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Everything posted by BiCurious100

  1. Quick question, how many fucks does it take, before a virgin/tight bumhole starts getting out of shape and becoming a 'slit'...?
  2. The thought does appeal to me; however, law enforcement in the UK might have something to say about it - knowing my luck, I would get caught...😂
  3. Yep, my advice is to have a golden rule of never hooking up with co-workers - if it turns bad, then your work and professional career could be fucked, as well as your social life, which wouldn't (pun intended)...
  4. Yes, sadly, people lie... But, in all honesty, with PrEP you can take control of your own health and well-being, without having to worry about the status of the person(s) you are BB fucking...
  5. Yes, my hole and everywhere else - totally shaved.
  6. Ops, not the ride that you were looking for... Hope your luck changes.
  7. Yep and there might even be a HIV vaccine, within a few years (trials have already started); so the cost of these drugs should go down. In the meantime, I'm glad that I can get PrEP...
  8. Yep, I was about to say the same 😂 As for sex, I would advise my younger self to enjoy university more, stop being so 'conservative', have more fun and have more sex. I would also advise my younger self to explore my bi side sooner 😆
  9. Okay, I accept the fair points in the posts in this thread - having looked over the OP again, I agree that there are many points to consider, which makes a meet, in this case, too risky.
  10. Yes, I fully agree with you - I was very surprised when they said to me that free PrEP was only available to men who have sex with other men. They were going to refuse me PrEP, when I advised that I fucked females and they only then agreed that I could have free PrEP, when I said that I was bi. As you say, in reality, there is no way that they can prove or disprove who you have sex with, so I guess that it's a case of them 'ticking the boxes' by asking (they have to work within NHS 'guidelines' and you have to 'qualify' for 'free' PrEP). The questions that I was asked, in this telephone call, were all 'scripted', in order to ensure that the required criteria was met... As a UK tax-payer, I pay into the NHS, as part of mandantory taxes that I pay; therefore, the 'free PrEP' isn't actually free! Hetrosexuals, that are also tax-payers in the UK, also pay the same taxes towards the NHS, so I personally believe that they should also qualify for PrEP on the NHS anyway. I'm shocked, but not surprised, that they are allowed to discriminate in this way. My post was mainly to advise people, who are UK based, that if they want to get PrEP on the NHS, then they need to ensure that they specify that they have sex with men.
  11. Firstly, apologies if my previous post caused any offence, this wasn't my intension. Thanks for the information/map - to be honest, this has taken me by surprise - I wasn't aware that the law in regards to this varied so much from state to state. I think it's very sad that there are still a lot of 'anti-gay'/HIV views around, in the law-makers; not that I'm surprised, given that the former VP (Pence) was so openly 'anti-gay'. For the record, I'm against any criminal activity and oppose the act of anyone delbrately infecting/hurting others, with HIV, without their consent/knowledge. As for your example on locking the house, people shouldn't and have no right to burgle houses (burglars are one group of people that I detest), so you shouldn't, in theory, have to lock your house; however, sadly, there are people that would burgle houses given the opportunity. My point on PrEP is that preventing HIV transmission is now under your own control, without having to rely on your sexual partners being honest about their HIV status. Asking sexual partners their HIV status is, in my view, probably a waste of time, given that (sadly) people lie... Having said that, I believe that people should be honest, about their HIV status, with sexual partners. I will soon be going on PrEP myself, which will allow me to be in control of my own health (in regards to HIV) and give me the peace-of-mind, when having bb sex going forward. A sexual partners HIV status is something which I wouldn't have to worry about, which will allow me to enjoy the experience. Anyway, I hope that clarifies my previous post. Please feel free to message me - I'm still too new to send new messages myself, but can respond to messages that I'm sent.
  12. Just to add, that in the UK, PrEP is ONLY given out free of charge for men who (only) have sex with men. I recently started the process of going on PrEP myself and the first question that I was asked was my sexual history - when I said that I currently have only had sex with females (including bb sex with prostitutes), he said that PrEP wasn't available to me!!! When I then said that I was exploring my bi-side and looking to start having sex with men, he then agreed that I could get free PrEP... I now have an appointment to do the usual tests etc, before getting my first lot of PrEP. I can't comment on the availability of (free) PrEP in other countries.
  13. Hmmmm... not to offend, but... I know that in some countries/states, including the UK, it's against the law to delibrately infect someone with HIV (without them knowing); however, being HIV Poz doesn't mean that you will give HIV to the neg person on having unprotected sex. As 'chasers' have/are finding out, it's not easy to convert... I'm not aware of any laws against not disclosing your HIV status...? Also, to add at this point, it's not against any laws, that I know of anyway, to have/be HIV poz in itself - we shouldn't be criminalising HIV... Also, do people now not make any efforts to protect themselves??? If a HIV neg person wishes to have raw BB sex, but remain neg, can they not protect themselves easily, by going on PrEP? I know that people have been sent to prison, in the past, for infecting others with HIV; however, I'm not aware of any recent cases...? Since PrEP has become available (freely available, in some countries, including the UK), neg people can now easily protect themselves and, thus, makes the HIV irrevelant. It will be an interesting 'test' case, in court, to see if a HIV neg person could now successfully sue a HIV poz person for giving them HIV, when they could have easily protected themselves...? The same goes for when a state takes someone to court. I guess the only exceptions to this are, obviously, rape/underage sex and if someone was in a LTR, with a partner who (unknowingly) cheated on them and passed on HIV then. These are the only exceptions that I would make, but, apart from that, you can now easily protect yourself, from HIV anyway, so not sure why a HIV poz person needs to disclose their status, as in the OP.
  14. I haven't looked through all of this thread, so not sure if you did the calculations for this or not, but here it is: 1 Mile = 5,280 Feet 1 Foot = 12 Inches Based on 6 Inch cocks (not the official average, I know), this makes 10,560 cocks per mile... That's a lot of cock...😂
  15. Oh dear... It seems that, as a beginner, I have a very long way to go - having to yet take/give my first load and being in my 40s...lol
  16. My extra tight virgin bumhole, which some lucky guy will get to breed.
  17. I was around 9 - 10 ( since was still in primary school)... I can remember starting to play with myself in the bathroom and it felt so good. I never experienced 'dry cum', from what I can remember; in fact I had more cum then I do now. I was also able to shoot further distances then (didn't we all)... The mess that I had to clear up afterwards... but it was worth it 😊 Spending more time in the bathroom (which was most mornings, before school) wanking eventually got the attention of my dad, who shouted through the door to "stop playing with my dick and get to school"... From then on, I started wanking in my bedroom, instead; which worked out fine, until my mum came in and caught me one day - she just left the room again and nothing was said. I good 'spin-off' to this thread could be to describe your experience, when you you first got caught wanking...? Interestingly, although I was an early starter wanking (looking at the responses on this thread), I was a late starter having sex - I was way into my 20s before I lost my virginity (but that's for a different thread).
  18. Good to hear 👍 When is a good day/time to go?
  19. Interesting, Eroswired, this begs a few questions: 1. What do you believe the minimum age should be for meet-ups/sex, in general? 2. Do you believe that the mimimum age for gay sex should be different to hetrosexual sex? You haven't specified if your son is gay, but, when he was 16, would your issue have been him having sex with another man, having sex with an older man or having any sex full stop at that age? What do you believe the youngest age should be, that a man in his 40s, has sex with? Surely, sex is sex and what's the difference between a 16 year old, having sex with another 16 year old or with someone in their 40s? Actually, if anything, two 16 year olds, both having gay sex for the first time, with each other are more likely to risk hurting each other (due to their inexperienc), compared to an experienced 40 year old having gentle sex with a 16 year old (especially if this is the 16 year olds first time)... For me, I believe that everyone is different and sexually mature (both physically and emotionally) at different ages. I know of 16 year olds that have had sex and have been ready to have that sex. I also know of people, in their 20s, who have had sex and haven't been (emotionally) ready. Looking at the OP, he seems to be willing to be gentle and do the right thing by this 16 year old. I don't think that that you should assume that this 16 year old isn't ready for sex just because of his age. The risk of this 16 year old 'mis-understanding' something on a sexual encounter with the OP, should they meet, is there; however that can happen, even if he was in his 20s... you just have to ensure that the consent is there. To the OP, if you do meet with this 16 year old, please ensure that you take it easy and slow. You don't have to have sex on your first meet-up. Your best bet is to get to know him a bit first and have a couple of meets, before having sex for the first time. Also ensure that you are BOTH ready for the sex, if/when that happens - the emotion of the encounter will be experienced by you, as well. Good luck
  20. Yes, that looks a useful tree 😉 I might give it a go one day... It's a pity that the bin is there, it's just in the wrong place.
  21. Not seen this Woody Allen film, it sounds interesting. I have been married for a long time and my wife is more of a good friend and sole-mate, to be honest, since sex with her dried up a few years ago. I have had bareback sex, with several (female) prostitutes over the years and am now embarking on my bi-side. I want to keep this side of me separate from my wife, since wish to remain in my marriage. Interestingly, my wife must suspect, deep down, that I'm getting sex from somewhere else, although she has no idea that I'm also attracted to men. In a way, it would be interesting to see how she would react, but I don't want to go down that road at present. Writing this is actually a turn on, thinking about when I have my first visit to the sauna and suck my first cock 😆
  22. Infamous fuck tree...??? Do tell us more, never been to HH...
  23. Hmmmm... Out of all the new experiences that I look forward to in the coming months, this isn't one of them - frankly, I hope never to find out, since wouldn't go well and would probably end in divorce.
  24. I'm not a smoker myself (have never smoked); however wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. Smoking, in public buildings is long since banned in the UK - I miss the smoking atmosphere, that I used to enjoy, when going into pubs and night clubs years ago. Oh, those good old days...
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