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About BRAlphaMaster

  • Birthday 11/24/1990

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Faggots, Chastity, BDSM, Respect to the Hierarchy
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
  • Background
    From Brazil. I am an Architect with a master degree. During the night I'm into some hot stuff, so I consider myself to be experienced with various fetishes. I am poz undetectable and started my treatment with a very low cd4 (real risk of death). Single and horny.
  • Porn Experience
    None but I do have a page with more than 10k followers on Newtumbl, 6k on Bdsmlr, and a backup on Reblogme. Same name here, BRAlphaMaster
  • Looking For
    SPH Chastity fags to own and abuse

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    [think before following links] [think before following links] https://bralphamaster.newtumbl.com/

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  1. Absolutely nothing, you are just trying to give your life purpose
  2. Now moving to Goiania soon (in 2-3 months)
  3. @Uuha They are not my type but to answer you: They are pretty much in danger, it is the worse country for them, statistics don't lie.
  4. From the South but living in Brasilia here
  5. Honestly I wish I had a very severe fuck flu, that way I would have started the treatment much early, it took me many years to start. I started with a cd4 count of 18 and huge viral load, hospitalized with many symptoms and it fucked me up for at least 2 years where I couldn't do basic life things, destroyed my career prospectus.
  6. Honestly, like some of the other dudes said, you gotta check with the medic, reason is it could be different things and could be inside you. For instance, when you go on rough sex there is a chance you get sore and some "lumps" called anal thrombosis appear and they can fool you of an wart, plus there are different types of warts. I once hooked up with a bottom and went raw, only to find out he didn't know he had hpv. Weeks later I checked with the urologist and had to remove them out of my cock, all went well but it's a horrible experience. So horrible that I also didn't know they can spread through your body, and months later I had an itch on my ass, went to check, it was those god damned hpv warts and my best option was to remove them with laser because of the ones inside, and boy it takes long to heal an ass that burned in laser, hahaha. So even if you think you only have them outside, always take in mind they can spread, so it's best to do with a medic, they will manage to remove all of them reducing the chance of getting them back, my medic wrote on my hospital files that I had an 'anal tumor' (lol) so the staff would mind their bee's wax. Take good care of that hole, remember, we tops like them beautiful and tight haha BrAlphaMaster
  7. Hi, I've discovered to be poz almost 10 years ago (so I was probably poz much longer) with a cd4 count of 18 and a huge viral load, at that time I started on meds. I feel like it's about time for me to start taking care of my face, it's nothing urgent but I might be getting some hints of the 'aids face'. I was wondering if anyone here that IS poz tried Radiesse or Sculptra and how was the experience with it? Best, BRAlphaMaster
  8. I honestly don't understand this bizarre urge to get poz, till I was 23 yo I've only done sex with condoms, that was the time I've found out I was poz, my guess and my doctors is I've caught it when I was 14yo (I had a minor condom issue at that time, I was losing my virginity), and what I can tell you it wasn't a fun journey at all. Yes it was good to get undetectable and stop freaking out about hiv and bareback feels so much better, but when I started the treatment I had a cd4 of 18, had shingles, pneumonia (the specific type for hiv), and a few days later tuberculosis (which fucked me up good for almost 2 years trying to get back to normal health), I weighted 54kgs and I'm almost 1.80m, I looked way too thin and my face cheeks which used to be very rounded and full became very reduced, they got better, but they still reduced a lot, it's fine for people who don't know me, they will think all is well, but the ones who knew me do notice the difference. I still have the marks of shingles everywhere, they don't leave. After getting undetectable I had bareback sex with other poz guy also undetectable, I thought we were coming out clean about our STI's, but he didn't know he had HPV, I've ended up with a wart on my cock (i'm a top), and later on that wart spread even inside my butt (yup, not cool!). To remove both of them I went on 2 surgeries, cock with a normal procedure (electric scalpel) and I'm telling you a scalpel pointed out to your genitals is a horrible feeling (plus the blood on your brief later on), and the other with laser (yes laser inside your ass), it was so many meds and pain killers I had to take, also a diet change. After a few years I went to my endocrinologist and she asked me to went on hormone therapy for a while, to increase my life quality as my levels were slightly lower (it really did work) and one of her exams some of my bones were developing osteopenia, that's how much of an annoyange hiv can be, with the proper diet, workout and the hormones for about 1 year I've managed to fix it., but it was hard work So if you think getting poz is fun and there is very little dangers with bareback, well, I'm sorry to say, bareback is amazing but it comes with a price,
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