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The night everything changed


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Chapter 3

Dad reached around me and opened the door. I let him walk out first and I followed suddenly feeling very exposed in the small towel and nothing else. I had to adjust to the dark a little again and I rationalized as we walked that people wouldnt get a good enough look at us to know that we were father and son. But my brain was on overdrive trying to process this night and how I got there that I didnt realize I wasnt paying attention to where we were going until I felt dad grab my shoulder and ask me, "You with me Coop?" I focused and just nodded. "Yeah dad. Sorry." Dad looked at me and took a deep breath.

"Did I rush you? Would you rather settle yourself in the room and then go out when youre ready?" I didnt know how to respond and I realized I never would have made it five minutes in here if I had been alone.

"I dont really know dad...I..." I couldnt explain what I was feeling. A mix of excitement and fear and the after effects of the shock of being here with him.

"Oh I'm sorry Coop." Dad put his arm around me. "Let's go back to the room and you can take your time. I don't know what I was rushing us out for. Come on." I could feel the heat of his body as he held me to his side. What dad couldn't have known at the time is how much it turned me on whenever a guy put his arm around me like he was doing. I think it was always the feeling that another guy wanted to be close to me even if it wasnt sexual for him. It felt intimate and that was what I was looking for with another guy. And even though this time it was my dad I could still feel that same stir in my cock that I always felt. Before it got embarrassing he pulled his arm back so that we werent taking up too much space in the narrow hallway.

Overall, it seemed to be a pretty quiet night, but as we walked back we went down a couple of halls that had more guys walking around on their own. There were a couple I noticed and one who I made eye contact with. A guy who looked like he was in his 30s with a hot body. Nothing was said but I felt the electricity of his look and the fear that gripped me almost immediately. It made me glad to be with dad so I could just say I was following someone else. If he stopped me I wouldnt know what I would have said. Dad was right. I was probably too nervous to make tonight what I fantasized it would be so being here for the first time with someone I knew was probably the best thing that could happen. But nothing did happen with the stranger in the hall even though he locked eyes with me the entire time. We all just kept walking opposite ways. I think dad was focused on getting us to his room. He didnt even seem to notice any of the other guys we passed on the way. Finally we were back to the room and we went inside. I sat on the bed and he shut the door.

This time he was the one leaning against the door. He looked at me and I couldnt read the expression on his face. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah sorry dad."

"What are you sorry for? There's nothing to be sorry for. You seem nervous. Is it me? Is it something else?"

I shook my head. "I dont know. I mean actually I think its everything really." Dad nodded.

"Would you rather I left?"

"No dad stay. I'm actually glad Im not here alone." The look that came across dads face was relief. "Ok Coop but you can always change your mind ok? Just say the word and I'll go home."

"No its fine dad. Really." Dad came and sat on the bed with me. Pretty quickly the silence in the room became awkward. Out of that awkwardness came my courage.

"Hey dad? So if youre here every Thursday what do you do?" Dad was silent long enough that I thought he was just going to pretend that he didnt hear me and Id either have to ask again or just forget about it. But once we entered awkward silent phase two, dad spoke.

"I guess it really depends on who ends up here when Im here. Sometimes theres no one here and I just....entertain myself. Sometimes I watch some guys fool around and then sometimes I hook up with one or two guys myself and someone else watches."

"Someones always watching?"

"No not always but a lot of guys will at least stop to check it out."

"So then should I go so you can have your fun instead of managing my anxiety?"

"No no its fine Coop. Im glad I was here. Like you said its a lot easier to be here with someone you know."

"Thanks dad." He tossled my hair like he would when we saw each other when I was a kid. "I know I havent been there for you much Coop. Im not gonna ditch you now. I promise."

But that silence fell on the room again. I had no idea what to do next and it didnt seem like dad did either. Suddenly he sat up at the edge of the bed.

"Coop. I am going to propose something but I dont want you to feel forced or anything so you tell me exactly how you feel ok?" I had no idea where this was going but anything to get us out of this silence would be great. "I get nervous at places like this too. Just like you. And sometimes I need something to give me a boost to get out there and do what I came here for. Do you think youd want to try it?"

"Uh sure I guess if you want."

"Theres one thing." Dad had already been talking low but he went down to a whisper now. "Its not exactly legal and Im not supposed to really have it here. We could get kicked out so we have to be quiet about it ok?"

Now I was really curious. What illegal stuff was my dad doing? "Uh sure. What is it?"

Dad reached under the bed and got his work bag. He reached in and pulled out a glass pipe and a small bag of what looked like chunks of crystal like shapes. I watched in silence as he filled the pipe with what was in the bag. He put the small bag back and pulled out a torch lighter.

"Im going to take a couple hits Coop and if you want you can too. No pressure but for me it acts like a little push when Im anxious ok?" I nodded and just watched in fascination as he lit the pipe with the torch and waited for smoke to begin to form in the pipe and then find its way through the hole in the top. Thats when dad took his first hit and then his second, both times exhaling a massive cloud.

"Wow dad" I said after the second hit. The clouds he blew out definitely peaked my interest.

"Yeah you wanna try?" I figured this couldnt be too bad to try if dad was doing it. He must have been able to tell that I wanted to try because without having to say a word, dad put the pipe up to my mouth and lit it with the lighter again. "Hold on and wait until you see the smoke ok? Yeah now is good. Yup, just like that. Good, a little more. Ok now hold it in." I tried to do what I saw him do and held it before releasing it through my mouth and nose but I got in my head that I would hold it longer than he did. It wasnt a competition but I wanted to impress him. When it felt like it was time, I exhaled.

"Nice Coop. One more." I repeated the hit and even tried to take in a little more from the pipe this time. The second cloud was bigger. "Nice" dad said again. "Lets give you one more and we'll take a break ok?" I just nodded. We went through the same steps again and I tried to beat the first two hits again. I released the hit but couldnt tell if it was the biggest. At that moment it didnt matter because the hits were taking hold of my body and my mind. There was a tingling running through me and I could even feel a stirring in my brain like the hits were opening something in my mind that was being released.

Dad put the pipe and torch down on the table in the room in a bowl that held condoms and packets of lube. As he leaned back onto the bed I noticed that his towel was tenting. I dont know what I looked like when he turned back to me but something had changed. "Yeah Coop. Feels good doesnt it?"

"Yeah dad. It does. You too?" I was staring straight at his crotch covered poorly by his towel.

"Sure does Coop. Pretty good stuff I got. We'll do more in a minute." I nodded and then closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall as I let the hits continue to buzz through me. "Damn Coop guess that really worked huh?" I opened my eyes to see dad with a big grin on his face and thats when I realized that somehow without knowing I had opened my towel and began stroking my cock.

"Oh shit. Sorry dad." At the same time I was apologizing I didnt want to let go of my cock. It had never felt so good to stroke my cock before. But dad didnt seem to mind what he was seeing.

"No Coop. Youre good. Mind if I join in?" Dad pulled open his towel and I saw his hard cock for the first time. Thicker and longer than mine. It stood straight up as he grabbed it and began stroking it. I had never seen a mans hard cock this close and it happened to be my dads. He spread his legs a little bit further apart and his knee rested on mine. When our knees touched we both looked over to the other and our eyes met. "This ok Coop? We can stop if you want." I could tell he meant it. This was a weird time to understand it, but this was probably the first time I really believed that dad loved me. He was really looking out for me, he wanted my first experience to be a good one.

"Yeah dad. Its ok. Its good." Dads smile got bigger but there was also something in his eye that almost looked sinister. Thats when he sat up again and grabbed the pipe and torch.

"Up for a couple more?" I pulled myself to the edge of the bed next to him to indicate that I was. This time we both each did three hits but alternated. The tingling and buzzing or whatever it was only got more intense and the last hit I took felt like it went straight to my cock. I leaned back down on the bed stroking with my legs spread and my feet on the ground. Dad put the pipe and torch back into the little bowl but before he laid back next to me he stayed at the edge and looked me up and down. He put one hand on my thigh and I shivered.

"Damn Coop. Looks like its working doesnt it?" His hand began rubbing my thigh slowly.

"Yeah dad I think so. Feels pretty good."

"Good Coop. Good. Looking good..." I tilted my head back again and closed my eyes enjoying this first high of my life.

Suddenly my eyes flew open as I felt the sensation of my dads hand wrapped around my rigid cock.

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On 12/3/2021 at 10:28 PM, earlystart said:

Hey guys, I've started something new and I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1

I can't say that I really knew what gave me the courage to do it but I guess it always goes back to being 19 and horny. In high school, I went out with girls because that was what was expected in the town where I grew up with my mom. There were guys who were out at my school but thats how they were defined and I didnt want that. I was also afraid of what that would mean. I was an athlete and I heard what guys said in the locker room about "fags". It was enough to keep me in the closet.

Freshman year of college felt like the time to explore but the fear was still there even though no one I met really expressed anything close to homophobia. So I kept it to myself. I downloaded the apps but couldnt put a picture of myself up. The idea of guys who were close felt too dangerous.

My parents divorced when I was 9 and when my mom was awarded custody of me, dad moved to New York. I mostly saw him a weekend here or there but nothing consistent. I always felt like I was an inconvenience to dad because of that even though he never treated me that way when we got together. So it seemed like a great opportunity to get to know my dad better when he told me he was able to get me an internship in New York and I could stay with him for the summer.

I was "the kid" in the office and given that I didnt even have a major yet, I knew this was a job that I didnt deserve. I tried to keep my head down and do what was asked as best I could to make good on my privilege. I was pretty much on my own for dinner because dad's hours were pretty erratic. He always left money for me to order something and there were lots of good options. On Thursdays, dad was even later getting back because of his weekly poker game. For the first couple Thursdays of the summer, I was asleep before he even got home.

With nights mostly to myself, I decided it was time to explore. I was determined to lose my virginity this summer. I set the bar low for what that meant. Giving or getting a handjob or blowjob would count. I tried the apps again but I was too scared to meet anyone. Who knew what freaks might be in this city just waiting to murder me. It also didnt seem like a good idea to invite anyone over to my dads place. Watching the same porn over and over was getting old. So one night as I was eating a slice of pizza I did a search for hook up spots in the city. There were some places that I found randomly like library bathrooms but I wanted something that wasnt so public and dangerous. I knew that would be hard to find but then I found some sites that mentioned bath houses that were places for guys to hook up. From what I read, they looked like places where guys hooked up and didnt have to worry about getting arrested. You could rent rooms and the pictures showed that there were beds in them. The pictures definitely made it look a little sketchy but I was too horny to let that trouble me enough to avoid what seemed to be the best option.

I didnt know what I would actually do if I met a guy there. I thought maybe I could just watch some guys play like real life porn. That would be safest too and really hot. Maybe there would be other guys there who were also looking for something easy like a handjob. After giving it some thought though I figured I should just go with the flow and not decide beforehand what was going to happen. The sites said that these places were never very busy any more and some nights should just be avoided because no one ever showed up then. So I picked a Thursday evening so I wouldn't have to worry about dad asking me where I went. I would be sure to get back before he did. I got home that day from work and showered and shaved and then lay in bed deciding whether I should really go or not. This is what I wanted but there were so many unknowns that I was worried that I would regret it, especially since it was my first time. But I had to go. I would probably regret it more if I left New York with my virginity intact. I checked out the website again to make sure I had the address and then headed out.

I dont know exactly what I was expecting but when I got to the address it was a pretty non descript building. Like any other building in the area. No signs. Nothing. You just had to know it was there I guess. As I stood outside I noticed two guys coming out of the elevator both fit looking but older than me, probably in their 30s or 40s. They were attractive and both looked me up and down before walking in opposite directions down the block. This must be the place, I thought. If there were more guys like them upstairs I would be ok. They didnt look like they would try to harm me. I took a deep breath and walked into the lobby and the elevator whose doors were still open. As the elevator began to climb up to the higher floors, I could feel myself getting nervous. I was getting shaky and my stomach lurched even though it had nothing inside it. I could just get to the floor and then press L to go back downstairs and then home. The last thing I wanted was to throwup here. Not sexy at all.

The doors opened and what I saw was still pretty non descript. It calmed me actually. It made me think the place was just as discreet as I wanted it to be. I walked out of the elevator and saw a window that was like the one you see at a drive thru but without any glass and a door just beyond it that I assumed would take me into the bath house. I looked into the window and there were two guys standing and talking to each other. They completely ignored me. I saw that in their office there was another window inside that I would have to go through the door to get to. Maybe they needed me to pay at that window, I thought. So I opened the door to get there.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I let go of the doorknob immediately and let the door close. I turned to the two men who were now very much not just casually talking to each other.

"Oh I thought I had to go in to pay?"

"You trying to get in for free? Whats your fucking problem?" This guy was clearly upset like I had violated a sacred rule that everyone knew. He was taller than me and had at least 150 pounds on me. Given that I was 5'11 and a fit and athletic 170, it meant that this guy was just generally intimidatingly large. I started to wonder how much he probably hated his job that he could snap so easily.

The other guy walked up to the window. He looked older, maybe 50s or 60s, and looked like he couldnt be bothered, like he'd seen it all before and I wasnt worth wasting his energy on. "Did you want a locker or a room? We're cash only."

Before I could answer the large guy said, "He wants everything! For free! Fucking idiot." I wanted to turn around and just leave. This was not how I thought this was all going to play out. I decided this wasnt meant to be. I should take this disastrous beginning as a sign and leave.

"Ok. Uh yeah I didnt bring any cash so I'll just go..." I turned towards the elevator.

"See? He did want to get in for free. It says on the website cash only you stupid fuck."


I froze and hesitated before I turned around. Who could possibly know me at a place like this? What paralyzed me though was that I knew the voice immediately and was stunned and horrified all at once. I wanted to shrivel up and die at that moment but instead I turned around to respond to the person calling my name who I now saw was standing topless with a towel around his waist in the window of the office.


come singapore

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Thanks for all the comments! You guys are always so encouraging. Hope you enjoy this next chapter!

Chapter 4

"Dad!" In my shock I was still able to keep my scream at a whisper. I knew that screaming that out at a place like this could cause trouble. Dad had shifted off the bed and knelt on the floor between my legs. As I looked from his face to my cock with my dads hand wrapped around it beginning to slowly stroke it up and down, I saw in his eyes a change. It was still my dad but there was almost something more in the way he was looking at me. It was different from every other look he had ever given me.

"Does this feel ok Coop?" He was looking right back at me into my eyes as I nodded and barely breathed out, "Yeah, dad." It occurred to me that it must be what we were smoking that had made him this bold. I had never in my life thought of my dad in a sexual way. I knew he was a good looking guy but its not that I was repulsed by him or anything. The thought just never crossed my mind. And now he was holding my cock with a tight grip stroking me up and down and I wasnt stopping him. I was the only person who had ever touched my cock until now. My dad. Jerking me off. And I didnt want it to stop. And thats when I realized what that look in his face was: lust. He was looking at his son with a look of lust that no one had given me before. My dad.

"I just had to go for it Coop. You have a great cock and getting high always gets me past my inhibitions." Thats what it was. I was high and any other time I would be freaked out if my dad was stroking me. I was still freaked out now but it was a freaked out that somehow made me hornier. Dad rubbed his thumb over the head of my cock getting it all wet with my precum. I couldnt control the moan that came out of my mouth as my head fell back again.

"Nice. Leaking already there Coop. Glad it's feeling good. Its hot knowing Im making you feel good like this." I didnt know what to say. Whatever I was hoping for this night did not include any of this. How could it? This was so much better than where my imagination could go. My thoughts went to whether there would be more.

"Dad? Can I have a little more of that stuff maybe?" I felt my boldness coming on reminding me why I had come to this place. Maybe more hits would mean I would go through with it. DadsΒ  face lit up at that question but it wasnt just happiness that was in his face. There was something almost sinister in his look. Like something twisted had come to mind. He turned and grabbed the pipe and lighter in the same hand, never letting go of my cock as he handed it to me.

"Go ahead Coop. Lemme see you take a couple hits." I lit the pipe and tried again to take as big a hit as i could. "Dont forget to hold it. Thats right. Nice." I had asked to do more because i loved the feeling that it was giving me but what was also making this so much better was that i was getting high for an audience. for my dad. He watched every step so intently all the while stroking my hard leaking cock while i tried to impress him with a perfect and massive hit. I wasnt so high that i couldnt tell how filthy this scene was but i was high enough that the filthier it got the hotter it seemed. As I blew out my second hit i felt it run through my body and straight up my cock. it throbbed in dads hand and even more precum started flowing out of the head. There was no stifling the moan that escaped me. My body felt so sensitive to touch and the fact that it was the firm grip of my dads hand that was getting me this horny was driving me beyond any limit i thought i had. i matched dads look of lust with mine and without saying a word i could see the recognition on his face.

I handed him the pipe and lighter. He let go of my cock as he took them and then took a hit of his own. I wasnt prepared for how hot it was to watch my dad getting high like this. As he inhaled the smoke he looked at me taking over for him by stroking my cock. I could see the way the hit moved through him seeing his eyes widen and that look of lust get even stronger. He took another hit and then put the pipe and torch back into the little bowl of condoms and lube.

"Feeling good Coop?"

"Yeah dad. Yeah." I was stroking and more aware now that I was not just doing it for my pleasure. I was almost putting on a show for dad. He watched for a minute before standing up again now between my open legs and stroking his bigger cock for me. "Pretty hot dad."

"Isnt it?" We were both beginning to sweat a little. I could feel my body heating up and I saw a sheen of sweat beginning to form on dads hot body. It felt so intense in the room just me and dad naked high and stroking our cocks for each other. "You ok? Dont want anything to happen that youre notΒ  ok with Coop. Its not how your first time should go."

"Thanks dad." His love for me as his son and the lust we both were feeling right then made me feel safe with him but also somehow even hornier for more to happen. I sat up and without thinking licked the head of dads cock tasting his precum. The first taste of another mans cock and precum. My dad.

"Oh fuck Coop." He let go of his cock and I took that as my chance to taste him again. I licked the tip and then opened my mouth to take in the mushroom head. I looked up at him and met his eyes staring down at me. The look on his face was a mix of shock and desire. "Fuck that feels good." That encouragement was enough for me to take more of him into my mouth as i reached out and grabbed his hips. He put his hands on my shoulders. "Aw yes. Suck my cock son. Suck your dads cock." Fuck this was twisted and on any other day I would have been repulsed by what I was doing and how dad was responding. But today it was only making things hotter. I started to use my tongue to massage the underside of his cock as I took more and more of it in. It was bigger than I thought. Thick and stretching my mouth. Dads hands moved up to brush his fingers through my hair. I looked back up to him and he was still staring down at me. "Feels so good Coop. I can feel my cock leaking precum into your mouth. You are so good at that. You like the taste of that precum? You like tasting your dads precum?" I moaned onto his cock and started bobbing faster up and down his cock. "Fuck!" Dad really screamed it out this time which surprised both of us.

Dad pulled himself back and his cock slipped out of my mouth. There was a moments hesitation in his face and I could tell that he was debating with himself whether to continue or stop us here and now. I leaned back down onto the bed and stroked my still hard cock. I wanted to let him make the decision about doing more but the hits made me too horny not to stroke my cock while he deliberated. Dad watched and I thought he would start stroking himself again too. But without saying a word he moved closer to the bed and then leaned down above me grabbed me at both sides of my torso and shifted my entire body lengthwise on the bed so that I no longer had my feet on the floor. He made sure that my head was on the pillow like he was tucking me in for the night. But once he got me into position he climbed onto the bed himself and placed his body on top of mine. Our cocks touched as he pressed himself against me our chests pressed together his weight on top of me. And then that feeling for the first time of someone coming in for a kiss. When our lips met we both moaned. I felt his tongue enter my mouth and as if it was instinct i wrapped my arms and legs around my dad as we passionately made out for the first time.

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