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---  Setting up the scene  ---
Mike was eighteen years old. Tall, Fit, not that athletic boy, Mike has a bit of complex with his body compared to his mates.
He just accepted he was gay, however he was still a virgin. Living a remote farm in the countryside, it was not easy to get to know gay person to identify to nor to meet one. He has just finished highschool in he city nearby, however, in new that at then of the holidays, he would be at 7 hours drive from his parents in at the university.
Yet, there were still two months before that to occupy. So he registered on a regular gay dating app. He met Chris online. Chris was 23 years old, just graduated from Uni and was looking for a job, but for now was also enjoying time off at his parents in the city while looking for a job.
They agreed to meet in the city to have a drink. Mike was thrilled and excited to meet Chris. He drove to the city and went to the bar. There was Chris, and even before speaking to him Mike was under his charm.
They chat and kind of get along. Al of this being pretty new for Mike, he did not take any initiative. Chris joked about it and just starting kissing him. Mike was lost in all new sensations to him.
Chris figured out that all of this was new to his date, and decided to take things slow. They stayed in the bar making out. When the bar was closing, they parted on Chris initiative. Mike drove back home in such a bliss and the impression of falling in love with that one guy he met.
This sole evening decided Mike to come out to his parent. Which he did the day after. It went better than expected, and when agreeing to meet Chris again, his dad even made a remark to "go out covered"...
They met again, and despite Mike enthusiasm, things seems a bit different.
"Sorry Mike, you are a nice guy, but I am not sure I can last our relationship..." Chris said. This felt like a dagger stroke to Mike... "You are going away to study, I found a job several hours drive from here in another region. I am not that much into long distance stories man."
"I am happy you found a job Chris, that is great", trying to be cheerful about this... "But we could still try no ? I mean I could drive to visit you or take the train..."
"That is sweet of you, but there is something else... My ex contacted me saying me he had an STD and that I should get tested my self. That drove me a bit mad, because he kind of acknowledge that he cheated on my that bastard... but this made me not want to engage into any thing for now." Mike was silent, eyes reddening. "Oh Mike, I am sorry, I mean that is only the second time we meet."
"I know. I am sorry. I got carried away and I cannot expect things of you..." mike replied... "Can we at least stay in touch ?"
"Well we can try yes, we will see how this goes on" Chris said without wanting to turn him down any further...

Chris took his job in the other region, while Mike went studying. Mike was not that entreprising at uni and he did not meet other gay guys. There he was hit on by one student, and they dated and he lost his virginity to him. However after several weeks, Mike ended it as he cannot escape the memory of the kisses with Chris. A year later, the same situation appeared with another student. Though it lasted longer, Mike also ended the relationship.
In the meantime, Mike chatted online with Chris, but not much were exchanged. 2 years after they first met, Mike sent a long message to Chris which could be read as a love letter. Mike admitted that could not stop about Chris, how good he felt with him, while he was aware it was a bit awkward as they hardly knew each other. Chris was quite surprised by this long message, and though he ignored some of the previous messages of Mike, he thought than he may enjoy some quality time with him, but give something he could remember him as well.
Chris answered him that Mike should come over for a weekend. 

Mike was thrilled and as they agreed on a date, Mike organized to travel there. What Mike did not know though was that Chris was HIV positive since the test he was suggested to make. Unfortunately his health insurance does not pay of the entire meds, so he do not take them all the year, and in particular not at this time of the year.

---  The first night ---
As the Friday arrives, Mike jumped into the train to get to Chris. He arrived at the station and as he lay a foot on the platform notice Chris waiting for him. He smiled at him and walked to him. Chris did not really change :
Tall, Athletic and still very attractive. As he reached him, Chris just make out with Mike, who was surprised by doing this in public.
"Welcome Mike, that is so good to see you again!"
"Hi Chris. Thank you for the warm welcome!" Mike replied smiling.
"Okay, let's go to my place, I leave nearby" Chris took Mike luggage and they walked to Chris flat. THey climbed the stairs, entered the flat, Chris pinned Mike to the wall and make out with him. Mike replied and give it back caressing Chris back and head.
Chris stopped and said winking : "We have all weekend for that. Are you thirsty ? I will prepare dinner"
"Water is fine thanks. Ow by the way, I brought something from where I come - a specialty. You will se it is very sweet and tasty". Chris handed over a glass of water to Mike, who drank it bottoms up.
"Oh nice of you for this gift. Well I have one for you as well" Chris replied with a lust smile. He took Mike by the han let him to his bedroom. He pushed him so he lays on the bed, while he unbuttoned Mike's jean, revealing his trunks. Chris push all that down and just swallow Mike's cock which was already fullmast.
"oh fuck... " was all Mike could say, as he was never sucked that way... Chris worked the cock wonderfully, and with his hands removed completely Mike's pant and trunks. He then place himself between Mike's leg and pull him on the edge on the bed so Chris could kneel on the floor.
"Fuck Chris this is so good..."
"Yeah sou like that ?"
"Yeah, I will not last long I think!"
Hearing this Chris just go on harder on mike's cock as he wanted to collect his jizz. 
"Chris, attention I am cumming…" but Chris hold position and collected Mike's cum in his mouth. As Mike unloaded his last drop, Chris continue sucking him and slowly raised Mike leg until he has his mouth in front of his pucker. He release some of the Mike's cum on it and worked inside with a finger. And he did this with all the cum allowing to lube well Mike's hole for the next step.
"How do you like this now Mike ? Do you like to have your own cum in you ?" Chris asked as with one hand he unbuttoned his pant to release his cock and with the other crawl on to the bed to kiss Mike.
"Yes, I did... I mean I am still hard"
"I can se this" Chris replied as he has raised Mike's legs on his shoulder and put his cockhead on Mike's hole. Chris ease his cock up and down and Mike's crack making it more greasy with his precum.
"Fuck Chris that feels so good..."
"Yeah you like my dick rubbing your hole like this ? Do you want it to rub your prostate now ?"
"I would love that... you have condoms ?"
Chris always keep a condom box with only one left, usually undersized. Keeping the position, Chris reach out to the bedside table and grab the condom, remove the wrap and unroll it on his cock. 
 "Sure... Fuck that is the last one... well I have to buy new ones tomorrow right" he said winking at Mike. "Okay Mike, are you okay to accept my cock now ?" Chris said with a lustful smile ?
"Yeah please shove it deep!"
Chris did as told and thrust his long dick in Mike tender hole inch avec inch. All the time Chris was maintaining eye contact with Mike, until he was balls deep. "Wow Mike you took it like a champ. You did have some lovers back at uni ?"
"Some, but there were not as big as you are"
"Well maybe you excitation opens the way" with that Chris withdraw almost completely leaving only the head rapidly, and doing so the condom wrapped a bit. Chris rammed slowly in Mike back and repeated the situation several times until the condom was only left on the cockhead.
"Are you okay babe ? Can I go faster and rougher now ?" Chris asked, as his planned was going well
"hmm hmm" Mike replied, moaning.
Chris accelerated the pace and pistoning and within a few thrusts felt the condom was not on anymore but somewhere in Mike's hole. Chris strokes were rubbing Mike's prostate.
"Fuck Chris I am about to cum again"
"Abandon yourself Mick, I am about to!"
Mike cummed hard, ropes flying from his raised ass directly to his face and t-shirt. Chris felt Mike's ass tightening on his cock. This through over the edge as well and he erupted deep in Mike's guts.
"God that was good. I hope you enjoy my gift to you Mike" Chris said
"Well thank you Chris. I would love more such gifts with you. though it has to wait tomorrow now" Mike replied.
Chris well understood the message but it was time for his next move. He withdrew revealing his bare cock, still rock hard, and shouted in faint surprise "Fuck Mike, the condom is gone... I think I just shot my load deep in you... sorry mate" 
Mike was anxious... "Fuck man, what should I do ?"
"I can try to catch it my fingers if you want"
"Yeah please do" Mike begged. Chris kneeled between Mike's legs and started fingering him browsing for the condom.
"Man I can feel my seed, but not the rubber" Chris said benefiting of the situation to massage his seed in Mike's guts. "I am sorry... Mike. I propose you try to push it on the bathroom I will prepare dinner then".
 he added trying to relax Mike. Mike agreed and went to the bathroom. Chris packed his cock back in his pant and went dress the table and prepare the dinner.
Mike came in with his pant back but shirtless. "I managed to push it out, along with a lot of cum of yours. I hope everything will be good"
Chris looked up at Mike and whistle, "I have seen the bottom but not the top. Nice body Mike. I am sorry again for this. Well I usually cum a lot, so it is likely you still have some on you. But do not worry I get regularly tested!"
Mike smiled genuinely, reassured my Chris. "Well that things that could happened right... Thank you for you having me over and for the dinner".
They cheerfully ate dinner and drank beers. As they finished and clear the table, Chris, horny as ever, said "So Mike, shall we get back on the bed ?"
"Why not"
"Hide you enthusiasm babe!" Chris joked
"Well I would love to feel you inside me, but as there is no rubber left..."
"I am sure we can manage something Mike, come with me!"
Chris stripped mike naked and ordered him to lay on his stomach and spread his legs. Chris got naked, only keeping his wifebeater hiding some details, and lay on top of Mike, pressing his raging cock on his bare cheeks.
"Mike just feel the heat of our bodies, relax. I make you feel good." Chris lowered his body and started rimming Mike. The later just started moaning with Chris tongue assault's. Chris goes on and on going deeper with his tongue, tasting his cum left mixed with Mike's fluids.
As Mick is moaning loading begging for more, Chris went up turning Mike's head and kissing him, while with another hand led his bare cock to Mike's hole. Chris rocked his hips back and forth to have his cock sliding against Mike's hole.
"Fuck Chris, that feels good..."
"It does to me too babe!" Chris replied applying more pressure on his hips. Mike body reacted to look for more, adjusting his angle so that Chris' cock would not slide anymore against it. At some point, with a bit pressure Chris entered Mike
"Ow god, you ass feels good!"
"Fuck you are bare... you are bare..."
"Yes, I am, but I accidentally was before as well Mike" Chris whispered to reassure him
"Ho please don't stop" Chris was not to be told twice as he went deeper firmly balls deep.
"Do you like it this way ?"
"Yes, that feels good" Chris began to thrust in and out harder, building his orgasm, ensuring that Mike was so pleased in was in oblivion of the situation.
"Mike, I am close to cum"
"Hm hm" was the only response Chris got
"I am about to shoot a second load deep in you mate" still rocking his hips, feeling his balls tightening.
"Hm hm god I am cucking to" Mike yelled, as he contracted his ass on Chris' cock and soaking the bed sheets. Chris buried himself and shot his seed deep in Mike's ass.
Once post-climax senses came back, Mike remembered he has just taken another load deep. Yet he enjoyed the feeling.
Chris took hold of Mike waist and roll on his side, they were spooning, Chris still rock hard in Mike's cunt. Chris started to move in and out again.
"Fuck... this was good Chris" Mike said, who cannot doubt of anything. 
"Yeah it was... You make me so Horny Mike! I need to breed you once more boy!"
"Fuck you are insatiable" Mike said turning his head and smiling at me.
"You ass is just sucking out of cock every milk my balls can produce mate! It seems you will leave full of it!" I said, while feeling climax nearing quickly this time. "Can I cum in you again Mike ?"
"Yeah please do" Mike said... 
Chris gave a few more strokes before grunting "Oh fuck, take my seed deep man!".
After a few minutes, the both drifted into sleep.

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Very good beginning. I'm sure there is ne reason to buy condoms now. I'm just curious as if Chris is going to tell Mike that he is poz and currently off meds. Mike already asked in a way and Chris didn't lie. Just said he gets tested. Seems fine with me.


As the sun was shining through the shutters, Chris woke up with a raging boner, feeling Mike still asleep, bare ass against him. He check the clock... 10:00 AM. Well it is the weekend no need to rush. Chris run his fingers on Mike's crack, feeling it a bit moisture... Likely due to his cum.
Chris brought his dick against Mike's hole and rub it while caressing Mike's body. Mike was reacting but not yet wakening. Chris started to push in, while maintaining Mike's body pressed against his, and kissing his back. Mike's tender hole gave in to pressure and Chris pushed slowly but firmly deep until he is balls deep.
Mike woke feeling the intrusion.. "What are you doing ?"
"Hey sunshine, you were teasing my dick with your sweet cunt" starting to withdraw slowly
"Was I ? must have been a dream"
"Maybe, but you were moaning. Do you want me to stop ?" Chris asked pushing all it back in, making Mike moaning.
"Owh... Do you have a condom on ?" enquired turning his head to Chris, feeling his morningwoor leaking with excitement.
"Euh no still not. Remembered we used last one yesterday ? and we have already fucked bare twice and half then ?" 
"Oh fuck, I have never played raw before this weekend..."
"Well then it is highly likely there is no risk Mike!" Chris replied kissing Mike and ramping up the pace to fuck him
Mike give the kisses back while enjoying being fucked by his lover. Maintaining the kiss, Chris roll Mike on his belly, broke the kiss "Now babe, I will give you the fuck of your life" and without waiting any longer he went wile and fucking merciless Mike's ass. Mike was surprised by how brutal he was fuck painfully... fully awake, he was wimping about the situation and wehn is about Chris to stop he felf pleasure waves irradiating compensating the pain. Chris intensified his pace as he was nearing climax, and each thrust was also bringing Mike closer.
In one last thrust, Chris went deeper than ever, passing Mike's second ring, and just seed him "Fuck Mike, I am getting you pregnant!"
At the same time, Mike eyes widened as he felt his second ring opened and hearing Chris words made him cum on the bedsheets again. "Fuck Chris, that was rough... it hurt but god I neer came that much."
Chris was still panting "Yeah, glad you like that"
"unfortunate I do not have a womb, I would carry your child" still wasted and facing the mattre, Chris on top of him
"Oh but Mike, you are carrying by babies. They are swirling in you" Chris said while withdrawing noticing some streaks of blood mixed with cum on his shaft. Chris got up and helped Mike as they went showevering. Mike did not notice the red streaks, Chris did not mention it. They had a brunch and Chris proposed to go walking into the city parks, doing some site seeing.

Mike accepted, what mattered was spending quality time with Chris anyway. They wandered into town, visited some city monuments and later in the day, they entered a park and rest on a bench.
Chris was getting horny, remembering he already had taken and given loads behind some of this trees. As they were enjoying the sun on their face, Chris brough his arm from Mike's knee behind his back and lowered it slowly. He carefully inserted his hand in Mike's underwear and reaching his crack, inserted his middle finger deep.
Mike was astonished and faced Chris and before he could object, Chris pressed his lips on his, still working his finger in. Chris broke the kiss "Man I am so horny, I could just push down your pant and bree you right here..."
Mike was overwhelmed by the situation... His ex were never that sexually active... He decided to give in and himslef got his hand on Chris scrotch.
"Hum getting bold Mike!" Chris teased him while he withdrawing his fingers, covered in Mike's fluid and his own cum, "Taste your hole Mike" Chris ordered. Controlled by his lust Mike did as told. "Mike, would you let me take you here ? I really need to release or at this pace, I wll stain my pant and that will be noticible in the street" Chris faintly asked.
"Well okay, but maybe not here in plain sight then" Mike agreed wanting to explore more.
"Follow me then, there is a spot behind these bushes". Chris led him to a remote place in the park. No one was seen, but Chris well knew it does me no one was watching.
Chris bent Mike over and made him lay his hand on a tree trunk, push down his pants, release his dong and  pushed almost full in Mike"s hole.
"Fuck Chris, please go slow I am a bit sore" Mike complained
"As you want Babe, but the slower the longer it will take for me to cum." Chris replied, without clearly stating that people could then join in
"Is it not better when it last longer ? "Mike asked naively
Chris just approved by ramming Mike's ass with long strokes, rubbing Mike prostate. They both enjoyed the moment but in different ways. Mike was concentrating on the senssation of being full, closed eyes. Chris was fucking the ass while paying attention to their surroundings.
He accelerated the pace, and just warn Mike that he was cumming "God, Mike, here come my babies!!" and he filled in deep. Then Mike heard a branch cracking. He opened his eyes and saw a man, in his fourties who seemed a it wasted, coming nearby "Fuck Chris, there is someone". Chris still in reassured Mike. "Ah indeed, well that happens, do not worry".
The man happens "that is hot dude. You just came in him right ?" Chris noded. "Would you mind if I have a go at him ? I have not had a pussy for a week now..." Chris withdraw and waved him to take his place. He went to kiss Mike to distract him and hold him. The stranger unzip his fly, releasing a nice big and long cock and just ram it in Mike's ass.
Mike was struggling... he was offered by Chris, he tried to complain about the situation but Chris was maintaining the kiss, until he stopped it and ordered Mike "Just let go, enjoy the ride Babe!". Mike was again feeling the pain being replaced by the pleasure... After 5 minutes of being internally massaged, he just came over the tree trunk, squizzing the stranger cock "Fuck man, I am gonna fill your cunt!" and released deep inside Mike's hole. "Thanks man" was all he said before packing back and left Chris and Mike.

"Fuck Chris, what was that?"
"Well, you just took an anonymous load deep, I would say"
"Fuck... this is risky... he should have used a rubber"
"Well he should have you are right... but he made you cum hand-free... So you pretty enjoyed it, did you not ?" Mike was puzzled by Chris answer. It was true... He actually enjoyed that feeling... since Chris came in him he loved it...
"So what do you want to do now ?" Chris asked
"It is getting late. shall we have dinner in a restaurant and get back at your place... I think I like the idea of taking your cum in me" Mike said, Chris givin a lustful smile.

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He is going to probably be a little upset when he gets the fuck flu. But I think he will get over it.

1 hour ago, cman54 said:

He is going to probably be a little upset when he gets the fuck flu. But I think he will get over it.

Yes, but now Chris can blame it on the stranger!

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1 hour ago, Marlin said:

Yes, but now Chris can blame it on the stranger!

Yes I realized that too. Worked out great for Chris. 

On 2/27/2025 at 2:16 PM, Wincheslav said:

Chris well understood the message but it was time for his next move. He withdrew revealing his bare cock, still rock hard, and shouted in faint surprise "Fuck Mike, the condom is gone... I think I just shot my load deep in you... sorry mate" 
Mike was anxious... "Fuck man, what should I do ?"
"I can try to catch it my fingers if you want"
"Yeah please do" Mike begged. Chris kneeled between Mike's legs and started fingering him browsing for the condom.
"Man I can feel my seed, but not the rubber" Chris said benefiting of the situation to massage his seed in Mike's guts.

What a great excuse by a poz top, to get his fingers inside his neg victim, in order to scratch his rectal lining and assist his toxic seed to be absorbed!

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