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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2014 in Posts

  1. Sex Enhancement Drug Trial Subject Week #1 I had just started college and was blown away by the costs. I was in need of cash and decided to check out Craig’s list for jobs. There was one that caught my eye and got my cock stirring. The head line read, “Gay males needed for sex enhancement drug trials.” I clicked the link and read the complete ad. It asked for gay college age guys age 18 to 22 who were in good health, did not use drugs of any kind and were either a bottom, versatile bottom or versatile. It required me to send a picture with my height, weight, cock size, if I was cut or uncut, the date of my last HIV test and the results. I had known I was gay as early as I can remember and with my jock body didn’t think I’d have issues finding guys to hook up with, but this was a wet dream cum true. I wrote my e-mail telling them that I was 18, 6’ weighing 160 pounds with a 7 1/2” cut cock. I included a couple of pics I had of me in my Speedo from high school swim team and a couple nudes I had showing my cock and ass. I continued to check out Craig’s list when a reply to my e-mail arrived. It asked me to drop by to complete my enrollment process. This included my filling out some paper work and submitting to blood and urine tests. The next day I dropped by the test site office just off campus. I was greeted by a cute stud that looked to be in his mid to late 20’s. He had me complete the appropriate paper work, had some blood drawn and filled a urine specimen cup. I was asked to commit to a decision how I would take the drug. The first way I could take the drug was in the form of a pill by mouth where I would be paid $250 a week. The second way was by nasal spray where I would be paid $300 a week. The third way I could take the drug was by suppository where I’d be paid $350 a week. The last way I could take the drug was by shot and I would be paid $500 a week. Since I had no problem with shots I selected the last method so I could get the most money each week. I was told that I should hear from them by the end of the week with further instructions. I arrived back at my dorm room after class on Friday to discover a message from the testing company. My labs came back all fine with a clean drug screen and a negative HIV test. They asked if I was available to participate that night in the first round of trials. If I wasn’t available I’d have to wait a couple months until the second round of testing began. I responded that I would be at the testing site at the scheduled time ready to participate. I arrived early for the trial and was shown where I could lock up my clothes. I was then shown to the shower area where a hot guy made sure I was cleaned out and ready to play. After I was all ready I was shown to an area they called the prep room where I sat down and the medication and was given final instructions before receiving the drug. The guy about to give me my shot told me “Some guys cough after getting the shot, so don’t be alarmed. You will probably feel your heart race a bit, that’s normal. If the drug is working correctly you should feel the need to get fucked immediately. After you have received your shot you are to enter the play area and have as much sex as you want. You will be monitored by close circuit TV and the number of times you have sex will be recorded along with the number of loads of cum you take inside you. Since all participants have been screened it is your choice to use protection. Most participants choose to take it raw or bareback.” I watched as he placed a rubber strip on my arm just as they did when they drew blood. He then took a syringe with the drug inside and stuck it in my arm. I watched in fascination as the contents disappeared into my vein. He then put pressure over the injection site, raised my arm overhead and asked if I was ready. I nodded ‘YES’ and he pulled the rubber strip off. I coughed a couple times and felt exactly as he described. I NEEDED TO BE FUCKED!!! He let go of my arm and told me to have fun. I walked through the door and noticed 4 other guys from college that were in different areas getting fucked. I was quickly approached by a hot stud with a hard dripping cock. The thing looked to be nearly 8” as he pushed me to my knees and fed me his tool. As I sucked his cock I was approached from behind and felt a couple hand pull me into doggy position as the stud I was sucking dropped to his knees. I kept working the cock into my throat I felt a stiff cock at my hole. Before I could look I felt the cock driven deep inside me in one stroke. Normally it can take me a while before I can take dick like that but the drug they gave me had me wanting that cock bad. I took a moment to ask the guy fucking me to pound his load home. He wasn’t one to disappoint as I felt him hammer away while I tried to coax a load from the guy I was sucking. I could hear the guy fucking me begin to breath heavy indicating he was close to cumming. He then thrusted in deep and groaned out as I felt his cock spasm in my ass. It wasn’t until the guy fucking my throat pulled away that I got a good look at the stud that just fucked my hole. He was as hot as the rest with a cute tattoo on his lower abs. I could barely make it out and wasn’t able to place it but thought I had seen it in biology or the doctor’s office before. As he pulled out I noticed that he had fucked my bareback and I had taken a stranger’s load. In my mind I didn’t care, I just knew I needed more cock. I didn’t have to wait long when the guy that I had been sucking slammed his tool inside me. With the priming I did with my mouth I didn’t have to wait long for his load when I felt his cock spasm inside my hole. I lost track of time but by morning I had been fucked by every guy in the place and some more than once. As I left the testing site I was informed that I was fucked almost 30 times and took about 20 loads. I was told to return the following Friday for my next session.
    7 points
  2. Max pulled over and parked his 1992 dodge spirit, killing the engine but hesitating to open the door. As if glued to the driver’s seat, he silently debated whether to stay or go home, while gripping the wheel and biting his lower lip. Staring out his windshield, he was surprised to see what looked like a normal brick office building, with no obvious markings or signs on the business to show what it was. He double checked the address in the text message from his dealer, Tony, just to be sure, before holding his breath, grabbing his duffle bag and hoping out of the car. The heavy wood door creaked ominously when Max pulled it open and stepped inside the warm alcove. He shivered, glad to be out of the cold February night, but still uncertain about what he was getting into. Realizing the door to the rest of the club was locked, he stepped up to a plexi-glass window and rang the small bell, which prompted a very tall, muscular, bearded guy in his 30’s to appear from a door on the other side of the glass. The hunky clerk, “Jax” according to the name tag pinned to his tight t-shirt, made Max worry even more about what he was getting himself into. “What’s up bro?” Jax’s voice crackled through the small speaker next to the window. “I need to see your ID and cash and do you want a locker or room?” “Um, I’m ‘Max Rider,’” Max said, eliciting a blank look from the clerk. “I think you’re expecting me.” Again, the man looked miffed, and max began to worry that maybe this was a joke or perhaps the massive man was expecting someone more cocky. Here he’d been freaking out over whether or not he could strip for guys, it never crossed his mind that they might not like him. Standing straight up to his full 5’11” height, yet still at least 6 inches short of the other man, Max flashed a fake smile and tried to sound like he wasn’t a nervous school kid. “I’m the entertainment for Dave’s party.” “Oh! You’re here for the strip and jerk show!” Jax eyed Max as far down as the window would allow. “You are definitely hotter than the last dude they hired. Go ahead and come in and I’ll introduce you to Dave and take you to where you can set up.” Jax buzzed Max through the door and into the heart of the bath house. Motioning for the boy to follow, Jax strode nonchalantly down a maze of small dark hallways, filled with numbered doors, past half a dozen men wearing nothing but towels or less. Max would have run for it if he thought there was any chance he’d find the exit. Instead he kept his eyes on Jax’s broad shoulders in front of him as they descended a staircase into the pitch black basement. “This is your room for the night,” Jax unlocked a black door with the number 25 on it, revealing a small bedroom-type set-up with a twin bed, footlocker, flat-screen tv playing gay porn, and mirrors on two of the walls from floor to ceiling. “hang here for a second and I’ll let Dave know you’re here.” Max stood awkwardly in the center of the small room while he waited for Jax to come back, and he wished he’d had the forethought to hit his pipe before he came inside. “Dave just got here a little while ago and is still setting up, but you can get changed while we wait,” Jax reappeared, holding a couple towels, some Gatorades and some body-oil.”…unless you are wearing that for the show.” Max looked down at his hoodie, jeans and ratty sneaks, wishing he could get away with wearing them instead of what filled his duffle. Tony let him borrow some costumey outfits on his way here, and he dreaded the thought of a bunch of queers getting their rocks off watching him in them. He started to sweat when he realized they were paying to see a lot more than that. Noticing how pale the teen looked, Jax got him a gatorade and asked how he got the gig. “I dunno man, it just fell in my lap I guess,” Max sat on the bed and chugged from the bottle as he recalled how he ended up there. “I was hanging with my de-, um my bud, and I owed him some green but I am broke cause of school and my transmission busting and shit. I have been dancing at a club downtown on ladies night and the tips are awesome, so I told him he could have his cash next week but he said he could set me up to do a private gig for twice what I get at the club. I figured he meant a bachelorette party or some shit like that. I never would have agreed if I knew it was for a bunch of dude, but I am too broke to say no.” ”I feel ya dude,” Jax closed the door and sat on the other end of the bed, smiling at the sight of the kid downing the drink laced with ghb. “Why do you think I work here on weekends, on top of my 9 to 5 job? This gig allows me some spare change for recreational purposes. Otherwise I’d be a fucking nun, staying in nights and never getting any pussy.” “That sucks bro,” Max was relaxing noticeably, from both the g and the conversation. Hearing Jax mention pussy made his more at ease, not understanding that Jax wasn’t referring to girls. Assuming his new friend was straight like him, Max stood up, kicked off his shoes, and tossed off his hoodie revealing just how low his jeans were sagging. There were 3 or more inches from the top of the pants up to the white waist band of his calvin klein boxer-briefs, which sat just below a sleeveless t-shirt showing off his buff arms. Jax oogled the teen beefcake as he began searching the duffle for something to wear. “I can’t imagine being stuck here with a bunch of pervy homos trying to mack on your ass all the time. I could barely convince myself to do this one night!” “It’s not so bad Max” Jax tried to contain himself as the kid pulled out various skimpy costumes and a couple pairs of thongs and jocks. “The money is good and tax free, plus I occasionally make a little extra by letting a dude blow me or jerk me off. I bet you could double your take if you tried it.” “I ain’t a fag,” Max stopped sorting the gear from his bag and gave Jax a very serious look. Jax almost burst out laughing at the sight of the young man denouncing gays while standing in a gay bath house, laying out tear away clothing, wearing only his sleeveless tee, boxer-briefs, and sagging jeans. “If you wanna do some gay shit, that’s your business, but I’m only here cause Tony will kill me if I don’t come back with what I owe him.” “That’s cool, just telling you what some of the guys might offer,” Jax replied, defusing the tension by picking up a shiny green g-string and twirling it around his finger. “Especially when you swish around in this pretty pair of panties.” “Fuck that shit,” Max said, joining the laughter. “I might have to get naked for these queens but I’m not doing a drag show first. I better hide all the girly shit from Dave when he tells me which one I should wear.” As Max returned the green g-string and some equally frilly gear to the duffle, he accidentally knocked a small cloth bag out, which spilled open on the bed. “You know you’re not supposed to bring that in here, right?” Jax picked up the pipe and bag of crystals that had escaped from the cloth sack and gave his best fake-mad stare. “Shit man, that’s not mine, it must have been in with the outfits!” Max went ghostly white and stammered excuses before Jax finally laughed and handed them back to the terrified teen. “I’m just fucking with ya Max.” Jax slapped him on the back and ruffled his hair, but Max stayed stiff and silent. “I told you I work here to pay for recreation, which is my discreet way of saying I enjoy partying sometimes too. Just make sure to keep that someplace outta sight and only smoke in here or another private room, cause not everyone is as understanding as I am.” You got it Jax. I’ll be super sneaky I swear man.” Max promised while the color returned to his cheeks. He went to put the pipe back in its bag, but stopped short. “You sure it is cool if I smoke in here? I could really use a pick me up before I meet this Dave guy.” “If you are down, I’d love to match bowls real quick.” Jax reached into his back pocket and pulled out his own pipe, and the two men quickly loaded two large bowls. Simultaneously, Max and Jax lit their lighters and melted the tina in their pipes, sucking in smoke and blowing out huge clouds. Jax insisted Max try his supply, so they took turns on each pipe, and before long, each man was high as a kite. “That’s good shit,” Max complimented his smoking-partner’s stash while they packed away the paraphernalia. “But now I’m fucking sweaty as fuck. Wish I could shower before I get into one of these get-ups.” Jax explained that was no problem as long as Max understood that he’d have to undress here, and take his towel with him to the communal showers, which caused Max to hesitate. Jax assured him he wouldn’t get raped, and told him where the least used showers were, but Max wouldn’t go until Jax gave in and allowed Max to bend the rules and where his boxer briefs. With that, Max stripped off his shirt, revealing his firm pecs, tight abs, and smooth skin except for a fine blonde treasure trail. The jeans were next, and Jax was happy to see his muscular thighs and calves were also covered in blonde hair. Tossing the towel over his shoulder and sliding the room key onto his wrist with the convenient elastic band, the teen stud followed Jax to the showers before the clerk left him to retrieve more Gatorade and check that the other employees were holding down the fort while he played tour guide to the hired meat. Taking the shower in the furthest corner from the entrance allowed Max some privacy from guys walking by, but he did end up sharing the shower with another guest before he had a chance to finish. Carefully turned into the corner, Max tried not to show any interest in his shower-mate, but couldn’t help sneak a glance at the short buff latino’s uncut meat. Max was a big talker when it came to sex but he’d only been with three girls and never actually seen a dick other than his own and his two best friends when they used to go skinny dipping. Even during his years on various sports teams, Max always had separate showers and private changing stalls in his school locker rooms. The temptation proved too great once the man closed his eyes to soap his face, and Max took a good long look at the foreign entity between the other man’s legs. His face went scarlet when he looked up from the thick dark cock and caught the smile on the face of its owner. Rinsing off faster than anyone ever before him, Max was dashing out of the showers in under a minute, trying not to fall as he dripped water all the way back to his room. “You could have dried off there you know.” Jax was waiting at the door to the room with more drinks and a tv remote so he could change the porn to the only straight option they played. “Sorry bro,” Max let them in and focused on drying off, not noticing Jax, facing the tv, but using the mirrors to check out the boy’s silhouetted dick and ass through the wet, transparent undies. He feigned trouble with the remote to cover his glances as the damp calvins dropped to the concrete floor, giving Jax an eye full of Max’s soft 4 inch cut dick, small blonde pube patch, and lowhanging naturally smooth balls. Max turned and bent down over the duffle to pull out some clean underwear, exposing his round, firm butt covered in the lightest dusting of peach fuzz, which made Jax stiffen in his sweat shorts. Luckily he was wearing his best jock, so he knew he could keep it under wraps unless he reached his full 8 ½ inches, which might have happened if Max hadn’t broken the trance by sliding a pair of black briefs over his naughty bits. The two guys proceeded to smoke another bowl as Max downed a second Gatorade laced with g, while a big-breasted brunette took on five guys on the tv screen. Jax was considering slipping a larger dose into the drink and raping the boy then and there, when a knock interrupted his fantasizing. Max asked who it was, and Dave responded “the guy with your money,” causing Max to jump up and let him in. With the amount he was being paid, Max expected a fat troll. Instead a 6’ tall handsome, muscular but not too defined, fuzzy Italian man with black hair in his forties walked in, causing Max to wonder why such a normal, even attractive, man would want to pay a guy to strip and jerk off for him. Jax left the two of them to finalize the plans for the performance, heading off down the hall and into a room marked ‘employees only.’ “Wow, Tony wasn’t exaggerating,” Dave said as he unashamedly walked a circle around Max and scoped out every inch of what he was buying. “It is almost too bad you have to get dressed before the show, because those briefs are getting me hard. Oh well. Speaking of which, what did you bring to wear?” “I laid out a bunch of the stuff Tony leant me,” Max volunteered. His manner was much more relaxed now, with no shame about showing Dave what he had. Dave knew this was probably due to the ghb and tina he’d instructed Jax to give the boy, but Max just figured he was comfy with Dave because he was a masculine, average joe-type. He pointed out uniforms for a cop, fireman and boy scout, as well as some mix-and-match gear which could be used to make him look like a construction worker or leather-enthusiast. Dave was unimpressed with most of it, so he dumped out the duffle bag on the bed, mixing the costumes with Max’s stuff. “Holy shit boy,” dave exclaimed as he pulled a wrestling singlet, pads and jockstrap out of the pile. “Why were you hiding this?” “That’s not a costume, that’s my wrestling uniform for school. I forgot it was in the bag when I grabbed it to take to Tony’s.” Max said, oblivious to the idea that someone might be interested in seeing his buff, tight body wrapped in skin tight green and black spandex. “That’s the one! Just wear one of Tony’s jockstraps instead of your usual one. No one will be able to see your cock through an athletic cup.” Dave handed Max the singlet, helmet, pads, shoes, jock and an envelope with half of his payment for the evening. “You have thirty minutes to get your cock fluffed, get dressed and meet me at the stairs to head up to the tv room where you’ll be performing. Once you get on stage you can do up to a fifteen minute strip show, but no less than ten. Then you’ll be groping jerking and fingering for the rest of the 30 minutes. If you can oil yourself up as you strip that would be great, or you can let one of the audience do it for you. You will get the rest of the money once you have shot your load. There will be a few guys who would toss you a few extra hundreds if you shoot in their mouth, on their face or chest or let them touch you when you jizz. You need any Viagra or a cock ring or anything to help keep your cock up?” “Um, I don’t think so.” Max began to worry again. No one had warned him about the restrictions, and it wasn’t even a possibility until that second that he might not be able to get it up. “Maybe I’ll take the Viagra, just in case.” “Good idea,” Dave chuckled and pulled his towel off. Underneath was the tiniest pair of blue athletic shorts with white piping, known to man. Reaching into the pocket, he pulled out a little blue pill, a leather cock ring with silver snaps, and a bottle of lube. “Take this now, then go do a quick enema to make sure your asshole is clean. There is plastic tubing and water spigots in the stalls by the showers. Then come back here, get your dick hard, and put on the cock ring. Once it is on, your dick will get soft but not smaller. Then hop in that singlet and I’ll see you by the stairs.” Max didn’t have time to ask why he needed the enema before Dave was out the door, but he often administered one before a match to get down a weight class, so he knew what to do. Popping the pill and sliding his briefs back on, he made his way back to the shower area and spotted the stalls. There were a lot more guys around the bath house now than when he arrived, but Max was on a mission, so he didn’t stop to wonder about it. After he was sure he was clean inside and out, he headed back to the room, squirted a generous amount of lube onto both palms and plopped down on the mattress to get his dick up. The video had progressed to a scene where a petite asian girl was being gang banged by 8 hung white and black men, with dicks in every hole, and sometimes two in a single hole. Max’s cock went from flaccid to fully erect in no time, achieving its full 7 and a half inch glory. As the asian slut begged for more cock in her ass and pussy, curiosity got the best of Max, and his right middle finger slid slowly into his virgin crack, teasing his asshole as it had on the rare night when he felt particularly horny. The last time it happened, Max was jerking off at home after a party where his girlfriend had spent the whole night grinding against his cock through his khakis. He’d had a few too many by the end of the evening, and there in his bed he couldn’t quite get hard enough to cum. One teasing finger slowly penetrated his sphincter that night in the dark. It was joined shortly by a second finger, thrusting just deep enough to hit his prostate and blast a huge load all over his chin, neck and chest. Every time he’d played down there he vowed never again, and every time he went a little further. As he remembered the euphoric feeling of the last orgasm, his lubed finger punctured the tight hole, eliciting a drop of pre-cum out of his pisshole. The clock next to the tv caught his eye causing him to pull the finger out since he only had five minutes until he had to be on stage. Carefully gathering his hard dick and big balls in one hand, he snapped on the cock ring and quickly admired how big it made his dick look in the mirror. All his practice getting into uniform after weigh-ins payed off as he shimmied into a black jock strap with a white, semi-transparent pouch, followed by his singlet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, and helmet. He almost forgot the lube and oil, but slid them into his elbow pad before grabbing the key and towel and dashing to the stairs. “Right on time.” Dave said, now wearing only a leather cock ring, leather vest and boots. They began up the stairs, as the sound of excited men’s chatter grew louder. “The gang’s all here. I know Tony told you ten to twelve guys, but once I sent out the link with your body pics from the club downtown, we had some added interest. I’ll throw in an extra $500, cool? “Yeah man, whatever.” Max felt like he was floating, rushing and calm all at once, just like before a wrestling match, only better. The crowd noise sounded just like the fans during a meet, tricking his brain and making him forget to hold his towel in front of the obscene bulge in his singlet. “Just tell me where to go and I’m ready.” “I can tell,” Dave said as they turned a corner and stopped in front of a curtain. He reached out and rubbed Max’s muscles just like his coach at school before a match, with a few added strokes along the outline of his cock. “Once you hear your name announced, pull the curtain, hop up on the platform and get going. Do some poses, maybe a wrestling stance or two, then show us what you can do. You’ll get better tips if you go out into the audience a little, but don’t stay out there. They’ll never let you go. ” Dave stepped into the room beyond the curtain, and Max was left alone in the hallway. One last thought of running came to mind, but then a voice came over the speaker and asked the crowd to give it up for wrestling champ Max Rider. The cheer that went up was gigantic, and Max forgot all about running. Rushing through the curtain, he took two long strides and jumped up onto the stage. Max was caught off guard by the fact that it ran the length of the entire room, about 30 feet, but was only 4 feet deep. The wall behind him was mirrored head to toe, with six huge flat screen suspended above, all showing Max from a different angle. The music blasted as the crowd began hooting and hollering. The spotlight in the corner effectively left max blind, but he was sure there had to be at least 40 guys there just based on the shadows and voices he could make out. Ignoring his anxiety, he began by flexing his arms, chest, legs and butt. Once he’d gotten some significant applause, he got down into a wrestling pose and did a take down on the pole located at the far end of the stage. Hearing the guys whistle and clap seemed to make Max excited, in all senses of the word. His cock was about ¾ hard the entire time and working its way to full steam. After tossing in some tumbling and a handstand transforming into walking on his hands, he was running out of moves. Looking up at the tv over his head, Max was relieved to see they had a timer in the corner for how long he’d been up there, which just hit 7 minutes as he watched. “Enough stalling stud! Take it off!” came from the gallery. Do or die time. Max started by peeling away the shoulder straps of his singlet, followed by the helmet and elbow pads. He kept the knee pads on and did a running slide on them to the opposite side of the stage. The next five minutes were some of the most terrifying and thrilling of Max’s life. Once he got the singlet to his waist, he grabbed the oil and hopped into the front row and asked who wanted to oil his chest. The winner was a 20-something thin guy who had a gigantic dick and kept trying to get Max to touch it as he oiled his chest. Another audience member got excited and hoped up and did his shoulders and back, leading to a third guy reaching out, grabbing the singlet, and taking it down to Max’s ankles in one foul swoop. This was too much, so max hopped back on the stage and finished his legs himself. Somewhere in his mind he knew he wasn’t totally in control, and it was only reinforced when Dave climbed up next to him and insisted he be the one to oil up Max’s ass, and max didn’t argue. “Bend over and grab your ankles,” Dave ordered. Max did as he was told and felt as two large, rough Italian hands spread the oil up the back of his thighs, over his cheeks and into his ass crack. He tried to stand up, but Dave pushed him back to a bent position, then spread his ass and oiled the crack for at least a minute, teasing and pressing against the hole. His finger might have gone in if Max hadn’t regained his senses and pulled Dave’s leg out, getting him in a wrestling hold. The audience loved it, and apparently so did Max’s cock, as it was stone hard and dripping. “I’ll give you an extra hundred if you let me peel the jock off with my teeth,” Dave whispered so only Max could hear it. Max released Dave from the hold and stood up, nodding yes. Dave took his sweet time, running his scruffy cheek and lips over the jock before biting the waist band, and slowly dragging it down over the thick pink boy dick. Once the cock head cleared the elastic, it sprang up, flinging a string of precum into the audience. Somehow the teen wrestler with the pulsing pink dick, wearing only knee pads, wrestling shoes and a cock ring got the entire crowd to shut up. Max closed his eyes and began to rub his hands over his chest and abs. Once they were good and oily, he slowly reached down and began to work his dick and balls. As he got closer to cumming, the noise got louder. By the time his half hour was ending, he was still not quite there. A thought came to him and he jumped on it before he realized what he was doing. He turned around, dropped to his knees and spread his legs as far as he could, leaning his face against the mirror. Reaching back he slid one finger down the crack of his ass, circled the hole twice, then rammed it all the way in. He had only seconds until his load would come charging out, but with no other options, he simply threw his shoulders back until they hit the stage, with his head hanging off into the audience. Two strokes of his dick and one thrust of his finger and the explosion began, shooting over his body and into the first row of men. Groans and cheers surrounded him, many of his audience shooting their own load without Max ever knowing it. The next few minutes remain a haze in his memory, but Dave was proud to see the embarrassed straight boy lose himself in the moment, get up, wag his cock at the audience, collect his wrestling gear, and take a bow before rushing off to hide in his room. Back in the basement, Max was spinning faster than a tilt-a-whirl, half of his body tweaking from the tina, and half unable to move from the ghb. He answered a knock at the door to find a very happy Dave. “Fantastic show Max,” He pulled him into a hug, not caring about the sweat, oil, and cum all over Max’s chest. “Here’s the rest of the money plus a generous tip. You were the best I’ve ever seen! Any chance you’d consider doing more stuff for a lot more money?” “No way dude!” Max pulled away and grabbed his towel to cover his nudity and shame. “I can’t believe I did that stuff! I’m gonna shower, get dressed and go home.” “That’s fine. Too bad you can’t stick around though because a buddy of mine wanted to give you a t-shirt of tina as his tip. Room 30 if you change your mind.” Dave knew a new druggie when he saw one, and Tony told him how Max had gone from one purchase every few months to twice a week. He’d specifically given him more than he could possibly afford, knowing he’d be desperate for more and all too willing to exchange his virtue for some cash and crystal. “I…I’ll think about it man.” Max pushed Dave out of the room and disappeared to the showers, washing as fast as his ghb-ed brain could manage. Most of the men in the club were still upstairs so he managed to get clean and back to his room with only two guys making a grab for his cock and ass. When the door shut behind him, he whipped out his pipe and was horrified to see he had smoked most of his stash with Jax before the show. He took a couple big hits and decided to stop by Dave’s room just for the tina. He slid on his briefs and jeans, but couldn’t find his shirt. Knocking at the door, he could hear multiple voices talking in hushed tones. When it opened, Dave, Jax and another tall muscular man were inside, all stripped down to their underwear, including Jax, who had finished his shift. Dave, now in a leather jock with a tear away pouch, introduced Max to Sam, the third guy, who bore a striking resemblance to a wwe wrestler that Max couldn’t quite place. He was built buff and broad like Jax and Dave, but was smooth and had a small belly. Max thought the belly looked good on him, hot even, before remembering why he was there. “Of course Max, I have it right here.” Sam reached under a pillow on the be near him, which made Max notice that this room was much bigger than his, containing a weight bench, some sort of chair suspended from the ceiling and a queen size bed. “Wanna join us for a bowl?” “I guess.” Max was handed the clear glass pipe, but Sam lit the torch and cooked the bowl, forcing him to take a huge hit. He coughed and sputtered and Jax appeared next to him, guiding him to take a seat on the bed between he and Dave, who handed him a bottle of Gatorade to help with the choking. The liquid tasted a little funny, Max’s thought, but downed the entire bottle in a few minutes, while the pipe continued to make the rounds. At first Max was involved in the conversation, but soon found it hard to concentrate. Before he knew what was happening, he was agreeing to let Dave take some photos of him for some extra cash. Jax and Sam helped him to his feet and encouraged him to take off his jeans. He argued for a minute, but must have lost as Sam was sliding them down his legs. Jax had some sort of lightbulb moment and disappeared as Dave and Sam told Max where to sit or stand and what to do. Jax returned with some of the jocks and costume pieces from Max’s room, and helped Max to change into some of them for different shots. Max could hear a voice in his mind telling him this was gay and to run away from these fags, but it was so quiet and the guys were so commanding that Max couldn’t help but give in after every time he argued with them. Once they had shots of him in a bunch of different undies, Dave made a snide comment about how sad it was to see a young guy who couldn’t get it up.Max looked down to his crotch and realized he was soft. Embarrassed, he insisted he could get hard, he just needed a few minutes to jerk off with the porno. “Okay stud, here’s some lube and the tv is right over the bed there.” Dave directed Max’s drugged form to the bed and peeled away the last pair of undies, leaving him nude. “Take your time and get hard while I get some shots of Jax on the weights.” Watching the porn and laying down brought Max back some, allowing him to focus on working his pink dick and balls. In a few minutes he was almost fully hard, but couldn’t seem to get that last little push to full mast. Checking to make sure the other guys weren’t watching, he snuck his finger between his legs and poked at his hole. He worked it in to the second knuckle before he was interrupted. “Looks like Straight Max likes it up the ass,” Sam had turned around and was pointing out Max’s finger play to the others. “Nah man, I just don’t feel right,” Max interjected in his defense. “It’s like I am drunk or something.” “Oh damn, you must have gotten the Gatorade with the ghb be in it,” Jax postulated, knowing full well he had been feeding it to Max all night. The last bottle contained enough that Max was finally letting go, allowing for the next step in Dave’s plan. Max seemed worried but they assured him he’d be fine. “No wonder you need a little fingering to get it up man,” Sam sympathized. “but it’ll work faster if you do a little booty bump to get your ass warmed up.” “What’s that?” Max asked as Dave took a large crystal from the bag and placed it on the end of his lubed finger. “It’s just like smoking a bowl, but it will help get you horny.” Dave said, as Sam pulled Max’s legs open. “I’m gonna put it in this time cause you don’t know how and you might mess it up.” “Wait man, I don’t---UHHHN.” Max groaned as Dave replaced Max’s small finger with two of his thick meaty digits. Max tried to pull away, but Sam held him fast as Dave pushed the big rock as deep into his virgin ass as he could. With his free hand, Dave began stroking Max’s cock, ignoring Max’s feeble pleas for him to stop. A burning sensation deep in Max’s hole made him moan, which Jax decided to mute by taking off the white briefs he was wearing and shoving them in Max’s mouth. Much to his own disgust, the booty bump did the trick and Max was hard as a rock in minutes, leaking copious amounts of seminal fluid and suddenly hungry for another finger in his hole. Dave could see the fight fading out of Max’s eyes, and began working his fingers back and forth. The crystal had dissolved entirely by that point, and Max was primed for the cherry-popping. Jax pulled the briefs from max’s mouth and, as expected, he only moaned. The three men shared a look and a smile between them, acknowledging the rape they were about to commit. Sam released Max’s legs and moved to the end of the bed, where he set up a camera. Jax reached up to the head of the bed under a pillow and pulled out poppers, a butt plug, a huge bottle of lube, some adjustable cock rings and a cock pump. Dave stayed put, working Max’s hole, but releasing his cock to Jax who lubed it up and slid it into the cock pump. While their teen victim’s cock was pumped bigger than ever, Dave reached back and pulled at the snaps on the pouch containing his cock. Max could just barely see over the end of the bed when he raised his head, and began to squirm again once he saw the 9 inch uncut monster Dave was lubing up. “Don’t worry about that Max,” Dave leaned in and whispered to the stoned boy. “Sam’s got at least two inches on me. That’s why I am going before him.” Max jerked his head to where Sam was filming the action, and sure enough, stroking his 11” cut monster dick. The head alone was enough to split Max down the center, let alone the thick, veiny shaft. Max wanted desperately to push them off and make a run for it, but instead he got a shotgun hit of tina from Jax’s goateed mouth, followed by his first man-on-man kiss. His mind was screaming “disgusting,” but his body leaned into it and kissed back. “Fuck yeah, he’s ready.” Jax told Dave, who was coating his dick with tina-laced lube. Afraid for his life, Max tried with all his might to over-power the urge in his loins telling him to do it. It might have worked, except Dave simultaneously pulled his fingers from Max’s ass. “Don’t!” Max moaned, reaching out to try and stop Dave from depriving his hungry hole of something to fill it. “Put it back.” “Damn, this boy IS ready.” Sam said, laughing and moving in closer to get a good shot of Dave pulling Max to the end of the bed and putting Max’s legs up against his shoulders. “Give it to him Davey-boy.” “Don’t worry Maxwell, I’ve got something your ass will like even more.” Dave promised while working back his foreskin, pressing the head to the virgin hole, and leaning in. “FUCK!” Max screamed. His body shot back to almost total control, but Jax was prepared, holding Max down as one, two, three, six inches sank into his no-longer-virgin cunt. The men knew every boy’s first fuck was hard, and they were prepared to make sure this deflowering happened whether Max wanted it or not. “Take it out man! Jesus! Get off me you fucking faggot!” “You’ll regret that bitch,” Dave growled like an animal and started thrusting in and out, faster and deeper with each stroke. Within five strokes he was balls deep. Within fifteen strokes, he was up to a steady rhythm. By the 25th stroke, he was pounding Max like the whore he was meant to be. ‘No’s and cries for help were replaced with sobs, which turned to grunts, eventually becoming moans and whimpers, until Max was able to form words again. “Yeah. Fuck. That. Hole. Dave.” Max urged his rapist on. He felt guilt, shame and disgust at the core of his being. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized he was asking a man to fuck him like some two dollar prostitute. He also felt the most satisfying, complete physical sensation he’d ever known, like a constant orgasm, coming directly from where Dave’s cock head bottomed out in Max’s butt. “That’s right Max, you’re mine now. You’re nothing but a bottom bitch cumdump from now on. You’ll try to fight it after you leave tonight, but I guarantee you’ll be back in a week or two, pretending you haven’t spent every day dreaming about having me breed you again. Maybe you’ll even get a girlfriend to play house with, but she’ll just be keeping you busy until you have a man shooting inside you again.” Dave was now up on the bed, fucking Max so hard that his shoulders where next to his ears. Jax had to remove the cock pump because it was hitting Max in the face everytime Dave buried his dick balls deep in Max’s boyhole. “Open your eyes and look at me Maxwell. Good, now tell me you want me to cum in your ass. DO IT!” “Cum…Cum in my…” Max wanted it but admitting it out loud would take away the last straw of dignity he had. “Say it or I pull out right now and you’ll never have a dick inside you ever again,” Dave stopped his pounding and rammed his cock as deep as he could and held perfectly still waiting for an answer. Max was silent until Dave began to withdraw his massive meat, motivating Max to make the rightchoice. “Cum in my ass sir, please! I need you to cum in my ass right now!” Max screamed, reaching up to grab Dave’s hips and pull him back into the hole. “You asked for it.” Dave resumed pounding, kicking it up to top speed for the longest minute of Max’s life, a minute that Max wanted to continue forever. “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK. HERE I CUUUUUUMMMM!” Dave forced his dick a fraction of an inch deeper than the deepest he’d gone and flooded Max with two weeks of tina-filled cum. He tried to count how many pumps of sperm he unloaded in the sweet boy hole, but lost could around 18, which was somewhere near the middle. Once the last drip had worked its way out of his piss slit, he slowly retreated until only the head of his considerable cock remained lodged just inside Max.”Come take my place quick Jax.” Jax did as requested, hoping off the bed and sidling up as close as possible. Max moaned when Dave’s angry read cock head finally popped out, but settled down an instant later with Jax continuing where Dave left off. Dissatisfied with the position he was fucking his new toy, Jax thrust his muscular arms under Max’s shoulders and pulled his body up off the bed, fucking as they walked over to the weight bench, which was set on an incline. Once there, Jax spun Max’s legs until the boy was face down with his head downhill from his hole. Max lost track of time as he gave in to the bliss he felt with every thrust. He didn’t even object as Sam stuffed his mouth full of the giant dick that would eventually destroy his spermy, sloppy butt. “Here cums load number two. Take it Max!” Jax 8 ½ inches swelled and throbbed as he added another pint of baby batter to the straight cum receptacle he had schemed, drugged and abused. Jax knew at the moment of his orgasm that he had done the right thing. Max asked for more when Jax slid out with an audible pop, and then he remembered who was next in line. Dave was now working the camera as Jax jimmied the butt plug into max, and then helped him up and walked him over to the suspended chair the men called a “sling.” With Sam on his right and Jax on his left, they hoisted him into the leather contraption, and secured his arms and legs, before unplugging his ass. He was about to ask why they did that when Sam inserted 2/3rds of his massive meat into the boy in one thrust. Max screamed and passed out for a few minutes. When he awoke, Sam was all the way in, and Max was getting shotgun hits of tina from Jax and Dave. Max never did get used to the length and girth of the horse cock rearranging his organs, but he did beg for every inch of it when Sam got ready to shoot. There was no one left to fill Max after he received the third load, or so he thought. “Sam and I are headed to the shower, but we’re leaving the door open and Jax will be running the camera.” Dave told Max while force feeding him more ghb. “Sam stuffed another rock up your dirty hole, and it should kick in just in time for the news to spread that our straight stripper boy is open for loading. I expect you to have at least two more loads by the time I get back.” Max struggled against his bonds and begged for them not to do it as the g kicked in. They did it anyway.
    2 points
  3. Absolutely. Doesn't come close to comparing. True.. Some of it is mental for me, as I'm sure it is with most guys. The connection is so much more intense. A condom can mess up the rythm of the fuck. Making sure it's on. Not torn.. Bare? Fuck away.. No worries about it. And the top can most definitely feel the warmth of the hole much better.. So yeah... Hell of a difference on so many levels.
    2 points
  4. "A new wrinkle." I repeated, intrigued to say the least. "What would that be?" Jesse walked over to me and stroked my face. "We'll get to the new wrinkle soon, but first I need to ask you something. Since we're startin to come down, it's time to refresh our tweak. Do you slam?" "Slam, snort, smoke, booty bump, any way you wanna do it is fine with me!" I replied. "If there are no objections, a freaky thing I like to do is lick a guy's slam site. The manstink is starting to fade, so maybe we can shut the a/c for a bit. Now, what's this new wrinkle?" "This time, you'll pick 2 guys from the sock." Jesse said. "I figure a decent slam will get you tweaked enough to handle 2 of us. Lemar, shut off the a/c, Eliot needs more manstink! Have you ever been spitroasted?" "What kind of a pig would I be if I'd never been spitroasted?" I chuckled. "Maybe for our last bit of play, 2 of you can doublefuck me. Been ages since I had that, but I don't want my hole stretched while you all need to fuck it. Is it okay if I add a new wrinkle to my decent slam?" "You haven't asked for anything we wouldn't wanna do or try so far." Jesse said. "I don't mind you lickin my slam site, but I won't speak for the others. So, what's your new wrinkle?" "Rather than 1 point with a decent slam, can we divide it into 2 with a point in each arm, or add a 3rd point for a booty bump?" I asked. "Of course, I don't know how many points you have, so it might not be possible." "We have more than enough points for your new wrinkle." Jesse said. "The way your mind works, I'm guessing you want the slams and the booty bump all at the same time. So the 2 guys you pick can slam your arms and your buddy Curtis can give you the booty bump, since his cum is up your ass already. That leaves 2 guys to hold your legs up." I pulled Jesse close to me, grabbed his cock and gave him a wet kiss. "You guys are making me 1 happy freak! I went to the abs thinkin I'd suck some cock and maybe fuck or get fucked, but this is beyond my expectations. Do you want me to pick the 2 guys now or wait until the slams are prepared?" "Now is as good a time as any." Jesse said. "With the 3 points we'll use on you, I have a total of 8 points to prepare and that will take a bit of time." Handing me the sock, he said, "Let's see who the lucky 2 will be!" Reaching into the sock, I took out 1 piece of paper. "Lucky man number 1 is, Jesse!" I said. Taking out another piece of paper, "Donelle, you're the 2nd man!" Grinning from ear to ear, Donelle said, "I don't think I could've waited any longer. Jesse is supposed to be next, but since he'll be busy gettin our slams ready, do you want my methpiss?" "Climb up on the bed and feed me!" I said and he did just that. He put his cockhead in my mouth and instantly began to piss. Being an accomplished pisspig, his heavy flow wasn't a problem. Not that I had any complaints, but I felt like Donelle fed me a quart of methpiss and it was like chuggin a beer, only more bitter and with a better kick. "Mmmm, that was hot!" Donelle said. "After tonight, I don't know if I'll ever be able to piss in a toilet again!" He kissed me and tasted his piss on my breath. "Eliot, if I can have yours, I think I want to try drinkin!" In his own subtle way, Donelle was courting me. "Jesse, you and me are gonna be busy and hopefully, I won't have to stop to take a piss. If you're sure you want to try, I'll let you have it. Curtis, can I ask you a personal question?" "After all the things we've done back in Brooklyn and here, you can ask me anything." He said. Squeezing his cock, I said, "Being the 1st guy you ever fucked is an honor and you fuck like a pro. Is there any specific reason you've been a total bottom all these years?" "There's a reason," He said, "and the reason is my older bro. Ty is 10 years older than me and he spent some time in the joint where he got used to fuckin ass. When he got out, he took my cherry the 1st night and kept it up til he left home. It was always all about him, but I learned that my ass can give me pleasure. Guys like you taught me about mutual pleasure and I think I chose you as my 1st fuck as my way of thanking you. Now you can answer a personal question. Where did sugarbuns come from?" "Honestly, it's how I thought of you the first time I had a taste of your sweet hole!" I replied. "Back in Brooklyn we never even exchanged names, so I didn't want to risk making you uncomfortable. After what we just did, maybe I need to call you Sir sugarbuns! Tell me, how is the old reststop?" "Aside from missing you, it's still the same." Curtis said. "I don't go as often as I used to since you left. Even now, people ask where the guy in the beat up Mercury is. Wait til I tell them!" "I used to look for your navy Chevy too." I confided. "Too often, you'd be busy when I first spotted you, but I knew the wait would be worth it. Are you like me, too slutty for monogamy?" "Never heard it put that way, but you hit the nail on the head!" He replied. "There are guys who hit me up regularly for a booty call, but I don't date, I just trick! Relationships are too complicated." "Believe me, you don't know the half of it!" I said. "After what I went through with my ex in an open relationship, it's nothing but fuckbuds and friends with benefits for me!" The last remark was meant for Donelle's ears. "Time for us to slam!" Jesse announced. To be continued
    2 points
  5. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    1 point
  6. Middle aged, professional male. The guy next door type that everybody likes. Very conservative looking. Live in a smaller town. All my friends and family are straight, conservative types. However I at a young age was attracted to cock, but hid my attraction for many years and didn't suck my first cock till age of 26. From there I couldn't get enough but it was always oral. I then met a guy who wanted to fuck me. I was so tight he had a hard time getting in and he started to lose his hard on,he got pissed at the situation and said screw it and slipped the condom off and pushed his raw cock into me, pounded me silly and shot his load inside me. From then on I was hooked. I wanted more and more cum inside my hole. I'm constantly worrying about catching something, ( I'm not a chaser). I try to go back to safe sex with condoms but it never sticks, I want raw cock. Why am I addicted to bareback sex? I take a break for awhile relieved my std test all come back neg and vow to not fuck raw again. That last about 2 weeks and when I fall off the wagon I fall hard, this last time I quit and came back I took 5 cocks and loads in one day and that still wasn't enough. Is this like a drug addiction? Do u need a 12 step program or what?
    1 point
  7. Here's a really hot story I found over on Gaydemon blog which has a decent story section you can search keywords to find stuff in I found this one searching for "bareback" warning if you're turned off by two brothers fucking do not read: http://www.gaydemon.com/stories/My_Gay_Younger_Brother_11080.html
    1 point
  8. Tyler’s Journey to the Dark Side This is the story of Tyler’s Journey to the dark side of sex and drugs. Although he was a junior in high school he was already 18. His parents split up when he was 14 and his father didn’t want anything to do with him. The men his mom dated after that never really filled in for a father figure and at 14 he was too old for the big brother program. He was the oldest of 4 kids with 3 younger sisters. Being the only male in a household of women wasn’t easy. They lived in a small 4 bedroom house in the suburbs. Tyler converted the basement of the house into a bedroom to allow his sisters to each have a room and to provide him a sanctuary from all the women in the house. His life did not give him much to be happy about. He soon began smoking pot. Tyler would spend all day in his basement bedroom getting high. Pot was becoming his escape. The more he got high, the more he began to think and wonder about himself and with his father rejecting him and the nagging of his mother and 3 younger sisters; he was turned off of dating anyone. He just could not stand women. He was scared he was gay and in suburbia he could be ridiculed by classmates. He turned to the internet for someone to talk to about his feeling. That’s when he met Adam. He was in a local gay chat room and Adam was there. Adam was 21 and lived in an apartment complex that was right next to the subdivision where he lived. What Tyler liked about Adam was that he didn’t seem like a stereotypical gay man. Adam said that he was masculine, played sports in high school and was into the outdoors. Tyler and Adam hit it off. The more that they talked the more Tyler accepted the thought he might be gay. Tyler learned that Adam lived whit his boyfriend, Justin. Justin was 25 and the two had been together for 5 years. Adam was very open with the fact that the two of them were also HIV+. Tyler knew about HIV and AIDS and was intrigued with both of these men. They chatted about what led each one to think he was gay and their first sexual experiences. That’s when Tyler admitted he was still a virgin, but he was ready to change that fact. They also chatted about pot and drug use. Tyler learned that both Adam and Justin not only smoked pot, but used other drugs too. Tyler was really intrigued, he had always wanted to experiment with other drugs, he just never knew who to ask, what to ask for and how to take them. Adam said he could fix that for Tyler. One day Adam invited Tyler over so that they all could finally meet face to face. To this point all they knew about each other was through chat and they developed a good friendship. They mad plans for Tyler to come over on a Friday night. This was the Friday when his mother took his sisters to see their paternal grand parents. They would be gone all weekend so he wouldn’t be missed. Right after his mom and sisters left he headed over to the apartment complex where the guys lived. Tyler had on an old pair of blue jeans pulled down so you could see the top half, an old t-shirt, pair of (untied) tennis shoes and a sweat shirt. After a short walk through the snow and found their building and buzzed them so he could be let in. As Tyler reached the third floor he found Adam waiting at the apartment door. Adam was about 6” tall, spiked blond hair and blues eyes. He was well toned and muscular from playing 4 years of high school football, baseball and volleyball. The two shook hands and Adam showed Tyler inside where he met Justin. Justin was a little taller then Adam but just as built. Tyler sat on they couch and so not to crowd the teen, Adam sat on the floor and Justin used a chair next to the couch. The couple looked at Tyler and was infatuated with this cute 18 year old. At 5’ 8”, with a slime frame he was lean. Justin commented on how cute Tyler was and that he’d have no problem finding a boyfriend. They then sat down and started to talk. They asked how much time Tyler had and both got an evil grin when Tyler told them that he had until Sunday night since his Mom and sisters were gone all weekend. The conversation continued and it didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to sex and drugs. Justin asked Tyler what his sexual experience has been and what drugs has he used. Tyler admitted that the only sex he has gotten was from his right hand and the only drug he has tried was pot. Tyler went on to say that he hope to fix all that tonight with the couple. Adam asked what drugs he was open to trying and he answered, what do you got? Justin pulled out a couple pills, first was a blue viagra and the second was a white ecstasy. Justin told Tyler to take 2 viagra and one ecstasy. Then Adam pulled out a joint, letting Tyler know that this was a “special” joint laced with Tina. They told Tyler that the viagra would offset the effect Tina had on getting your dick hard. As they smoke the joint, the couple made sure Tyler got plenty of gatorade to drink. They told Tyler that the gatorade would keep him hydrated. Then Justin pulled out a small vial and put a little into Tyler’s drink telling him that he was giving him some GHB. Tyler drank down his gatorade quickly and was enjoying all the feeling he was experiencing from the drugs he had taken to this point. He felt his 7” cock thicken as they talked about sex and it was evident to Adam and Justin that the viagra was working. Tyler then said something that grabbed the attention of the couple. He told them that ever since learning that they both were HIV+ he wanted to be exactly like them. Adam and Justin were a little stunned and asked if Tyler was certain he wanted to be poz like them. Tyler told them that he couldn’t get the thought of them pozzing him out of his mind. It’s all he thought about on the walk over and he gets very horny at the thought and now that they are in the same room he feels even hornier then ever at the thought of getting pozzed. No the couple had to know that it was the drugs that were making him feel even more horny then he had felt before, but with their drug hazed mind that didn’t enter their thoughts. They asked Tyler again if he was certain that’s what he wanted. All the kid said was ABSOLUTELY! The couple didn’t waste any time and quickly sat down next to the horny teen with Adam on one side and Justin on the other. The couple kissed as they began to play with their new toy. They started off both kissing Tyler and they let their hands roam all over him. They made sure to pay particular attention to the tent in his jeans. And with his jeans as low as he had them it was very easy to expose his hard cock through the piss slit in his boxers. Adam and Just slowly undressed Tyler as they undressed each other. In not time they had him down to his boxers as they had themselves totally naked. They guided Tyler to Justin’s hard, dripping 9” cock. The teen needed to instruction he knew what to do as he lowered his mouth down on Justin’s cock and began to suck. As Tyler worked on Justin’s cock, Adam gave him verbal instructions and before long he was nearly sucking cock like a pro. He would gag as the cock hit the back of his throat. Then Adam told him to breathe in deep through his nose as he went down. That did the trick and Justin’s cock slid into Tyler’s throat. After a good 5 minutes of sucking they repositioned Tyler so that he could get a taste of Adam’s 8” cock. With all that Adam had told Tyler, he was working Adam’s dick with much more expertise then he had Justin’s. The fact that Adam is not as long or as thick as Justin made it easier on its own. After a few minutes of Adam receiving pleasure from Tyler, he needed a little rest. The three continued to kiss and caress each other. Tyler broke off the kiss and asked if they were gona fuck or what. They paused for a moment and asked Tyler again if he was sure he wanted this, if he wanted to be given HIV, the prospect of taking pills his entire life and maybe dying in 20 years. Tyler didn’t even take a second to think about what he had just been told and answered with a FUCK YES! What Tyler didn’t know was that Adam and Justin had talked about pozzing the kid. The topic had dome up on several occasions and always ended up the same (well almost the same) with one fucking the other. Now was the moment, could they go through with the deed especially since Tyler is asking for it. The couple agreed that they needed to move this into one of the back bedrooms. Adam and Justin shared a two bedroom apartment, not for appearances but for the space. They walked by the master bedroom where the two slept to the back bedroom where they had their sling. Tyler was amazed at the contraption. They asked Tyler once more if he was sure about all this, Tyler just nodded. Justin then told Tyler to hope on in and relax. Tyler dropped his boxers and settled into the sling as Adam and Justin placed his wrists and ankles in restraints. Tyler asked what the restraints were for. Adam told him we’ve asked you several times if you are sure about us fucking you and pozzing you; this is to make sure you don’t change your mind at the last second. Justin added that they know he wants this. If he didn’t he would keep asking for them to poz him. They just want to make sure he goes through with this. Adam checks the restraints as Justin was out of Tyler view. Adam then fixed a bandana as a gag and gagged Tyler. When Justin came back into Tyler’s view he had a syringe filled with a clear liquid. Tyler looked up and the two and began to panic. Justin told him that if he was going to do this then they were going to do it right and make sure he got the bug. Adam placed a tourniquet around his arm and did the same to Justin. Tyler watched as Justin stuck the needle into his own arm and drew pack some blood. Then he did the same to Adam. Neither one received any of the clear fluid in the syringe. Adam then places a tourniquet on Tyler’s arm and held it down. They told Tyler that he better hold still so that he would not get seriously hurt. Tyler began to breathe very fast as Justin stuck him with the needle. Justin drew back a little bit of blood to make sure he hit the vein and then pushed all the liquid into Tyler’s vein. Justin said that he just gave Tyler a slam of Tina and soon he would be flying high and very horny. And with some of their blood mixed in there was no way of telling which one pozzed him and there was no turning back, Tyler was going to be as poz as they were. Adam removed the gag and all Tyler said was, oh my god, what the fuck did I agree to, what the fuck! Then Justin counted down, 3, 2, 1 and as he removed the tourniquet on 1 he then said BANG! They both watched as Tyler could feel the rush up his arm, into his chest then into his throat as Justin leaned in and kissed Tyler just as Tyler let out a cough and gasped for air. Justin could feel the change in the teen as they kissed. As the two kissed, Adam got between Tyler’s legs and began to lick and nibble on the drugged up teen’s ass. Tyler let out a moan into his kiss with Justin. The kiss continued with them exchanging spit back and forth while Adam continued to lube up Tyler’s hole. Just as Justin broke off the kiss, Adam was read to enter the teen’s virgin hole. Tyler locked eyes with Adam as he began to slid his cock in side his ass. Adam was gentle knowing this was the kid’s first fuck and Tyler was lucky that Adam was the one to break him in. With the slam taking full effect on Tyler Adam had no problem inching his way in side the teen’s formerly virgin hole. Once in side Adam began to slowly fuck Tyler. Making sure to his all the spots that make a young boy moan in pleasure. As Adam worked away, Justin slipped out of view to fix 2 slams for himself and Adam. He also made sure that they all had fresh viagra since he noticed that Tyler had become a little limp. Adam paused for a moment to take his viagra then continued to fuck Tyler. A few minutes later Justin returned with a slam for Adam. Once again Adam paused to get his slam and then began to fuck the teen harder. Soon he was like a rabbit fucking him when he yelled out that he was about to cum. One more good hard thrust and Adam grunted out FUCK and shot his load into Tyler. As Adam pulled out they all noticed that Tyler was rock hard again. Tyler asked if they would release his arms so he could jerk off while Justin fucked him. He was told no way, that keeping him hard and horny helped Tyler accept his new status. No possible way of cumming then having regrets. There would be time for him to cum later when he would fuck a final neg load into Adam. Justin wasted no time and would not allow any of Adam’s seed to drip from Tyler’s hole. He quickly rammed his full 9” into the kid as Adam gave Tyler another slam. Tyler was really flying now. He just wanted to have sex any way he could get it. Adam and Justin knew if they introduced Tyler to the drug scene it was only a mater of time before he would be pozzed. Justin was more viscous with his fuck then Adam was. He pounded away on Tyler’s hole; driving Adam’s cum deeper into the kid and making room for his own huge load to be deposited. Adam wasn’t finished either. His cock was springing back to life (thanks in part to the viagra and in part to watching Adam fuck). He walked over to Tyler’s head and taped his hard cock on the boy’s lips. Tyler knew what to do without a word being spoken. He opened his mouth and began to suck cock. Adam could tell Tyler was enjoying having a cock in both ends. Adam felt the moans around his cock as Justin fucked into Tyler. Justin fucked Tyler longer then Adam did. Then again Justin is vers/top where Adam is a vers/bttm. Justin knew Adam would not last long with Tyler sucking his cock like he was so he knew he needed to deposit his load soon. He began to grunt with every thrust. Adam had been on the receiving end of Justin’s cock to know he was close to cumming. Adam threw his head back and could feel his balls churning up. Then with a few more grunts Justin let loose a huge load of cum and slammed deep into Tyler; so deep he passed the second internal ring deep in side the boy’s gut. A few seconds later Adam looked down at Tyler as he was about to let loose his own load and told the boy just to swallow as he came. Adam made sure that Tyler had no choice but to swallow by holding a hand on the back of the kid’s head. A few seconds passed as they all were catching their breathes. Tyler finished swallowing Adam’s cum as Justin slowly pulled his cock from the boy’s hole quickly replacing it with a good size butt plug so that no cum would escape.
    1 point
  9. Pozing Rob Once my Dad and Dave had succeeded in loading me up with their poz seed, and I came down with the flu, though it was not the season for it, I knew it was now time for Rob’s conversion. Dad helped me through the sickness, (which was mercifully brief), and, in fact, had ensured it would take by filling my ass with every load he and Dave could get to cum out of their balls. After I recovered, I returned to the dorm and asked Rob if he was really sure he wanted to be Poz. “Dude, this is something that we will share for the rest of our lives. Something we can spread together and pass on. While you have been busy with your two poz daddies, I have been subtly asking around the wrestling team. Everyone in our division is either gay or bi. And not just the five of us freshman either! The two juniors, Jon and Seth, have been fucking each other since their freshman year; and sometimes they bring in a third guy to fuck with them. There are a few others in the other weight classes. Together we are gonna fuck them all, and spread our gift to all of the team. But first, you gotta give it to me. So let’s get naked, and get that poz cum in my ass!” I smiled at Rob as we both quickly stripped and jumped onto the bed we shared. I went to reach for the lube we keep on the stand, to find it missing. “Where’s the lube?” I asked. “No lube. You need to tear me up, gotta make sure it takes.” “Ok, but this might hurt.” “But it is going to be so worth it when we start sharing this around campus, buddy!” With that, I slid Rob’s legs back to expose his hole for my assault. My cock was already rock hard and had starting leaking my now toxic precum. I lined up the head with his tight hole, and looked into his eyes. I could see the want and lust in them as I quickly pushed all seven inches of my cock into his bare hole. He let out a groan of pain, and I saw the tears form at the corners of his eyes. Bu the grabbed my ass and kept pressure on it till I was firmly planted in his ass. I was purposefully rough with him for the initial fuck, drawing all the way out, then plunging quickly back in to his gaping hole. He didn’t want mercy for this fuck, and I was not going to give it to him; I was only going to give him my bug. Soon his groans of pain turned to moans of pleasure. I fucked him for as long as I could, but far too soon I felt my load building to release. A few more thrusts into his neg ass, and I was beyond the point of no return. “Here you go baby, my first poz load, and it is just for you!” With those words, I slammed my entire length into Rob and shot my first known charged load into another guy. It helped to know that he was wanting this from me as much as I was wanting to give it to him. We kissed deeply as my cock shot its charged load deep into his ass, and we kept kissing as my cock slowly deflated, but never got fully soft in his hole. Once I could, I began to fuck him again. My cock growing hard again in his ass, and my balls preparing another charged load to plant in him. We kept kissing all through the second fuck, a more gentile, loving fuck. The first fuck had already torn-up his ass, and made it receptive to the virus flowing in my cum. This fuck was for us, to cement the bond that would be forever with us. We might only be fuck buddies, but we were the best of fuck buddies, we were guys who would share DNA, who would be forever linked through a virus that we shared. All night long my cock stayed in Rob’s hole, never getting completely soft. I lost track of how many times I came in him. All I know was that when morning came, and I finally could cum no more and pulled out of him, the cum that was still on my cock was tinged pink and he was leaking slightly from all the cum in his ass. As we laid there, both basking in the glow of Rob having taken his first poz loads, we chatted a bit, and I asked “So, while I know you just took gallons of my cum, I was wondering if you would take more.” “I will keep taking your cum till I come down with the flu and am converted.” “I was thinking of not just my cum, but also maybe my Dad's cum. Since they converted me, they could help convert you too.” “You want the guys who pozzed you to also fuck me and breed me?” “Yea, I think it would be hot for us all to get together and both of us take their cocks and cum all night.” “You’d be there with me?” “Of course I would be there with you. You are my special friend, we’ll do so much together!” I said then kissed him again. When I broke the kiss he answered, saying "Let's do it." We got up, showered and got ready for classes. That afternoon I called Dad and told him I had bred Rob all night, and that he wanted both my father and Dave also to breed him. Dad was receptive to my proposal, and we scheduled the upcoming weekend for a get-together with Dad, Dave, Rob and me, during which they would fuck our brains out, just to make sure that we were both good and toxic to spread it to the other guys on the wrestling team, who, presumably, would spread it to others.
    1 point
  10. Easy...virgin! Especially if they are naturals, so as the evening progresses, you can turn up the intensity and in the end fuck them like a whore. Thing is: I can have 10 whores a week. Virgins are a challenge. There are far fewer. And then I have to get them to take my more-than-average-sized dick. Seeding a virgin for the first time is always a nice story to remember ... and jack off to. Taking over a untouched ass is very, very special. Because to me, what it's all about is having a nice sexual adventure. But it doesn't have to be a virgin, I like playing around (and seeing where the situation takes one) with an experienced, like-minded dude just as well. I've had great nights with total whores, where there was that personaly chemistry, openness and sense of adventure. The kind of nights where you wake up and think "Where am I, how did I get here... and man, what a ride!". So if whore means exploring the world of men and truly enjoying oneself without inhibitions, i.e. just being one of the guys who happens to enjoy sex a lot, well, that's more than fine by me. If whore means sending out 1000 messages like "Door is open, I'm waiting blindfolded on all fours, I just need to be filled" to more or less random guys online every night, ummmh,.... yeah,.... no thanks. If you can't tell the difference between promiscuity and indifference, well I'm not interested in you.
    1 point
  11. The first two scenes from TIM's Stick It Fuck It Breed It Leave It http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=mJLXv-G192-#.VAgESqFdXng
    1 point
  12. I get my three month on Prep test this week so I'll let you know how it goes! Def been taking loads way more...didn't actually consciously plan to actually take loads was "in case"... that lasted about a week lol
    1 point
  13. I've been on since April 2013. Since that time I've taken about 60 loads and been fucked by substantially more guys than that. Much of the fucking has been anonymous - at sex parties, bathhouses, etc. Sometimes I don't even see the guy - some guy will just start fucking me when I'm sucking some other guy, or I'm ass up and don't look back, or I'm blindfolded, etc. Needless to say I'm not asking their status. I've also fucked at least that many guys during that time, but that's much lower risk. 

I should add that I was getting fucked and going to sex parties and taking anonymous loads before going on PrEP. A year or so before I started PrEP I had sorta decided to "let it happen" (but it didn't happen). Prior to PrEP I took 43 loads in my ass. There wasn't quite as much anonymous sex before I went on PrEP. When I started taking loads I initially looked for undetectable tops - but clearly there was a risk. I didn't really start getting into taking anonymous dicks and loads until a few months before I started PrEP - I did a little here and there, but nothing regular. Oh, and I got the DNA test and I'm neither immune nor resistant. 

I haven't had as much sex as I would have liked this year - I'm only on track for 55 loads by the end of the year. I really wish I could get to 100, but don't see that happening. But maybe I can bump it up to 75 or so. Then next year bump it up yet again. And yeah, I'm still testing neg - the PrEP regimen makes you get tested every 3 months. AFAIK it would take an unmedicated top with a strain that's Truvada resistant to infect me. Given that I was just going to let it happen before I started PrEP I'm fine with becoming poz. There's no fear or anything. It's just I finally came to a point where my sex life was more important than staying neg. PrEP lets me do both. In a way I get to bug chase indefinitely – it's sorta fun. Just wish more poz tops were into "poz talk"
    1 point
  14. Ah, so a few nights ago I had a hot bear daddy come over. We had fun, we made out, I sucked him, and he fucked me in several different positions. His fat raw cock felt fucking great in me. It also helped me to realize that I still have submission too. I was constantly sucking his cock, licking his balls, nipples, anything I could to make him a happy and hard man. After several different positions and fucking for a long time I rode his cock and he came in me. Made out a bit more, chilled and bullshitted, and then he left. Great fuck. Last night I went out to the baths and got fucked by this one daddy type guy. Sucked his dick in the open area and bent over and took his cock. Later another daddy joined in and he told me that they were partners. I sucked his partner while the first daddy that fucked me fucked me some more. I turned around and his partner fucked me, and I sucked the other guy. His partner shot his load in me and I even got to fuck the first guy that I fucked for a little bit. Fun guys. I went to a bookstore after and sucked one guy through the glory hole, backed on his raw cock and let him fuck me for a while. He joined my booth after and he fucked me some more, I sucked him some too. I asked if he got fucked and he told me I did. I bent him over and shoved my raw cock in him and fucked him for a good while until I decided to breed him. Felt so fucking hot breeding and anonymous hole. I stayed in, kept fucking him some more and shot another load in him. He wasn't prepared for fucking though, but that's a risk you take sometimes, wasn't too bad. That was all the fun I had last night, but it was fun. Much needed fun.
    1 point
  15. bred this guy off grinder i been after... 25 tight body.. athletic little slut.... had two loads in him.... finally our schedules clicked and i went and used his amazing ass and blew a huge nut up him... pulled out... and left... didnt even clean off.... when i walked in i ate his hole a bit, i spread his cheeks and cum oozed out.... it tasted so good!!!! my dick is hard and leeky again thinking about it! hes neg on prep..... loves to take loads.. hoping to breed him at the bookstore!
    1 point
  16. I'm making sure he's feeling incredible.. However... I'm not about being used. I'm not just a hole to get someone off with. I want pleasure as well. I'm just as much of a human being as he is. I deserve to feel pleasure also. That said, I derive pleasure from pleasing the top. So..... If I make him feel good, the chances are I'm going to feel good. Oh... And I want his load. Take as long as you want.. Just leave me with your load in me.
    1 point
  17. Absolutely. I love to show off---and encourage other men to use the hole I'm fucking--for my felching pleasure....
    1 point
  18. I agree with all the previous comments. More power to you! Keep getting bred! As a top, I am truly grateful to men like you who love to bottom and take loads. If more people were as self-aware as you are, there would be a lot more sex happening in this world, and consequently, a lot less unhappiness. If you ever do get to a point where you feel that sex is controlling you and not the other way around, here's a thought shared with me many years ago by a friend at Stop AIDS. Paraphrased, Instead of setting absolute, permanent rules and getting upset if you break them, pick a more modest goal. Commit to doing something differently the next time you have the urge to get bred, rather than every time for the rest if your life!
    1 point
  19. There is a post by rawtopdad somewhere in here that addresses this very subject quite well..... I say get on Truvada,then do what you were born to do ....take mens raw cock in both of your holes and get loaded like a good cumslut bottom that you know you were born to be
    1 point
  20. When I am being fucked I am aware of all the sounds the top is making and the feel of the cock. When I feel a connection with the guy, really wanting him to enjoy the ride and cum in me, my excitement increases as his does, mine with the thought of taking the load, his with the thought of giving it. As his breathing gets more laboured so does mine with concentration. Waiting for the tell tale shudders and breaths, the swelling of the cock, the pace quickening and the pulsing and slowdown as he ejaculates in me. When he cums, it's like I share in the orgasmic high. More so if I cum then too, but the post orgasm euphoria is definitely shared. Sure if he pulls out, gets his breath back and slaps me on the arse in thanks before wandering off then I would be inclined to want more of the same. If he collapses on me and we start to kiss I will bask in the blissful glow and caress the top. After-service service as it were, get the guy coming back for more
    1 point
  21. NYC guy in SOBE - looking for gang bangs, group fucks, and tops looking for a bottom
    1 point
  22. my first gbang, my daddy used vaseline and anbesol on my cunt, was phenomenal, went all night, and guys took longer to cum, my cunt gaped for days.
    1 point
  23. I used to use vaseline when I was little to play with my hole, but it always left me feeling a little sore/raw/kinda burn-feeling. Nowadays I just used silicone lube, it's perfect for me.
    1 point
  24. Chia seeds apparently help with this (achieve a self-lubricating hole!)
    1 point
  25. I agree with a the others taking issue with "clean" Although, there can be some bit of a double standard with that, as we will sometimes reference breeding with a "dirty load." It's more of an offense when it is applied as a descriptor of the person as being "unclean"
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Thank you Tiger for that great reply. I just needed a place to get it off my chest. I know I can't stop and I don't think I really deep down want to stop. I yearn for it.
    1 point
  28. I used to be like you. I tried everything I could think of not to be gay. But I started sucking cock at 18 and getting fucked soon after. Same background. There is a 12 step program called Sex Addicts Anonymous and if you think it will help you, I say go for it. Or....you could realize that there is nothing wrong with you or your desires. The beautiful thing about it is that we are specifically made this way because there are men who were specifically made to fuck another man. They need us like we need them. Sure society has taught us it is wrong, immoral or whatever, but that is just ignornance. To offer your well prepped hole up to another man to breed takes a certain amount of enlightenment. And a great deal of self acceptance. Realizing we are part of the natural order of things helps us get there, and frees us from that guilt you feel after each binge, much like a drug addict. I am also at this point a middle aged professional. But I know that I am a bottom and that I am at my highest and best the second before a man lets his nut go inside me. Not to belittle myself in any way, or to denegrate any of my other traits and abilities, but at that moment is when I feel the most spiritual. Totally connected to the Universe. The only time close to that for me is when I am creating art. Sometimes that can be the same. Sometimes. Now, the disease issue is completely separate. When we take anonymous raw cocks, we take a risk. Fortunately now there is Prep (Truvada). If I were you I'd do that immediately. At least then you won't have to worry about HIV. There are other infections that are just part of the risk, but they are curable and/or treatable. You have to decide how much risk is comfortable for you. You can take raw cock without being a bath house whore (which by the way is a great thing to be from time to time-no judgement intended). You can develop a "stable" of regulars who will be happy to have an outlet for their own needs. That is what I do mostly. I do binge when I travel and I do that every 2-3 months, but now I am finding I am curbing my over indulgence out of respect and concern for those regulars. I do not want to pass anything on to them that I pick up during a binge. So far I have not. But as for the risk, you have to keep it in perspective. You risk being killed every time you drive your car. Does that fact keep you from driving? Planes crash on occasion. Does that keep you from flying? Let the tops you know be aware that you are there for them. And savor it when you earn their validation in the form of their seed inside you.
    1 point
  29. awesome start to the story - very hot ! MORE PLEASE
    1 point
  30. I just got in from an all night party. I was in a sling for several hours. I am told I took 16 loads. I lost count. I know my ass is a little puffy and swollen and I am still leaking cum. I know the guy in the sling next to me was a neg hole and a virgin to bb and he was being bred and pozzed and converted. We were all high on coke and T . He took over 24 loads I know he was in the sling for a few hours more than me. I did dump a load in him too after I got out of the sling. So I gave one load and took 16. I think the little virgin neg hole is gonna turn poz..he was bleeding when I stuck my cock up his hole and fucked him.
    1 point
  31. I started freaking out when I saw his cock. What did you do to me? He smiled and told me to relax. Do you feel any pain? No I don’t . That’s the rum I gave you along with some other things he said. What did you give me? Just some stuff to help you out of your shell, now clean my cock. He forced his cock into my mouth and I started to clean him. I tasted cum for the first time and blood it was not something I was used to tasting. Bull told me that this was just the beginning and he would help to transform me but first he had to make sure I was ready. I didn’t know what to think but I know I wanted more. He pulled his cock from my lips and went to fix me another drink. When he came back I couldn’t help but stare at the man I had jacked off thinking about so many times. I wanted him to use me again but he said for me to wait. I asked why and he said I looked like I needed to be more relaxed. While I downed the drink, he placed a DVD in to the player and turned on the TV. A hardcore porn started up and although I had seen some stuff on the internet I had never seen anything like this. I was hard again just watching the video and so was he. My inhabitation seemed to go away and with that I reached over and started licking his body. His cock was rock hard and poking me in the stomach as I lay between his legs. I was numb and needed him to use me again. I worked my way down to his cock and started licking and sucking on it. I wanted to get him fully in my mouth and was gagging on him as I tried. Spit was running from my mouth and snot from my nose. While I was sucking on him I felt him fingering my tender hole only barely noticing any pain but I did notice that he had about three fingers in me and that my hole was opening up more to them. I needed him to fuck me my ass felt like it needed a cock in it no it had to have a cock in it. When my hands were grabbed and handcuffed behind me was the first time I realized we were not alone and there was no way Bull’s fingers had been playing with my boi hole. I got startled and Bull got up off the floor. This naked guy walked over and kissed him then looked at me and said that bull was right I was a pig in the making. Bull introduced Jeff to me and told me that it was all good. He was here to help with my conversion into a pig. I didn’t want him to touch me, he was nothing like Bull. He was 5’9” and very skinny. You could see his ribs, he looked dirty, and had a lot of tattoos even around his cock. The only thing I liked was his cock which was very long, even longer than Bulls but it was nowhere near as thick and it had what I learned to be a heavy gage PA in the tip. Jeff bent down, lifted my head and kissed me on the lips. He slid his tongue in my mouth and all I could smell was his stench. It disgusted me but turned me on at the same time. Jeff broke the kiss and asked Bull to move me into the bedroom. I was picked up like a sack and taken to the basement where an old sofa bed was opened and waiting. Jeff had a bag down here and from that bag he pulled all sorts of toys that he worked in and out of my ass. It felt like my cunt was on fire but I also felt like I was out of my body watching this all happen. What had I gotten myself into and why did I want these men to use me. Bull told Jeff he wanted to fuck my hole one last time before Jeff planted his seed in me. Bull was rock hard as he entered but the dildos had opened me up quite a bit. I could not believe how much of his cock I took. As he was thrusting into me I found myself begging for him to fuck me. Please use me. I was almost crying for him to put more of that big cock into me. After a bit he shot his load in me, told Jeff I was lubed and ready and then turned to me and said enjoy what Jeff is about to give you………………..
    1 point
  32. ok, i agree and disagree with parts of this thread. I dissagree with this, in that stealthing is stealthing, weather its putting someone at RISK or not. Stealthing is shooting cum inside a btm who thinks he is protected. if the cum is poz or not is irrelivant, 'cause us negs stealth btms just as much as poz guys do.now is stealthing right? i dont think my opinion can realy be an athority, but i agree with rawTOP that there is a big different between medicated and unmedicated poz cum in a btm. in the case of a condom natzi bogarting the fuck bench: someone should tell him to give someone else a chance, to share like good little boys and whores do, and it isn't your place as a bystander (not the btm and not even the top in the scenario) to make the decition for someone else... if the top decides on his own to do what he wants with his dick that is his business, and the btm is responsible for protecting his own hole...
    1 point
  33. I would rather do without the cuddling. My goal is the rush I get from the feel of the guys cock fucking me and filling my ass with his load. Once I've taken my first load, my mindset is to get more and more, with a bigger rush with each additional fuck. My body is in overdrive while taking guys cocks. And then the sensations from knowing my ass is filled with cum is a combination of sedative and stimulant.
    1 point
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