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This is part 1 of a new series. The first part contains no sex and is a setup for more to come. I promise that the lack of sex in this part will be heavily compensated for in parts to come. For now, enjoy reading ๐Ÿ™‚


Part 1

Growing up, it was just my dad (Baxter Sloan), me (Joseph Sloan) and my older brother (Samuel Sloan). Mom left soon after I was born to marry some rich guy who loved her but didn't want the add-on baggage of 2 kids. So, the responsibility to raise me and my brother fell on my dad, who did the best he could to provide for us. My dad was only 21 when Sam was born and being a young single dad, he was a very involved parent.

From a young age, I was an exemplary student. By the time I was 12, I was already in high school and graduated at 15 as a valedictorian. I started college soon after and graduated at 19 with a degree in software engineering with minors in business and statistics. While in my senior year, I started working on a project which became a business when I graduated. After expanding my business over the next few years, I finally sold it when I was 25 for a 9 figure number. Needless to say, I was set for life at this point.

But after selling my company, I started experiencing a slump. Success, while wonderful, can also lead you to wonder if there's more than just money and power. Don't get me wrong, it's great to have both but having tasted both, I needed more. In some ways, I was experiencing a pre-midlife crisis at 25 which led me to make the decision that would change everything.

I decided to head home to see my family whom I hadn't seen in over 5 years.


When I left for college, I'd make it a point to come home twice a year to visit dad and Sam. In my senior year, the workload from school and my project prevented me from traveling home and after graduation, the singular focus to make my business work made me ignore my family. We'd still talk but I was distant and more engrossed with my work than listening to dad talk about small town life and his business. I figured as long as I sent nice gifts on Christmas, things would be all right.

Before you judge me, you should know that I had a reason to be distant with my family. When I was 15 I came out to my dad who didn't take it very well. He didn't say anything much and kept his distance. I did it a few days before I left for junior year to avoid any awkwardness but his response to it really drove a wedge between us. My brother was cool with it, which was my only respite.

Over the last 2 years I had spoken to dad twice and Sam a couple of times, so things weren't exactly very familial between us. Going home after all this time was going to be awkward but I needed to do this. I had nothing going on for me and I figured being home for sometime would give me perspective on my next steps and it'd be nice to go back to my hometown after over a decade away.


When my flight landed at the airport, I wasn't expecting Sam to be there waiting for me.

A little background on Sam- I had last seen him 5 years ago. At the time he was a lean toned guy, working in my dad's plumbing business and looking like every small-town dude who enjoyed the relaxed life and to whom the world at large started and ended within the confines of the town. He was smart too but he didn't put in the effort at school and was happy to start working for dad when he graduated. Not that dad was complaining. I think dad was happy to have one kid at home, even if he would never admit it. They were extremely similar too, which was why dad and Sam had a stronger bond than me and dad.

The Sam standing in front of me outside the airport looked nothing like the Sam I remembered.

This Sam was a beast.

At 6'0, he was approximately 220 pounds of muscle. Wide chest, thick arms and legs, a thick neck and a buzzcut, gave him the appearance of someone you didn't want to fuck with. In just a t-shirt and shorts, both a size too tight for his frame, he was a walking wet dream.

The second he saw me, he rushed over and gave me a giant bear hug. Almost lifting me off my feet, he pulled me in for a long hug while rubbing my back. When he finally let me go, his hand slipped down a little and grazed against my butt.

"Holy fuck Sam, you look so different man," I exclaimed, finding it harder to not stare and drool at him.

"Hahaha, yeah been a while you've seen me little bro. Looks good doesn't it," saying this, he flexed his left arm at me. I'm not sure how his sleeves didn't just rip off but they looked awfully close to, judging by the bulk of his bicep and tricep.

Not wanting to stare and freak him out, I nudged him playfully and asked him where he was parked. In 10 minutes, we were on our way to the farm.

The drive to our farm would take a little over 2 hours. Once we hit the road, we started catching up with each other. Sam asked me a lot of questions about my work and my life, revealing very little of his own. While we were chatting, I finally took a good look at my brother and started to observe some interesting things.

At first glance, it wasn't obvious but through the confines of his shirt, I could make out his large nipples. I wasn't sure but they looked pierced, based on the tiny lumps on either side of each nipple. Tattoos filled every part of the exposed skin on his arms, leading up to his neck and sliding inwards towards his chest. A padlock chain on his collar with an actual lock, hung from his neck. Without being obvious, I took a sneak peek at his crotch and holy fuck, was that thing massively bulging. Whether this was natural or a sock stuffed in, it was hard to say but it sure was impressive.

It was so weird how turned on I was by my big brother. I needed to keep it in check but his very presence was making it very difficult.

"So how's dad? Has been a while since I last saw him?" I asked, changing the subject. I needed a distraction and this was the best and only way to do so.

"Dad's great. He's so psyched to see you. Keeps telling everyone about you coming home."

That made me feel guilty. All this time, I thought he wasn't particularly happy about me so to find out how happy he was to see me again did made me feel bad about ignoring him.

"Hey, you okay dude?" my brother asked, observing the guilt on my face.

"Yeah its fine. Just...never mind."

An awkward silence followed us for the next hour of driving until we finally pulled up to our house.

The house that I remembered from last time was not the house I came back to. For one thing, there was now an actual 7 feet wall surrounding the place with an electronic gate. The rusty beaten down path leading from the road to the house had been replaced with an actual functional driveway. The house itself had been freshly painted and possibly renovated, making it look actually nice and kinda classy (given the surroundings).

"Whoa, what happened to the Sloan pad?" I asked in disbelief to a visibly grinning Sam.

"A lot has changed Joe, you'll see for yourself," he remarked.

While we were pulling out my stuff from the car, the front door opened and out walked my dad.

If the changed Sam had been a surprise, my dad was a shock.

5 years ago, my dad was a lean 6'4 guy with a clean shaved face and a cap on his head at all times. The man in front of me looked nothing like the man I remembered.

He had ballooned up to become a muscle daddy. His body was absolutely massive with everything as wide as it could be. He had a bit of a muscle gut but it suited him. What was more shocking was the way he was dressed up.

Gone were the flannel shirts and denims. In front of me was a man wearing tight shorts and a sleeveless vest, with the front completely open. On his chest were 2 very visibly protruding nipple piercings that had caused them to puff out obscenely. My dad was an extremely hirsute guy (always has been) but I could make out some tattoos on his skin as well.

"There's my boy," dad rumbled and practically jumped over to where I was standing. He grabbed me in a hug and lifted me off the ground, smashing our chests together. His grip was tight enough to cause my lean muscular body to be absorbed into his bulk, smushing every part of us together. I was impressed, given that I take after my dad and stand at 6'2, which he easily lifted like I was paper. While we were hugging, I could smell the strong smell of sweat, beer and smoke on him, making me a little horny. I had to fight every instinct to not get aroused in front of dad, but it wasn't easy.

"Hey dad, long time no see," I said as he let me go and dropped me to the ground. Without responding, dad hugged me again, only this time he sniffled and shook a little. Watching my formerly emotionally steady father cry out of happiness was not what I was expecting. We stood there for half a minute until he composed himself and detached.

"A'ight, lets get you in boy" dad said, grabbing one of my things and started to walk towards the house. Sam and I followed him inside, which had changed significantly since I had last seen it. Before, it looked like a bachelor pad with things lying around, packets of easy-made food on the kitchen counter and empty bottles in the corner. Now, it was completely clean with a leather couch in the center, nicely done wallpapers and actual furniture.

"What happened here? You guys won a lottery or something?" I was in shock, how did dad and Sam manage all this with their small town plumbing business.

My dad let out a big laugh and slapped my back. "All in good time son, for now wash up and come downstairs. We have things to discuss."

His tone meant business and even though I was an almost 26 year old successful former business owner, I felt like a ten year old boy that had to do what dad said. Sam helped me carry my stuff upstairs to my old room and left me in there.

Normally, I'd take my time to wash up. But dad had meant business when he told me to come downstairs and I had questions of my own. How was their life so different and how were they so different all of a sudden? It made no sense and I needed answers.


An hour later, the 3 of us were downstairs in the living area drinking beer. Dad and Sam were on either side of the couch while I was sitting opposite them. Dad was worried I was in trouble which is why I had reached out to them. When I told him that wasn't the case and I was just here to figure out my next steps, he looked relieved. He asked me point blank how long was I intending to stay. Unsure of what he wanted to hear, I told them I'd be here for no more than 10 days.

"Hell no boy. You come back after 5 years and all you give me is 10 lousy days. You ain't leaving before the months up," my dad laid down the law. By the serious expression on his face, I knew better than to counter. Truthfully, I was relieved. Part of me needed time to figure things out and having a month's time to do so would be perfect.

The conversation moved on to other things before I ended up asking about the house and the renovations. On doing so, my dad and my brother shared a look before my dad said anything.

"Son, there are things you need to know about us." I kept quiet, letting him continue whatever he needed to tell me.

"But first, I wanted to say how sorry I am for how I was when ya told me you were gay." That was a big surprise, considering I never imagined him feeling any remorse. He continued, "you should know, it wasn't because you were gay. Couldn't care less about that. I was just surprised you know, by how brave you were. Braver than your old man could ever be."

For the second time that day, I saw my dad cry. Before I could do anything, Sam slid next to him and pulled dad in for a hug. Dad grabbed Sam in his arms and broke down, while Sam gently held him and let him vent it out. If it wasn't my dad and my brother, I'd think they were lovers.

It took my dad a few minutes to compose himself, before he sat back up, took a deep breath and stared right into my eyes.

"Son, I'm gay too. And so is your brother."


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This was originally longer but I decided to split into two parts. Part 3 is coming soon. Thank you for the nice words of appreciation and I hope you enjoy.

Part 2

For years, I regretted telling my dad about being gay. Pushing those emotions down by throwing myself into school and then work, I never let myself have a moment to think about just how much it hurt when dad was not supportive of me coming out. So, to sit here and hear my dad tell me he was gay too and so was my brother, it brought out all of that repressed anger and frustration.

For now, dad was still talking.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry for the way I acted back then kid. When you told me, I was surprised by how easy it was for you to say it out loud. I was floored by the courage my 14-year-old son was showing when I, his 38-year-old dad, couldnโ€™t even admit it to myself. I should have been more supportive kid and I have always felt bad about not being there for you. But now that you are here, I want us to have a better relationship. Youโ€™re my son, my boy and I want to be the dad you need me to be. I am sorry son and I hope you can forgive me.โ€

I was still angry but part of me suddenly had context for his behaviour back then. Being from a small town, he was left to discover his sexuality for himself and it would be tough for anyone to go through all of that. Especially a young single dad. He wasnโ€™t the bad guy I thought he was. Like me, he was also someone whoโ€™d suffered but unlike me, he had to do it on his own.

I got up and made my way to the couch, planting myself between dad and Sam. I lifted my arms and pulled my dad in for a hug. As we hugged, we both started crying, letting out all the pent-up resentment and regrets from before. I felt movement in my back before feeling Samโ€™s thick wide arms wrap around me and touching dadโ€™s sides in the process. We stayed like that, not a word spoken but a lot was communicated through that hug.

โ€œWait, youโ€™re gay too?โ€ I muttered in disbelief to Sam. He grinned ear-to-ear and nudged me in the shoulder. โ€œFuckinโ€™ unbelievableโ€ I replied, before nudging him right back.

โ€œYou have no clue how long I have wanted to say this Joeโ€, dad said, โ€œGlad that this is out of the way. I hope you can forgive me son.โ€

โ€œI am sorry too dad, for having been such a dick. I had no idea,โ€ I said, โ€œIโ€™m glad you told me dad.โ€

Over the next hour dad and Sam told me about how they came out to each other. They came out soon after my last visit, with Sam coming out first leading to dad coming clean. Dad had known he was gay since high school but he had chosen to stay in the closet and not risk his reputation. I was touched by the fact that dadโ€™s journey to acceptance was inspired by me.

Small steps to fixing my relationship with my family!

The rest of the day was spent with the 3 of us catching up. Dad and Sam grilled me on my relationships and my life in the city and were disappointed to know how boring my life was. As dad put it, โ€œboy if I were your age in the city, Iโ€™d be fucking every guy I could find.โ€

Dadโ€™s subtlety was endearing.

That night in bed, I had a hard time falling asleep. My mind kept drifting back to my conversation with dad and Sam. So much had changed in the past 12 hours in ways I couldnโ€™t have imagined. My dad and my brother were gay like me, who would have thought.

After a few hours of trying, sleep was off the menu. It was around 1 am when I decided to head downstairs and whip up something to eat. I left my room quietly and reached the top of the staircase, only to see the lights on downstairs and voices coming.

I ducked down and glanced a peek towards the living area. What I saw was the craziest shit I had ever seen.

Sam was lying on his back on the couch. He was butt naked, wearing a leather harness, a thick collar around his neck and just boots. His legs were raised up in a V, with his ass partially hanging off the couch and a cock pumping in and out of his hole, much to Samโ€™s clear pleasure and approval.

The cock pumping in him was my dadโ€™s who was dressed for the occasion. Wearing a leather harness and pants, he looked like the catalogue model for a BDSM magazine. He was grunting in pleasure as he hammered his cock in and out of Sam, both in the throes of great pleasure.

โ€œYeah you love daddy dick donโ€™t ya boy,โ€ dad grunted between thrusts.

โ€œYes sir, I love your cock in my pussyโ€ Sam groaned, his fingers caressing my dadโ€™s body.

โ€œFucker take my cock,โ€ dad started ramming harder and Sam moaned out loudly. Dadโ€™s hand flew to Samโ€™s mouth covering it and muffling what would have been a loud moan. For the next few minutes, dad kept ramming into Sam before he let out a grunt of his own, announcing his own ejaculation.

They stayed like that for the next minute, Dad still unloading the last vestiges of cum into Samโ€™s ass. Sam looked glazed, as he slowly stroked dadโ€™s nipples and milked the cock in his ass. When dad pulled out, he grabbed a butt plug from the table and pushed it inside Sam.

Dad plopped next to Sam in the couch, pulling him closer. Sam was stroking his huge cock while Dad was kissing his neck and pulling on Samโ€™s nipples. A few moments of foreplay later, dad bit down on Samโ€™s neck, eliciting a moan from Sam. He burst out all over the couch and cum flew in all directions. It was a sight to behold, my donkey dicked older brother shooting a gallon of cum while my equally large dad caressed him and made out with him at the same time. When Sam was done shooting, dad scooped up the cum splatter from his and Samโ€™s body and fed it to him.

โ€œHmm boy, you got cum on my boots,โ€ dad said to Sam sternly. In a flash, Sam got off the couch kneeled in front of dad and pushed his face to dadโ€™s boots. To my shock (and arousal) he started to lick his cum from dadโ€™s boots, spit-shining them in the process. Dad let him clean both shoes, while he watched Sam with adoration and intent. When he was done, he straightened his back but stayed on his knees in front of dad.

โ€œThank you for letting me serve you sir.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re welcome boy, bet that pussy was hungry all dayโ€ dad and Sam both smirked. โ€œWatching your brotherโ€™s tight body worked you up well too, huh boy?โ€

โ€œDamn right sir, heโ€™s a hot piece of ass Joe.โ€

I was having a hard time believing all this. Not only had my dad and Sam been fucking, they clearly had more than just a casual relationship going on (I know my gay culture classifications). Weirder still, they were talking about me, like I was a piece of meat.

My arousal was off the roof and my very hard and pre-cum leaking cock was the proof.

Without wanting to alarm anyone, I quickly and quietly made my way back to my room. The second I laid down on the bed, I knew it was pointless.

Sleep was off the table tonight.

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