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Male Sexual Hierarchy


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23 hours ago, phukhole said:

My rule of thumb is "If you have to tell someone you're SOMETHING, you're not."

Heh. There’s a corollary to that. A guy who  constantly feels the need to assure everybody that he isn’t gay…

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This is AWESOME, @ErosWired!!! All you need is to collect a significant (in the technical sense) batch of data and you have a scientific publication in the making! (NOT kidding - and if you're interested I can probably put you in touch with a potential co-author).

I got EAI with coords 3.7, 3.0, 4.4 (if I remembered them correctly). The description seems quite accurate, though if rating myself on the I/G axis, I might put myself a little on the G side of center (based on a comparison between my mental experiences of breeding and of getting bred - they are both extremely strong, though).


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Well, after some no small amount of clicking around, I was able to print my responses, send them via private message to ErosWired, who took the trouble to figure it all out.  Apparently I'm an EAI, but I don't know what the coordinates are, or what they mean.  

It was an interesting exercise answering all those questions, and I hope a lot of other guys do too.  It appears they're designed to make a guy think first, and click second.  Kudos, EW !! Well done.  It's entirely possible he knows more about us that we do 😉

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ErosWired - thanks so much for doing this... finally had a chance to log in with my laptop instead of my phone so was able to take it...

it loos like I am also an EAI - Empowered Actualized Inseminator   3.19; 4.93; 4.31

which I can kind of see..... a lot of your questions were based on how we interpret them, - especially the one about it being important that the bottom I'm fucking enjoy themselves.... and I am a big believer in that, BUT of course the bottom might very well be "enjoying" it very differently than I am - especially if we are doing a rough fuck or any BDSM. action....

you have inspired me to go take the BDSM test again,,..... and maybe take this again on a differnt day in a different mood and see if i get the same results



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On 5/12/2022 at 2:02 PM, viking8x6 said:

This is AWESOME, @ErosWired!!! All you need is to collect a significant (in the technical sense) batch of data and you have a scientific publication in the making!

I’m trying to imagine defending a dissertation in front of a peer review committee with questions about how ‘I fuck faggots’ and ‘I crave cum’. The thing is, one could legitimately do this because the question language is drawn largely from sample language used by real men on this site, and thus is an accurate representation of the expressions of the cohort.

The model is only applicable to the subset of the male population that has sex with other men, and thus isn’t really a measure of a universal phenomenon across males.

I can’t help thinking that there’s something to be gleaned from this - at least more to it than the horoscopes another poster mentioned above. My academic credentials, however, don’t qualify me for the work. My master’s degree is in Information Science. Something like this, it seems to me, requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Still, it’s not bad for something I threw together in three days.


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3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

I’m trying to imagine defending a dissertation in front of a peer review committee with questions about how ‘I fuck faggots’ and ‘I crave cum’.

Kind of like my (gay bear) friend, an English PhD, who had to give a job talk on his thesis research (19th century erotic literature) at a Catholic university. Complete with discussion of the clitoris.

He got the job.

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3 hours ago, ErosWired said:

I can’t help thinking that there’s something to be gleaned from this - at least more to it than the horoscopes another poster mentioned above. My academic credentials, however, don’t qualify me for the work. My master’s degree is in Information Science. Something like this, it seems to me, requires a multidisciplinary approach.

Still, it’s not bad for something I threw together in three days.

No, I thought the concept was brilliant, and it definitely has a long tail into someone who'd want to use the data to better explore the sexual profiles of gay men. And if nothing else, it helps dispel long-held stereotypes that many may have. I'll still need to send you mine and have you tell me more than I probably know myself. 😃

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On 5/5/2022 at 12:41 AM, ErosWired said:

I just happened to stumble across this just after I posted the topic:


So, where does the power bottom fit into this? "You WILL fuck me, bitch, however I want it, so shut up--I'm climbing on!,"

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24 minutes ago, coastalbender said:

So, where does the power bottom fit into this? "You WILL fuck me, bitch, however I want it, so shut up--I'm climbing on!,"

On the face of it, that sounds like a EAG, but it would depend on how the person actually answered questions designed to assess actual self-image versus exhibited self-image. If the show of aggression actually masks a deep-seated insecurity, it could edge over into a EDG. A more detailed survey would tease out the subtleties of character more precisely - 48 questions is really fairy rudimentary.

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There was a seminary with an orphanage (RC) over in Woodstock, IL, that was infamous for the gay sexual corruptions of the clerics there.  Even the Arch Bishop (Arch Cardinal? ... Arch Whatever) - anyway, the king of the RC Church in NE Illinois was in on it.  I remember hearing an interview on one of the porn sites - can't remember which one - and one of the actors even mentioned the place (apparently he grew up there - Latin guy, great smile, filthy mind, hot Cock, very short hair - as the place where he was taught how to fuck, take loads.  He seemed almost ashamed to tell about the place, kind of glossed over it.  While he (apparently) managed to come out the other side of the whole sorry mess, I still feel sorry for how he was brought out. The queens in long dresses, ruby slippers and weird hats-for-days have earned their place in regurgatory .... or whatever they call it.

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18 hours ago, hntnhole said:

...infamous for the gay sexual corruptions of the clerics there...

No need to tell me...one of my first experiences was a priest at my high school. He had been making the hints for a while waiting for a sign. One day, I biked to the part of a park a few miles from my house and saw his van parked where the [banned word] usually hang out, and he's sitting there with the window rolled down. I clearly caught him by surprise, and guess that gave me an upper hand in letting him know I was receptive. Sparing the details, that was my first oral experience. He lost interest after finding out I wouldn't bottom for him. 😃


18 hours ago, hntnhole said:

Arch Bishop (Arch Cardinal? ... Arch Whatever) - anyway, the king of the RC Church in NE Illinois was in on it. 

If it's the Diocese of Chicago, it would be the Arch Bishop. Generally they're elevated to Council of Cardinals if it's a standing Arch Diocese like Baltimore, Philadelphia, NY, Chicago, Boston or LA. If it's not an Arch Diocese, say Brooklyn, it would be a Bishop.  But there is a certain pecking order. To get back to @ErosWired's thread, though, I'm not sure what that priest would have scored on this survey but given what I've learned from that survey, we might have been pretty similar.

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