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About love2beunloved

  • Birthday 06/15/1988

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    Southern California
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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  1. I can feel the tops cock twitch in my ass then a sense of warmth. I wish I could feel the cum shooting out.
  2. I clean out at home then lube up once I'm inside the club for the first load. Then use the cum as lube for the rest of the loads.
  3. 6 so far!
  4. The feeling of a cock entering my ass knowing I'm his and everything is now out of my control. It's my sole purpose to provide him pleasure and a release. He is in control. Being inseminated. Being marked by someone else. My body absorbing his cum and whatever is in it. Even though he's done and gone, he is still with me by the cum he left in my guts. I just recently converted, but it use to be the thrill of thinking "is this the cum that will change me the for the rest of my life... Is this the DNA I will carry in me until the day I die. Is this the life changing fuck?"
  5. I've never felt the pulsating. Occasionally I feel a bit of warmth and fullness. But I always feel wet after he pulls out.
  6. Glory holes at Entourage in Las Vegas. Took 3 loads up my ass, 2 down my throat, and left 2 in a couple asses. Sucked the first guy for a little bit.. then turned around and he fucked me good. Probably one of the best gloryhole fucks I have had. He left a huge load that was dripping out of my ass and down my leg. He took his cock out and not even 15 seconds later another cock was deep in me. He didn't last long at all.
  7. New to LA... Where are some good Bookstores/Glorholes at? Which ones are open with COVID going on?
  8. I'm looking for a story that was posted years ago that's kind of a timeline about getting bred and converting. It's like "10 seconds until I cum" "5 minutes after I came" "1 day after I came" and so on.. anyone know where I can find it?
  9. Bottom cumdump hosting at a Strip Hotel this weekend. Anon, walk in, and give me your load. PM me if interested please!
  10. There is a story I'm looking for.. I can't remember exactly how it goes, but it's basically a countdown from 10 to 0 about someone fucking you.. very detailed ..
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