather than miss out on a fuck if they're horny enough and this guy was no exception.  He said hesitatingly "Well, maybe just for a little while...."and a few minutes later he was bent over the kitchen table and my bare cock was pushing up his arse.  He pushed his arse out further and moaned as I began to fuck him.  "Oh fuck!" he moaned, "Fuck me.....fuck me!"  I could tell he was really horny and guessed that his boyfriend probably hadn't given him one for a while.  He was still moaning as I began to fuck him harder and I guessed that he hadn't expected to end up bent over the kitchen table with his pants down and a bare cock up his arse when he came out to speak to me about parking on the estate.  I was enjoying every minute of the fuck, expecting him to ask me to pull out soon but he didn't.  I was getting close now and told him so but he didn't react and I kept fucking him.  After another ten or twelve thrusts I could feel myself starting to cum and I told him so.  "Do it..." he moaned, "Fucking do it!"  I hadn't cum for several days and seconds later I was pumping what I knew was a massive load up his arse.  It felt like I was never going to stop cumming - I really bred him.

When I had pulled out he stood up and mopped his brow with his T shirt.  "I really needed that!" he said with a grin.  Then he reddened a bit and said he didn't normally cheat on his partner like this.  I said we're all human and he grinned again.  I don't think it occurred to him that I had just pumped a toxic load up him.  

I didn't have to visit that particular flat for a while after that but a few months later I was doing the property inspection and I parked on the council estate again.  When I returned to my car, a group of four lads in trackie bottoms and T shirts who looked to be in their late teens or early twenties were drinking in an entrance way just beside it.  As I approached my car they started shouting at me and calling me a posh cunt and telling me to fuck off out their estate.  I'm not easily intimidated so I tried to ignore them and got into my car and started it up.  They were making wanking signs now and as I moved off one of them, a dark haired lad in a football top, turned round, dropped his pants and bared his arse at me.  I grinned - he had a nice arse - and then just as I had pulled away there was a crash as one of the other lads threw a full can of beer at my car with some force.  I was not grinning now and kept driving.  I stopped a few miles away to survey the damage - the rear light of the car was smashed and the bodywork dented quite badly.  I was really pissed off - I was proud of my car and I had bought it when the business started to make some money - but much as I love cars, I understand they are inanimate objects and can be repaired so I just booked it in to a body repair shop.  It wasn't cheap. 

I didn't park on the council estate again - I guess you could say I had finally learned my lesson - and I found somewhere to park a bit further away on the edge of some woodland.  It was about three weeks later that I was walking back to my car when I heard someone calling to me.  I turned round and saw it was one of the lads from the council estate - a tall blond lad.  I didn't want any trouble so I started walking faster.  "Wait," he called and then added "Please."  I turned round and he caught up with me.  "I'm sorry," he said "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." he said.  "It was stupid and I'm really sorry I did it."  I realised he was telling me it was him who threw the can at my car.  I was really tempted to tell him to fuck off but I could see in his eyes that he genuinely seemed to be troubled about what had happened.  He was a bit nervous now "Look," he said, "I don't have any money, but maybe I could buy you a drink or something?"  I looked at him and he reddened "Just to say sorry, you know."  

I relented "How about I buy you one?" I said and a few minutes later we were in a bar on the main road near the estate.  I bought him a lager and myself a soft drink (I was driving) and we talked.  He told me his name was Robert and he was 20. He was employed part time but didn't earn very much money and he had recently split up with his girlfriend.  On the second drink he told me that he had a two year old daughter but his ex girlfriend was being difficult and not allowing him proper access.  He told me he was really sorry he had behaved like such a prick and wished he could pay for the damage to my car.  I told him not to worry about it - It was repaired and I was not concerned about it.  On the third drink he asked about me and did not seem particulary surprised when I told him I was gay.  He asked if I had a partner and I told him I didn't.  Robert picked up his lager which was half full and downed it in one.  He grinned and said he needed to go for a piss.  I said I did too and we made our way to the toilet.  Soon we were standing at the urinal together and I could see Robert was checking out my cock as he pissed like a racehorse.  

A short time later we were in a cubicle and Robert was sitting on the toilet and I was standing in front of him.  He unzipped my smart work trousers and pulled them down along with my pants and soon he was sucking my cock.  He sucked me quite well and I couldn't help wondering just how straight he was.  He certainly did not resist when I pulled him up.  I wanked him for a while and then motioned to him to turn round.  WIthout a word, he turned round, pulled his pants right down and bent over the toilet.  I pulled his cheeks apart and pushed my tongue into his hole. It wasn't very fresh, but in fairness he probably hadn't been expecting anyone to stick their tongue up it and I didn't really care anyway.  I licked his arse for a while and then reached into my pocket for the little pack of lube I always have somewhere about my person.

Robert did not resist as I pushed my cock into him - he just gave a little grunt and soon my cock was right up him.  I began to fuck him - turned on by the tightness of his arse and the fact that we were fucking in the toilet of a run down straight pub.  The toilet was not very clean and it smelled very strongly of piss, but somehow this just turned me on even more and before long I was getting close to cumming.  "I'm close," I panted and he asked if I was going to cum in him.  "Do you want me to?" I asked and he nodded.  I didn't hold back and soon I was pumping a nice big load of cum into his arse.  When I had finished cumming, Robert stood up, took hold of his cock and began to wank.  I fingered his cummy hole as he wanked and before long he was shooting a big load of cum down the tiled wall of the cubicle.

He griined at me.  "You've done that before!" I said and he shrugged "Now and then" he said.  "Do you like it?" I asked and Robert nodded and grinned at me again.

I didn't have cause to visit that area for a while after that and the only other time I visited the council estate was one afternoon when I badly needed to piss.  I remembered there a little wooded area behind a brick shed on the estate and I figured that it wouldn't do any harm just to quickly take a piss there on the way past -  and to be honest it was either that or wet my pants and I didn't want to do that.  A few minutes later I was mid way through a much needed piss behind the shed when I sensed that I was not alone.   I turned and found a dark haired young lad of about 18 or 19 watching me.  He was dressed in a polo shirt and work trousers and I saw from his badge that his name was Reece and he was part of the council's Estate Services Team.  I had seen members of the team on the estate now and then, cleaning and tidying the garden areas.  Reece was staring openly at my cock and I pulled back a bit to give him a better view as I finished pissing.  It wasn't long before my cock was in his mouth and I was enjoying a really good blow job.  This lad may have been young but he certainly knew what he was doing - it was one of the best blow jobs I had had in ages.  I let him suck me for a while longer and then pulled him up.  He didn't take much persuading to drop his pants for me and soon he was leaning against the brick shed, his work trousers and his white underpants at his knees and my cock up his arse.  He told me he wanted it hard and I gave it to him hard, before shooting my toxic load deep into his unprotected young arse.

Shortly after this encounter, the landlord put his flat on the market and I had no cause to visit that area again - but I certainly had some horny fun when I was there and, as always, enjoyed every minute of it.

I've also quite enjoyed writing this - if you like it, I'll write some more.









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