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Hello guys Ive been following breeding zone for a long time now even before starting to post some of my personal stories here (5 loads in a single afternoon, etc) and somehow over time found this site kinda like a safe place to vent my thoughts and fantasies without being judged . The thing is this time I have nothing sexual to talk about but instead I want to talk about some personal stuff thats being happening to me and hopefully I can get an advice or at least some words of hope to help me move forward with my life.

Im going to start this saying Im one of the few latinos from latin America here on BZ, I cannot say exactly where Im from cause theres a huge conflict and censorship coming from the US Towards my country in addition to the dictatorship that we already suffering from within. I can only say the name starts with V and its located between Brazil and Colombia. (Please try not to type the full name of my country in the comments cause Im fearful that ill ring bells somewhere)

Anyway, In 2018 (full blown crisis in effect) I managed to get out of here thanks to an art contest that I won in mexico and they paid me enough money to buy a plane ticket and pay for my passport (2000$) despite missing the award show I was invited to (its on YouTube if you wanna see it for yourself) due to government making things very difficult for anyone who wanted to leave the country. 

Somehow I managed to get out and go to Argentina where like any other inmigrant started from the bottom and successfully climbed the social ladder to even becoming an upper middle class citizen going from Delivery boy on bike to an Bilingual English-Spanish Interpreter in addition to my carreer thats graphic design and a painter (I was so proud of what I achieved in so little Time) 

Lived there for 5-6 years, fell in love and enjoyed my life and sexuality like ive never thought I could (Buenos Aires is one of the most pro LGBTQ+ cities in the world) and everything seemed wonderful till things started going the wrong way.

I worked for an American company that helps latinos that doesn't speak any English in the US to get simple things done. Its a 3rd party contractor so It can go from helping parents understand whats going on with their children at school to helping people enroll in medical insurances or simpler things like paying bills.

This job allowed me to make good money (for latin America) around 1k a month so since I had not only 1 but 2 jobs I decided that I was economically stable enough to visit my parents whom I haven't seen in 5-6 years.

Thats where things started going bad...

I got home December last year with luggages full of presents and gifts for my loved ones and everything seemed normal. One thing I didn't know and learned the hard way its that international relations do matter when it comes to Digital Nomads and since both countries US and V always had heated relationships I ended up getting fired not only from one but the 2 jobs that I had (they can track your IP address easily and find out where are you logging in from). 

Everyone that follows the news knows that V along with Congo are the countries with the highest inflation in the world (it got to a point where prices surpassed 100% inflation daily, hard to believe for the american eye) plus top 5 in violence and corruption worldwide with a minimum wage of 70$ and an  XL Box of cereal costing 30$.  Im saying all of this to give you a quick context of what we're dealing with and ofc brown water coming out of every faucet if youre lucky to have running water to Begin with... (I live in the suburbs, once upon a time "privileged" area) 

After losing my jobs and being rejected over and over again on remote jobs for my nationality (they literally clarified me the reason each time) plus being unfairly locked up by crooked cops having me to spend 400$ of my own money to bail myself out to avoid having a record, since you cannot travel out being an offender, even less migrate to another country) I rocked bottom and had a breakdown that led me to cry for weeks straight and barely let me get out of bed thanks to the crippling depression I had.

Thankfully I managed to somehow get back on my feet. Gathered the rest of my savings and asked an uruguayan lover I had to lend me 300$ to finally get out of this pandemonium once for all. Bought my plane ticket  and decided to head back to Argentina... unfortunately things didn't end there...

As some of you know presidential elections were held not so long ago in Argentina and in V . In Argentina Milei won and in my country the same ol people remained in charge. That meant clashes between the two and the V Destroying almost every international relations with any country that disagreed with the results including Argentina. This leading to the removal of the embassy of V from Argentina. This happened a month before my flight.

Packed all my stuff and I was ready to leave here and never look back but destiny had other plans...

I got deported back as soon as I stepped into Argentinian territory, with no justified reason just "orders from above" my passport and paperwork was fine. I was just a casualty on a higher power war. This was unlawful and clearly something beyond my control.

After spending almost 3 days from airport to airport scorted and with my passport confiscated I got back to the place I never wanted to come back to....just for wanting to visit my parents.

If you was able to read this far Im very thankful, it means a lot to me but please the last thing I want is for y'all to feel sorry for me. 

What I do want is If some of you went through the same thing as I did please share some advice on how to get over this and if someone knows how or where I can get any job opportunities (keep in mind V is under a blockage) or know a way to get out of this hell, please...let me know. With all the shame in the world I typed this. Hope this reaches somewhere cause I cannot be more ashamed.

Peace and love to y'all. Cheers 




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Que Dios te cuide chico.  My family is from Cuba and my late partner was from V.  We had a very rough time trying to help his sisters come to the US; in fact they are still in V after trying to immigrate for 4 years with us sponsoring them.  I feel your pain.  If there’s anything I can do to help please let me know.  

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One of my ancestors came from this country, and I still feel some connection although I am total European. I feel really down everytime I think of current regime in this country. I wish I could help...

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