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The True Corruption of Hedonism

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On 9/14/2021 at 10:14 AM, bottomboib said:

Chapter 7: The Lie

Stumbling through the alleyways, Tyler looked like hell.  He was exhausted, drained, and could barely think.  How nasty of a boy had he become, getting fucked in abandoned buildings? He questioned his entire being as he continued his trek home.  Brandon was pissed off, his texts were seething with anger as to why Tyler hadn’t responded and asking where he was at.  Brandon had indicated he went to work however, so this gave Tyler some ability to try and figure out his next moves.

The alleyways were not without their own scum.  Tyler passed by several desperate, yet hot boys, looking like they were just itching for their holes to be used.  Homeless men slept behind dumpsters.  Tyler felt a twinge in his hole, almost like this felt like home.  No, he shook his head, what the heck was he thinking.  Some of the men looked up at him while he walked by, practically licking their chops at his sexiness.  He knew he looked like hell, but he was turned on by the men staring at him.  He felt an urge to give in, maybe that transcendence he had seeing himself tied to a dumpster was his future.  No, no, no!  He shook his head again.  He couldn’t think like that.  This was just a series of bad choices, he could recover from this, he could be loyal.  He tried to force Jax out of his head.  He thought of all thhis mind turned to their sex.  While it was good, it wasn’t Jax.  Jax again began to pervade his mind, and regardless of how he tried to push him out, he invaded.

Step after step, Jax stumbled in the darkness, closer and closer to home, trying desperately to formulate a plan or reason to explain to Brandon why he hadn’t responded.




Jax entered Club Hedon, taking several turns down the winding halls.  The music was intense tonight, an evil tone, pulsing through the walls. The boys were especially wild as he passed the wide open rooms and alcoves.  Their sweat, their lust, their drive, was never ending.  Jax smiled as he thought about Tyler, and how little he had experienced in the last week, and how his downfall was culminating slowly but surely. 

Jax entered a room, it was carpeted in maroon carpeting, with a very low lighting.  The only lighting that was bright, centered in the middle of the room, where there was something that looked like a confessional kneeler from a church. 

Jax removed his clothes, down to his tiny briefs, exposing his beautiful body.  He kneeled down, hands crossed on the support, and stared at the edge of the room.  In front of him, sat six figures, highlighted only by the light bouncing off the shadows.

“Tyler transcended for the first time tonight,” Jax’s monotone was back.

The figures nodded, but showed no specific emotion.  Their faces were hidden, their bodies robed. 

Jax continued, “It was a moderately intense transcendence.  He saw the demons, so I was encouraged.  He saw his relationship fall apart.”

Again the nodding continued, with no input.

“He does have a dark mind,” Jax smiled, “He transcended about his parents watching him”.

A voice came from one of the six figures. “And is he ready for mania?”

Jax pondered for a moment, his beautiful body gleaming in the light.  “Close, but I do not believe he is there yet.  The guilt is still strong, and while it turns him on, it still has a hold on him,” Jax responded, plainly.

A somewhat angrier voice replied, “And you know that mania is the solution for the guilt.  It is not your realm to control.”

Jax nodded, unaffected by the slight uptick in anger.  “Yes, but we have to break that initial barrier where it has the high likelihood of not being overcome.  That was always in the realm of infidelity.”

The figures looked at each other, leaning over to confer privately.  Some nodded, some whispered.  After a few moments of discussion their heads all turned back to Jax. 

“We agree with your assessment, but you must tread carefully as to not meddle in the next step.  As soon as that threshold has been reached, you must immediately notify the council, so care and mentorship may be moved to mania.”

Jax nodded, saying nothing.

Another figure plainly stated, “Remove your faggot briefs.  We will now break you, as your reward.”

Jax stood, his hip bones protruding around his tight briefs, as he slide them down his body.  5 figures moved into the middle of the room, while another went off to the side, sliding out a wooden contraption.  The contraption was somewhat square, with shackles on the top of it, and a long tail of two 2x4s that had shackles on the end of it, jutting out from the square portion.

“Assume your position in the mount.” A voice stated.

Jax bent over the top of the mount with the two shackles and his wrists were locked in the machine.  The shackles were medieval, iron, rough, and unbreakable.  With his wrists locked, Jax’s knees bent, touching the outcropping 2.4s, his tiny ankles lining up perfectly with the back shackles.  He was locked.

The figures surrounded him, with one positioning himself behind him, ramming into Jax.  Jax’s eyes went pure black.  His body locked.

“You know you love this hell,” the man who rammed into him said.

The music started to flood the room, the pulses lining up with Jax’s heartbeat.  The reverberations from the initial ram into Jax were still echoing through his body, but the figure pulled out and started ramming Jax over and over again.   On the said of the room, another figure began lighting cauldrons that burned intense heat, warming the room greatly.

Beads of sweat began to drip from Jax.  His eyes were black, with a deviant smile on his face.   Another large dick slammed into his mount while the other figure continued to fuck him.  The dick in his mouth gagged him profusely, but Jax did not care.  He knew his place.  He continued to gag.  The other figures groped him, one pissing all over the scene, adding to Jax’s arousal.  Pre cum began to drip from Jax’s dick, which was soft, yet still huge, and swinging back and forth with the brutal pounding. 

The man pounding him grabbed Jax’s jet black hair and yanked his head back with force.  The dick flew out of Jax’s mouth.  The man was bending Jax’s body, with force, and no mercy. 

No words were said.  The man pounding Jax, instead of screaming, howled like a demon, blowing a fantastical load inside Jax, a load so large at it violented erupted from Jax’s hole while the man’s dick was still in him.  The amount of cum was grotesque.  The next man positioned himself behind Jax and the mounting proceeded. 

Six hours later, Jax was unshackled, his reward complete.  A lake of cum existed below him.  A lake of cum he must head before he would be allowed to leave.  This wasn’t a chore for Jax, he wouldn’t have left without eating every single drop on the dirty carpet. 

The figures left the room, leaving Jax to clean up the mess he had made.  The mounting was complete.




Tyler entered his apartment, exhausted, but determined to fix the issue with Brandon.  He pulled up his phone, texting Adam.

“Hey, I need you.  Can you help me?”

“WTF LOL, it hasn’t even been 24 hours and you want more?” Adam replied via text.

“I need you to come over, please, right now.”

“LOL, wow, you nasty slut.  You’re lucky that Aaron just went out with some friends.  I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” Adam replied again.

Tyler then rushed downstairs to the street.  His plan was in motion.  The street was still filled with cars.  At a break in the action, between stop lights, when the traffic calmed, Tyler tossed his cell phone into the middle of the street, in the most likely place that a car tire would be.   Standing there, he waited.  The next group of vehicles from the next green light began driving, and luckily, multiple cars smashed his phone.  Once the traffic died down again, Tyler retrieved it.  Evidence had been created.

Just at that point, he saw Adam’s car pulling into the parking lot of his apartments.   Tyler ran upstairs, waiting for Adam at the door to his apartment.

“Holy fucking shit,” Adam cried, “What are you on fucking drugs?!”

Tyler said nothing, lifting his shirt, revealing his hot diamond belly piercing, as if he was going to take it off fully, coaxing Adam inside.

Adam walked in, and Tyler closed the door.  Snapping around he confronted Adam forcefully.

“So you want me to be your bitch right?” Tyler said. 

“Fuck yeah you dumb homo.  I have ALWAYS wanted you like you wouldn’t believe.  I’ve never been ok with you being with Brandon.  And having you this afternoon was just a sample of the hell I want with you!” Adam replied excitedly.

“Good,” Tyler replied nervously.  He had to put all the pieces together here.  “I need to create a reason for not being home today.  Brandon is already upset.”

Adam interjected, “Fuck yeah.  You two break up you’re mine everyday!”

Tyler put his hand up to pause Adam.  Yes, he knew Adam wanted him like crazy, but he could also discern from the fucking earlier that Adam enjoyed the cheating as well.  He needed Adam to continue to enjoy the cheating, so he went deeper.

“No no Adam.  You loved me cheating on Brandon right?” Tyler’s tone intensified, becoming more sultry and coaxing in its manner.  “You looooooved it right?  You want me to cheat on him with you right?

Adam looked a bit stunned, not that he wasn’t wildly turned on, but more that Tyler was this dark.   He wanted Tyler every day, but both of them cheating on their lovers was another layer that would be destroyed if Brandon broke up with Tyler.   He nodded.

“OK so we need to keep that going baby,” Tyler gently kissed Adam. He was nervous.  He knew this was a rabbit hole that was going to have consequences.  He knew Adam was harmless to Brandon, and he knew Brandon would trust him, so Adam could provide the perfect cover, at least for now.  Only an hour earlier Tyler had thought that he could clean up his act and even considered stopping the slutting, but no, in the end, he had to fix the Brandon problem that happened today, and this was the potentially best way to do it. 

Tyler grabbed Adam’s hand and led him to his and Brandon’s bed.  “This is where we make love, Brandon and I,” Tyler said nervously.   He really felt a threshold being crossed, but desperation was too much.  He couldn’t have Brandon question anything about his absence today. Tyler gulped, knowing the gravity of his words upcoming, but committed to them he continued, “Lets defile our bed, you and I Adam.  Lets feel the corruption build between us and our lust consume any morality that we have!”

Adam about turned into a monster at that point, but Tyler held him back for a final statement.

“Adam, I will give you this all, but I need ONE THING from you,” Tyler said. 

“Which is?” Adam replied

Tyler explained that he was a slut after Adam that afternoon, which only had Adam’s dick pulsing harder, and that he went silent on Brandon all day long.  He explained that he was going to tell Brandon about him dropping his phone accidentally in the street which prevented a reply.  But he needed Adam to vouch that they were hanging out and went out to eat and such trivial things that would lead Brandon to believe that everything was fine. 

“And you’ll let me keep coming over and defiling your relationship in the bed you share with him at all costs FOREVER?” Adam could barely contain himself.

Tyler sealed the covenant.  “Yes, forever.”

Adam exploded, slamming Tyler down on the bed, tearing his sleeveless shirt right off him, in pieces.  Pulling down Tyler’s shorts, he saw Tyler’s pink briefs, 100% soaked in cum, like he had bathed in it.

“What the literal fuck did you do today?” Adam said, smelling the cum soaked into Tyler’s skin from his briefs as we pulled them down.

“Fuck me baby,” Tyler deflected.  He knew he had committed to a darkness he hadn’t believed he could. 

Adam slammed Tyler face first into the bed, slamming his big dick into him.  Cum poured from Tyler’s hole by what seemed like the gallons. 

“Oh you are one sick piece of trash,” Adam said, licking Tyler’s ear.  “But god fucking a goddamn loose slut hole is so much hotter than a tight one.  I can barely feel my dick in you.  The amount of men that have been in you must be massive!”

Tyler grunted, his eyes started to glaze back, he was feeling transcendence come on, but he kept being pulled back into reality. 

“It feels good doing it where you make love doesn’t it?” Adam cried.  “Its NEVER going to be same for you two, never ever going to be same.”  The thrust were deep, but the hole was loose.  Tyler didn’t care if he couldn’t feel it as well as when he was tight.  What he cared about was that he was creating as airtight an alibi as possible, yet deep down, he knew he was getting Adam’s babies again.

“Stare at the pictures of you two surrounding us!!!” Adam commanded. Tyler looked at the few pictures of him and Brandon happy together, over different portions of their relationship, on the nightstands next to the bed.  The bed was bouncing now, Adam was fucking Tyler with great strength, holding his bony body to the bed, the mattress heaving with the lust and desires that Adam held.  “Look at your fucking happiness unwind before you.  Look at your world fall apart!” Adam laughed maniacally.  “Look at the untimely end to everything.  When you see him tomorrow, kiss him deeply, knowing your hell and demonic nature!” 

Tyler transcended.  His spirit flung above the seen much quicker than before, the dark act disappearing from his view.  He appeared in a labyrinth that was exceptionally dark, yet flints of red light hit the smoke in the maze.  He was naked of course, beautiful as can be, with the red light bouncing off his piercings.  He heard the sound of creatures nearby, guttural tormenting sounds of lust and desire being made.  He started walking.  Around a corner he saw himself again strapped to a dumpster, his dick pouring cum, his ass pouring cum, the neighborhood lined up to impregnate him.   Another 90 degree turn and he saw himself on some wooden machine, shacked on all fours, as his ass was a waterfall for cum, his body even skinnier and bony. Another corner and he saw his parents, naked, fucking hard, and he began to precum.  He stopped.  He had to watch.  They turned to him in their lust and screamed at him to turn away.  Calling him demented and sick.  He only smiled and stroked his dick in one hand, touching his body in a coaxing manner in the other, sliding his hand over all his bones, just begging to one to relinquish and want to touch him.  They kept fucking and yelling at him in the same time. 

A flash occurred and Tyler was in another part of the labyrinth, the sounds of lust coming closer now.  He felt like the transcendence was waning, but he tried to stay focused to keep it.  He could hear Adam breaking into his visions…

“Fucking garbage dump I am going to fuck you up in ways you’ll never imagine!” Adams voice came on strong, then faded into the distant. 

There in front of him Tyler saw his father masturbating like a fiend to naked videos of Tyler being used.  His body already covered with cumloads from the amount of orgasms he had had.  His father looked at Tyler standing there, screaming at him that he was a sick fuck.  Tyler lost control and responded by telling his father how much he loved seeing his hairy naked body getting off to his demonic nature.  His father couldn’t stop stroking but kept yelling.  The scene was imploding on itself.  He felt the brutal thrusts of Adam deeper and harder and more real inside him.  Tyler reached out and touched his father’s hairy chest, lust materialized as an almost magical dust emanating from him.  Lightning bolts shot through Tyler at the initial touch, extreme amounts of pleasure flowed through him like a jet, disgust filled his bones at his sickness, yet he moved his hand more, caressing the body.   His dad furiously screamed to stop it, but made no attempt to stop him. 

Tyler felt a flash coming on and with no ability to stop it, he succumbed.  He appeared in the room again surrounded by the creatures.  This time he was being groped from every angle.  Almost every part of his body was covered in hands, or claws, or whatever these things were.   He could make out horns in the shadows protruding from the heads of the creatures.  He felt contentment, rage, disgust.   Then he felt a massive dick running down his skinny spine.  This felt like it was the size of 10 dicks in one.  He felt it press against his slutty hole and felt it open to accept it. No faces could be seen but he did not care.  He was learning to not care about faces, not care about looks.  The claws dragged against his perfect skin, and then he felt the most massive thing enter him and he saw his skin turn blood red.   In front of his eyes, tattoos began to materialize all over his arms, legs, and anything else he could seen.  He could make out faintly as they materialized, nasty words being etched into him.  Words like slut, faggot, demon, seemed to swirl onto his body.  He felt the etching continuing  on his back, above his ass, down the back of his legs, although he couldn’t read it.  The pain was immense but the pleasure was indescribable.  Nothing that Brandon, Adam, Jax, or any of the 20 or so other boys did to him the nights prior had even a percent of a feeling of what bliss he was experiencing now.  In his mind, he made up that we wanted to stay.  Fuck the real world, he belonged here. 

As soon as Tyler’s mind was made up, his skin returned to normal and the vision began to fade.  He desperately tried to conjure the pleasure he was feeling, anything to keep this transcendence, or whatever Jax called it alive.  It felt reel.  Fuck it could be real.  He didn’t even understand how it was happening, but he didn’t care.  He had stay!  He started begging out loud to the shadows to let him stay, not to take him.  But as he looked down he saw himself being sucked back into reality.  Adam was turning him over on his back, his face sweaty and soaked with the sweat from their destruction.

Entering reality Adam ferociously kissed Tyler.  Tyler’s smooth pencil legs wrapped around Adam, pulling him as deeply as he could.  Tyler’s hole longed for the massive dick he had just experienced, but alas, the feeling, and even the memory was starting to fade.  Tyler’s dick released a copious cum load, without it being touched, as Adam was maniacally screaming, probably waking up the entire apartment complex.   It didn’t matter, Tyler had practically lose all physical remembrance of his transcendence, his arms wrapped around Adam like he was the love of his life, and Tyler committed more fully to the act than he ever did before.

“I love you inside me so much my love!” Tyler screamed.

“Yes! Yes! I AM YOUR FUCKING LOVE!” Adam cried.  His dick was pulsating so hard that even with his incredible loose hole, Tyler could feel it knocking around inside him.  Tyler felt the darkness of the scene and continued to succumb.

“Give me your babies Adam, give them to me fully.  Corrupt me more baby.  Right here, where Brandon and I lay, where I will lie to his face that he’s the only one for me, only to think of you when I do it.”  Tyler screamed, far too loud, his neighbors must think hell was taking place in his home. 

Adam roared releasing his loads deep into Tyler, which felt like it took five minutes to complete.  Pulling out Adam attacked Tyler’s hole, sucking the cum out of it, which was easy, considering Tyler’s hole was so loose it was just about pouring out anyway.  Adam went back and forth between Tyler’s hole and mouth, collecting the cum, to the point that their mouths we completely full of Tyler’s ass loads, and they made out like wild.  Cum dripped down their mouths and chins, covering them.  They held each other so hard it was as if they were trying to push their bodies together into one.    It was beautiful, dark, sinful, and destructive.  

Adam pulled off Tyler finally after what seemed to be an eternity, his hands still almost out of his control, gently touching Tyler’s perfect body, flicking his nipple piercings, caressing his perfection. 

“I love how many men you are sleeping with my baby.  The next time I cum over, your hole better be filled with multiple men’s loads, otherwise, hey I might slip up and get Brandon a but suspicious.”

Wait, this wasn’t the deal.  Tyler was still orgasming internally, but he tried to get himself back to reality. 

“Hey, I said you can have me whenever, I never said I had to have slept with multiple men beforehand.  That wasn’t the agreement!” Tyler cried.

“Well I made an adjustment to the agreement baby,” Adam kissed him gently on the lips, “Cmon, its not as if that’s UNLIKELY to happen anyway at this point.  I’m sure you’re going to invite 20 more men over tonight to defile your bed,” Adam laughed in an evil manner.

Tyler laid there like the picture of perfection, as Adam got dressed.  Again, no other words were uttered.  Tyler had committed to this covenant and now it owned him.  All those thoughts of getting on the right track were flooding back into Tyler.  How could he right this this time? Did he even want to? Deep down, he knew things were spiraling and he desperately needed to feel another transcendence as well.  It was opening him up to things he had no idea he desired or wanted or even felt.

Too many emotions encircled him.  His body heaved with lust and desire.  Adam walked out the door and Tyler began convulsing, orgasming from extreme feelings that were flooding inside him. Without even touching himself, without even being touched, Tyler experienced the most powerful orgasm he had ever had. 

His path was beginning to become sealed in darkness.


Maybe for XMas you will give us two more chapters?! I need it as you make me cum so hard behind the Bf’s back

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, VersVerbalChitown said:

What happened here?!!! It was such great writing, committed fans, enthusiastic cheating and hedonism….. I’ll miss you more than Craigslist personals. 

Our beloved writer is quite busy receiving an arse pounding. I chatted with him several times, and he will come back to the story when his cunt is not being fed!

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It was still early in the night.   Brandon would not be home for many more hours.  Tyler laid in bed after his massive orgasm, his chest still heaving, his ribs slightly around his torso.  He knew he was hot.  He knew he was magnificent. 

As always the guilt was consuming, overwhelming, and destructive.  The confusion of wanting to touch himself or open his legs up again to another man, was just indescribable.  Couple that with his deep regrets towards what he was doing behind Brandon’s back, and the entire situation was practically disturbed. As the waves of guilt moved over him he felt his dick getting hard again and looking down, there between his boney hips, his dick was leaking precum.

He had to stop it.  He had had his fun, this had to be stopped.  He had to go back to being loyal to Brandon, he had to go back to a normal life.  His brain kept repeating these thoughts over and over, like on autopilot.  It was almost as if his brain was setting himself to fail, juxtaposing the good side against the bad side.  The more his brain thought of putting this behind him, the more he was getting turned on by thinking of falling more into it.

He wanted to transcend again.  Something about his father watching him was making him so disgusted he wanted to touch himself.  But touching himself in the real world wasn’t going to fix the issue.  He wanted to transcend, but he was stuck.  Like a dam bursting, his brain snapped.  Grabbing his phone he started setting up profiles and taking pictures for every cruising site and app he could find.  Within a half hour his photo approvals had all come in.  His profiles were simple.  He knew he wasn’t the only cumdump out there, but he made it clear it wanted to be the most monstrous.  And, for good measure, he said he was cheating on his boyfriend.  His horniness had full control at this point.  The guilt was still there, but it was driving this mentality. It was like a drug.  It was accelerating the process.

Multiple chats opened up.  He wasn’t the only hot boy cruising, but from what he saw, he was the only super skinny smooth twink type ready to be a goddamn bareback cum dump.  Men were asking him what he was into and he just continue to copy the same reply into each chat.  He provided his address and it stated “Come before 3:30AM or don’t come at all”. 


15 minutes later a knock at the door and it opened.   Tyler was ass up on the bed, nothing on at all.  He heard a grunt from what sounded like an older man, just based off the voice.

“What a beautiful little faggot”, the man grunted again.

Tyler just swayed his ass back and forth enticing the man.  This was it.  There was no turning back.  He felt the man touching, no, caressing his skin like he was a trophy.  The man was shaking.  Tyler knew he was a prize, and the man was probably thinking he was dreaming just touching him.

“Do we need to go over any ground rules or you wanna know my status or anything…” the man began to say. 

Tyler reached back and lined the man’s dick up to his already puffy hole and slide him right in.  The deed was done.  Stars flew past Tylers eyes, a million psychedelic colors flooded his vision.  The pleasure couldn’t be described.  The man’s dick wasn’t especially large, the pleasure wasn’t coming from the sex, it was coming from the act.  Random, anonymous, unprotected, dangerous, risky sex. 

The man grabbed Tyler’s shoulders and began fucking him with force. 

“Moan for me whore, moan for me better than you do your goddamn boyfriend”

The man pounded harder and harder.  Tyler could feel his hairy belly jiggling as it slapped the small of his back, and he found that hot.  Another milestone.  Not only was he having anonymous raw sex, but now with no care as to how the man looked.  He could tell the guy was fat, but he was incredibly turned on that he was letting him inside him.  Tyler grinned thinking that he didn’t allow him to tell him his status.  Then he became horrified, but again the guilt and the lust won over and he moved his tiny hips faster to keep up with the sicko fucking him.

Door opened again, and he heard multiple footsteps enter.  2, no, 4, no wait, that sounded like 5 different men.  He heard their clothes dropping to the floor as they clamored to get to his mouth with their dicks. 

The first dick in his mouth was pretty flacid.  He looked up to see man who had to be no less than 70 years old.  This immediately shook him for a moment, pulling him out of the horniness.  This guy was a grandpa, was he really that fucked up.  Then the wave came, and the wave was undeniable.  Every single inch of his body became tingling with pleasure and as he looked at the wrinkled man, his dick became so incredibly hard and pre cum shot out of it.  And Tyler sucked.  He sucked that dick like he was going to marry him, like he loved him with every fiber of his being.  Balance himself on one hand he brought the other up to touch that wrinkled old body. His dick pulsed in pleasure, his head was beginning to spin more and more.  He was close to transcending again, but now he wanted to stay here and feel how disgusting he was. 

By this point Tyler’s body was being groped and caressed.  He was surrounded by six men, one inside him of course.  The squishing and spurting sounds from his fucking wet ass as the first man was ramping up his speed to cum turned him on more.  An extremely aggressive man pushed the grandpa out of the way and slammed his big dick into Tyler’s through.  He held Tyler’s head in place has he forced Tyler to deepthroat his giant rod deeper than Tyler had ever sucked.  Tyler upchucked copious amounts of phlegm all over his mouth and the mans dick when he got a breather, and the man slammed even harder back into him.  Tyler thought his next was going to break. Again he upchucked more phlegm and the man started smacking him a across the face.  These weren’t normal sex hits, these were, ‘take my anger out on you with every force of my being hits”.  Tyler’s had was slamming from side to side so fast he though his had was going to fall off.  Then the slapping stopped.  Slammed into his mouth again was the big dick, just as the first man was howling as he was blowing his load into Tyler.

The grandpa bent towards Tyler’s ear, and while Tyler was still barely breathing from having a dick halfway down his throat, the man whispiered “Such a horrific yet beautiful thing you are doing for yourself, as you destroy your life and your relationship,” Tyler could practically hear the man grinning as he tongued Tyler’s ear. “I loved the lust you showed when you touched me.  You are a truly sick boy, and I will do anything for truly sick boys.”

The dick pulled out of Tyler’s mouth, and despite the goop dripping off his face, the old man leaned in and kissed him.  Tyler kissed him back, but he didn’t just kiss him.  He kissed him harder than Brandon, Adam, or even Jax.  For a moment, time stopped.  The man’s words had started and explosion in Tyler’s dick that he could not stop.  Everything happened in slow motion.  He felt the fire shooting up his shaft and he pushed harder and more desperately to tongue the depths of this faggot grandpa’s mouth. 

As he was about to cum, Tyler was able to come back to the current moment, and asked “How old are you sir?”

“79 you wasteland slut,” The old man smiled, “And I am going to get you pregnant now”.  As the man pulled away Tyle saw that his sagging skin had a tramp stamp.  An old fuck with a wrinkled tattoo, that turned him on.  When it came into view more, he say the biohazard symbol.

Tyler felt the old man enter him and the room started to go dark.  In the corner of the bed he saw Jax, who had appeared out of nowhere.  Tyler knew he was about to transcend without his own control, and yet he was dying to be turned over on his back to make love to this new found grandpa and live up to the sicko that the man called him. 

Before he could think anymore he fell away from his body, as he ascended into the heavens or hells, not that he knew which, Jax was right beside him.  The scene this time was black and white, himself included, he could not see any colors.  Within an inch of him this time, stood his naked father and Tyler was also beautifully nude.   His father began to touch his perfect body out of impulse.  Jax sat in the corner with the most evil grin on his face Tyler had ever seen.

“You like it,” Jax said seductively. 

Tyler couldn’t speak.  The feelings were overwhelming.  His own dad caressing him like a prize, Tyler couldn’t help but start shaking in delight.  Dad began to kiss his neck, Tyler’s dick dripping huge amounts of precum, letting it all happen to him, giving in to nasty desire, sin, and hell.  Tyler’s hand was caressing his dad’s massive cock, and Tyler began to faintly, very faintly, since he was so in ecstasy, mouth the words “Fuck me…..fuck me”.

“Im not just going to fuck you sick boy,” Dad said, “I’m going to get you pregnant”.

They exploded into a heavy embrace, their mouths insanely smashing together.  Tyler’s hips were gyrating against that strong hairy body.  Laying on his back, Tyler pulled his legs up, showing his smooth pussy, and as he curled his tiny toes on this size 8 feet, he whispered “Fuck me with the dick that created me”.

Dad rammed into him, but they again exploded together.  Tyler’s cock was having an orgasm where he kept shooting out thick loads of cum between their sweaty bodies, they were grabbing each other everywhere in such extreme lust that they looked like drug addicts.  Tyler’s eyes had fully rolled back into his head, all his dad could see was white.  The ramming felt like it was going to shake Tyler apart, the sweat was so intense, it looked like the two had just gotten out of the shower.

“Yes…..” Jax sneered, “Yes you are fucking sick Tyler

Tyler was in such a daze he was just acting instinctually and he was just mouthing, “marry me, marry me, marry me” over and over.  His father began to convulse so heavily that Tyler began to snap out of his confusion as he knew what was about to happen.  And he craved it.

“And that will fuck you up long enough!” Jax all of sudden cried out.  Snapping his fingers, Tyler fell away from the scene.  Before his dad’s orgasm, before the sickest act, before they began one, Tyler screamed in horror as he watched himself get further from the scene, as he fell back into his body.

The old man was fucking him like no 79 year old should have the stamina to do.  Two dicks were shoved in Tyler’s mouth and he was still being groped like a trophy.

“Sir tell me your name…” Tyler begged.

The old man looked into Tyler’s eye, “Mack”, he stated plainly.  Then he began to kiss Tyler with the fire of the sick old fuck that he was.  And Tyler reciprocated.  He heard utterances from the men surrounding him that he was one hell of a fucked up piece of shit, and this only made Tyler’s dick harder.

Tyler was making out and making love to Mack as he rammed Tyler’s loose hole like he was making love to his dad in the transcendence.  There was no difference.  Truly the least attractive man there as the one that had Tyler feeling like he was in heaven.

Mack leaned in to Tyler’s ear whispering to him “You know its only going go get more fucked up and twisted from here”.  Mack was shaking, and Tyler knew the orgasm was close.  He tried to clench his hole as much as possible to give Mack pleasure.  His hands slide up and down Mack’s shriveled old body and Tyler continued to experience the most amazing sensations he had ever felt.

“Time to become what you know you are meant to be,” Mack yelled, as his head reared back and Tyler’s vision went pure red.


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6 hours ago, bottomboib said:

“Such a horrific yet beautiful thing you are doing for yourself, as you destroy your life and your relationship,” Tyler could practically hear the man grinning as he tongued Tyler’s ear. “I loved the lust you showed when you touched me.  You are a truly sick boy, and I will do anything for truly sick boys.”

I think that pretty much sums it up.

I also love truly sick boys. :)

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