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Everything posted by BiCurious100

  1. Happy New Year everyone What are your goals and resolutions for this year? Mine is to visit a sauna, for the first time and get fucked...
  2. For me, pain is a no no... Discomfort, yes, but pain, no. For me, sex should be consenting between people each experiencing their own pleasures. I have never 'owned' or expect to be 'owned' myself and can't understand why anyone would wish to experience or engage in sex in which they hurt to the point of there being no enjoyment for them.
  3. Did you get lucky?
  4. Oh deae, lets hope it's not a pain in the arse...
  5. My tight virgin hole...
  6. Great pic bud - a smooth and sexy (and well used) hole 😉
  7. Nice, you can't beat a hot sunny day on the beech 😉
  8. Mine isn't there - shaved cock/balls and uncut for me 😆
  9. Now, that's just gready 😂
  10. Did you make use of the 'Fuck Tree'?
  11. Hi dude It sounds as if you have come across some people with a bad attitude over the years. As you say, they are not worth the hassle and are best avoided and ignored. As long as you are happy with the person that you are, it doesn't matter what they think. Hopefully, most people that you meet are good. Anyway, all the best
  12. As a married bi man myself, this sounds good news, since I hate condoms and fucking similar bi & married men would be ideal 😆
  13. I hate condoms and haven't used them, on females, for years. I also have no intension of using condoms when I go with my first guy (although I will be on PrEP anyway).
  14. You can get instant HIV tests, that are 'accurate', from twelve weeks onwards. Your best bet is to check after then...
  15. Sorry folks, having had a very good tonight on the ale, or few, this is too sciencetific for me...lol (please forgive spelling)... I will look and answer tomorrow...cheers😀
  16. Hi, I have sent over 90 posts and have only just been upgraded to be allowed to send new messages... I know it's frustrating, but keep contributing to this site and you will be also be upgraded in due course... This web site costs nothing to be a member of, but privaliges have to be earned... All the best
  17. Hi dude In what way were you being negatively judged? I agree with you, if other gays are judging you, in any respect, then your best bet is to tell them where to go (that's me putting it polite)... you should never be judged
  18. @NWUSHorny Overall, it sounds like you had a good time - you can now look forward to the next time 😉
  19. But surely, if a guy is having sex with another guy, then, by definition, he isn't straight - he is either bi or gay...? No two guys are the same, so, presumably, you have had sex with some guys that has been better then sex with others? It sounds as if you have had bad experiences with bi men?
  20. Pity you aren't based in the UK... 😉 Love your pics, by the way
  21. How many raw loads have you taken, so far?
  22. I'm a very late starter, being in my 40's and yet to take (or give) my first load...
  23. Hi rublthlad Posts after this line have been added since you last looked at this topic, so, when revisiting a topic, you know where you left off.
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