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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Trans Feminine (MTF)
  • Location
    South UK
  • Interests
    long slow sessions playing ,savoring, using our bodies, anal perhaps with enhancements till satisffied ,mutally exhausted One can onlyhope thaat that someone is within a realistic distance of each other so itis not a oneoff.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Older,had a go at most things in some small way BB as it came, tended toward gay in recent months. btm as aged now enjoy it more, not had a big one or been blacked
  • Porn Experience
    Nothing very exciting yet
  • Looking For
    Anal streching , Breeding , will want experience to get the most out of it, preferably local, older. would dearly welcome a stud to wrech my me, enjoy the quantities that are sown for me to lkeep . Am preferably interested in meeting with older bbs preferr longer sessions would expect to be the sub

More Info

  • BarebackRT Profile Name

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
    brunetia27@gmail .com

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  1. can anyone tell me how to retduce thesize of my inbox
  2. Yes and iam one too who would enjoy the energy and generousity pain of a younger seduction
  3. Inland from Portsmouth but much older and relatively new to the Gay ways which have won me over to the BB ways, undeniebly a btm, Travelling distance is a problem at the moment
  4. and they usualy have so much to pump in to you
  5. i would love a regular who was near enough to be able to drop any time to satisfy himself and ........
  6. id love it too He should have put it in me,
  7. have used my toys regularly A T M and feel confident wihhtaking an average size right down . quite saatisfying if not too rough
  8. that must be the ultimate
  9. anyone interessted to introduce a newbe
  10. As old as i am and with the understanding i have i would still would like to get it from such an intense knock up
  11. And a not so young but willing S UK meat to be used
  12. Should of added , I have no idea when i first had a cock in my ass and its juices , it was when very ay, didnt think a lot about it until i decided to go G ay,
  13. wWouldd love to receive it. and wounder if i am getting some from an enhanced sex session that will maakee me drousey
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