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Chapter 14

The Scorpion Guy put his cock into the entrance of the Pigs hole. He pushed the head in and the Pig tried to move to get more in him. He asked the Pig “ Do you want this Toxic , infected snake in your cunt ? “ The Pig responded “ Yes “ The scorpion guy rocked back and forth a little and then stopped. The pig was whimpering, he wanted more action in his cunt.


The Scorpion guy said  “ Tell everyone you want Pozzed up. You want to get infected with AIDS and anything else you can get “. “ tell them now or it is over for you and the burning will only get worse “. The Pig didn’t hesitate and announced “ I am a pig. I need to get AIDs cum in my ass, fuck the hell out of me. Just make the burning stop. Please! “.  With that the Bio-Hazzard guy shoved is cock into the Pigs ripped and swollen cunt. The pig started to yell when someone pushed that nasty dirty Jock back in his mouth. I am sure that he wasn’t expecting what he was getting when he came to the basement. I am never amazed more when I see how the drugs, especially Meth, can break down normal barriers and open a user to all possibilities. That and the way we transform guys into willing chem sluts.

At the same time Horse was back up the Kids ass. Someone walked over and showed Horse  something. Horse pulled out and the Kid whimpered, he felt an emptiness.  The guy took 2 fingers coated with Crystal and stared rubbing them in the Kids ass. I knew from my own experience that this would set the Kids ass on fire and spin him more, if that was possible. The Kids eyes opened wide, he knew that burn but with the rips in is ass it was never that intense. His ass felt alive like never before. Horse pushed his back in the Kids ass and started pumping he full length in and out. The Kid whimpered that it still burnt a lot. Horse said “ Good. It means you’re getting a great bump. You will be here for a while, spinning lake a top. “

In the sling with the Pig the Bio-Hazzard guy was doing his best to destroy the Pig’s ass. He was actually pulling the Pig up out of the sling on some of the inward shoves. The Pig must have been flying pretty high because he made huge grunting sounds but had a silly smile on his face. The Bio-Hazzard guy asked “ Are you ready to get AIDS load in your cunt? “ Someone pulled the dirty jock ot of the pigs mouth. The Pig answered with a weak “ Yes”. The Bio-Hazzard guy said “ Good, Cause here it comes”. He was yelling “ Take my infected load you worthless fag. “. With that he shoved in as deep as he could go. We could see the guys cock pulsing in the Pig’s ass. We knew he was getting loaded with a huge load of cum and who knows what else. After he was done he stood there for a minute fully embedded in the Pig’s ass. Then the Pig’s eyes opened wide. The Bio-hazard guy looked down an asked the Pig “ You can feel that warmth deep in your guts, can’t you Pig?’. The pig said “ Yes “. The Bio-Hazard guy said “ That is my hot piss filling your bowels, It is taking my AIDS cum deep. You will be infected with my babies now and forever.” When he finished he stared to pull out. He mentioned that as loose as his hole was it would probably drip out and it would be a shame to waste let it drip out since this was the first piss since he slammed a couple hours ago and it would be loaded with his Chems not to mention his HEP-C. The guy that had fisted him came over and when the cock came out he put his fist up the guys ass again. Hardly and think dripped out. What did was scooped up and fed the Pig  He went to work getting almost elbow deep up the Pigs ass. The Pig was squirming around on the arm that was embedded in his ass. Without the jock you could clearly hear him gasping and grunting with the invasion in his bowels. A guy walked over and put his cock at the Pigs mouth and the Pig stared sucking and tying to nurse on the cock in his mouth. The guy said “ He is really gone. I wonder if he would notice if I pissed in his mouth. “ Someone said to go ahead and try” . He cut loose with a torrent of piss. The Pig stared gulping it down. When the guy finished he pulled his cock from the Pig’s mouth and the pig said “ I was really thirsty”. The guy said “ Now you’re a real piss pig, you will never turn down a drink from the Tap “..

About then Horse was looking over and said “ That is nasty, he truly has become a pig “. He was pumping in the Kids ass. The moving bulge in the Kid’s stomach was very apparent now. Horse said “ I am really getting the root of my man-slayer in the kids bowels”. You could hear the squishing sounds deep in the kid when he worked in and out


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15 hours ago, Hotcumrod said:

This is so hot can't wait to read what think of next for the Kid and the pig

Thank you.

At first I wasn't sure what it would do to put another character in but I think it worked out, especially since he is a family guy getting his ass destroyed. It also allows me to do a spin-off with him  at a later date if there is interest in that

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Chapter 15

Horse said “ I am really getting the root of my man-slayer in the kids bowels”. You could hear the squishing sounds deep in the kid when he worked in and out.

Hores said “ This Kid is unbelievable, I have never met anyone that could take this much. He isn’t going to shit right for a month “. There were a bunch of chuckles when he said that. I knew it was probably more truth that not. Horse setup a steady rhythm of fucking the kid. Both were enjoying it.

Two of the guys that worked the door came down to see what was going on. It was after midnight and I knew it was about this time that they closed temporarily and cleaned the area. They saw the Pig and the Kid in the slings and decided to have a little fun also. Each walked up and put a cock in the mouth of the guys. The Pig started nursing on it but the Kid really gave the cock lip service. You could see his tong working it and trying to get all 6+ inches down his throat. The guy shifted and the Kid went to the base of his cock. The guy moaned and said “ This Kid really knows ow to suck a cock. He has me almost ready to shoot my load “. I wasn’t sure if he would suck it. I just fucked the cum out of a guy upstairs and he wasn’t the cleanest guy. My cock had to taste like that guys ass. He was getting close and suddenly lunged forward. A guy had come up behind him and pushed a finger up the guys ass, coated with that special lube. He said “ Fuck, that burns “. With that the guy pushed a second finger up the guy’s ass and proceeded to work his prostate over. Between the movement of the guys hand and the look on the workers face you could tell that the guys prostate was getting a work out. Horse heard and saw this and said that he was about to Load the Kid up. He said he had a five day load and it was going to be a big one. The guy that had his cock in the Kids mouth said “ Hear it cums. Drink it all down “. We could tell it was a big shot because the Kid was choking on it a little but not a drop was spilled. The guy kept his cock in the Kids mouth and said ” want to drink from the tap? “ the Kid nodded his head and the guys said “ Good. Here it comes”. Someone said “ don’t spill a drop Kid, or else “. With that you could see the kid gulping down the yellow enhanced juice. Then he had drank it all he started liking the cock clean. Horse saw this and said ‘ Oh Fuck. I need to take this kid home “. You could tell that he was getting close with the way Horse was plowing that ass that until a few hours ago, was a tight little sphincter. You could see that Horse’s cock was getting harder because of the way it was defined in the Kids stomach. Horse’s ball sack that grossly fat with cum and we could tell that it was going to be a cum enema up the Kids ass. Last I heard Horse had a couple STIs and HVL. Horse slammed forward started jerking in the Kids body. The Kids eyes went white as Horse went deeper and he had been.  You could actually see the head of Horse’s cock pulsing in the Kids bowels. We didn’t know where that load was going but we knew it was getting pumped deeper than any human cold get it. Horse was in heaven with this Kids recked cunt. he stayed in the Kid for a bit. I figured he was waiting to piss in the Kids guts.

Over at the other sling with the Pig in it, he had a had up his ass almost to the elbow. If Horse hadn’t finished with the Kid he could have taken this hole to the Hilt also. I had hoped Horse wasn’t finished yet. The Pig was sucking on the guys cock and got tired of him only taking the head and shoved his cock into the Pigs throat. The Pig stared gaging and struggling to get air. The guy stared cuming and managed to keep his cock in the mouth of the struggling Pig. The guy said “ take it all and don’t bite. If you do it will be the worse thing you ever did !” The guy suddenly had a look of fear on his face and eyes.

It was getting late and the place was filling up with people from the bars. I knew it would be a different crowd here. Not quite so sadistic but guys that needed to get off in anything.



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Chapter 16

It was getting late and the place was filling up with people from the bars. I knew it would be a different crowd here. Not quite so sadistic but guys that needed to get off in anything.

The Pig was breathing heavily now trying to recover from the brutal throat fucking he just got. The guy with this hand up his ass stared pulling it out. You cold clearly see the Lips that were formed being pulled at, His rosebud was developed into a nice looking pussy. One of the guys said “wait a minute. Lets keep that open “. He found a large butt plug and coated it with that special lube. Then the guy pulled his had few they immediately pushed the plug in. The Pig said no more, that burns even more. A guy walked over and said “ If we let you out you have one more thing to do “. The Pig pleaded “ Anything. I will do anything “. He was already moving his hips around that huge plug in his ass. They untied him from the sling and helped him out. He was told to sit on a old wooden chair. He sat down slowly until one of the guys pushed him down on it harder, driving that plug deeper. He was moving around on it, grinding the plug deeper. His hole was on fire and needed filled and stretched.

Horse said he was done and started pulling out of the Kid. He told the Kid “ Tighten up when I come out, try to keep all that mess inside you. you might need it later”. Before he cold get all the out one of the guys pulled the Pig over and told him if he ate the kids ass and anything that came out he could go upstairs if he really wanted to.  The Pig looked a little hesitant but the grinding on the plug told us we had a Pig slut up for anything. He was pulled over to the bottom of the sling the Kid was in and ass Horse’s cock popped out his head was pushed up to the Kid’s dripping cunt. The lips of the Kid’s ass stayed out a little. The Pig started licking on the Kid’s puffy ass lips and one of the guys pulled and pushed on the plug logged into the Pig’s ass. This had the desire effect of making the hold burn more and at the same time pushed the Pig’s mouth over the Kid’s bruised and swollen hole. The Pig started sucking n it like his life depended on it.  The Kid was moaning “ That feels so good. Don’t stop. I am about to leak it out.”

Someone said “ Kid, don’t let any of that charged baby batter and chem piss out. We want to make sure you get Pregnant.” Then they followed “ Hey Pig, You have to make the Kid lose control and give you all that tasty cum to drink like a good Pig”. They started slowly working the plug up the Pig’s ass. He was moaning and whimpering. He was n a super heat condition and would do anything at this point. The action was set. Both caught up in the moment. Both wanted to either Keep or get the mixed man juices in the Kid’s ass and bowels. This went one for a few minutes with the Kid wining the competition. The Pig was all but putting his head up the Kid’s ass. He actually bit the Kid’s rosebud to try to make him loose control. The Kid said “ Ouch, He is biting my asshole. That isn’t fair.” Someone walked over and said maybe, maybe not “. With that he grabbed the head of the Pig and pushed it hard to the Kids Hole he had just bit. He told the Kid “ Go ahead, I have him there, get even, Open it up and push it all into his mouth”. You could see the Kid pushing like he was trying to take a monstrous shit. The Pig stared choking and trying to push away. He was getting a full torrent of cum and Chem piss with a touch of blood. It was  wild. The guy holding his head said “ This is what you get for trying to cheat. I suspect this isn’t the only place your cheating tonight so one more thing then you can go upstirs and relax some.”

The Kid did a great job of drenching the Pig. We know he had drank some of that mess and had it all over his face and chest. It smelled pretty bad. The Pig was placed on the fuck bench and strapped on it. At the same time the Kid was released from the Sling


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Chapter 17

The Kid did a great job of drenching the Pig. We know he had drank some of that mess and had it all over his face and chest. It smelled pretty bad. The Pig was placed on the fuck bench and strapped on it. At the same time the Kid was released from the Sling

The Kid was helped up and after he was able to stand guys were looking. Here was a Kid that looked like a teenager that had been slammed, given who knows how many booty bumps, Had multiple chem piss load shot up his ass and down his throat, and had a raging 7” boner. This Kid was truly a gem.  A guy said “ You can get even if you want, rape that Pig’s asshole. With that the Kid walked over and gave the Pig a couple hard swats on the ass cheeks. He grabbed the plug and twisted it some. The Pig stared to say something then stopped. I guess he figured that telling someone to stop would only make it worse. He was right. The Kid reached under the Pig to feel his cock,  he looked surprised and said “ You sure this is a guy? I don’t feel a cock ?” We all laughed at that. The Kid asked “ Can I fuck him? “. Everyone started saying yes, and piss in him if you can. The Kid reached for the plug and tugged on it. He said “ Feels like it is stuck “. Someone said “ Rip out of the Pigs hole “. With that the Kid grabbed it and pulled it hard. It popped out of the hole and left it gaping. The Kid looked around and got a devilish smile on his face. He reach over to a pile of shards, grabbed a big one and with two fingers he thrust it up the Pigs open drooling hole. The pig didn’t say much at first then that well known burn hit him. Even stretched and abused as his ne cunt was he could feel it. He went up and all he said was “ FUCK ! “ the Kid replied with “ If you insist “. He shoved his cock in the Pig’s ass. The Kid said “ He is really loose, my girl friends cunt is tighter than this”. The Kid stated piston fucking the Pig. He had a got rhythm going when he said I can’t get off, he is to loose. Someone walked up behind and put four fingers in the Pig’s cunt with the Kid’s cock. The Kid said “ Oh yeah. That is much better “. The Kid started breathing harder and then said “ Take my load you sexless Pig”. The thrust forward and stayed still. The guy with the fingers up the pig also said “ I can feel him shooting in the Pigs ass, He is really throbbing hard, filling him up “. I knew that between the party a couple weeks ago and tonight the kid was probably shooting a toxic load up the Pig’s ass. I was hoping that this would be the first of many conversions that the Kid could own. The Kid pulled out and you could see the cum running down the Pigs legs. He was a mess.

We untied the Pig and he started up the steps. He hesitated for a moment looking back, someone told him to go to the showers and get cleaned up. The also said “ There is a guy up there named Frank. He will be in the dark area. If you need more look for him, he will take care of you “. I didn’t know Frank was still alive or there for that much.

The Kid saw me and my friend and came over, knelt down in front of us and stared taking turns sucking our cocks. He looked up at me and said “ I hope your still going to invite me to your next party .” All I thought was, are you kidding? Your training is not quite done yet. I said “ You still have a bit to learn, and yes, you will be invited “. I shot my last load of the night down the Kid’s throat. I got cleaned up in the showers and I thought I heard the Pig moaning but I wasn’t sure. I headed home for the night, it was already past 4am.

I checked the Kid later in the week and asked him how it went after I left. He said he never came again but got several more loads up his ass and left the bath house at about 5m the next day. At least that is what time he thought it was. He said that it got slow and no one wanted to play anymore. All the guys there were older bottoms and that he was tired and couldn’t get off anymore. He did say he blew on more load up a guy’s ass but he had no idea who it was. He said that hi girl friend came back in town and the first night she was over they fucked all night.

I told him to let me know in a couple weeks I he wanted to come to the next party, he said he wanted to and would check with me for the day and time. I thought there might be a couple things to try on him yet.


The End

I hope everybody has enjoyed this segment of the Kids story.


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I appreciated all the feedback I got om this story. Please don't forget to add a Like , Pig or something so I know how I did. Comments also welcome

Thanks again

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