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About RawPozLust

  • Birthday 04/18/1961

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  • HIV Status
    Don't Ask, Don't Tell
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  1. Your name says all that is necessary, FUCK YES man

    1. John56
    2. ShaneFrost


      chicago dude looking for bugs... - telegram: chicagoperv

  2. I appreciate this site and all the work that you've put into it a lot. I've contributed to a lot of forums and have gotten a lot of positive feedback. But if the restrictions you're considering were implemented, I would definitely ask to have my account deleted and would leave permanently. I understand that some people are "not into" some of the ideas and practices of others, but the solution is simply to find something else on the site to enjoy or to move on to another site. The fact is that you can't please everyone without someone raising an objection. Adding restrictions only shifts the burden of free thought and free expression from one group to another. It also sets you on a slippery slope that is bound to lead to more objections and restrictions. I'm a firm believer in internet neutrality. If that principle goes, so do I. Thanks for asking.
  3. Nice profile mate. Next time I am in your town lets fuck

  4. I love watching a boy suck daddy's cock and getting it ready to fuck and breed his cunt!
  5. When I get lost in using a man solely for my pleasure - pinning him down, invading his tight ass with my fat dick and spewing my sperm deep inside his guts - HE IS DEFINITELY A CUNT. When we flip and I become a willing receptacle for his sperm, so am I.
  6. It has different meanings for guys, whether poz or neg. Generally, "breeding" means procreating or producing offspring. So for me, it means creating a living organism in another man's body: i.e., poz virus. When I pull my dick out of your ass, my bug remains and grows inside your guts.
  7. I love drinking and showering in another man's poz piss.
  8. Some people find it freakish when they see a guy with the "AIDS look." Others find their dicks getting rock hard when they see it. Count me in the latter group.
  9. WOOF! I love a vid that starts with a hungry cum whore on his back, legs up and spread open . . . . and only gets hotter from there!
  10. Nothing goes together better than poz fucking and incest!
  11. It is impossible for anyone I fuck to not know that I'm poz!
  12. At Steamworks in Berkeley Saturday. I fucked and bred two guys, took loads from two guys -- and fucked/flipped with another guy. All in all, a pretty good time!
  13. I love to watch guys in foreign countries breeding each other with poz seed. It makes me feel connected to pigs around the globe!
  14. Only thing hotter than pigs breeding is pigs kissing and making out while breeding!
  15. Thanks, dude! My Twitter feed is private for now, but I'll certainly approve all follow requests as soon as possible.
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