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Everything posted by TallAussieBtm

  1. Thanks. So my 500+ ml syringe is about twice the size I should be using? Interesting!
  2. So what's the ideal and maximum volume of douche water t use for the perfect clean out?
  3. Fleet bottles are 133 ml? Is that enough? My douching syringe is 550 ml. I used to use smaller douching bulbs but found I was constantly trying to do multiple squirts and wanted to reduce the risk of scratches and bleeding. So I eventually started buying large reusable syringes. More often used in horticulture and suchlike, I think! 😱 Perhaps I'm delving too deeply, though. A great douche for me is two or three squirts, with the last flowing totally clean. But, as others say, it's totally diet dependant. A bad day can take 15-20 squirts and three hours. Which gets very boring. 3 hours is my limit, though. I abandon any plans at that point! 😥 I tend not to get on the apps until douched and ready to roll, though. So as not to be forced to disappoint a potential hookup. Does mean I douche more than needed, however. Oh, well!🤷‍♂️
  4. Many more. Probably more like 1500-ish. It's not that hard if you have an average of even one new fella a week for 20-40 years. Of course, some weeks were zero. But some individual party weekends have been easily 20 or more! And all casual. No real long term arrangements. Does that make me a slut? I don't feel slutty. Well, not most of the time! 😜
  5. I left Growlr mostly because of spam. Plus it seemed more focused on fat guys, rather than hairy guys in general. Nothing wrong with fat if that's what you're looking for. But 'bears' are a much broader group than just the larger gentlemen.
  6. I feel like there are different types of anonymity. Virtually all of my sex over 45 years has been casual and probably mostly without names. But I do like to see their eyes as they are fucking me. And to talk to each other about what's working or desired as you go along. I've often had anonymous sex with the same guy several times over extended periods. Whether at each other's home or at a sex venue, etc. But I can't/won't engage with the current 'anon' stereotype of waiting blindfolded for a quick 1 or 2 minutes of thrusting. Apart from anything, no hotel or apartment I've been in for the last 20 years has such lax security that you could even do that! And nothing I've seen on the internet (there's a million clips) suggests it is much fun for either participant. There has to be some sort of connection to make it fun. Even just catching his eyes as he shoots in your arse!
  7. "Lazy top" is definitely how I would describe them! 🤮 And yes I mean it negatively, sorry! 😃 Not that much fun when there's no mutual action. I used to see a guy occasionally that had a massively fat cock but not excessively long (6"?). He seemed to have had so much trouble getting it into guys, in the past, that his thing now was to work it in very slowly and then just stay unmoving with his cock inside you. "To let you get used to it", he'd say. And only after about 20-30-40 minutes of this, move it around for a minute or two - fairly hard in the end - before he came. Now, I didn't really have much difficulty taking the fatness of it tbh. But no amount of encouragement or cajoling could get him to move it around a bit more to give me some pleasure. Because it's the friction of the in and out that delivers the anal delight. I don't want my arse simply sitting dilated like with a fat butt plug! I gave up after about the seventh or eighth time with no progress. It was just boring. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Yes. At least Squirt is pretty vigilant and responsive to reports. I've also had a heap of 5 day membership extensions for reporting spam. Which mostly seems to come in the chat section these days, rather than email messages.
  9. You're entitled to your opinion - as am I. 😃 But I think you're missing my main point that all of this seems to have intensified in recent years. Cigar-related events and cigar smoking are now being promoted as central - indispensable even - to leather culture; when that hasn't been the case to the same extent before. At least in my experience. And I worry about the health impacts that will have on our community. Don't know if you've been to SF Eagle recently in summer but when the outdoor area is packed, that smoke doesn't really go anywhere. It just settles like a fog. And in places like New Action in Berlin, where there's a kind of indoor smoking stadium next to the bar, that smoke ain't going anywhere. You have to push through a wall of smoke to get to the backroom beyond. And I'm pretty sure German bars are officially supposed to be smoke free. So adherence to rules can go out the window in the name of a more assertive leather cigar culture. Anyway all good.
  10. Dore Alley July 2023. And yes it's outdoors. But when you've got maybe 15-20 guys puffing away at the SFEagle, packed shoulder to shoulder in the heat outside, there's no escape from it. And if nearly everyone is out the back, sticking inside isn't really an option. I did put up with it. But it wasn't that pleasant. Back alley at Powerhouse a bit too, but cigars weren't quite so much of an issue there. Cheers.
  11. Bias admission, I am an ex-smoker of cigarettes. But I'm very over the ever-expanding cigar fetish in the leather and wider gay community. It's even starting to make a mark here in Australia, which has been getting close to a non-smoking environment at least indoors and for cigarettes in most places. Vapes, have admittedly exploded for younger people, though. When I'm overseas, San Francisco, Berlin, the sheer volume of cigar smoking in leather bars is ridiculous. Hard to breathe sometimes. And the number of specifically 'cigar' events now is concerning. It isn't sexy to me in any way. It stinks and is unhealthy both to those smoking and innocent bystanders. What ever happened to harm reduction and the quit smoking message? I fear for a new wave of lung cancer in our community as a consequence.
  12. I got one done 25 years ago but it didn't heal and I took it out after a year. My nipples are not 'outies' so the pressure of the skin behind the ring kept trying to push it out. Ironically, the damaged formerly pierced nipple looks more 'outy' now, thanks to the scar tissue! 😳
  13. GenericBuddy.com has worked for me several times. Good quality indian generics. Slightly convoluted payment process - they send an email with payment details. There's a couple of options including wire transfer and others I won't go into because technically the services don't support medications. Vilitra (Levitra) and Tadalista (Cialis) are good. I haven't tried any of their Viagra generic as I'm allergic to it! 😱
  14. I believe him. Can't see anything in the story that says it's later than 2010; unless I missed something? And it just doesn't sound made up to me anyway. All good, though. 😃
  15. I have no problem with taking condoms, if that's what the top wants. And since I got my PA in April I should be using condoms on the rare occasions I fuck someone, as it's a bit prone to infection. I've given in a few times and fucked someone without and got a non-gono UTI twice already! Luckily not too serious but needed antibiotics both times! ☹️
  16. ...every gay bar in Berlin! 😜
  17. If all the FTM guys in all the gin joints in all the world (who wanna commune with naked gay guys fucking anything that moves in a bathhouse) came into mine, I'm sure the number and proportion would be so infinitesimally small as to be unnoticeable! I just don't see why folks are getting their knickers in a twist over this. If you encounter even one, consider yourself exceptional and buy a lottery ticket I say! 😎
  18. Sydney Australia! Retired mid-22. Moved to Syd Nov-2022. Well, I guess coming from Canberra it was a no-brainer. Entertainment options. Vast social options. Sex options. Large gay community. No freezing winter weather! Hospitals and doctors readily accessible (including gay doctor options).
  19. Yes that's me. But being a btm confuses things a bit. Definitely not submissive! And go my own way. Lead my own pack of one! 😉
  20. Go for it. I'm unlikely to partake, personally, given I wanna be fucked and don't really enjoy fucking others; but happy to be watched and touched by anyone, trans or not, as I'm being fucked in a public space. I've never been fucked with a phaloplasty (is that usage correct?) But sure, happy to give it a go sometime! 😃
  21. In my view, 'side' isn't actually a real thing. It's just an excuse to put them in control of how the event progresses. Gives them better leverage to reject you after you've invested time, effort and possibly expense getting to a certain level of arousal. They can swing either way - or not - at their choosing. You have no control. I simply refuse to engage with someone who says they're a 'side'. "Sorry mate, that's not a thing!" 😃
  22. Used to love transitioning from one to another when going to major all night dance parties. "Three kinds of out of it", I called it! Quick onset alcohol until edible THC kicked in. Then when that wore off an e to get deep into the groove through the night. Minimal poppers but definitely some for those peak moments. No particular interactions I can think of but each can be a bit overwhelming at times. Best enjoyed staggered IMHO, rather than all at once! Many years since I did this, though! 🕺😃
  23. Not to that extent. I was about ready to come out just when AIDS became a thing in the early 80s. It certainly caused me to delay coming out for a few years until my mental health got so bad I felt I had nothing to lose and did a mass self-outing via 20 letters posted on New Year's Eve 1994! 📬 But it didn't stop me having sex in any way. Just stayed in the closet and used condoms for quite a few years until PrEP came along. Life was instantly better after I came out. Didn't lose a single relationship and they were all actually better/deeper living honestly. 😃
  24. I'm 95% bottom but have a good size dick 7.5, but I'm admittedly not that great at topping. And don't really get off on it. Mostly just in group situations where I feel I have to for the common enjoyment. In my experience, though, just about everyone, supposedly total top or top vers or vers, ends up just begging me to fuck them. Even though I go into a hookup on the understanding I'm 100% bottom. I hate having that conversation over and over and over again. Secretly they all wanna be fucked up the arse. I don't think there are ANY truly total tops out there. Which is fine, I guess. And why not! Being fucked in the arse is the greatest feeling in the world! But it kinda undermines the cultural ideal we've bought about tops and bottoms. Bottoms, yeah, just wanna be total bottoms. Me included. But truth is there aren't enough tops in the world to satisfy us!!! 🤷‍♂️ Based on my about 45 years of experience, anyway! 😡
  25. Whoa! Now that was one beeyootyful cock! RIP ⛈️🛻❤️
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