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Everything posted by HardhatBB

  1. What i Cant See 2....bonus scenes...Clint Taylor felcthing the pigbottom of 4 or 5 loads...HOT all over his face...there are always some signs of pnp, but mostly the eyes give it away
  2. BBRT, here...like minded pig action hookups anon
  3. "Boss"..leathal weapon, kong
  4. Hot profile there buddy...id luv to breed ur ass, after a few others have, of course..

  5. i wish i was in Chicago! id luv to breed your hairy ass

  6. The first few sessions with a btm, hole is tight...takes awhile for a ass to get fitted to a cock.. In the meantime, tight ones need a good sloppy rimjob. Twitchy ass is the best too.. some just taste fucking great too, a tangy yet sour sweet tangy flavour...mmm
  7. hey there..thanks for the add, id like to fuck yur brains out

  8. More Btms have been doing this ATM and cleaning my cock off...more then ever, i dont tell em too either..lol just go right to licking my bone clean..
  9. fucking HOT photos, wish i was there to breed you

  10. Im sure theres a machine that copys them from tapes...I hope so...My 1998 copy of "Breed Me" is wearing out ! lol...and for some reason i dont think its available for purchase.
  11. seems like the question asked can be answered by a simple test...sheesh Nothing is 100 percent..remember sexed in school?..rubbers are not 100 percent either, so not hard to figure "undedectable" may not be
  12. yah...what about tops out there?? Do your btms name your cock also? lol -i get..."i sat down at work , and i thought of YOU"...lol when u letting out kong again..etc.. u guys?
  13. way to jump in head first...good man
  14. your not far from me either.. id like to be far inside your ass

  15. ive got some...when i get tested they are always pawning the fucking things on us...i reach for the lube packets and say hold the rubbers....the look on her face..lol aside from that i dont have any other rubbers...i just carry lube
  16. depends on the BTM -good sweaty pig session , yah i give a reacharound. Tell em i wanna make you cum while fucking you...they luv that, and so does my cock, as it gets milked dry while hes shooting
  17. your name caught my attention...mmmmm yummy

  18. sweet nice photos
  19. hey there fellow redbeard..welcum to Breedingzone

  20. safe sex BS?> they police the place? um thats totally *gay* who would listen to that crap?
  21. LOL yah sometimes BTM will run for the bathroom after i load em up...thats why i always go deep..so it stays there. i hate when they do that..wasted seed. BTW last load i gave was at the Sommerville ABS ..porked the piss outta a pig
  22. i like that pose...can i join you? nice hang too

  23. Yes, i was in college and drunk....she was a crazy bitch...
  24. hate rubbers...makes it hard to get inside a guy, too thick here..rubber makes it painful for em. and lack of sensation, and not bieng able to plant a load where it belongs. And when i tried to play safe..btms id rip it off my cock...LOL...so i gave in
  25. your One HOT dude...i know you from XTube


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