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Everything posted by BiCurious100

  1. For me, simply because condoms full stop are the biggest turn off.... especially when they insist on checking fequently that the condom is still in place. Best to go raw and enjoy 😜
  2. Whereabouts, in Mexaco, is this bathhouse? I'm going to be in Mexaco later on this year (Cancun area) - can you recommend any good bathhouses?
  3. Thanks for the feed-back - I have made my appointment to go to the sexual health clinic to get my first lot of PrEP. I can then start going to the saunas - I will let you know how it goes. In the meantime, keep having fun 😉
  4. ??? Please tell us more...
  5. Same here, guys... Sorry, not judging, each for their own, but cheesey cock isn't for me.
  6. Hi Jayden This is actually quite a complex question, on many different levels. Judging by your question, it's almost as if you are asking for permission/acceptance for the journey that you have embarked on...? At the end of the day, only you can make that decision (no-one is/should be judging you) - it's your life and journey. If it gives you pleasure and is something that you have always wanted to do, then why not - go for it. If Covid-19 has taught us anything, it's that life is too short not to embark on the journey of our choice - tomorrow could be too late.. Having said that, as ErosWired as already advised, every decision that we make in life has consequences and this is no exception. As well as HIV, there are many other STI's to also consider. Although most are treatable, STI's can be expensive (depending of where you are located) and might require you having to take time off work for appointments etc. And, of course, while on treatment (that can take several weeks to complete), you won't (or shouldn't) embank on any sexual activity. All factors to consider. Like you, I'm at the start of my journey and am currently going through the process of starting PrEP. I have to question, though, why you didn't start PrEP BEFORE starting your sexual activity...? Sorry to have to say, although the risks are low, you could still have already been 'knocked up' by this first encounter... There are cases where people have converted on their first sex. You have up to 72 hours, after sex, to start PEP, so it might, depending on when your encounter was, be too late to start this. PrEP, according to what I have researched on it (and also from good advice from this forum - thanks guys) will be effective and it doesn't matter on how many guys you fuck bareback; however, please bear in mind that no 'safe sex' is 100% effective. I have already had my Hep B and HPV vaccines, so, once on PrEP, will be as 'protected' as I can be. If you haven't already, then I would advise you to get these vaccines ASAP (bearing in mind that it takes a year to complete the Hep B course and several months to complete the HPV course). You also might not be able to take these two vaccines together. Having said this, once you start on a course of vaccines, any protection that they provide is better then none. I'm in my 40's and married (female) and have been 'fighting' my 'fancy' of men from a young age. After years of (complex at times) sole-searching, I'm now, like you, ready to start engaging in gay sex. I wish you luck on your journey and hope you have fun adventures (I'm hoping that I will to). Quick question, did it hurt the first time you had sex? Let me know how you get on with PrEP? Steve
  7. I fucked a prostitute, covered, many (about 15) years ago, who insisted on feeling to check that the condon was still on every few seconds!!! I was only having sex, when using condoms back then, so was initially okay with the condom being used; however, this constant checking was so off-puting and is one of the main reasons why I now hate using them. Now, I only fuck bare...
  8. Recently tested for all STI's, including HIV - all neg/clear. I'm currently going through the process of going on PrEP, since I don't want to convert.
  9. It could simply be that he didn't fully read your profile. He might have only got as far as your pic and then sent you the message, not know (or caring) where you are based 😆 Also, some profiles might not have the correct location specified, so he might have just been reaching out on the off-chance...
  10. Since I'm hopefully about to go on this 'on-demand' PrEP usage myself, I'm hoping that it's effective...
  11. At the end of the day, I believe that everyone has a responsibility to themselves first - anyone who's neg and wants to stay that way needs to ensure that THEY take the appropriate precautions (PrEP/condoms etc). Anyone neg, who barebacks, without PrEP, is taking a chance of converting and this is a risk that THEY themselves (no-one else) are taking (since they themselves will have to live with the consequences of their actions). It's unfortunate, in this case, that this person tried PrEP and doesn't get on with it (assuming that they are telling the truth); however, if they bareback, then this is still a chance that they themselves are taking. Unless this person is a good mate of yours, your best bet is to stay out of it.
  12. Pity that you aren't located in the UK 😉

  13. Thanks for all the feed-back 🖒 I called my local sexual health clinic, earlier on today and have made an appointment for a call-back to discuss PrEP.
  14. Well, each to their own, but this one isn't for me.
  15. On-demand PrEP is probably the way that I will go, since probably won't get to the saunas often...
  16. Thanks for all the feed-back 🖒
  17. Thanks for all the feed-back, guys 👍
  18. Apologies if this has been covered previously or if this comes across as naive. I'm new on the scene and exploring my bi-sexual feelings and, although I have been barebacking female hookers for several years (sex with the wife has dried up long ago), I have yet to have my first gay sexual experience. My question is what, in your experience, is the HIV transmission risk with bare backing guys? I'm not on PrEP (although this is someing that I'm considering) and have no ambition to get pozzed. When I first started barebacking females, I went through the initial stage (that most of us probably did) of worrying, after the event, if I had caught anything, especially HIV etc... After a couple of negative test results (I have never had an STI), I got through that initial stage and I'm now happy to fuck any female raw and have no worries afterwards. I know that raw sex with guys is riskier then with females and that being the bottom also carries a higher risk then being the top, but is it really worth going onto PrEP, in your experience? - Are there guys, on this forum, who are not on PrEP and have fucked raw, over a long period and still remained negative? - In order for me to guage, how many guys, on this forum, are taking PrEP? - Finally, if I can ask, are there any guys who 'took the chance' (not on PrEP or before this was available) and ended up getting pozzed? The reason that I'm asking is that I wish to get feed-back from this forum, who 'operate in the real world' (I know that asking a doctor will always get the response of safe sex etc). When I finally go with guys, I wish to go bareback, since I hate condoms and wish to make an informed choice on if I should take PrEP or not, given the HIV risks in reality (both being the top and bottom)? Thanks in advance.
  19. Agreed Having just looked at the OP, I was thinking the same. Overall, it sounds as if he needs to decide what he wants in life and the direction that he wishes to go in...
  20. That's greedy...😂 Overall, I'm pleased with most of the responses on here, since mine is only 4.5 - 5 inches, when erect.
  21. I haven't been yet, but when I have my first bathhouse/sauna visit, I hope to be number 4 (he looks like the most chilled out guy in the room...lol), followed by number 2 and then onto number 1 (if I'm lucky) 😉 Probably, on my first visit, I will be number 19
  22. Hi folks I'm interested in your thoughts between bath houses/saunss, verses 'hook-ups' (eg Grinda etc)? What is your preference? What, in your experience/opinion, are the pros and cons of both?
  23. Really, this is good to know - I'm loking more and more forward to when I get to the bath house/sauna 😆
  24. Cool, meeting another bi-married guy (also on his first time) sounds ideal... I'm not sure if I will get that in a bath house, though...
  25. Thanks for the tips... I haven't used condoms, when fucking females, for many years, so I won't be looking to use any, when fucking guys, either. My first time will probably be in a bath house, since too risky (for safety) to meet via a hook-up site (until I at least get some experience)...
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