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Any LGBT+ Republican individual out here?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still not over how the GOP leader supports a Soviet Communist trying to rebuild the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin. I was born after the Cold War ended and I still think this is surreal.

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9 minutes ago, verslut said:

I'm still not over how the GOP leader supports a Soviet Communist trying to rebuild the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin. I was born after the Cold War ended and I still think this is surreal.

And how he's apparently cut a deal with Putin (by his own admission) that Russia will hold an American journalist in prison as a hostage unless/until Trump is re-elected. 

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15 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

unless/until Trump is re-elected

Frankly, I have nothing against the Secret Service or some other US Government Agency picking up a number of Soviet spies, and holding them indefinitely until our people are released.  I know there must be double-agents whereby the US feeds phony intel to the Russians, so they could be exempted, but tit-for-tat worked in years past, and might again. 

Ukraine may very well have already been part of NATO, if it weren't for the first (and only) TinHat Trump administration.  In that case. little baldie wouldn't have invaded in the first place.  The only reason he did is, the Magaroid-in-Chief gave him permission. 

Fuck (not actually ... shudder) Orange Jesus and little baldie.  

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On 2/10/2024 at 1:51 PM, 50latinos said:

I am glad to be able to say I don't know any and can't imagine any reason why any LGBTQ person would do such a thing.

you do now

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On 7/3/2024 at 11:59 AM, faggotsub said:

you do now

We might know that such a deranged individual exists. But I don't see any explanation of WHY that individual has chosen such a deranged action. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/29/2024 at 9:46 PM, 50latinos said:

That piece of shit was campaigning for reelection the minute he set foot in the White House on 1/20/2017. 

Leftists plan for "elections" decades ahead from now, when they make their comments saying "white people are headed for democratic decline". There was a clip of Biden saying "that's good for us" or something, the weird doddery fuck.

So that makes them clever and it only makes Trump "a piece of shit" right dude? LOL


Don't worry by the time you fail to defend that double standard, my account will have been sent on another months-long vacation by the magical mystery silence man... LOL!

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On 7/29/2024 at 4:37 PM, harrysmith25 said:

Leftists plan for "elections" decades ahead from now, when they make their comments saying "white people are headed for democratic decline". There was a clip of Biden saying "that's good for us" or something, the weird doddery fuck.

So that makes them clever and it only makes Trump "a piece of shit" right dude? LOL


Don't worry by the time you fail to defend that double standard, my account will have been sent on another months-long vacation by the magical mystery silence man... LOL!

🚨Dicklet Brain Alert 🚨

America has no 'Leftist' movement, we have Centerist Liberalism>Center Right laissez faire capitalism>More Boot Daddy Libertarians>Far Right Populism as a means to Modern Feudalism/AnCap Mouth Breathers. 



Can you please go read a book one of these days or would that constitute needing a reference point that is outside of your normal 'nasal gazing down into your own ass' perspective.


Perfect example of why education matters right above me folks. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/25/2024 at 11:37 PM, topblkmale said:


Brave man for commenting about this.


Kids in Europe are taught about sex in an age appropriate way - this has always been a standard of the curriculum and I'd imagine it's similar in North America. What's changed, and it's a shame that gay/bi men are falling for this, is the objection to kids being taught that gay people and relationships exist. 

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11 hours ago, Leather-lee said:

Kids in Europe are taught about sex in an age appropriate way - this has always been a standard of the curriculum and I'd imagine it's similar in North America. What's changed, and it's a shame that gay/bi men are falling for this, is the objection to kids being taught that gay people and relationships exist. 

You would be surprised. There are plenty of places in the United States where there is little to no sex education at all. And in a shocking (but not surprising, to those of us here) number of places, the only thing that can be taught about preventing pregnancy is abstinence. 

You're correct that a lot of the objections about "appropriate" material is the feeling on the far right that NOTHING about gays can be "appropriate" for children to learn. 

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17 hours ago, Leather-lee said:

Kids in Europe are taught about sex in an age appropriate way - this has always been a standard of the curriculum and I'd imagine it's similar in North America. What's changed, and it's a shame that gay/bi men are falling for this, is the objection to kids being taught that gay people and relationships exist. 

In most of the US, parents are notified and have right to opt their children out of the sexual education portion of health classes. I don't know how prevalent opting out is, but can tell you that 40 odd years ago roughly half of the kids in my small midwestern town were opted out of it by their parents, and sent to study hall. That area has become significantly more Evangelical Christian in the intervening years, so I would guess even more opt out today.

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Same damn thing in the fairly large midwestern city I grew up in.  Nothing at all in school, so I presume the City Dept of Education (or whatever it was called) put the kibosh on sex-ed.*  This, in a Jr. High school where the required swimming classes were held sans swimming suit.  

Worse, most of the parents of kids my age opted to have the dad's take their sons to a series of "presentations" at the YMCA downtown (young men's Christian assn).  The hall was quite large - there were weekly "addresses" by doctors, professors, charlatans, etc - I recognized a number of guys in my grade at those meetings, holding at least a couple hundred seats.  

From clerics peddling the pseudo-Christian line, to medical people peddling that series of addresses, to whoever else they could scrounge up to put the fear of Gawd in out minds.  The horrors of std's, (hiv was as of yet unknown), the sorrows of having sex that could result in procreation (boys fathering children, all of that), neatly wrapped up in the usual, tired old judgements by the clerics.  

*however, a course in civics was required, which I learned to appreciate quite a number of years ago.  

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