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Gay/Straight Friendships?

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How many of you have true friendships with a straight man, one in which you have absolutely no attraction to him.


How long have you had the relationship?  How did you meet?  Do the two of you talk about your sex lifes with each other?


I have two wonderful friendships with straight men.  One of them since we were in high school, and the other for almost twenty-six years.


I can not explain how special these two guys are to me.  I am more open with the high school friend than the other, but they are both extremely aware of my sexuality and a lot of my activities.


How  about everyone else?  What about your friendships?

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i moved here 12 years ago. 

for the past 10 i've had this friend i now call "straight Steve" not to get him confused with "gay Steve" who've i've known for a year. 

straight steve and i have gotten much closer over the years and he's really someone i can confide in and turn to for help and vice versa. we literally talk about sex but not in much detail esp. since his GF is also a close friend. 

gay steve and i tell each other many more "and this one time at band camp" sexcapade stories but the friendship also seems a bit forced at times as once my exhusband left i was shocked to find i had 0 gay friends locally so have been working hard to make some. 

i don't know if others my age find this, but i meet very few guys like me who came out during the scary reagan era. most of guys my age i meet didn't come out till after their kids went away to college. it sometimes makes for awkward interactions. 

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As mentioned earlier in this thread, the spectrum of human sexuality is wider, more broad that many folks realize.  Fortunately, he felt comfortable enough with you to dip is toe - I mean Cock - in the sweet waters of man-to-man sex. 

Kudos to you ... 

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I have several that go back to my childhood, so 50ish years. One really close one that we never miss a major event in each other's lives and we have both dropped everything to fly across the country when the other was in a time of need.

We have never talked much about our sex lives and for the last 20 or so years not at all.

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I have a straight male friend who I am probably closer to than my gay friends. I am attracted to him and I joke (to myself only) that if his dick fell out by accident, it's getting sucked 😆. We do not talk about sex at all. We met at the gym 8 years ago. We now go on vacation together, but don't stay in the same room. Vacationing together was his idea by the way, and I am surprised his wife agreed to it. I do think gay-male-straight-male friendships serve so many purposes, particularly for the straight men, who often learn the power of empathy and how to be vulnerable with someone of the same sex. When sex is not on the table, it removes all the tension. Perhaps not germane to this discussion, I want to point out that I identify as non-binary so I embrace the masculine and feminine energies within myself. I definitely benefit from having his non-sexual masculine energy around me. It puts me at ease. Now I'm wondering if my feminine energy is what he enjoys most lol. Maybe I'm like a bonus wife who provides companionship, but doesn't nag him or make any demands 😂.

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Most of my friends are straight. I have no desire for sex with them. However if a male friend did let me know he was interested it would 1) change our relationship, 2) he would probably soon have my cum up his ass or in his belly.

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I have one straight friend who has been close to me since teen age; we are grown up together and yes, we talk even about sexuality -except for my kinks-; yes, we trust each other but there's a limit! 

Attraction? No, he's like a brother for me I would never think of him as a sex partner! 

The second one, I met him at work almost 14 years ago and... 

No. That could become a friendship "with benefits" and now he's my current boyfriend! 

I think there's not a rule in how things develop, circumstances and friendship can change. 

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