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Posts posted by topblkmale

  1. 5 minutes ago, viking8x6 said:

    I didn't say I wasn't happy. Every location has its limitations.  That said, I am planning to move. Not sure whether it will happen before 2024 - the real estate market in the target area sucks right now.

    Which blue state or target metro area are you planning to move to?

  2. On 8/24/2023 at 3:07 AM, ShootDownMyThroat said:

    It was always that way, wasn’t it?

    I don’t suppose they’ve added a glory hole section, have they? I’ve been wishing for a Blow Buddies East, with its famous “milking wall.” (So terrible the one in San Francisco closed.)

    That will never happen in the last NYC bathhouse remaining.

    For a similar set-up on the East Coast try 321 Slammer in FTL.

  3. On 8/21/2023 at 2:47 PM, meetme said:

    I went to the East Side Club yesterday and was very surprised to see the sauna, stream room, and adjacent  bathroom , open, and newly refurbished. New floor and walls and fixtures. Money was actually spent to upgrade the place and the main floor bathrooms were covered like they will be redone too.  Maybe we can get the word out to upgrade the men to be more sex positive too.  I’m still looking for the best time to go there, but it’s always random luck.  And I’m not asking for cuter, younger, more ripped men, I just want men who want sex. Not guys who lie on their beds and cruise apps on their phone. 


    I believe the refurbishment was unintentional. There was some sort of water/pipe/electrical issue in the wall which had to be fixed.



    47 minutes ago, Close2MyBro said:

    I gave up on grindr a while ago. Just not worth the time. Many other places to find dick and not have to pay for it, or waste time watching ads and blocking tons of people you're not interested in. When you report criminal activity, the do nothing. When you need actual support they also do nothing. I'm surprised grindr is still around.


    Where are these such places? My personal experience is 50/50. Half I find on Grindr. Other half from hook-up sex venues.


    Grinder is excellent for traveling and finding a specific type of guy that interests you by using their filters.

    Other apps don't offer that functionality with such ease.

  5. 16 hours ago, hntnhole said:


    This event - while billed as a debate - was hardly that.  It was far more a screaming match between the candidates themselves, the candidates and the audience of constantly screaming, hollering, fools, to the extent that what Fox calls "moderators" having to attempt to quiet the audience down a few decibels.  


    I can't wait for the Democratic debate (which there will probably not be one). So I will have to wait til 2027 to see CNN/MSNBC coverage of that event.

  6. Most cum-dump bottoms would rather take six cocks for 5 minutes each rather than get fucked REALLY well by one or two cocks for 15 minutes each. They're interested in LOADS - not getting fucked good.

    If I'm at a sex club/party I self-limit my time with one bottom to 5 to 10 minutes. I can easily fuck for half hour to 45 minutes or more if I'm into the bottom.

    But I know its not fair to monopolize their hole like that.

    • Piggy 1
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  7. 6 hours ago, Tsjul said:

    Why so many tops lose interest in sex after ejaculation? I love to do afterplay like: keep hugging, cum kissing, touching etc.. I kinda prefer to hook up with other bottoms, I think they more passionate when it comes to sex than tops.

    Answer: HE'S NOT INTO YOU

    I'm a passionate and romantic top for bottoms that I am into other than sex. Very few. The rest - 99% - of bottoms I just fuck and leave. There's more to it, but I won't get into it. But frankly most interactions now-a-days are part of hook-up culture.

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/15/2023 at 7:59 PM, Guest said:

    Most black men are average. To claim otherwise or want black men only for their cocks, reducing black men to their cocks, or chasing after BBC (big black cock) is racist.  

    I've met very few 'average' black men.

    Chasing BBC ~ NOT racist.

    • Like 5
  9. One STRONG possibility that is being overlooked is that some guys who like to get sucked don't get checked for STI's and therefore don't know if they're 'clean'.


    Therefore they pull-out before shooting their load due to their own uncertainty. Many of these types of guys are the same ones who see cocksuckers who swallow as being risky and unsafe.

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  10. 53 minutes ago, Explorer10cs said:

    is it me or anyone else - when I go to the doctor and ask for chlamydia or gonorrhea testing in my mouth, they usually do not have that sort of swab or check. Of course they can do bloodwork or check my penis. But I don’t think that will help if I’m just sucking dick…right/ anyone else know what I mean?


    Do you go to a 'straight' doctor or one who deals with gay men's health issues?


    My STI doctor asks if I am straight or gay then asks if I'm top or bottom.  Yet he still always gives me the oral swab.

  11. On 7/12/2023 at 8:59 AM, Sckr4u said:

    The more I orally service men, the more I have noticed that there are some guys who do not want to cum in my mouth, but rather let it shoot and drip all over the floor. I cannot understand the logic. I tell them that I want the sperm, going out of my way to catch any ropes and drops that are shooting out of the erect penis. I even cup my hand to catch any errant drops. I feel rather stupid frantically trying to salvage any and all sperm possible to then lick it up. Just not sure why some men do not give me my reward. Isn't it widely considered natural to want to deposit one's DNA into a warm hole? Confused. Would be grateful to hear your experiences as a sucker or sperm donor (or not if that is the case). Thanks!


    One of two things.

    • Either they are used to dealing with women (who usually don't like sucking and don't want cum in their mouth)
    • Or they still believe pulling out is 'safe sex' and guys that swallow are probably not 'clean'.
    • Upvote 1
  12. 1 hour ago, ShootDownMyThroat said:

    Amazingly enough, given my reputation as a cocksucker, I have never been to the Blow Buddies event. Can you elaborate on why you don’t recommend it?


    Its worth checking out if you have never been, but I won't be going back anytime soon.

    JOC had a very sexy mature ethnic diverse friendly crowd (latin, black, euro tourists, asian). The host. Lidell and his workers were all SUPER sexy and friendly.

    BlowBuddies crowd is OK, just not the JOC crowd. The hosts take your payment and check your clothes. That's about it. I did not notice anyone 'working' the event (cleaning, refreshments, massage, engaging guys, etc).

    Blow Buddies is expensive (to me) at $30 with the extremely short hours - 6 PM til 9 PM. Most guys are there around 6:30 PM and are gone by 8 PM. I don't care for the set up. Its too bright in areas with furniture push against the wall in dark corners. The front half of the space looks like a waiting room and no ones uses it.


    Would love to hear other's thoughts who have been.


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  13. On 6/19/2023 at 4:29 PM, Close2MyBro said:

    I'm just curious if you've ever tried it?


    Yes, a few times. Its NOT a comfortable position and does not feel pleasurable based on angle, deep-throat ability and teeth of the cocksucker.


    It requires lots of gymnastics for no pleasure. I'm nine inches with a slight upward bend. Assuming the cocksucker can deep-throat my entire length without gagging (bonus if he's a toothless dentured gummer) - I have to stand on my tip-toes, angle my pelvis downward and try not to hurt myself or the cocksucker.


    But yes, it does LOOK sexy and hot.

    • Like 1
  14. 21 hours ago, PupLucca said:

     You obviously have no clue about LGBTQ+ history going back in time, in the 1920's and early 30's when the Nazis seized power there was a thriving LGBTQ community the first to die and be imprisoned in concentration camps where were the trans and gays! Where do you think modern evangelical s and republicans got the idea from to exterminate us.

     I'm not drinking anything or smoking anything either, you most certainly are though.

     No one on the left or progressive is a fascist we are diametrically opposed to fascism unlike republicans and MAGAts who are suckling the teets of white nationalists and neonazis all while wrapped in the flag claiming to be "patriots" more like faketriots.  SIT DOWN Bubba, no one wants to sleep with you bi sexual or not because your attitude sucks.

     Giving puberty blockers to trans kids is not harming them. they can't get hormones until they are teens or older and they certainly can't have sex reassignment surgery until the age of 18 and have two psychiatrists  sign off on it. 

     The trans communities fight for equality and acceptance is slightly different than gays and leasbians but aat the same time it is no more different. Just as the GAY AND LESBIAN fight for equality is slightly different than that of black Americans but yet no more different. If YOU can't see WE are all equal then YOU are the problem and see yourself out as you are not welcome at OUR table.

     Also the trans community does not hate the gays or bi's or lesbians, maybe they just hate YOU


    I would love to read sources on the bolded statements.


    Moderator's Note:

    The discussion on gender-affirming care and trans youth is way off topic and I'm creating a new topic for it. Please continue it there:



  15. 2 hours ago, TotalTop said:

    Have you ever actually traveled to or lived in the UK, Italy, Hungary, Poland, or Russia? These are modern day countries, modern day societies, with normal tolerant people and it is not as though they are Iran or Saudi Arabia, or third world shitholes like Uganda and almost all of Sub-Saharan Africa.




  16. On 5/20/2023 at 9:51 PM, Teneo said:

    I’ve been letting this Latino hunk in my neighborhood fuck me and I had been fucked twice before I told him to come that day 


    he didn’t last long and then messaged me later that he was mad because I was used.

    I may have whispered in Ecstasy that his cut 7” cock was the only cock I wanted. 

    The more men leave seed the more seed I want.


    On 5/20/2023 at 11:26 PM, ErosWired said:

    By ‘territorial’, are you saying you think this Top feels that you’re ‘his’ ass to fuck because you’re in his neighborhood? Or could it be that he just doesn’t like sloppy seconds? Some don’t.


    He sounds like an alpha and probably does not like sloppy seconds. I am the same way as I don't like semen from other males nor a hole that other men had the pleasure to open up. I prefer a clean hole so I can take my time and  work open the second ring myself.

    So I generally don't fuck cumdumps unless I'm first. Alpha.

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