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Who Read The Real Anthony Fauci

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3 hours ago, norefusal said:

come on guys. everyone knows KN took the worm down to the gravel pit and shot it in the face 😜

Can anyone actually comprehend that woman being President?  Christy Gnome would be a disaster if PlumpTrump cashed it in. It's hardly like Orange Jesus is fit as a fiddle - he's as out of shape as they come.  Ask Stormy - she knows all about it ..... 

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Where do the rest of you see this emerging train wreck going?  

I like to think Biden will in fact win; but we already know Orange Jesus isn't going to accept that, nor is MAGA.  So then what?

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On 3/26/2024 at 10:08 PM, Sfmike64 said:

Anyone who has stupid shit to say about Fauci is a moron, and RFK Jr is a fucking anti-vaxx crackpot. 

If any of you who are under 35 spout this nonsense you should sit down with some of the guys my age (59). 

Oh. Wait. You can't do that. Because they're ALL FUCKING DEAD.

I've had it with this ridiculous anti-science bullshit. When NO ONE else would listen to us, Fauci would. HE was the one who went to bat for us (with pressure from ACTUP for sure) and got research into HIV moving.

He is a true American hero. He doesn't deserve this anti-vaxx Covid bullshit to tarnish his career. He's an old man. He deserves a good retirement.

Someone just proved himself to be a useful idiot for Big Pharma

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40 minutes ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Someone just proved himself to be a useful idiot for Big Pharma

Someone just proved himself to be a complete moron who doesn't take science seriously. Please go fuck off. This bullshit has been going on since the 1990s with people like Peter Duesberg and other charlatans.. It's not clever, it's not truthful, it's not remotely backed up by science. 

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Dr Fauci did all he could in the 80's and 90's. But remember, being gay was not exactly an elevated position of mainstream respect in the US in those decades.The religious and the righteous viewed AIDS as "gods" revenge. And the fact gays and minorities tended to be the target population, inaction was politically correct. Until little Amanda and the married bank president started contracting it, then action began.  Reagan did not act swiftly to get ahead of the AIDS/HIV virus (just as another recent President kept stumbling and fumble farting that there was no covid in the US in January, or in February only 1 person and the medical people had it under control. Meanwhile the virus WAS here, and was spreading,just as AIDS did in the 80's.  Once the White House began acknowledging there was a problem, it was out of containment,in both cases. I tested poz in Jan of 1987, and refused to go on any meds; AZT was pretty much being mass fed to patients and it was killing them.  Just this week, I was digging up annual PSA test results ( another story, ugg)  and found labs from 1999 where my T cell count was 44, the viral was 84,000. And I was never sick or suffered from any opportunistic side effects of HIV all those years ( and at least 12 years of taking cock - I think the first year , 1987, I scaled back all play expecting the worse, when it didn't happen, I went back to living)  The only thing I can think helped keep me healthy was I did not do any drugs,or smoke{anything} and  might have a beer or three if out at the bar, but that wasn't a daily diet.  As others have mentioned, in the 2000's as drug cocktails began showing up, I went on them and have been undetectable  since. Fauci has not been able to eradicate the virus, but under his term at the helm, it has become a manageable condition, 1 pill a day. And covid has not been eliminated, but with something closer to herd immunity, there are not refrigerated trailers at the back door of hospitals with bodies stacked  up in them. ( and statistically, those dying from covid issues today are the anti vaxxers, or folk with pre existing chronic morbidities.  Viruses adapt and modify- they want to live just as much as humans . Only viruses are smarter than humans, and so they will continue to thrive. Hell, we all celebrated when mumps  virus was declared exterminated in the late 90's. Until people stopped getting their kids vaxxed before congregating in school classrooms, and BAM!  Mumps has re emerged, thanks to stupid human behavior.

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14 hours ago, Sfmike64 said:

Someone just proved himself to be a complete moron who doesn't take science seriously. Please go fuck off. This bullshit has been going on since the 1990s with people like Peter Duesberg and other charlatans.. It's not clever, it's not truthful, it's not remotely backed up by science. 

Well said! Thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who say that RFK Jr. Is an anti-vaxx crack pot or a moron ( very polite by the way) and if what he says in his book is all BS.......then why hasn't Faucci taken him to court for slander or defamation of character? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't COVID-19 still ongoing according to The WHO and the CDC?.After all they're still pushing an experimental drug on us that they say is effective against COVID-19. If the "pandemic" is still going why would Anthony " I am the science" Faucci" just up and retire suddenly? I recommend to anyone to either read or listen ( ebook) to The Real Anthony Faucci in it's entirety instead of cherry picking articles like the MSM. After all they said Ivermectin was a horse dewormer while totally ignoring the health benefits to humans such as it's ability to successfully treat against Malaria. I'm not asking or telling anyone to think like me. I'm simply asking you.....to think.

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On 5/10/2024 at 11:01 PM, Sfmike64 said:

Someone just proved himself to be a complete moron who doesn't take science seriously. Please go fuck off. This bullshit has been going on since the 1990s with people like Peter Duesberg and other charlatans.. It's not clever, it's not truthful, it's not remotely backed up by science. 

Well it's obvious you didn't read or listen to The Real Anthony Faucci. An executive from Pfizer openly admitted to the European Union last year the Pfizer never tested it's vaccine to see if it stops transmission of COVID-19, but there was Faucci on the TV day in day out pushing that on us, and even worse pushing onto children. All the while ignoring science and ordering health organizations all over the world to disregard early treatments and natural immunity which is better than any vaccine out there to fight COVID-19. And that's not conspiracy talk, because I've been tested over 40 times and I never got the jab, and guess what? 

I, to this date have never contracted COVID nor have I showed any symptoms 

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2 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

For those who say that RFK Jr. Is an anti-vaxx crack pot or a moron ( very polite by the way) and if what he says in his book is all BS.......then why hasn't Faucci taken him to court for slander or defamation of character? 

Perhaps he's simply not as litigious as some assholes out there are?

2 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

After all they're still pushing an experimental drug on us that they say is effective against COVID-19. 

I'm not sure what "experimental" drug you mean. If you are referring to the mRNA vaccines, they are used to help PREVENT COVID-19, not treat it. And while research is continuing into its efficacy, the evidence is clear that it does prevent many infections and makes many more much milder than they otherwise might be.

3 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

If the "pandemic" is still going why would Anthony " I am the science" Faucci" just up and retire suddenly?

The man is 83 fucking years old. How long do you think he's supposed to keep working just to prove something to you?

3 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

I recommend to anyone to either read or listen ( ebook) to The Real Anthony Faucci in it's entirety instead of cherry picking articles like the MSM. After all they said Ivermectin was a horse dewormer while totally ignoring the health benefits to humans such as it's ability to successfully treat against Malaria.

But there was never ANY - repeat, ANY - valid clinical evidence whatsoever that ivermectin treated COVID-19 successfully. It simply doesn't exist. COVID is caused by a virus; malaria is caused by a biological organism; and the two things by their very nature require different treatments. I'm unaware of ANY compound, medication, drug, solvent, supplement, chemical, or whatever that can treat both a virus and a living organism like plasmodium (or a bacterium, or whatever). 

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2 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

Well it's obvious you didn't read or listen to The Real Anthony Faucci. An executive from Pfizer openly admitted to the European Union last year the Pfizer never tested it's vaccine to see if it stops transmission of COVID-19, but there was Faucci on the TV day in day out pushing that on us, and even worse pushing onto children. All the while ignoring science and ordering health organizations all over the world to disregard early treatments and natural immunity which is better than any vaccine out there to fight COVID-19. And that's not conspiracy talk, because I've been tested over 40 times and I never got the jab, and guess what? 

I, to this date have never contracted COVID nor have I showed any symptoms 

Siri show me someone who does not understand cause and effect in the slightest.

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4 hours ago, insatiableholeinTO said:

For those who say that RFK Jr. Is an anti-vaxx crack pot or a moron ( very polite by the way) and if what he says in his book is all BS.......then why hasn't Faucci taken him to court for slander or defamation of character? Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't COVID-19 still ongoing according to The WHO and the CDC?.After all they're still pushing an experimental drug on us that they say is effective against COVID-19. If the "pandemic" is still going why would Anthony " I am the science" Faucci" just up and retire suddenly? I recommend to anyone to either read or listen ( ebook) to The Real Anthony Faucci in its entirety instead of cherry picking articles like the MSM. After all they said Ivermectin was a horse dewormer while totally ignoring the health benefits to humans such as it's ability to successfully treat against Malaria. I'm not asking or telling anyone to think like me. I'm simply asking you.....to think.

Why the actual fuck do I need to be polite to a moron who uses old faked studies to pretend still, in twenty-motherfucking-twenty-four that vaccines cause autism?  He’s a crack pot who did some good environmental law work and then poisoned his legacy with pseudoscience.  The moron actively pushes that the HIV virus doesn’t cause AIDS.  Even his former colleagues distanced themselves from him.  I can’t imagine credulously reading anything he produced anymore, unless he goes back to litigating mountaintop removal mining.

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