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Many, many married men will get up to no good while on business trips. Free of the rules and responsibilities of their home lives, they can enjoy whatever is on offer in the town or city they are visiting, without having to spend time being a good father to their children, nor tending to the whims of their not-so-adoring wives. Perhaps some will just enjoy a bit of time alone in their room with pay-per-view porn, while others hit the bars and get stinking drunk. Time will be spent at strip clubs and other seedy establishments, or maybe they will be wined and dined by their corporate hosts at the most elite of restaurants. Many travelling men are sure to commit acts of adultery, whether that involves paying for it or not.

I am certain that there will be far fewer married men who do the things I get up to on my business trips, though I expect there are some. Men with these types of urges probably resort to picking a guy up in a bar, arranging a hook-up on an app, or paying for a hustler to visit their hotel room. There are probably a few who spend the night getting down and dirty in a cruising bar or club. But willingly, night after night, bending over with their arse pressed to a hole in the cubicle wall in some public toilets? No, on that front I think I’m probably in a very small minority. But that’s what I do, and I now know all the best spots to visit in the cities I travel to the most. You might even say I have developed something of a routine, from what I pack, where I stay, and managing my time well so that I can get enough sleep around my nighttime activities to not have my work suffer.

But this particular trip was not to be routine, and I had planned it that way deliberately. My wife took so little interest in me these days that I knew I could get away with using a bit of annual leave between my Frankfurt and Berlin trips while spinning her a yarn about it being back-to-back deals. This would give me some time to enjoy the nocturnal opportunities in the German capital, without having to worry about being on form for work the next day. I even used some of the loyalty scheme points I’d built up to book different accommodation for that part of the trip, so that it could be truly separate from where I’d be on the working days and yet with no risk it would show up on my credit card bill.

The other major difference this time was internal. Aside from the odd blip early on in these adventures, I had been secretly taking the necessary pills to allow me to receive loads without too much concern. Condoms had been a feature once, but those days were long over. However, a few weeks before this trip I had also ditched the pills.

You see, I was knocking on the door of 50, and my youngest son had just started university. The need to hold the loose threads of my marriage together was gone, and I was sure my wife and I would be parting soon whatever happened. I mean, I was already pretty sure she was sleeping with her personal trainer, so she might be keen to wrap things up too now that we had done much of our duty as parents. I didn’t want to wait to get on with a new life for myself though, particularly as it was becoming an ever more challenging battle to keep my body as lean and toned as I wanted it, so I had decided to take some action to get to where I wanted to be. That involved one main goal: to be pozzed.

It was something I had lusted after for years. Initially it was probably the allure of the risk, but as time passed I began to realise that I saw it as a form of freedom that I craved. Eventually I mentally connected it with being released from my marriage, and this led me to where I found myself in Berlin. Pressed up against a cubicle wall, a cigarette in my mouth, and my freshly brushed hole open and ready for whatever was coming my way. With a couple of event ads placed on the apps to encourage men to visit, alongside the normal pretty busy passing traffic, I was hopeful of several loads as well as maybe the first steps on my journey to conversion.

By the time the fourth cock of the night was jackhammering in and out of me, I was completely high on the nicotine, poppers, and utter depravity of it all. I just loved being used and bred, and I was really getting off on the knowledge that there was nothing protecting me from anything the men breeding me were carrying. As yet no-one had let me know they were poz, but my imagination was filling in the blanks as I pictured the virus being pumped into me repeatedly.

“You want poz?” I heard a man ask from outside the cubicle door, just as the fourth man slammed in a final time and blew his load.

“Yes” I panted.

“I not poz you here” the man outside the door said, with a thick German accent. “But you come to this place tomorrow at 5 o’clock and we will give you poz.”

A note was shoved under the door, and then I heard his footsteps as he walked away. I was about to reach for the note when a fifth cock started pushing into me, and in the end it was three more loads before there seemed to be no more takers for a bit. I pulled myself up straight and stretched, then bent down to lift the note off the tiled floor. When I opened it up I saw an address written down, along with several bullet points all in German. Although I recognised some of the words, I could not decipher the rest so decided I would sort it out on Google Translate when I got back to my hotel. I folded the note back up and shoved it into the pocket of the jeans I had left on the toilet seat, before bending myself back over and pressing against the glory hole. I lit up another cigarette, and happily waited for the next cock.

It was the early hours of the morning when I emerged from the shower at the hotel and slumped onto the bed. I reached for the note and phone sitting on the bedside table, and began to type out the text. I almost immediately sprung a hard-on when I read the translation:

- Be at the address at 17:00. Do not be late.

- You must be wearing a wide leather collar and wide leather cuffs.

- You must be wearing rubber underpants with a hole in the back.

- You must be wearing black leather boots.

- We will not bring any lubrication or chemicals, so you must have your own if you want them.

- You will not go home until the morning, and you will be infected. 

This was beyond my wildest dreams, and despite how tired I was from a long night of being anonymously gang bred, I immediately set about trying to find somewhere I could buy all the gear they wanted me to be wearing, seeing as I had nothing like any of it with me. Fortunately there seemed to be a few suitable shops close to each other, so I saved a few locations on the map app and then set an alarm so that I would have enough time to visit them, hopefully get what I needed, and then prepare for getting to the location. I also quickly booked a hire car to have for a couple of days, as I wasn’t sure about getting there by public transport or taxi given its remote location in an industrial estate on the edge of the city. Once everything was done that could be done at that time of the night, I plugged my phone into the power, turned off the light, and lay down for a happy night’s sleep in the afterglow of my most depraved night of sex yet.

After a groggy start the next day, I successfully bought everything required from two of the shops, and then picked up the hire car and parked it at the hotel. I spent a bit of time showering and douching, before using a toothbrush on myself just to get prepared. I then donned the rubber boxers, admiring myself and my exposed crack in the mirror for a bit, and then pulled on the tracksuit trousers I had brought with me for exercising. The leather boots went on next, which looked a bit odd but I didn’t care. I then pulled on a tank top and a hoodie, deciding it was best to save the rest until I arrived. I put everything else I would need in my gym bag, along with some power bars, a couple of bottles of water, and some fresh clothes and a towel for the eventual journey back. Happy that I had all I would need, I headed down to the car park, had a quick cigarette, then got in and drove off to the address the map app was directing me to.

When I arrived, I found I was in a deserted and largely derelict industrial area on the edges of East Berlin. There were notional fences around the various plots, but these had long since been partially torn down or holes ripped into them for access. It was the kind of place that you knew you probably shouldn’t be, which of course made it all the more appealing for me given the depths of depravity I was seeking to plumb on this trip. Many of my favourite piggy bareback pornos had been filmed in settings like this, and now I was possibly going to be getting a chance to act out the fantasy of those orgies and gangbangs for myself.

I hopped out of the car, looked around a bit to make sure I was as alone as it seemed, and then finished off getting changed. I have to say, it was pretty thrilling to be stripping down to a near-naked state in late afternoon sunshine on a public street, even if it was apparently devoid of other people. Once done, I checked myself out in the reflection of the car window, loving how I looked with the massive padded leather collar I had bought and deciding there and then that this would be a regular part of my playtime outfit in future.

The address I had been given noted a company name, and I could see an old sign on the plot next to where I had parked which matched that. I therefore walked to a gap in the fence of that plot, carefully climbed through, and then made my way across a large broken concrete lot until I reached the single building. There were a couple of service entrances which both had the shutters down, but I also saw a door that was open so headed for that. It led to a dark and smelly corridor, which I followed round a couple of corners until it opened onto what I guessed was once a factory floor. The roof on one side was gone so there was daylight flooding in, but it was in the shade over to the side that some movement caught my attention.

A young Adonis was standing there, dressed just like I was. He had blond hair and tanned skin, and even at a distance and with him in the shade, I could tell he was absolutely ripped. I headed over to investigate, and he looked up as he saw me approaching.

“Hi” he said, with a slight accent that suggested he might be Swedish.

“Hi” I said. “Are you also here for…”

He grinned at me, as I sort of swirled my hand in a nondescript way.

“Yes, I am here for that” he replied, still smiling.

“Cool” I said.

“Are you married too?” he asked, surprising me a little.

“Er, yeah” I replied, “though probably not for much longer.”

He grinned again.

“Me as well” he said. “I will get pozzed and then I can be with her brother.”

I think my mouth dropped open when he said this, causing him to chuckle.

“Her brother fucked me at the wedding, and all the time after” he said, smiling. “But he is poz and always has a condom.”

“I see” I said. “And he won’t poz you?”

“No” he replied, shaking his head. “So I have come here so I can be his.”

I obviously did not know anything about the brother-in-law, but I was a little astounded that any man would deny a stunning young stud like this what he was looking for, especially if it meant you got to then be with him. Maybe it was some sort of family loyalty, though fucking your wife’s new husband on the day of their wedding did not seem to show much in the way of said loyalty.

“Well” I said, starting to open one of the two packets of cigarettes I was carrying so I could have a smoke, “I hope you get what you came for today.”

“You as well” he said, nodding when I offered him a cigarette from the packet.

We both lit up our cigarettes and smoked in silence for a while.

“Have you taken poz before?” he asked, just after we had both stubbed out our cigarettes on the floor.

“Probably” I replied. “I got fucked a lot last night.”

“That is hot” he said. “I hope my boyfriend will give me to other men to use once I am divorced.”

“It’s a lot of fun” I said, smiling at him.

Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a steel door being opened on the other side of the factory floor, and we both turned and watched as five men emerged from some other part of the factory. All five were wearing leather boots, chaps and harnesses, and all had shaved heads with various forms of facial hair. Each of them was wearing a different combination of huge silver accessories, from neck chains to bracelets, or thick rings in their ears or noses. However, what stood out the most was the slightly wasted look each of them had, and all of them were adorned with biohazard tattoos on their chests or arms. I sprung an erection almost immediately. This is what I wanted, and some day I would seek to replicate their style, the absolutely immense neck chain and bracelet of one of the guys being a particular draw for me.

The men approached us, and then stopped to look us up and down. They gestured for both of us to turn around so they could see our backs and arses, before we were each gently pushed forward to a raised concrete area in front of us where we were then encouraged to bend over. Almost immediately I felt the familiar scratch of a brush being pushed into my hole, but this may have been a new experience for the young Swedish hunk as he yelped and jolted forward. This did not dissuade the men though, and we were both soon being quite vigorously shafted by the brushes to get our holes nice and receptive.

After a few minutes the brushes were removed, and immediately replaced by cocks. The fucking was hard and rough from the outset, but I was sufficiently experienced and stretched that it just felt incredible from the get-go. Again, however, my Swedish friend seemed to be struggling with it a bit, probably because his brother-in-law normally went easier on him. However, after a lot of pained panting and groaning, he eventually relaxed and took the fucking.

They did a round robin on us for a while, none of them actually reaching the point of breeding, before the fucking stopped and they went back to brushing our holes again for a few moments. I could tell this was to make sure we were really raw now that they were getting close, and sure enough the brush in my hole was quickly replaced by a cock that was slammed in right as the guy roared out. I revelled in feeling him shoot his toxic load into me, and my Swedish partner in crime was even more vocal in his enjoyment of receiving the same treatment. No sooner had the two tops come down off their ejaculations and withdrawn, before the next pair of tops slammed into us and delivered their venom.

“Ene mene mu und raus bist du” the last of the men said slowly while standing behind us, clearly making a decision on which of us was going to receive a third load. I was a little disappointed when he rammed into the Swede.

Once he was done, the pair of us were pulled up from our bent over positions and walked over to a part of the factory floor where there was a large drain.

“On knees!” one of the tops barked, and we both hurriedly got down onto the floor. I knew what was coming, and while I had never actually engaged in watersports, I had seen enough porn to know I should assume a certain position and open my mouth.

“You!” barked one of the other men at the Swede, “do same!”

All five of them then began to piss on us, whether that was in our mouths, on top of our heads, or elsewhere on our bodies. I heard the Swede gag choke a couple of times, but I was fine and actually realised why men got into this so much.

When they were done, they walked away from us towards the door they had first emerged from.

“You shower!” barked one of them before he went through the door, pointing at another door over to the side. “Then we come back.”

We both hauled ourselves off the floor once they’d left the room, and made our way over to the doorway. Inside was a dark tiled bathroom, and even though the only light was what was coming through the open door from the factory floor, I could see that it was filthy. However, when the Swede went over to a visible shower head and turned the tap underneath, water did indeed start to flow out of it.

“It’s cold” he said.

“Then we better be quick” I replied.

Each of us took a turn washing all the piss off our skin under the freezing cold stream, not removing any of our gear given that had also been soaked by the men. Once done, we headed to the part of the factory where the roof was gone so we could try to dry off and warm up in the small amount of sunshine that was still making it into that space, though I made a quick dash over to get my cigarettes first.

“That was fun” said the Swede, exhaling a plume of smoke.

“Sure was” I said.

“How long do you think they’ll keep fucking us?” he asked.

“The whole night hopefully” I said, giving him a wink. “Better chance of it taking with multiple loads.”

The Swede nodded and smiled at that, but said nothing more. We therefore just smoked in silence, pondering what lay in store for us once the men were ready again. I couldn’t wait…

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The sound of the steel door being open prompted the Swede and I to stub out our cigarettes and head back to the main factory floor. By that point my fellow bottom and I had introduced ourselves a bit better, so I knew he was called Erik. I also knew he was already starting to wonder about tying himself down to one man when putting himself out there for wider use could be this much fun. I actually envied him a little, as he was young, gorgeous, ripped, and about to be free to enjoy a lifestyle I had robbed myself of the chance to experience until I was already past any traces of my youth.

Erik and I watched as three of the men wheeled out a rig, with the other two following with a different one. The first had a leather sling already installed on it, whilst the second had a padded bench with a fuck machine pointed at it. Both the sling and bench were equipped with leather cuffs for strapping in, and there was a huge ribbed dildo on the fuck machine.

“You!” barked one of the men, pointing at Erik. “Get in sling.”

Erik rushed over to the sling, turned to sit in it and then lay back, lifting his arms and legs so the men could cuff his ankles and attach hooks to the cuffs he was already wearing on his wrists. He then shuffled down into a better position, and waited. I, meanwhile, knew that this probably meant he was going to get their full attention for a while, and I was to be kept entertained on the other rig. I walked over to it, getting a nod from one of the men for my unspoken understanding, and climbed onto the bench. They strapped me down, and then I heard the sounds of some cranks and levers as they manoeuvred the dildo into place. I was given a few huffs of poppers, and then they pressed the giant phallus against my hole and got the machine to push it in. I was loosened from all the fucking earlier, but it still hurt like hell as I was stretched really wide by the giant rubber dong. Once it was in place and I had stopped panting, they turned it on and walk away.

The machine was on a variable setting, meaning it alternated between a long slow strokes, jackrabbit pounding, and all sorts of other combinations. I had my face pressed to the padded bench for quite some time as I endured its assault on my hole, but as I loosened further I felt myself relax into the incredible reaming it was giving me. At this point I looked up, pleased they had oriented the bench so I could see the other rig. By this point Erik was being fucked hard by one of the men, and while the others were obscuring his head, I assumed he also had one of their cocks buried in his throat too. I was looking forward to taking his place, even if the men may have already blown a load each by then.

Three of the guys fucked Erik, all taking their time and driving him wild. Then, after the third guy withdrew, a fourth stepped up and slid in, but two of them walked over towards me. I looked up at them as they gazed down at me, my body rocking forward in time with the thrusts from the machine that must by now have left me gaping. The men then went behind me and the machine stopped, with the dildo being drawn out slowly. One of them reappeared and bent down to undo my wrists, before he walked off across the factory floor leaving me still secured on the bench by my ankles. He returned with my cigarettes and a lighter, placing them on the floor next to me along with a bottle of poppers. Just as he did so, I felt pressure on my hole but this time it was from something huge. My hole was not giving in to what I assumed must be an even larger dildo, so I grabbed the poppers and started huffing while trying to push out. Then my hole gave in, and what felt like a tube train started pushing into me. I huffed like crazy as it slowly made its way in, until the movement stopped and I was completely filled. The machine then turned back on, but this time it was solely doing short, slow thrusts, the length and girth of whatever was in side of me causing me to moan with each movement.

The men watched me for a few moments, then went back to where Erik was taking his fourth fucking of this session. I watched them as I tried to adjust to the monster ravaging my hole, noticing that the machine seemed to be pushing a little deeper and faster as time went on. Guessing I was probably in for being split in two by this thing once it was at full speed, I reached for my cigarettes and lit one up while I still had a chance. I puffed the whole thing out and then lit up another as the machine gained intensity, my whole body being thrust back and forth on the bench as my hole took more abuse than it ever had. All the while I tried to focus on watching Erik taking his fourth and fifth toxic loads in the sling, feeling a little jealous that it wasn’t me up there.

When they were done with him, I saw them thrust a giant plug into him and then walk away, leaving the loads to soak into him and speed along his conversion. I, however, got no break, and watched with rising horror as the men once again walked across to the steel door and disappeared out of sight, leaving me to the mercy of the machine. At this point I just started loudly groaning, both from the utter fullness I felt, the pain whenever the machine pushed in really deep, and the pleasure I was still getting from my prostate being stimulated by the beast of a dildo I was taking.

The men weren’t gone too long, and this time when they emerged from the steel door they came straight over to me and finally turned off the machine. They withdrew the dildo, and then unstrapped my ankles. I shakily stood up and gratefully accepted a bottle of water one of them handed to me. They gave me a couple of minutes to get my composure, and then walked me over to the steel door. Inside was a dark corridor, leading to a room lit with a couple of lamps in which there were several ragged armchairs and one dirty mattress. One of the men lay down on his back on the mattress, and then signalled me over to mount his erect cock. I did as instructed, sliding down so I was facing him, and then guessing what was to come, I leaned forward. Sure enough, another of the men got on the mattress behind and pushed his cock into me beside the one I had just mounted, my gaping hole offering little resistance to the double-penetration. The man behind then began to thrust in and out, his movements making me also slide up and down a bit on the other cock, and generally bringing me nothing but intense pleasure. I did not hold back in letting them know how much I was enjoying it, and how much I wanted them to dump their poz loads in me again.

The guy kneeling behind me lasted quite some time before erupting in me, and then was replaced by another. So it went on, with all four of them fucking and breeding me while I continued to ride the cock of the man lying on the mattress, who only let loose in me once he was in there alone. As I began to lean forward to let his cock slide out of me, a large plug was pressed in to the vacated hole, keeping the remains of the loads they’d dropped in there. I was then encouraged to my feet and directed to the corridor, heading back out to the factory floor while the men remained in the room. There I found Erik still lying in the sling all plugged up, so I grabbed a couple of bottles of water from a pack sitting by the door and then walked over to him.

“You thirsty?” I asked.

“Yes” he croaked.

I decided I probably shouldn’t get him down from the sling completely, but I undid the attachments to his wrist cuffs and then handed him one of the bottles. He thirstily gulped down some water while I fetched my cigarettes, lighting two and then handing him one.

“Thank you” he said.

“No problem” I replied. “But I don’t think I should get you down.”

“No” he said, “that is OK. I am comfortable now that I have drunk.”

“I don’t think they’re done with us yet” I said.

“I hope not” said Erik, smiling at me. “I could do this all night.”

I glanced over at the bench I had been strapped to before, and saw for the first time the sheer size of the dildo that had been ramming into me.

“Hold that thought” I said, before looking back at Erik. “If we swap places next, you are in for one hell of a ride.”

He gave me a funny look, but then I winked at him and made him smile again. I walked back over to the pack of water and grabbed two more bottles, then came back and handed one to Erik as he finished the first one. I then reached over and firmly patted the plug in his hole, getting a moan out of him, before I headed over to the bench and lay down on my back. My legs needed a break, but sitting wasn’t really an option with the plug in me. I stared up at the cracked ceiling of the factory, noticing how much the light was fading now, and took a deep inhale of my cigarette. I was full of poz cum, my hole was wrecked, and yet I had the feeling we were just getting started…

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