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Bed fuck, urgent fuck, or emergency fuck

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Depends on the setting and mood!Bed fucks for people I know,or would like to know BETTER.:)Emergency and urgent fucks for those in need,including me,have a flavor and fire all their own especially with strangers at the bar,baths,abs videobooth or park...Love that wham bam thank you man with guys whose name I will never know.

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I would choose all 3 but my preference would be last to first, the bed fuck is for me only chosen on special occasions with a special man that i want to get fucked by for a longer period of time.

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I started out (late teens) with emergency fucks only cruising the park at night. Then, as a student, all three. That went on for a long time. Now, with no cruising areas that I know of around and no gay bars or clubs either it's bed fucks ony. And tbh nowadays I like to take my time getting fucked and do a few rounds if the guy (or guys) is up for that. 

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For anyone into astrology, most of my planets are in Earth Signs. So it should come as no surprise that I like my comforts, which include a bed (preferably mine) to have sex in. So, most definitely bed sex for me!

Last month I had a guy I'd fucked a few weeks previously text me wanting it NOW. I was intending to do other things, but ended up doing him instead. 🐷 So, I guess that counts as an urgent bed fuck. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in urgent or emergency fucks. As I alluded to in another thread, I don't like Mother Nature's creatures, so I'd be far too concerned about flying and crawling things to fuck anyone outdoors. I'm also NOT the Exhibitionist! (channeling Baby from Dinosaurs!) And I know that eliminates a lot of bottoms. Thankfully, there is an abundance of bottoms, so I don't really notice my constraint of bed sex leading to a non-existent sex life!

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Bed fucks take a lot of time, and can be very disappointing. And nothing beats the moment when he bends you over, you grab the toilet bowl and he sticks it in. That's happiness.

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I like urgent fucks if it's random hole. If it's somebody I actually like hanging out with, then bed fuck. Breed, hang out, breed again, have a beer, breed again, watch a movie. But I'm not going to commit to that until I've actually fucked that bottom a fair amount and know I enjoy his personality not just his pussy. Until then, pump and dump, urgent fuck. 

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17 hours ago, yunghungtop said:

I like urgent fucks if it's random hole. If it's somebody I actually like hanging out with, then bed fuck. Breed, hang out, breed again, have a beer, breed again, watch a movie. But I'm not going to commit to that until I've actually fucked that bottom a fair amount and know I enjoy his personality not just his pussy. Until then, pump and dump, urgent fuck. 

Finding a guy you can connect with for long haul breeding is the ideal.

Intense urgent fucks are the most likely starting point for that, and I have a couple of regular breeders that started out that way. They like that I'm wired as a total bottom with an instinct to please and be inseminated.  

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