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Austin Wolf has been busted

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36 minutes ago, seaguy said:

Austin owns 4my.fans which is any onlyfans like site.  Wonder whatg will happen with it?

It's almost certainly a legally separate company, possibly with multiple layers of partnerships and/or LLCs and/or other entities to provide some legal distance between him and the company. What that means is that it's possible the company could survive, depending on how fast and how thoroughly it cuts ties with him, but there's no guarantee that will be successful. The more 4mf and he are "associated" in people's minds, the harder it will be.

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45 minutes ago, seaguy said:

Austin owns 4my.fans which is any onlyfans like site.  Wonder whatg will happen with it?

His onlyfans is gone. Knowing what we know about his charges, it is a given that some of his co-stars could have been underage. It is for the best. The vast majority of his former subscribers were not pedophiles, do not want to possess something like that, and are subscribers on onlyfans with the sole intention of viewing legal pornography with consenting adult actors.

And you shouldn’t expect a refund either.


Edited by Chillbill3
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2 hours ago, seaguy said:

Austin stated in an interview if he did, I can’t remember the exact one, but it was either with masculine Jason or demystifying gay porn or one of the ones that are smaller blogs do that he was a sex addict and so I’m wondering that seems like it could be related. I don’t know if you’re a sex addict if you have more chances of being being a pedophile or a young person in your child pornography, but if there is some sort of correlation there or or relation, hopefully  he  can get some psychological treatment but I wouldn’t hold my breath.  The federal prison system,  is understaffed , and it seems like our prisons now are mostly just focused on punishment resident rehab rehab rehabilitation.

For starters, there's no agreement among mental health professionals that "sex addiction" is even a thing (in the medical sense of "addiction"). Assuming there is some sort of compulsive behavior involved, however, there's also no evidence that compulsive sexual behavior and attraction to the underaged are connected whatsoever. What IS possible is that he has two separate issues (sexual compulsion and attraction to underaged) that interact in a dangerous way.

You're correct that the U.S. prison system isn't set up for rehabilitation except (barely) incidentally. It's one of our many failings.

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3 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

It's almost certainly a legally separate company, possibly with multiple layers of partnerships and/or LLCs and/or other entities to provide some legal distance between him and the company. What that means is that it's possible the company could survive, depending on how fast and how thoroughly it cuts ties with him, but there's no guarantee that will be successful. The more 4mf and he are "associated" in people's minds, the harder it will be.

I have to believe though that as  site it will get additional scrutiny

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14 hours ago, AlB said:

The saddest part is not Justin Heath Smith or the probable loss of Austin Wolfe as a source of entertainment.  The saddest part is that many misinformed and homophobic straight people have reinforcement to their anti-gay beliefs that gay men pose a threat to boys and children in general as pedophiles.  When you think about it why the fuck couldn’t he just be a felon by virtue of fraud, extortion or other non-pedophilia crimes?  Ryan Rose, Sargent Miles and others showed us how that should be done! 

No, the saddest part is the kids who were exploited to make the CSAM (Child Sex Abuse Material, "child porn" is not a correct term).

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On 6/29/2024 at 1:24 PM, AlB said:

The saddest part is not Justin Heath Smith or the probable loss of Austin Wolfe as a source of entertainment.  The saddest part is that many misinformed and homophobic straight people have reinforcement to their anti-gay beliefs that gay men pose a threat to boys and children in general as pedophiles.  When you think about it why the fuck couldn’t he just be a felon by virtue of fraud, extortion or other non-pedophilia crimes?  Ryan Rose, Sargent Miles and others showed us how that should be done! 

I stand with @PrisonbaiT and confess that while I enjoyed him aesthetically and enjoyed his Alpha male energy his bottoms in this latter stage of his performing career seemed to be surrogates for boys instead of men.  While I’m not so deluded as to think that a person’s performance is always or usually their preference his acting never seemed good enough to be that convincing; it seemed like his more recent work was playing to type. 

Being a man who has had a son die in prison I hope Heath/Wolfe has a better fate than that.  But (again in my opinion) sex with children should be a capital offense.  

I was abused by family members sexually and violently for more then 5 years in a row from the age of 7, it fucked me up internally big time, like soldiers coming back from a warzone.  In later live it still plays a role in my life sadly enough.  So i had this bad vibe about Wolf, and it proved to be right in the end.

Most victims who temped to forget here have mental and physical scars for life, and some even don't make it.  I was a fighter and proved my assailants wrong by fighting back

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23 hours ago, BootmanLA said:

For starters, there's no agreement among mental health professionals that "sex addiction" is even a thing (in the medical sense of "addiction"). Assuming there is some sort of compulsive behavior involved, however, there's also no evidence that compulsive sexual behavior and attraction to the underaged are connected whatsoever. What IS possible is that he has two separate issues (sexual compulsion and attraction to underaged) that interact in a dangerous way.

You're correct that the U.S. prison system isn't set up for rehabilitation except (barely) incidentally. It's one of our many failings.

Agreed. 'Sex addiction' doesn't lend itself to illegal behaviours.

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This is really disappointing,  I can’t wrap my mind why someone would be interested in such sexual matters.  I don’t get it…..now this man has ruined his life

i will say this, I hope his behavior does not make the general population think all gay men have these preferences.  The stigma alone is cringe worthy…

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9 hours ago, Leather-lee said:

Agreed. 'Sex addiction' doesn't lend itself to illegal behaviours.

Sex addiction is NOT A THING. It's not a physical addiction. People can absolutely have out of control sex lives. We've all known people like that, but it's not addiction like booze, heroin, coke or meth.

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1 hour ago, Sfmike64 said:

Sex addiction is NOT A THING. It's not a physical addiction. People can absolutely have out of control sex lives. We've all known people like that, but it's not addiction like booze, heroin, coke or meth.

To be fair, mental health professionals are divided on this; I fall into the same camp as you do, but there's no question that sexual compulsion, as I would phrase it instead, can be as destructive (and as controlling) as addiction to a substance.

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