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Everything posted by christine

  1. To a great extent it must really be the action that makes it
  2. i have so often lost the condom, have to wonder how many have been to fertilisation.
  3. That must be absolute bliss, i wopuld likeit 16 por 1
  4. I have age , and stilla drive, but have to and do accept that i cannot raise my cock, But having taken a turn toward feminism with the development of breast and taken the Gay stance ,rather regretfully late. have a drive and wanting e to take any loads that are available. so i have to be greatful for what ever i get. Age hits us each in different ways i hope that those that are following us give us a thought in their own life long drive that most of us have shared in, I am still for ever now open to service. It must be as good as a wank to know you shot your lot in a warm and welcome hole.
  5. I trhink that sodomized is a lovely term, it is a position of being subjugaated and used, it was something beyond the fringe ,to me. But i became older (much older) and ventured and sought it, and took it whenit was available. Very recently opening the door andmy hole into the GAY side. seeking that generous insemination fertilisation. but it is not so easy , i am ,just so mature and love to indulge in that , to me, facinating act of being subjugated, sodomised.
  6. Whilst i dearly want to indulge myself in the Bare back and as a new guy still finding his way into getting enough, I would not want to refuse the cock that is offered, It may change its mind, or it may come off or decide to have a second poke, or have another visit and who knows.
  7. No was a vanilla until very much older, visited a sauna and had three in succcession one day, one was obviously a bb as i found out on the way home. Enjoyed that and went back looking for more . met a regular and he was bb and used me so often, he converted me to gay . I love the no messing bend over atmosphere it has, Now i am neg and on Prep and want explore the various enhancements too
  8. What is and how do i get onto tetegram, looks a promising contact point
  9. I realise as a newbys  there are so many ways via so many drug the names i hardy know of , as to which way to try first and the effect that they  wiill haave onme when i am as a bottom being initiated into this brotherhood and which has drawn me and does so every time i enter this BreedingnZone. 

    Am on PrEP so have that releif of not having to even consisder hiv( yes i understand  their are so many otthers)

    Feel i  need to find  a sort of experienced father figurre to guiide 

  10. Its a bit late but as relative newby it is good to find a some locals that i might get the pleasure of meeting and being served by in the coming months
  11. Yes , i am seeing it as you are exactly, i do not really want to mind what that last load was, just to enjoy what runs out and think of what reamins inside me
  12. sounds interesting anyone enlighten me , wwhat area coveredd
  13. what a wonderful gurl to experiencee it with. I can only dream.
  14. I can only reply from so far a limited experience.but the that has been anal, those times have been so intense. It is that which I am so wanting to experience more of, its going to hurt i know and i am going tto wonder at what i will receive , i will dearly hope that those on here wil deliver it deeply inside me in good measure and hopefullywith more than one at a time. Myinitiation is yet to be had to tthe Breeding Zon
  15. That must add to the feeling inside you, wouldlike to try one
  16. Wow ,im looking to get nto that situation

    1. Pigforcum


      Nice. Glad to hear it

  17. I am new to this which switches me on the thought alone, have much to learn and noticed your possibly relativly new 

    Need some guidance, just wondered if it would bea possibility. could talk email

  18. It is the remarks you sometimes get, I needed that, Gives me the urge to get another, the surrender to another being, to serve
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